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Satoshi Ohno

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Satoshi Ohno

Satoshi Ohno (大野智, Ōno Satoshi, born November 26, 1980) is a member of the Japanese idol group Arashi(嵐), whose management company is Johnny & Associates. He joined the company on October 16, 1995 at the age of 14 and began his activities as part of the Johnny's Jrs. In March of 1999, he became part of the group Musical Academy, but later dropped out and together with Matsumoto Jun, Ninomiya Kazunari, Aiba Masaki and Sakurai Sho, debuted as Arashi in Hawaii in September of 1999.


Name meaning: Guidance
Nicknames: Oh-chan, Leader, Captain, Umai-sonyun, Shacho, Sammy (or Sami)
Height: 166 cm (5'5")
Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
Siblings: older sister

Ohno claimed his motivation to join Johnny & Associates is his mother, who convinced him to send his resume by saying "It's not like they will want you to join anyway." Later during the audition, Ohno recalled that he did not follow the dance instructor and merely stood at the very back of the room, waving to his mother out the window. The president, Johnny Kitagawa caught and scolded Ohno, telling him to got to the front of the room and dance. Ohno then danced considerably well, to the president's pleasant surprise. This incident shows the very personality of Ohno, who often surprises people around him with his random musings and artistic talents. To this day, he remains endearingly close to his mother.

Ohno is often referred to as the leader of Arashi by the fans and fellow band members, despite his distaste of the role. He reluctantly won against fellow member Sho Sakurai the role of a leader in a game of rock-paper-scissors and has been saying how Sho Sakurai is more fit to be leader since. Recently he has requested the other members to call him Captain, because there are already so many 'Leader's in the Jpop industry.

Despite his identity as the leader of the band, the entire group agrees that Ohno does not show much leadership qualities. He only recently learn how to buy his own shoes and still needs his mother to buy him clothes. Ohno is seen to be the quiet daydreamer of the group and is often seen with a blank look on his face. He rarely has much to say during talk shows and interviews, usually only voicing out to say strange, random, irrelevant things. Ohno is famously known to obliviously antagonize temperamental SMAP member Masahiro Nakai, his senior, in the latter's music show Utaban by innocently throwing frank, borderline rude comments and dropping out (or adding inappropriate) Japanese honorifics. Masahiro Nakai admitted that he dreaded the times when Ohno opens his mouth, but the two maintain a good relationship all the same.

Ohno has a highly artistic nature. He sings the strong, lead vocals in Arashi's songs, having honed his singing and dancing skills on live stage since a tender age. Many underclassmen (Johnny's Jr.) go to him for advice on acting in stageplays, in which he is already a veteran, even at his group's debut. He is known to have one of the best voices in Johnny's Entertainment. Ohno is also arguably the best dancer in Arashi and one of the bests in Johnny & Associates. He choreographs his solo dances as well as Arashi's dances in 2006 Summer concert. He also has a passion for drawing and clay sculpting, and had recently showed interest in wood carving and house building.

Ohno is also one half of Ohmiya SK, a comedy skit duo consisting of himself and bandmate Kazunari Ninomiya, with whom Ohno is closest to in Arashi. The duo originally appeared in a 2002 concert as a side performance, performing during costume changes. However, the two decided against Johnny & Associates and reappeared in other concerts, claiming that it is ridiculous to spend so much on their costumes and only using them once. Ohmiya SK received great fan support, convincing Johnny & Associates to allow them to continue.


  • Ohno is the leader of Arashi, not because he is the oldest member, but because he won a round of jankenpon (rock-paper-scissors) against the other members.
  • Ohno is the most teased member, as well as the most talked-about member, in Arashi.
  • Ohno has a very active and wandering imagination. Therefore, he seems to look shy and quiet in his TV appearances.
  • Ohno's inspiration, mentor and personal manager is his Mother.
  • Ohno is far-sighted. Like Jun Matsumoto (who is near-sighted), he wears glasses only for reading, and wears contacts for public appearances.
  • When they were recording "A.Ra.Shi", he didn’t know that was their debut song.
  • On their third day in Hawai'i (one week before Arashi debuted), Ohno finally realized that he was in Arashi and would debut with the other members.
  • Ohno prefers acting in plays to dramas/movies.
  • Acting makes him nervous, but he likes doing concerts.
  • He watches all his concert videos.
  • He finally received his driving license after much pestering by his bandmates.
  • Ohno is an accomplished artist - he has shown some of his clay sculptures and drawings on Japanese variety shows.
  • His fans are usually older, like his mom. They always say that he’s cute.
  • Once, during a summer concert, Ohno forgot to put on both of the required layers of clothing. Later, during the onstage costume change, he stripped off his first layer, saw his own underwear, and realized his mistake. The crews then searched for pants.
  • He dropped out of school to move to Kyoto to perform because there were more popular juniors entering Johnny & Associates. However he missed Tokyo too much.
  • When Johnny Kitagawa wanted him to join V6, he thought he'd have to play volleyball all day an told Johnny Kitagawa "No way." Later, when he was about to quit altogether, Johnny Kitagawa asked Ohno to go to Hawaii and "help out" with recording a song.
  • So Ohno went to Hawaii not knowing that he had been put into a new JE group named ARASHI, it was only until a week before Arashi's debut, after finishing recording "A-RA-SHI", did he find out with fellow member , Ninomiya Kazunari, that they were debuting.
  • In the end Ohno decided to stay with the group and see how long he would last in the music industry
  • Now Ohno and all the members treasure 'ARASHI' and have all become very close friends
  • Stills wear clothes that his Mother bought him, he says that his Mother buys them randomly and he thought it's okay to wear them.
  • Says that he buys his clothes from mail order.


  • Yellow Tears (Kiiroi Namida) きいろい なみだ (2007)
  • Pika**nchi Life is Hard Dakara Happy 「ピカ☆☆ンチ Life is Hard だから Happy」(2004)
  • Pika*nchi Life is Hard Dakedo Happy 「ピカ☆ンチ Life is Hard だけど Happy」 (2002)


  • テンセイクンプー~転世薫風~Tensei Kunpu (2006)
  • バクマツバンプー ~幕末蛮風~Bakumatsu Banpu [The Uncivilized Wind of the Tokugawa Shogunate's Final Days] (2005)
  • West Side Story (2004)
  • True West (2004)
  • センゴクプー Sengokupuu (2003)
  • 青木さん家の奥さん Aoki-san Uchi no Okusan (2002)
  • 少年隊ミュージカル PLAYZONE 2001 "新世記" EMOTION [ Shonentai Musical PLAYZONE 2001 "New Century" EMOTION](2001)

Solo Concerts

  • 2006 x お年玉/嵐 = 3104円

2006 x Otoshidama/Arashi = 3104 ("sa-to-shi") Yen [2006 x New Year's Gift/Arashi = 3104 Yen]

Solo Songs

  • Yuki Kuni (Johnny's Jr. SUGAO 2 Concert, 1999) ??
  • Mr. Cool (Suppin Arashi First Concert, 2000)
  • Deep Sorrow (Shonentai Playzone 2001 "Shinseiki Emotion", 3104Yen Solo Concert 2006)
  • Bite the Love (All or Nothing concert 2002)
  • So-So-So (How's It Going concert, 2003)
  • Machi Ga Irodzuku Koro - duet with Aiba Masaki (Winter Concert, 2003-2004)
  • Top Secret (Iza Now Concert, 2004)
  • Rain (ONE album, ONE Summer Concert 2005)
  • Size (3104Yen Solo Concert, 2006)
  • Dice (3104Yen Solo Concert, 2006)
  • Oretachi no Song [Our Song] - duet with Sho Sakurai (3104Yen Solo Concert 2006, The Show Sho Sakurai Solo Concert 2006)
  • Ready to Fly (ARASHIC album, 2006 - pick up song, not entirely sang by him)\
  • Song for Me ( TIME album Limited edition released July 11, 2007)