Australian LaRouche Youth Movement
The Australian LaRouche Youth Movement (ALYM) is the youth wing of the Citizens Electoral Council and the Australian branch of the International LaRouche Youth Movement. Its mission is to persuade Australian voters to adopt the ideas of LaRouche Movement.
The ALYM was founded in August 2002, when younger members of the Citizens Electoral Council were grouped together to organise students. Its responsibilities have included managing the groundwork in Federal campaigns, aiding State Campaign efforts, collecting signatures for petitions, and mobilising the public and Parliment against the Anti-Terror laws.
ALYM members are often found on the streets of Melbourne, base of the National CEC office.
ALYM mobilisations
2004 Federal Election
During the 2004 Federal Election, twelve members of the ALYM ran for the House of Represenatives in the Melbourne Region and the Senate. They also managed three "flag ship" campaigns in the Melbourne Region, including the campaign of Aaron Isherwood, himself a member of the ALYM, standing against Michael Danby in the seat of Melbourne Ports.
The ALYM started campaigning from April 2004, going door-to-door to reach voters throughout much of Melbourne Ports, Maribyrnong and Calwell handing out copies of the Election edition of the New Citizen, which featured articles on the fight for a National Bank in Australia and the founding of the Australian Liberal Party in the 1930s. The ALYM also aided campaigns in in Western Australia and Queensland.
New Bretton Woods Campaign
Following LaRouche's renewed calls for the "New Bretton Woods International Monetary System" in late 2004, the CEC formulated a petition drive promoting the idea. The ALYM served as the back-bone of this petition drive throughout Australia.