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The Long Walk (novel)

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This article concerns the novel by (Richard Bachman) Stephen King. For the phenomenon seen in Judge Dredd comics, see The Long Walk (Judge Dredd). For the novel by Slavomir Rawicz of escape from Siberia in World War II, see Slavomir Rawicz.
The Long Walk
AuthorRichard Bachman (Stephen King)
PublisherNew American Library
Publication date
Publication placeUnited States
Media typePrint (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages384 pp
ISBNISBN 0-606-16924-5 Parameter error in {{ISBNT}}: invalid character
Preceded byRage 
Followed byRoadwork 

The Long Walk is a novel by Stephen King published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. It was included in King's collection The Bachman Books after King revealed to the public that he was Richard Bachman. Set in an alternate history, the plot revolves around the contestants of a horrific walking contest, held annually by a somewhat despotic and totalitarian version of the United States of America.

Plot summary

One hundred teenage boys (picked at random from a large pool of applicants) are chosen to participate in an annual walking contest called "The Long Walk". Each Walker must maintain a constant speed of no less than four miles per hour, or he receives a warning. Warnings are given for a variety of other offenses, including assaulting another walker or deviating from the Walk's set course. Walkers may lose warnings by walking for an hour without being warned. If, however, a Walker with three warnings slows down again, or breaks any other rule, he is "ticketed". At the start of the book, the meaning of the term "ticketed" is kept intentionally vague, but soon after the start of the Walk it becomes clear that to "buy a ticket" means the Walker is executed by the soldiers monitoring the event from halftracks. The leeway period between a Walker's first warning and his ticket is approximately two minutes.

The event is run by a character known only as "The Major", who is the overseer of The Long Walk and is alluded to have a great deal of power in the story's reality.

There are no stops, no rest periods, and no set finish line during a Long Walk. The walk ends when only one Walker remains. The winner receives "The Prize" - anything he wants for the rest of his life. It is interesting to note that many winners of The Long Walk have died soon after the walk, due to its hazardous mental and physical difficulties. The Long Walk is not only a physical trial, but a psychological one as well, as the Walkers are continually pressed against the idea of death and their own mortality. There have been contestants who actually tried to crawl at 4 mph in order to survive after their legs have given out. The story has several characters who suffer complete mental breakdowns, and most of the characters experience a degree of mental degeneration from the stress and lack of proper sleep.

The Walk begins every year at 9:00 AM on May 1 at the Maine/Canada border and continues down the eastern coast of the United States until the winner is found. The protagonist of the novel is Ray Garraty, a 16-year-old boy. Early on, Ray falls in with several other boys — including Peter McVries, Arthur Baker, Hank Olson, Collie Parker, Pearson, and Abraham — who refer to themselves as "The Musketeers." Another Walker — Gary Barkovitch — quickly establishes himself as an external antagonist, as he is quick to anger his fellow walkers with taunts of "dancing on their graves" multiple times. This results in the immediate death of a fellow walker, Rank, who is ticketed in an attempt to injure Barkovitch. Lastly, the most alluring and mysterious walker is a boy named Stebbins. Throughout the walk, Stebbins establishes himself as the loner, observing the ground beneath him as he listens to his fellow Walkers' complaints. The only character Stebbins truly interacts with is Ray Garraty, and their conversations allude to "Alice in Wonderland" as Garraty relates him to the Caterpillar. Stebbins, however, corrects him, and believes himself to be more of a "White Rabbit" type.

Along the road, the Walkers learn that one of their number, a kid named Scramm — who is initially the heavy odds-on favorite to win the Walk — is married. When Scramm comes down with pneumonia, the remaining Walkers make a deal amongst themselves that the winner will use some of the Prize to take care of his pregnant widow, Cathy.

During the walk it is touched upon how members of the general public who interfere with the walkers in any way can receive an "Interference" ticket. The first instance was when the mother of a walker named Percy attempted to "save" him. She is only stopped from buying a ticket of her own after being restrained by police. The second instance was when a spectator's dog ran across the road in front of the walkers and was immediately shot.

Garraty becomes closest to McVries, a boy with a prominent facial scar who joined the walk as a means of suicide.

After many days and hundreds of miles of walking, the Walk eventually comes down to Garraty and Stebbins - who reveals himself to be the illegitimate son of the Major and the "rabbit" set up in the race to make the others walk further. At the end of the book, Garraty decides to give up after realizing that Stebbins has shown almost no weaknesses over the duration of the walk. Garraty catches up with Stebbins to tell him this, but before he can speak, Stebbins grabs his shirt, says "Oh, Garraty!", collapses and dies; thus Garraty is declared the winner.

At this point, in a severely degenerated mental state, Garraty sees a "dark figure" beckoning to him. Some readers have interpreted this dark figure to be recurring Stephen King villain Randall Flagg, who is often referred to as "The Walkin' Dude" or "The Dark Man" (this is notably mentioned in the book The Stephen King Universe by Wiater, Golden & Wagner). Ignoring (or most likely unaware of) the celebration going on around him, Garraty gets up from Stebbins' side and walks after the dark figure; when someone - possibly the Major himself - tries to grab him, he begins to run.


  • Peter McVries - Peter McVries was a well-muscled and athletically fit young man with a sardonic sense of humor and a cynical attitude. He comes up with the idea for the Musketeer group and bonds with Garraty, even saving his life several times throughout the course of the walk. Continually providing advice for Ray, he admits early on that he is probably going to lose this game, and is waiting to die. He reveals that he was once in love with a girl, but the relationship fell apart due to financial differences, resulting in his suicidal depression. He tells Ray that at some point in the game he'll "just sit down" and die. When the walk comes down to the final 3 - himself, Garraty, and Stebbins, he keeps his word and sits cross-legged in the street. Garraty attempts to save him but McVries is resigned to his fate. Before the end he opens his eyes and smiles at Garraty one last time before he is killed by the soldiers.
  • Hank Olson - From early on, Hank Olson was the character who cracked jokes and insulted the other competitors. He believed he had an edge over the other walkers, as the major told him to "Give 'Em Hell." Olson however tires very early in the game, becoming a "hollow shell." Despite his exhaustion, Olson continues to walk, seemingly oblivious to the entire world. Garraty compares his demeanor to that of the Flying Dutchman as he is manned even when "the entire crew is dead." Stebbins refers to Olson as an example in demonstrating the power of the mind in control of the body, because despite obviously having long succumbed to fatigue, Olson is capable of walking. Because Olson is seemingly out of it, his fellow walkers only watch in a foreboding pity. Olson however outlasts the majority of the walkers, until finally he admits to Garraty he "does not want to die." A haggard mess, Olson attempts to climb the halftrack, and is shot several times by the soldiers. To the shock and awe of his fellow walkers however, he continues to stand. He is repeatedly hailed with bullets, but is determined to stand and walk. Eventually, his intestines begin to spill out of his stomach "like sausage" and he finally dies after lifting his hands to the sky and shouting "I did it wrong!"
  • Art Baker - Art Baker is one of the first Walkers to befriend Garraty during the Long Walk and is also one of the Musketeers. He is also one of the last Musketeers (aside from Stebbins and McVries) to die. He dies toward the end of the Walk when he stumbles and scratches himself. He starts bleeding internally and coughing up blood. Right before he is killed, he comes up behind Garraty to ask him one final favor should Garraty win the Long Walk. He wants a "lead-lined" casket - a reference to an earlier conversation about Baker's late uncle, who was an undertaker. Garraty is sobbing and asking him to "walk a little further" but Baker can't. He also asks Garraty to not "watch 'em do it" when the soldiers kill him. He then shakes Garraty's hand, turns around, and is killed. Garraty reacts so strongly to his death that he can barely keep walking.
  • Gary Barkovitch - Barkovitch had cemented himself as a loud-mouth walker whom everyone had hoped to outlast. He first provokes another boy named Rank, which results in Rank's death. Because of this, the other walkers turn against him and refer to him as "killer". McVries states several times that his only goal in life is to outlast Barkovitch. However in a touching moment with Garraty, Barkovitch admits that he wishes he had friends, and that he just didn't know how to act any other way. It is then that he agrees to help donate some of the winning proceeds to Scramm's young wife. Later however, he goes back to his previous demeanor and continues to hassle the rest of the walkers. The others realize that Barkovitch had finally snapped and gone insane, the intensity of the walk too much for him. At some point during the night, several shots are heard and Garraty asks if it was Barkovitch yet. Barkovitch however yells from the back of the crowd he's not finished yet, but screams in agony. Snapping, Barkovitch tears out his own throat, and is shot by the soldiers.
  • Collie Parker - The roughneck of the walkers, Collie outwardly expressed his disgust towards the soldiers, the game, and the crowds more than the rest of the walkers. Continually throughout the walk, he makes remark on the "damn Maine weather" and uses excessive profanity. While Ray Garraty is dozing, he wakes to hear a loud gun-shot, and thinking another walker had "bought his ticket" sees Collie holding one of the soldier's carbines. He had stolen it by sneaking up on a sleeping soldier during the shift change, and managed to shoot him to death. He yells for the other boys to join the fight before he is shot in the back, his chest blowing out. He falls and is able to say "bastard" one last time before firing off two shots onto the cement, the bullets ricocheting into the crowd.
  • Scramm - A likable young man, depicted as a simple soul who dropped out of school and married early, Scramm was "Vegas favorite" with 9 to 1 odds. Despite being the predicted winner of this year's long walk, having been described as "moose like" and able to walk long distances with little difficulty, Scramm succumbs to pneumonia. Realizing his time is almost up, he thanks the rest of his fellow walkers for agreeing to help his wife with their financial problems. He then walks towards Mike and Joe, two Hopi Indian Walkers, of whom Mike has developed stomach cramps. Scramm, Mike and Joe walk and talk before deciding on a course of action. Scramm wanders back to the Musketeers and informs them that he is ready to die. Scramm, and Mike head to the side of the road towards the crowd. They then flip off the crowd, yell insults, and sit in conversation. It is then that they are both shot by the soldiers. Popular internet personality 'The Scramm' would take his name from this character, who was said to be his favourite.
  • Stebbins - Stebbins was the strangest of the original named group, and is the last walker before Garraty. Even extremely early on he had established himself as a loner and walked separate from the group, talking to no one. Garraty finds himself strangely drawn to him and engages in conversation with him several times. Stebbins had many strange mannerisms, often talking in riddles to Garraty in the hopes of teaching him a vital lesson. After Scramm's death, Stebbins becomes the odds-on favorite, having shown absolutely no sign of fatigue and being described as "diamonds", impossible to wear down. However, he breaks down near the end of the book and reveals to Garraty his goals all along - he is the Major's illegitimate child, and that his Prize for winning the Walk would be for the Major to publicly acknowledge him; to "Be taken into my father's house", as he puts it. Unfortunately, the Major knew all along that he was his bastard son, and made him into a "rabbit" - a tool to encourage the other walkers. Stebbins eventually succumbs and falls down dead after desperately clawing at Garraty.
  • Jan - Ray Garraty's girlfriend from home, with whom he has a steady relationship. He establishes Jan early on as a symbol of his life, and as encouragement to keep walking. When the news that Garraty was picked as a walker was revealed, Jan was extremely distraught and fought with Garraty to get him to back out of the event. However, Garraty refused and went ahead. In the first half of the book he maintains to keep walking until he reaches his hometown so he can see her, and when he finally does, they embrace for only a few seconds before he is ripped away by McVries to keep him from garnering a warning.

Death list

The asterisk (*) indicates that the walkers were mentioned dead at the same time, meaning that there is no way to tell for sure the exact order. (Note: Most "Reasons of Death" indicated with a "?" resulted from a walker dropping below 4mph too often.)

Order Name Number Reason for Death Page Number pp.
1. Curley, ? No. 7 Charley horse
2. Ewing, ? No. 9 Blisters
3. Unknown boy No. ? Slowed down too often
4. Zuck, ? No. 100 Excessive bleeding from scraped knee
5. Travin, ? No. ? Slowed by diarrhea, shot when sitting down to empty bowels
6. Fenter, ? No. 12 Foot cramp
7. Larson, ? No. 60 Fatigue - sat down and couldn't get back up
8. Unknown boy No. ? ?
9. Toland, ? No. ? Fainted
10. Unknown boy No. ? ?
11. Unknown boy No. ? ?
12. Unknown boy No. ? ?
13. Baker, James No. 4 ?
14. Rank, ? No. ? Fighting with Barkovitch, fell down and got up dazed
15. Unknown boy No. ? ?
16. Unknown boy No. ? Tried to escape into the woods
17. Unknown boy No. 45 Fell down
*18. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*19. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*20. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*21. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*22. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*23. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*24. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*25. Davidson, ? No. 8 ?
26. Unknown boy No. ? ?
27. Unknown boy No. ? ?
28. Yannick, ? No. 98 ?
29. Unknown boy No. ? Convulsions
30. Gribble, ? No. 48 Blue balls
31. Harkness, ? No. 49 Fatigue- "Burnt out"
32. ?, Percy No. 31 Tried to escape into the woods
33. Unknown boy No. ? ?
34. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*35. Wayne, ? No. 94 ?
*36. Unknown boy No. ? ?
37. Morgan, Frank No. 64 ?
38. Unknown boy No. ? ?
39. Unknown boy No. 38 Feet run over by escorting half-track.
40. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*41. Tressler, ? No. 92 Sunstroke
*42. Unknown boy No. ? Convulsion
*43. Aaronson, ? No. 1 Cramps in both feet
*44. Unknown boy No. ? Sunstroke
45. Unknown boy No. ? ?
46. Unknown boy No. ? ?
47. Unknown boy No. ? ?
48. Jensen, ? No. ? Panic & blundered off of road due to hailstorm
49. Unknown boy No. ? Fainted
50. Fenum, Roger No. 13 Fainted
51. Unknown boy No. ? ?
52. Unknown boy No. ? ?
53. Olson, Hank No. 70 Shot while attempting to hijack escorting half-track
54. Unknown boy No. ? ?
55. Unknown boy No. ? ?
56. Unknown boy No. ? ?
57. Unknown boy No. ? ?
58. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*59. Scramm, ? No. 85 Pneumonia/sat down
*60. ?, Mike No. ? Stomach cramps/sat down
61. ?, Joe No. ? Unwilling to desert brother Mike/sat down
62. Unknown boy No. ? ?
63. Gallant, ? No. ? ?
64. Milligan, ? No. ? Severe headache from cheering
65. Unknown boy No. ? ?
66. Unknown boy No. ? ?
67. Quince, Harold No. ? ?
68. Barkovitch, Gary No. 5 Ripped out his own throat
*69. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*70. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*71. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*72. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*73. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*74. Pearson, ? No. ? Vomiting; shot that night
75. Field, Charlie No. ? ?
76. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*77. Klingerman, ? No. 59 Appendicitis
*78. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*79. Unknown boy No. ? ?
80. Tubbins, ? No. ? Insanity
81. Unknown boy No. ? ?
82. Parker, Collie No. ? Shot after attempting to hijack escorting half-track
83. Wyman, Marty No. 97 Lay down
84. Sledge, Bobby No. ? Tried to escape into the crowd
85. Unknown boy No. ? ?
86. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*87. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*88. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*89. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*90. Unknown boy No. ? ?
*91. Unknown boy No. ? ?
92. Abraham, ? No. 2 Fever-induced fatigue
93. Pastor, Bruce No. ? ?
94. Fielder, George No. ? Insanity
95. Hough, Bill No. ? ?
96. Rattigan, ? No. ? ?
97. Baker, Art No. 3 Hemorrhage
98. McVries, Peter No. 61 Sat down
99. Stebbins, ? No. 88 Sudden death

The route


  • The Long Walk depicted in the novel breaks the record for the longest distance covered by a full complement of Walkers; Walker #7, Curley, earns his ticket just shy of the nine-mile point, surpassing the former record of 7¾ miles.
  • The Long Walk depicted in the novel breaks the record for the most Walkers to reach Jefferson; 64 Walkers join the "Century Club" in the novel, surpassing the former record of 63.
  • The Long Walk depicted in the novel is the seventh to cross over from Maine into New Hampshire, and the second to end in Massachusetts, covering 446 miles over five days and ending in Danvers.
  • Ray Garraty is the second contestant from Maine to win a Long Walk, after Reggie Cotter, who died shortly after he won, due to brain hemorrhaging from a bleeding eye.

Film, TV or theatrical adaptations

Frank Darabont has secured the rights to the film adaptation of the novel.[1]

See also

  • Battle Royale: a film/manga/novel with similarities to King's "Long Walk."


  • ISBN 0-606-16924-5 (prebound, 1999)
  • ISBN 0-451-19671-6 (mass market paperback, 1999)

Thoughts become Things. Inspired by "The Long Walk" a Massive Movement started: [2] The first Extra Mile Endurathon started September 1, 2007 in Berlin and was won by Marc Peus after 36 hours. The second Extra Mile Endurathon started September 29, 2007, in Barcelona and was won after 63.5 hours jointly by Eduard Prieto, Jordi Guiral, Salvador Reig and Radu Susan, who shared the victory and the prize money. Next is the Las Vegas edition starting November 3, 2007, followed by Buenos Aires December 1, 2007 and Melbourne, December 29, 2007. 2008 will see the start of the National US League and "Keep Walking Espana 2008" after editions in Los Angeles, Paris, London and New York.