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Index of biochemistry articles

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This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to biochemistry. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page.

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Acetyl CoA - Acetylcholine - Acetic acid - Acid - Actin - Action potential - Activation energy - Active site - Active transport - Adenosine - ADP - AMP - ATP - Aerobic - Agonist - Alanine - Albumin - Alcohol - alicyclic compound - aliphatic compound - Alkali - Allosteric site - Allostery - Allotrope - Allotropy - Alpha helix - Ames test - Amide - Amine - Amino - Amino acid - Anabolic - Anabolism - Anaerobic - Analytical chemistry - Antagonist - Antibiotic - Antibody - Apoptosis - Aquaporin - Arginine - aromatic amine - aromatic compound - Arrhenius equation - Asparagine - Aspartic acid - atom - atomic - atomic absorption spectroscopy - atomic mass - atomic mass unit - Atomic nucleus - atomic number - Atomic orbital - Atomic radius - Atomic weight - ATPase - ATP synthase - Auger electron spectroscopy - Avogadro's number - Axon


B cell - bacterial conjugation - bacteriorhodopsin - Base_(chemistry) - base pair - beta sheet - Benzene - benzene ring - bioaccumulate - biochemistry - biodiversity - Bioethics - Biological membrane - Biomedical model - Biophysics - Biosalinity - Biotechnology - biology - Biomolecule - BLAST - Blood plasma - bacterium - biochemical techniques - Bioinformatics - Biological cell - biological membrane - biologist - biomechanics - biophysics - biopolymer - biotechnology - Boiling point - Boltzmann principle - Buffer solution


C4 photosynthesis - Calvin cycle - Calmodulin - Carbohydrate - Carboxylic acid - CAM photosynthesis - CAM plant - cancer - Carbohydrate - Carbon - Carbon fixation - Carrier - CAS registry number - catabolism - catalyst - Cell biology - cell membrane - cell membrane transport - cell nucleus - cellular respiration - cellulose - centriole - centromere - centrosome - chaperone protein - Chelation - Chemical bond - Chemical compound - chemical element - Chemical equilibrium - Chemical formula - Chemical nomenclature - Chemical property - Chemical reaction - Chemical series - Chemical symbol - Chemical thermodynamics - Chemist - Chemistry - Chemistry basic topics - Cheminformatics - chemiosmosis - chemiosmotic hypothesis - chemiosmotic potential chemoautotrophic - chiasma - Chirality - Chi square test - chlorophyll - chloroplast - chloroplast membrane - cholesterine - chromatid - chromatin - chromosome - chromosome walking - Chromatography - cilium - circular dichroism - cis face - Citric acid - Citric acid cycle - cladistics - cloning - coenzyme - colchicine - collagen - colloid - Colorimeter - Cofactor - Complex - competitive inhibition - computational biology - computational chemistry - computational genomics - Concentration - concentration gradient - Conformation - Cooperative - Cooperativity - Cooperative binding - cooperativity cellular respiration - cotransport metabolism - cristae - crossover - cryptobiology - C-terminus - culture - cuticula - cyclic electron flow - Cyclic nucleotide - cysteine - cytoplasm - cytoskeleton - cytosol - cytotoxic T cell - covalent bond - Covalent radius - Crystallography - Crystal structure - Cytosine


decarboxylation reaction - Denatured - denaturation - dendrite - dendritic cell - dendritic spine - developmental biology - dialysis - Diffusion - Dimer - Diploid - Disulfide bridge - Disulfide bond - DNA - DNA replication - DNA virus - Deuterium - Disaccharide - Dissociation constant - Domain - double helix - Drosophila - drugs


electrochemical potential -electron - electron capture - Electron configuration - electron shell - electron volt - Electronegativity - Electrophile - electron microscopy - electron transport chain - electrophoresis - electrophysiology - Element - ELISA - embryo - embryonal development - Emerson effect - Emmer group - emulsion - endergonic reaction - endodermis - endomembrane system - endoplasmic reticulum - energy trap - Engelmann effect - enhancer - entomology - energy level -- Enthalpy - Entropy - Environmental chemistry - Enzyme - energy decomposition cycles - epigenetics - equilibrium - Epidiorite - Epinephrine - Ester - Ethanol - Ether - eubacteria - eukaryote - evolution - evolutionary biology - Evolutionary developmental biology - evolutionary tree - excretion - exergonic reaction - exon


facilitated diffusion - FAD - FADH - FADH2 - Fat - Fatty acid - feedback inhibition - Fehling solution - fermentation - Ficks law of diffusion - Filtration - fitness (biology) - fitness landscape - flagellum - flavine - fluorescence spectroscopy - fluid mosaic model - free energy - fungi - Formaldehyde - freezing point - functional group


G3P - GABA - gamete - gastrula - Gel electrophoresis - gene - gene expression - genetic drift - gene pool - genetic code - Genetic engineering - genetic fingerprint - genetic recombination - Genetics - gene regulatory network - Genome - genomics - genotype - glucose - glycolipid - Glycolosis - glycoprotein - glycoprotein - G protein - G protein-coupled receptor - gradient - Glucose - Glycerine - Glycine - Glutamine - Glutamic acid - GTPase


halobacteria - Halotolerance - haploid - Hela cell - helper T cell - heterotroph - heterozygote - Hfr cell - Hill reaction - His tag - histone - History of science and technology - homeobox - homology - homozygote - homunculus - Hormone - housekeeping gene - human genome project - hybridization - hydrolysis - Hydrogen bond - hydrolytic enzyme - half-life - Heat of fusion - Heat of vaporization - heterocyclic compound - Histidine - holoenzyme - hydrocarbon - Hydrogen bond - hydrogenation - Hydrolysis - hydrophobic - hydrophobicity analysis - hydrophylic - hydroxyl


immune cell - immune system - immunology - inhibitor - insulin - intermediate filament - intermembrane space - interphase - intron - Inverse agonist - infra-red spectroscopy - Inorganic chemistry - Integral membrane protein - International Temperature Scale - International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry - Intermolecular force - Intramolecular force - In vivo - Ionic bond - ionization potential - Isomer - Ion channel - isoenzyme - isoleucine - Isothermal titration calorimeter - Isotopic tracer


joule per kilogram-kelvin


karyoplasm - karyotype - keratin - Kinase - kinetic energy - knock-out mouse - Krebs cycle - Kelvin - kinetics


Lactic acid - Le Chatelier's principle - Ligand - Liquid - lactic acid autotroph - lagging strand - life - life form - Ligand - light reactions - Lineweaver-Burke-diagram - lipase - Lipid - lipid anchored protein - lipid bilayer - list of biological topics - list of biologists - list of gene families - locus - Lysine - lysis - lysozyme - lytic cycle - List of compounds


macroevolution - Macromolecule - major histocompatibility complex - Malphigi body - Malphigi layer - marine biology - Mass spectrometer - Medicine - Melting point - meiosis - Membrane topology - Membrane transport - Membrane protein - memory cell - Mendelian inheritance - metabolism - Metabolic pathway - metabolic pathways - Metalloprotein - metaphase - metazoa - Michaelis-Menten kinetics - microbe - Microbiology - microevolution - microfilament - microsatellite - microscope - mitochondrial membrane - mitochondrion - mitosis - mitotic spindle - modern evolutionary synthesis - molecular biology - molecular evolution - molecular phylogeny - monoclonal antibody - morphogenesis - MRI - Muller's ratchet - multiresistance - muscle - mutagen - mutation - mycology - myosin - Monomer - Methionine - mixture - Molar volume - mole (unit) - Molecular dynamics - Molecular engineering - Molecular mechanics - Molecular modelling - Molecular orbital - Molecule - Mossbauer spectroscopy - Monoamine - Monosaccharide - Morphogenetic field - Mycology


NADH - NADPH - NADPH - NaKATPase - native state - nervous system - nerve - neurobiology - Neuroscience - neuron - neurospora crassa - neurotransmitter - neurula - neutral theory of molecular evolution - NMR - non-competitive inhibition - N-terminus - nuclear lamina - Nuclear magnetic resonance - Nucleic acid - nucleon - nucleoside - nucleosome - nucleus - nutrition - Nernst equation - neutron - neutron activation analysis - nitrogen - Nitroglycerine - Nobel Prize in Chemistry - Nucleophile


Optical isomerism - Organic - Organic chemistry - Organic compound - Organic nomenclature - Organic reaction - Oxidation - Oxidation number - oxidation state - oxygen - olfaction - oncogene - organ (anatomy) - organelle - Organism - osmosis - oxidative decarboxylation - oxidative phosphorylation


Partial pressure - Pauling scale - passive transport - PCR - Peptide - peptide bond - pesticide - peripheral protein - pH - Pharmacology - pharmaceutical - Pharmacist - phenol - phenotype - phenyl - phenylalanine - Phosphorus - Physical chemistry - phospholipid - phospholipid bilayer - phosphorylation - photobiology - photolysis - photophosphorylation - photorespiration - photosynthesis - photosystem I - photosystem II - phylogenetics - phylogeny - Physiology - plasma membrane - plasmid - Polypeptide - Polysaccharide - potential energy - primary nutritional groups - Primary structure - primer - Prion - prokaryote - Proline - promoter - Protein - Protein biosynthesis - Protein Data Bank - Protein domain - Protein expression - protein folding - Protein design - Protein motif - protein structure prediction - protein subunit - Protein synthesis - protein translocation - Proteomics - Proton - proton-motive force - proton pump - pyruvate oxidation - polymer - Polymerization - Polymerase chain reaction - Porphyrin - Potassium - Purine - Pyruvate - Pyridine - Pyrimidine


Quantum chemistry - Quaternary structure


radioisotope - radioisotopic labelling - Raman spectroscopy - random coil - Raoult's law - Redox - Reduction - Reflux - receptor - recombination - redox reaction - redox system - reduction - replication - repressor - respiration - restriction enzyme - retrovirus - Reverse transciptase - RFLP - rhodopsin - ribosome - RNA - RNA virus - rough ER


Sarcoplasmic reticulum - Scientific notation - SDS-PAGE - Secondary structure - Second messenger - Sequence - Sequencing - Serotonin - Sexual reproduction - SI - signal sequence - signal transduction - skeleton - Skin - Smooth ER - soluble - solution - solvation - solvent - SSRI - Spectroscopy - Starch - Stem cell - Stereochemistry - Stoichiometry - Structural formula - Structural biology - Substrate - Sugar - Sulfur - Suspension (chemistry) - Synapse


T cell - taxonomy - telophase - tetrodotoxin - thylakoid - tobacco mosaic virus - Toxin - transcription factor - trans face - transformation - translation (biology) - Transmembrane ATPase - transmembrane helix - transmembrane protein - transmembrane receptor - transport protein - transport vesicle - tubulin - Thermochemistry - thermometer - Thiamin - Timeline of biology and organic chemistry - Titration - Tyrosine - Threonine - Tryptophan - Tertiary structure - Triose


Urea - Urea cycle - Uric acid - UV/Vis spectroscopy


Vacuole - Valence - Valine - Van der Waals radius - Van der Waals force - Vapor pressure - Vapour pressure - venom - Virus (biology) - Vitamin - Vaccine - Vesicle - Vestibular system - Virology - Virus




X chromosome - Xenobiology - X-ray crystallography - X-ray diffraction - Xylem - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy


Y chromosome - Yeast

