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Jeff Dunham

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Jeff Dunham

Jeff Dunham is a ventriloquist and a stand-up comedian. He has performed on numerous comedy shows, including Comedy Central Presents in 2003. His usual puppets include a woozle named Peanut, a bitter old man named Walter, a dead terrorist named Achmed and José Jalapeño - a talking jalapeño pepper on a stick. His first DVD, Jeff Dunham: Arguing With Myself, was released in April 2006. In this stand-up offering, Jeff opens his show playing straight-man to his usual crew and includes two other characters: Sweet Daddy Dee and Bubba J. His new comedy special "Spark of Insanity" was available at Redbox stands on September 4 2007[1], and was released to buy on DVD September 18 2007. The DVD features Peanut; José; Walter; Melvin, the Super Hero Guy; and Achmed the Dead Terrorist. The DVD was taped at the Warner Theater. Comedy Central aired "Spark of Insanity" on September 23 2007.




Peanut is a purple woozle with a small tuft of green hair on his head, and only one shoe, (When this fact was mentioned by Jeff, that he noticed that it looked as though Peanut had lost a shoe, Peanut responded; "No man, I found one!") Peanut was made in Salem, Virginia. Unlike most of Jeff Dunham's puppets, Peanut's eyes and eyebrows are immobile. This allows for a greater range of motion for his head. Peanut also has a rod attached to his left elbow which Jeff operates to further the range of the puppet's movement.

According to his fictional biography, Peanut was born on an island in Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean near Guam and has 5 siblings. He never finished school. He moved to the United States in 1986. According to the official website, he met Jeff Dunham in central Texas, but according to Arguing With Myself, they met in Florida.

There is a special feature on the Arguing With Myself DVD showing Jeff Dunham's pet chihuahua humping a doll of the puppet. There is also an outtake where Peanut's green tuft of hair accidentally came out. Noticing a member of the audience who is also bald, Jeff hops offstage with Peanut and has Peanut hug the man and rub his head. On the DVD, Walter had said that Peanut should have said jokingly 'I feel your pain.' Then Jeff walks back up to the stage, having Peanut ask a member of the audience to borrow their chair. When Jeff picks up Peanut's hair, Peanut asks the man if he would like to buy it. Then Jeff attempts to put it back on, but Peanut starts to complain that it hurts and says 'this sucks'. On Jeff's 2nd attempt he gets it on, showing that Peanut has a hole in his head where the stick that's attached to his hair goes. Peanut's nose is attached to his face by Velcro and can also be removed.

One of Peanut's trademarks is when he swings his hand over his head and says "Neeow!", talking about a joke going over someone's head. Other catchphrases include "That's good, that's good, that's Gooooood," "That'd be funny as hell!", "oh-KAAAY", and comically mispronouncing various words and names.

Peanut also has a grandfather who has a hearing aid. Peanut usually mocks him by speaking as if the hearing aid was faulty.

Peanut has also mentioned that he has at least four other brothers. When asked by Jeff if there were any other woozles around, Peanut responded that his mother just recently had given birth to quadruplets. When Jeff asked their names Peanut responded; "Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Fred". When Jeff asked why the last brothers' name wasn't "Moe", Peanut responded; "Oh, she didn't want no Moe".



Walter is a retired and grumpy old man with arms always crossed in discontent. Married 47 years, he has a brash, negative, and often sarcastic view on today's world. He is a Vietnam War veteran and a former welder, and "doesn't give a damn" about anyone; especially his own wife.

Demonstrating improvisational comedy, Jeff sometimes does a segment at the end of Walter's routine in which Walter answers questions that the audience were asked to provide prior to the show.

To express Walter's utter "intolerant-of-everyone" nature, the DVD features a scene just before the Q&A segment where an audience member (named Mike) leaves to the restroom. In a huff, Walter unleashes insults at him until he returns, often simply referring to him as a dumbass. In the commentary track, Jeff describes that the stage lighting limits his ability to really see the audience and he could only see that someone was walking. As he talked to Mike's wife, he realized that Mike was a friend of his. Also on the DVD is an outtake with Walter which shows the puppet's arms falling uncrossed and limp at the sides. If that weren't enough, Jeff then forgets his place when he reconfigures Walter's arms. He admits to being slightly intoxicated on tequila at the time, but somehow still maintains the laughter until he finds his place again.

Walter has also met many celebrities along with Jeff, such as Willie Nelson, Jay Leno, and Reba McEntire, and has appeared with Jeff on the Best Damn Sports Show Period, where he described his performance as "I got the brothers laughin' and the crackers pissed". He has also 'called into' the John Boy and Billy Big Show. He has stated if he had a real job he would be a greeter at Wal-Mart, and when asked what his greeting would be he responded, "Welcome to Wal-Mart, get your shit, and get out!.... Have a nice day."

A special feature on the "Spark of Insanity" DVD showed Walter announcing his candidacy for President. On Jeff Dunham's official site, visitors can vote for who they'd like to see as the next President. All of the candidates are listed, including Walter. As of October 9, 2007, Walter leads at 84.9%.[2]

Walter also bears an uncanny resemblance to Peter Boyle, especially Boyle's character on Everybody Loves Raymond, Frank Barone.

There is a strange thing about Walter. In the 2003 appearance, Walter says that he was married 46 years but in the 2007 appearance, he says that he was married 47 years.



José is a jalapeño pepper with a Mexican personality, a sombrero, and a mustache, whose running joke is adding "on a stick" (or as Jose says, "on a steeek!") to the end of most of his sentences. José's movement is restricted to one single motion of the mouth which Jeff operates by using his thumb on the back of José's stick. Although hindered from doing much else, José makes up for his mobility loss with his characteristics, his singing ability, and most of all, his stick. He lives in a plain pine box, one of Jeff's original character storage trunks. José is usually brought out during Peanut's act and the two often get into an argument, with Jeff in the middle of it all. José has clarified that he is not Mexican but Cuban, and that he hails from Florida, although he at times said that he's Puerto Rican and from New Jersey. Peanut has also given many humorous theories as to the stick, such as José mooning a javelin thrower or a freak pogo accident.

This unusual character in Dunhams act has its origins, back when Dunham was still in college, in a series of radio commercials for an italian restaurant where Dunham supplied voices for talking pizza toppings. The commercial was a success, so he decided to make a puppet for one of the voices. after painting the head and putting the head on a stick to let it dry, one of his roommates walked in and called out "Hey, a Jalapeño on a Stick!", referring to "toast on a stick", a fake advertisement from Calvert DeForests character Larry 'Bud' Melman on the David Letterman Show. Both Dunham and his roommate laughed and Dunham never finished the puppets body. instead opting to use it as is. Over the years José has had a makeover, or may have even been replaced by a better looking version.

On Dunhams official site, it is revealed that José was part of a family of Jumping Jalapeños, and his act involved a pogo stick. He was practicing one day, slipped, and the pogo stick pierced his underside. Close to his heart, the pogo stick could not be removed safely, so they cut off the spring part, giving him his famous 'stick'; but for some reason, on "Spark of Insanity", José said it was removable, or at least led people to believe that. It may be possible that Jose has had a series of operations to make it removable, but has preferred to use it.

José's parents are Juan and Rosa Jalapeño.

José is afraid of "cock-a-roaches," particularly "one big one, on a stick" that apparently resides in his carrying case.

Another famous gag involves Peanut and Jose conversing in Spanish and Jeff commenting that he doesn't like it because it makes him "feel left out," since he doesn't speak Spanish. This causes the puppets to look at him in disbelief and reply that he is "a very sick man". The bit is usually features Peanut asking José how he is doing by saying "Como estas usted" (how are you) and José replying "muy bien" (very good). At this point, Jeff usually cuts in and asks them to stop stating the he feels left out. At least once, José responded to this statement by humming the theme to The Twilight Zone, with Peanut replying "Picture, if you will..." further relaying the improbability of the situation.

Bubba J.

Bubba J. loves beer and NASCAR. The "J." is short for his last name, Junior, he is married, and is assumed to have at least one child. Odd as his characteristically redneck attitude is, what is even weirder is that the dummy can move just his left eye from center to left. He bears a notable resemblance to Mortimer Snerd.

He met his wife at the family reunion. After a while, her daddy proposed for him (he apparently got her pregnant). They had the reception at Wal-Mart, because it was "easier to return the gifts". They were apparently greeted by Walter.

His brother's name is Junior Junior.

Bubba J. has no athletic ability. When asked if he played any sports, Bubba asked if the drinking game, Quarters, counted as a sport.

Bubba has been abducted by aliens. They have probed him and removed his liver.

Recently during a show in Lenoir, North Carolina Jeff was encouraged to bring out Bubba J. even though the puppet wasn't part of the usual show. Because it had been so long since Jeff had used the puppet he had forgotten his jokes and had to refer to a piece of paper. This, however, proved to be unnecessary as once Jeff started the joke the audience would finish it for him in complete unison. At the end of the routine Jeff was laughing hysterically and commented that, "This is the weirdest show I've ever had."

Achmed the Dead Terrorist

A wisecracking skeleton with a beard and a turban. He is used by Dunham to perform comedy based on today's issues of "Terrorism". He is known for yelling "Silence, I kill you!".

A joke of his is that when Achmed finally realizes that he is dead he looks out into the crowd for his 72 virgins then saying, "Are you my virgins? I hope not!" With Jeff asking why and Achmed responding "theres a bunch of ugly ass guys out there!" He does not appear to be Muslim because he says he was made in China and has stated that he would kill Jeff "for a Klondike bar."

A clip showing a Comedy Central performance featuring Achmed rounded 10 million hits 17th of November 2007.

Famous quotes of Achmed are,

"if this is paradise, I've been screwed!" "What? I feel fine... It's a flesh wound"

On how to spell his name: "A...C...phlegm..."

"Goddamit...I mean, ALLAH dammit!"

"The Washington monument looks nothing like the guy...it's more like a tribute to Bill Clinton!"

On how to get through security at the airport, if he's in a suitcase, "They open up the case and I go hellooooo! I am Lindsay Lohan!"

Sweet Daddy D

Sweet Daddy D is Jeff's "new manager" and is trying to school Jeff in street, often with much difficulty, to no avail, and with much dismay at Jeff's lack of knowledge of black slang. One such conversation is where Sweet Daddy D says "Word." Jeff responds "What?" Sweet Daddy: "Word" Jeff:"What word?" Sweet Daddy:"What?" Sweet Daddy Dee wears a purple pimp suit and is bald underneath his removable hat, although the original Sweet Daddy Dee had an afro. He considers himself a "Playa In Management Profession" (P.I.M.P.). The dummy has movable eyes and eyebrows and can pull his upper lip back.

He claims that his other clients are not as safe as Jeff. However, he would not reveal his other clients' name, except letting out that the initial is "O.J.".

Melvin, the Super Hero Guy

Melvin was introduced on the Comedy Central Presents episode and the "Spark Of Insanity" DVD. Although he has only one real power (X-ray vision), he claims he'd be more of a superhero if it weren't for his large nose and small stature. He alternately claims his arch-nemesis is Pinocchio or his wife, but only at certain times of the month when she "turns evil." He has also said he does not have an arch nemesis because he wears corrective shoes. He also claims to fight cattle rustlers. When Jeff points out that "there are no cattle rustlers around here", Melvin quickly replies "See, I'm doing a damn fine job, aren't I?"

His costume is blue and yellow, with a D on it. He bought it on an online auction, and the highest bidder appears to be the only person that he's ever defeated. He doesn't know what the D stands for, but claims it to be his theme song (a musical "Da-da-daa!"). However, Walter says the D stands for dumbass (and says that his theme song should be "du-du-DUMBASS!").

Melvin often tells those who laugh at him to "Shut up!" in a high-pitched voice. He also swears, to which Jeff states he didn't think superheroes cursed. Melvin's response: "No shit? Oops!"

His superpower include the ability to fly (as far as Jeff can throw him), the ability to stop a speeding bullet (once), and a "real" superpower, x-ray vision. The latter allows him to "look at boobies." However, silicon breast implants impede this visual power.

Bubba J was used in Arguing With Myself as a replacement dummy for Melvin, who was originally supposed to be in the show, but a house fire severely damaged him and Jeff decided to try a different puppet instead of recreating him for the show.

Mini Jeff

Actually Peanut's puppet (and scaled so), Mini Jeff is a small puppet that resembles Jeff down to the clothing he is wearing at the time, with Peanut saying "boy is he ugly". Jeff then replies "he looks a little like me", with Peanut laughing and then saying "noooo, he looks a lot like you". Mini Jeff is rude and interrupting, but puts the 'on a stick' phrase at the end of Jose's sentences when he forgets to. The only real physical difference between Jeff and Mini Jeff's voice is that Mini Jeff's voice is much deeper. Jeff can control Peanut and Mini Jeff simultaneously with the same hand, ultimately making his capacity for puppets up to three.


Jeff has had other characters that he has performed with in the past that are lesser known including, Larry the Ultimate Sports Fan (also known as Larry, the Palm Beach County Ballot Re-Count Counter & Larry the Y2K IT Guy), Roadkill (a possum that has been run over by a variety of vehicles), The Monkey, Archie Everett, Judge Lance Ito (according to Jeff's Myspace Page, the Ito dummy was used to perform for a sequestered jury during the O.J. Simpson trial), Ollie (an Elvis impersonator), a cockroach, and worm at the bottom of a bottle of Wine.


  • The Arguing with Myself DVD was filmed over the course of one night with two different shows spliced together.
  • According to Dunham, Walter's frown is based upon his own frown.
  • Jeff Dunham and José Jalapeño both appeared in the movie Delta Farce, as an enslaved comedy performer for a Mexican Gang. As a result, after insulting the gang leader, Carlos Santana, Jose Jalapeňo was shot in the face. At the ending credits, José Jalapeño, with a bandage over his nose, was controlled by that same gang leader besides Jeff Dunham. Later still in the credits, Jeff appears holding Jose again and asks him how he liked Carlos Santana, Jose replies "he gripped my stick too hard".
  • Jeff Dunham - with the fictional name "W.J. Weinerhoffer" - and A Woozle Whose Name is Peanut were affectionately ridiculed during the opening host segment of Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode 311: "It Conquered the World". Joel Hodgson, host of the show, frequently lampooned ventriloquists as a bit of self-aware criticism (MST3K was a show hosted by a human and several ventriloquial puppets).



  1. ^ "Spark of Insanity available at Redbox".
  2. ^ Walter for President - Poll Results