Dairy product
Dairy products are foodstuffs produced from milk. A production plant for such processing is called a dairy. Raw milk for processing normally comes from cows, but occasionally from other mammals such as goats, sheep, water buffalo, yaks or horses.
Dairy farm thumbnail
Larger dairy farm
Dairy products include:
- Milk, after optional homogenization, pasteurization, in several grades after standardization of the fat level
- Cream, the fat skimmed off the top of milk
- Sour cream, cream that has been fermented by the bacteria, Streptococcus lactis and Leuconostoc citrovorum
- Crème fraiche, slightly fermented cream
- Cultured buttermilk, fermented milk using the same bacteria as sour cream
- Ice cream, slowly frozen cream
- Milk powder (or powdered milk), produced by removing the water from milk
- Condensed milk, milk which has been concentrated by evaporation
- Sweetened evaporated milk, concentrated milk with added sugar
- Khoa
- Infant formula
- Cream, the fat skimmed off the top of milk
- Butter, mostly milk fat, produced by churning cream
- Buttermilk, the liquid left over after producing butter from cream
- Butter cream?
- Ghee
- Cheese, produced by coagulating milk, separating from whey and letting it ripen
- Yogurt, milk fermented by Streptococcus thermophiles and either Lactobacillus acidophilus or L. bulgaricus
Got Milk? is an international organization supporting Dairy products, especially milk.