Gilles Archambault
Glles Archambault (September 19, 1933 - ) is a Canadian/Québécois novelist born in Montreal, Quebec. He won the Prix Athanase-David in 1981 for his body of work, and a Governor-General's Award in 1987 for L'obsédante obèse et autres aggressions, a collection of short prose pieces.
- Une suprême discrétion (1963)
- La vie à trois (1965)
- Le tendre matin (1969)
- Parlons de moi (1970)
- La fleur aux dents (1971)
- La fuite immobile (1974)
- Le voyageur distrait (1981)
- À voix basse (1983)
- L'obsédante obèse et autres agressions - 1987 (winner of the 1987 Governor General's Award for fiction)
- Les choses d'un jour (1991)
- Un homme plein d'enfance (1996)
He has also written extensively about jazz.