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Thank You for Not Snitching

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Template:Infobox Boondocks Episode

"Thank You for Not Snitching" is the third episode of the second season of the animated television series The Boondocks, aired on Adult Swim on October 22, 2007. It is the eighteenth episode overall.

Quotes: "Thank you for not snitching, you stupid mother fucker!!" -To Riley, after jacking his "ride".


The episode opens with Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy driving through Woodcrest late at night, dressed in dark clothes and wearing bulletproof vests. Ed is talking to his girlfriend on a Bluetooth headset, confusing Rummy who thinks he is talking to him. Rummy derides the ostentatious technology, while Ed defends it (even admitting talking to his accountant about financial issues while having sex). They arrive at a house, break in, and begin to rob the place.

The next morning, the police are questioning the neighborhood. Granddad curtly refuses to talk to the police, while Huey explains -- that black people as a whole are not disposed to "snitching" because the police usually don't give them adequate protection when they do. Huey even explains the Stop Snitching campaign pervading rap culture -- which is ironic, Huey points out, because rappers often get in trouble by "snitching on themselves" --i.e. bragging about what he did.

The Woodcrest Neighborhood Watch convenes, who blame the Freemans for not cooperating with the police. Immediately they suspect he knows something since he chooses not to cooperate. The head of the Neighborhood Watch, an elderly woman named Mrs. Van Hausen, goes with Uncle Ruckus to try to get Grandad to change his mind and talk to the police. Grandad curtly refuses, as Riley rides by on his brand new bike and start spouting the "Stop Snitching" catchphrase.

That night, Ed and Rummy are out on another burglary. As they approach the house, they suddenly come under fire -- Mrs. Van Hausen -- who was staking out the Freeman house -- appears and fires an AR15 at them. Ed and Rummy both panic and flee, and hide out in the Freeman's garage, where Riley is working on his new bike. Ed and Rummy steal Dorothy, Grandad's car (and wrecking the garage in the process), despite Riley's objections. When the police come to investigate, Riley refuses to cooperate -- or even tell Grandad who did it. This goes on until the police threaten to arrest both Grandad and Riley on Conspiracy charges if they do not talk by the next morning. At this point, Huey tries to convince Riley that he is not being honorable or noble to protect people who stole from their family. It falls on deaf ears as Riley steadfastly refuses to "snitch."

That night, Ed and Rummy are on the prowl yet again. Entering another house, Ed is once again distracted by an incoming call as he steps into the middle of the foyer. Rummy notices a Wuncler Burglar Alarm system, and realizes they are in the Freeman's house, not the house targetted. Suddenly, Grandad appears from the darkness and shoots Ed in the chest with a shotgun. As in "The Garden Party," the bulletproof vest saves Ed from the lethal buckshot. When Grandad points the gun at him, Rummy wisely surrenders.

That morning, Ed is recouperating on the Freemans' couch as Rummy explains the situation: the two of them were raiding houses to get people to buy more of Wuncler Enterprises' Burglar Alarm Systems. Ironically, Grandad had one of the systems and it failed to go off when the duo entered.

Grandad appears to laugh the whole thing off, and walks Ed and Rummy to the front door. As they exit, they are surprised to see the entire neighborhood watch, and two police officers waiting to take them into custody. Grandad cheerfully tells everyone present that Ed and Gin did it and slams the door. The police arrest them, but as always, immediately release them both due to the influence of Ed's grandfather.

The next morning, Riley goes to the garage to find his prized bike missing. As he runs out to the street to look for it, he is nearly run over by Ed and Rummy, both joyriding his bike. Grandad, watching the whole thing, smugly ask Riley if someone stole his bike.

As the two burglars ride off, Rummy laughingly thanks Riley for not snitching... as Riley fights back with tears.


  • The interrogation scene with Grandad is very similar to a scene in Menace II Society.
  • Huey is the only Freeman not to (as of yet) shoot Ed Wuncler III in the chest with a shotgun.
  • When they are under fire, Ed frantically shouts, "THEY SHOOTIN! THEY SHOOTIN!!" A reference to I'm Gonna Get You Sucka. (In a scene where Jack Spade, also a veteran, shows a complete lack of bravery under fire).
  • The character Van Hausen is introduced, though it is unknown if she is to be a regular or not.
  • Mrs Van Hausen uses the phrase while holding her rifle, "From my cold dead hands!". This the phrase used by NRA leader Charlton Heston.
  • Rummy's arguements against Bluetooth head-sets and other technology is a reference to the season 1 episode Let's Nab Oprah in which he denounces such things as texting and useless features on cell-phones. This is also a clear parody on how many people feel that most technology carry pointless or otherwise, unnecessary perks.
  • Gangstalicious' appearance on TRL rapping and bragging about his assault on Johnny Guiness, only to be arrested shortly after by the police, could be a reference to the infamous 1993 episode of Yo! MTV Raps when 2Pac boasted about his assault on the Hughes Brothers (directors of Menace II Society) in front of the camera, and was shortly arrested afterwards given a 15-day jail sentence as the videotape of the episode was the only evidence (As there were no known witnesses).
  • The instrumental that plays in the background during Gangstalicious's rap on TRL is similar to "Rapp Snitch Knishes" by MF Doom & Mr. Fantastic.
  • The bottle of Hennessey that Gangstalicious is holding during his rap on TRL appears to be XO due to the shape.

Thank You for Not Snitching full streaming episode at AdultSwim.com (available until October 26, 2007)