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2000 United States presidential election

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President: George W. Bush (Republican)
Main Opponent: Al Gore (Democrat)
Electoral Vote: Winner: 271 Main Opponent: 266 Total/Majority: 538/270
Popular Vote: Winner: 50,455,156 Main Opponent: 50,992,335
Vice President: Richard Cheney (271)
V.P. Opponent: Joseph Lieberman (266)
Other elections1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012

The year 2000 election for the President of the United States was one of the closest and most controversial Presidential elections in the history of the United States. The election was marked by the extraordinarily close vote in Florida, whose electoral votes determined the election. The counting and recounting of Florida presidential ballots extended for more than a month following the election. In the end, a split decision by the U.S. Supreme Court ended the election, and Texas Governor George W. Bush was elected president, and Vice President Albert Arnold Gore came in second, although he actually scored a higher percentage of the vote. It was the second time that a candidate who did not get the largest share of the votes got a majority of the electoral committee, the first time being in the 1960 elections.

Republican Primary

The Republican Party primary came down to a race between Bush and Arizona Senator John McCain. McCain's campaign, centered on Campaign finance reform, drew the most press coverage and the greatest popular excitement. Many Republicans complained that Democrats and other non-Republicans enrolled in the party for the express purpose of voting for McCain, thus skewing the results. Bush's campaign focused on compassionate conservatism, including a greater role for the federal government in funding education and large reductions in the income and capital gains tax rates.

McCain won 48% of the vote to Bush's 30% in the New Hampshire primary, the first primary held, giving his campaign a great boost of energy, volunteers, and donations.

Other candidates included: political activist Gary Bauer, businessman Steve Forbes, Utah Senator Orrin Hatch, minister Alan Keyes, former Tennessee Governor Lamar Alexander, former Red Cross director Elizabeth Dole, Ohio Congressman John Kasich, and former Vice President Dan Quayle.

Bauer and Hatch campaigned on a traditional Republican platform of opposition to legalized abortion and reductions in U.S. taxes. Keyes had a far more conservative platform, calling for the elimination of all federal taxes except tariffs. Steve Forbes campaigned on making the federal income tax non-graduated, an idea he called the flat tax.

Democratic Primary

There were two main candidates for the Democrat nomination: Former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley and Al Gore.

Minor Party Candidates

There were five other candidates on the majority of the 51 ballots (50 states plus the District of Columbia): Harry Browne (Libertarian, 50), Pat Buchanan (Reform, 49), Ralph Nader (Green, 44), Howard Phillips (Constitution, 41), and John Hagelin (Natural Law, 38).

Nader's candidacy was the most successful, drawing 2.74% of the popular vote. His campaign was marked by a travelling tour of "super-rallies"; large rallies held in sports arenas like Madison Square Garden, MC-ed by film-maker Michael Moore. After initially ignoring Nader, the Gore campaign made a big publicity pitch to (potential) Nader supporters in the final weeks of the campaign, on the grounds that Gore's ideas were more similar to Nader's ideas than Bush's were, but Gore had a better chance of winning than Nader. In the aftermath of the campaign, many Gore supporters blamed Nader for drawing enough would-be Gore votes to push Bush over Gore, labeling Nader a "spoiler" candidate.

Buchanan's primary battle was especially vicious. In 1992 and 1996, the Reform party had nominated Ross Perot for president, and Buchanan had run for (and lost) the nomination of the Republican Party. Some Reform Party supporters therefore felt that Buchanan was highjacking their party, and tried to nominate Hagelin. The convention ended with the Hagelin supporters walking out and conducting their own parallel convention. Which group was the true Reform Party (and thus entitled to public financing due to their strong showing in the previous election) was decided by lawsuit.

Florida election results

The national television networks called Florida for Gore, then Bush, then announcing it too close to call.


"The result of the 2000 U.S. Presidential race was so close that some Democratic Party officials argue that one Florida county's hard-to-use ballot may have unfairly decided the presidency. Critics argue that some voters in Palm Beach County, Fla. might have accidentally voted for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan, when they thought they were voting for Al Gore. The Democrats are listed second in the left column; but punching a hole in the second circle actually cast a vote for Buchanan." Why Usability Testing Matters: Palm Beach County Ballot Design Raises Questions about Election 2000

Hanging and pregnant chads.

Overseas votes

Military and non-military.

U.S. Supreme Court

Media post-electoral studies

Full Results

Adapted from http://fecweb1.fec.gov/pubrec/2000presgeresults.htm, a government document.

STATE Brown Browne Buchanan Bush Dodge Gore Hagelin Harris
Totals 1,606
AL   5,893 6,351 941,173   692,611 447  
AK   2,636 5,192 167,398   79,004 919  
AZ     12,373 781,652   685,341 1,120  
AR   2,781 7,358 472,940   422,768 1,098  
CA   45,520 44,987 4,567,429   5,861,203 10,934  
CO   12,799 10,465 883,748 208 738,227 2,240 216
CT   3,484 4,731 561,094   816,015 *40 *4
DE   774 777 137,288   180,068 107  
DC   669   18,073   171,923   114
FL   16,415 17,484 2,912,790   2,912,253 2,281 562
GA   36,332 10,926 1,419,720   1,116,230   *11
HI   1,477 1,071 137,845   205,286 306  
ID   3,488 7,615 336,937   138,637 1,177  
IL   11,623 16,106 2,019,421   2,589,026 2,127  
IN   15,530 16,959 1,245,836   901,980 *167  
IA   3,209 5,731 634,373   638,517 2,281 190
KS   4,525 7,370 622,332   399,276 1,375  
KY   2,896 4,173 872,492   638,898 1,533  
LA   2,951 14,356 927,871   792,344 1,075 1,103
ME   3,074 4,443 286,616   319,951    
MD   5,310 4,248 813,797   1,140,782 *176  
MA   16,366 11,149 878,502   1,616,487 2,884  
MI   16,711 *1,851 1,953,139   2,170,418 2,426  
MN   5,282 22,166 1,109,659   1,168,266 2,294 1,022
MS   2,009 2,265 572,844   404,614 450 613
MO   7,436 9,818 1,189,924   1,111,138 1,104  
MT   1,718 5,697 240,178   137,126 675  
NE   2,245 3,646 433,862   231,780 478  
NV   3,311 4,747 301,575   279,978 415  
NH   2,757 2,615 273,559   266,348 *55  
NJ   6,312 6,989 1,284,173   1,788,850 2,215 844
NM   2,058 1,392 286,417   286,783 361  
NY   7,649 31,599 2,403,374   4,107,697 24,361 1,789
NC   12,307 8,874 1,631,163   1,257,692    
ND   660 7,288 174,852   95,284 313  
OH   13,473 26,721 2,350,363   2,183,628 6,181 *10
OK   6,602 9,014 744,337   474,276    
OR   7,447 7,063 713,577   720,342 2,574  
PA   11,248 16,023 2,281,127   2,485,967    
RI   742 2,273 130,555   249,508 271 34
SC   4,876 3,519 785,937   565,561 942  
SD   1,662 3,322 190,700   118,804    
TN 1,606 4,284 4,250 1,061,949   981,720 613  
TX   23,160 12,394 3,799,639   2,433,746    
UT   3,616 9,319 515,096   203,053 763 186
VT   784 2,192 119,775   149,022 219 70
VA   15,198 5,455 1,437,490   1,217,290    
WA   13,135 7,171 1,108,864   1,247,652 2,927 304
WV   1,912 3,169 336,475   295,497 367  
WI   6,640 11,471 1,237,279   1,242,987 853 306
WY   1,443 2,724 147,947   60,481 411  




Lane McReynolds Moorehead Nader Phillips Smith Venson Youngkeit
Totals 1,044
AL       18,323 775      
AK       28,747 596      
AZ       45,645 *110 5,775    
AR       13,421 1,415      
CA   *28   418,707 17,042      
CO   712   91,434 1,319      
CT       64,452 9,695      
DE       8,307 208      
DC       10,576        
FL   622 1,804 97,488 1,371      
GA       *13,432 *140      
HI       21,623 343      
ID       *12,292 1,469      
IL   *4   103,759 *57      
IN   *43   *18,531 *200      
IA   107   29,374 613      
KS       36,086 1,254      
KY       23,192 923      
LA       20,473 5,483      
ME       37,127 579      
MD       53,768 919      
MA   *42   173,564        
MI       84,165 3,791      
MN       126,696 3,272      
MS       8,122 3,267      
MO       38,515 1,957      
MT       24,437 1,155      
NE       24,540 468      
NV       15,008 621      
NH       22,198 328      
NJ   1,880   94,554 1,409      
NM       21,251 343      
NY   *2   244,030 1,498      
NC   *1,226            
ND       9,486 373      
OH       117,799 3,823      
OR       77,357 2,189      
PA       103,392 14,428      
RI   52 199 25,052 97      
SC       20,200 1,682      
SD         1,781      
TN       19,781 1,015   535  
TX   *63   137,994 *567      
UT       35,850 2,709     161
VT 1,044 161   20,374 153      
VA       59,398 1,809      
WA   660 1,729 103,002 1,989      
WV       10,680 *23      
WI     1,063 94,070 2,042      
WY       *4,625 720      




Write-in (Miscellaneous) None of these candidates Total votes case Electoral vote, Bush Electoral vote, Gore
Totals 20,938
105,396,641   271 266
AL 699   1,666,272   9  
AK 1,068   285,560   3  
AZ     1,532,016   8  
AR     921,781   6  
CA 6   10,965,856     54
CO     1,741,368   8  
CT 10   1,459,525     8
DE 93   327,622     3
DC 539   201,894     2##
FL 40   5,963,110   25  
GA 13   2,596,804   13  
HI #   367,951     4
ID 6   501,621   4  
IL     4,742,123     22
IN 56   2,199,302   12  
IA 1,168   1,315,563     7
KS     1,072,218   6  
KY 80   1,544,187   8  
LA #   1,765,656   9  
ME 27   651,817     4
MD 1,480   2,020,480     10
MA 3,990   2,702,984     12
MI     4,232,501     18
MN 28   2,438,685     10
MS     994,184   7  
MO     2,359,892   11  
MT 11   410,997   3  
NE #   697,019   5  
NV # 3,315 608,970   4  
NH 1,221   569,081   4  
NJ     3,187,226     15
NM #   598,605     5
NY **   6,821,999     33
NC     2,911,262   14  
ND     288,256   3  
OH     4,701,998   21  
OK #   1,234,229   8  
OR 3,419   1,533,968     7
PA 934   4,913,119     23
RI 329   409,112     4
SC #   1,382,717   8  
SD #   316,269   3  
TN 428   2,076,181   11  
TX 74   6,407,637   32  
UT 1   770,754   5  
VT 514   294,308     3
VA 2,807   2,739,447   13  
WA     2,487,433     11
WV 1   648,124   5  
WI 1,896   2,598,607     11
WY     218,351   3  

Notes on results

*Write-in Votes.

** 138,216 Miscellaneous write-in, blank and void votes were compiled as one total. This figure is not included in Total Votes Cast.

#Write-in votes for Presidential candidates not permitted.

##The District of Columbia has 3 electoral votes. There was 1 abstention.

Total Electoral Vote = 538

Total Electoral Vote Needed to Elect = 270



See also: President of the United States, U.S. presidential election, 2000