List of acronyms: A
This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter A.
An acronym is an abbreviation pronounced as a series of constituent letters; an initialism is an abbreviation whose pronunciation is wholly or partly the names of constituent letters; and a pseudo-blend is an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters means that it cannot be considered a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
- (a) = acronym in the example: SARS - (a) Severe acute respiratory syndrome
- (i) = initialism in the example: CD - (i) Compact disc
- (p) = pseudo-blend in the example: UNIFEM - (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
- (s) = symbol (none of the above, stands for and is read as something else; for example: MHz - Megahertz)
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Please add your own, in a quasi-dictionary order with lowercase treated the same as uppercase and ignoring non-alphanumeric characters (hyphens and such). This means that only alphanumeric characters have any significance in determining order, and that lowercase letters occupy the same ordering position as uppercase (in tie-breaker cases, list lower case first). For example: Algol appears before ALS. (This differs from a strict ASCII ordering.)
- A - (s) Ampere
- A2ATD or A²ATD - (i) Anti-Armour Advanced Technology Demonstration
- A2C2 or A²C² - (i) Army Airspace Command and Control
- A4 - many, including a European standard office paper size; see entry
- AA - (i) Achieved Availability - Alcoholics Anonymous - (s) Armed Forces Americas (postal symbol) - (i) Assembly Area - Automobile Association- Avenue of Approach
- AAA - (i) Administration, Authorization, and Authentication - American Automobile Association ("Triple-A") - Anti-aircraft artillery
- AAAS - (i) American Association for the Advancement of Science
- AAD - (i) Analogue Analogue Digital (CD quality) - Australian Antarctic Division
- AADAC - (a)Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission
- AADC - (i) Area Air Defence Commander
- AAFC - (i) U.S. Army Air Corps Ferrying Command (1941-1942)
- AAFES - (i) Army and Air Force Exchange Service
- AAIS - (i) Advanced Airborne Interceptor Simulator
- AAM - (i) Air-to-Air Missile
- AANEAS - (a) Anglo-Australian Near-Earth Asteroid Survey
- AAODL - (i) Atmospheric Aerosols and Optics Data Library
- AAP - (i) Advanced Acquisition Plan - Allied Administrative Publication
- AAR - (i) After-Action Review - Association of American Railroads
- AARP - (i) formerly American Association of Retired Persons, but now officially known only by the initials
- AAS - (i) Advanced Automation System - American Astronomical Society ("double-A-S")
- AAV - (i) Amphibious Assault Vehicle
- AAWC - (i) Anti-Air Warfare Commander
- AB - (i) Able Seaman - (s) Alberta (postal symbol)
- ABA - (i) American Bar Association - American Basketball Association - American Birding Association - Australian Broadcasting Authority
- ABB - (i) ASEA Brown Boveri (Swiss-Swedish multinational company)
- ABBA - (a) Agneta, Benny, Björn, Anni-Frid (Swedish pop group)
- ABC - (i) Alcoholic Beverage Commission - Alien Big Cat - Always Be Careful - American Bird Conservancy - American-Born Chinese - American Broadcasting Company - Anti-lock Brake Controller - Associated British Corporation - Atanasoff Berry Computer - Atlantic Baptist College - Atomic Biological Chemical (see NBC) - Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- ABCS - (i) (U.S.) Army Battle Command System
- ABET - (a) Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
- ABIN - (a) Agência Brasileira de Inteligência (Brazilian Intelligence Agency)
- ABL - (i) American Basketball League
- ABLE - (a) AirBorne Law Enforcement (police air support unit)
- ABM - (i) Anti-Ballistic Missile - Asynchronous Balanced Mode - Automated Banking Machine
- ABN - (i) Australian Business Number (a number issued by the Australian government as registration of a business and used for taxation purposes)
- ABS - (i) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene - Anti-lock Braking System
- ABW - (s) Aruba (ISO 3166 trigram)
- Ac - (s) Actinium
- AC - (i) Adriamycin-Cyclophosphamide (chemotherapy) - Air Conditioning - Alternating Current - ante Christum (Latin, "before Christ"; see BC) - ante cibum (Latin, "before meals") - (s) Antigua and Barbuda (NATO country code) - (i) Associazione Calcio (Italian, "football (soccer) club") - Altocumulus
- A/C - (i) Air Conditioned/Conditioning - Aircraft
- ACA - (i) Airspace Control Authority - Airspace Co-ordination Area
- ACARS - (a) Aircraft Communication Reporting System
- ACC - (i) U.S. Air Combat Command - Air Component Commander - Altocumulus castellanus - Atlantic Coast Conference - Automatic Climate Control
- ACCA - (i) Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment
- ACCAC - (a) Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru (Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales)
- ACCS - (i) Air Communications and Control Squadron
- ACDA - (i) Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
- ACE - (a) Air Combat Emulator (computer game) - Allied Command Europe - Automatic Computing Engine
- ACES - (a) Aerolineas Centrales de Colombia
- ACHT - (a) Average Call Hold Time
- ACID - (a) Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (in databases)
- ACF - (i) American Car and Foundry - American Culinary Federation
- ACK - (p) Acknowledge (telecommunications; cf. NAK)
- ACL - (i) Access Control List - Anterior Cruciate Ligament
- ACLU - (i) American Civil Liberties Union
- ACM - many, including Association for Computing Machinery; see entry
- ACN - (i) Airborne Communications Node - Australian Company Number (number issued by the Australian government as registration of a limited liability company)
- ACO - (i) Airspace Control Order
- ACORN - (i) Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
- ACP - (i) Air Control Point
- ACR - (i) Advanced Concepts and Requirements
- ACRI - (p) African Crisis Initiative
- ACS - (i) Affiliated Computer Services (NYSE ACS) - American Cancer Society - American Chemical Society - Association of Caribbean States
- ACSC - (i) Army Command and Staff College (various nations)
- ACTD - (i) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration
- ACTU - (i) Australian Council of Trade Unions
- ACV - (i) Armoured Combat Vehicle
- AD - (i) Air Defence - (s) Andorra (ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Anno Domini (Latin, "In the year of our Lord")
- A/D - (i) Analog/Digital
- ADA - (i) Air Defence Artillery - American Dental Association - Americans with Disabilities Act (see also the similar but non-acronymic Ada programming language)
- ADAS - (a/i) Asiago-DLR Asteroid Survey
- ADAT - (i) Alesis Digital Audio Tape (recording format)
- ADatP - (p) Automated Data Processing
- ADATS - (i) Agricultural Development and Training Society - Air Defence Anti-Tank System - Australian Defence Air Traffic System
- ADC - (i) Aide de camp - U.S. Air Defense Command (1946-1992) - Apple Display Connector
- ADCTS - (i) Advanced Distributed Combat Training System
- ADD - (i) Analogue Digital Digital (CD quality) - Attention-Deficit Disorder
- ADDNS - (i) Advanced Deployable Day/Night Simulation
- ADHD - (i) Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADHS - (i) Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome
- ADIZ - (a/i) Air Defence Identification Zone
- ADL - (i) Anti-Defamation League
- ad loc. - (p) ad locum (Latin, "to/at the place")
- ADM - (i) Administrative - Archer Daniels Midland - Assistant Deputy Minister
- ADOA - (a/i) Air Defence Operations Area
- ADP - (i) Adenosine DiPhosphate - Army Doctrine Publication (UK, Canada, Australia) - Automatic/Automated Data Processing
- ADS - (a/i) Astrophysics Data System - Attention Deficit Syndrome
- ADT - (i) Atlantic Daylight Time (UTC-3 hours)
- adv. - (p) adversus (Latin, "against")
- ADW - (i) Air Defence Warning
- AE - (s) Armed Forces Africa/Canada/Europe/Middle East (postal symbol) - United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166 digram)
- AEF - (i) American Expeditionary Force
- AEGIS - (p) Airborne Early warning Ground environment Interface Segment
- AEI-T - (i) Army Enterprise Infostructure-Transport
- aeq. - (p) aequalis (Latin, "equal")
- AESR - (i) Aeronautical Equipment Service Record
- aet. - (p) aetatis (Latin, "of age", "aged")
- AEW - (i) Airborne Electronic Warfare - Airborne Early Warning
- AF - (s) Afghanistan (NATO country code; ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Air Force
- AFA - (i) U.S. Air Force Academy
- AFAIC - (i) As Far As I'm Concerned
- AFAICT - (i) As Far As I Can Tell
- AFAIK - (i) As Far As I Know
- AFAIR - (i) As Far As I Remember/Recall
- AFATDS - (i) Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
- AFC - (i) American Football Conference - Asian Football Confederation
- AFG - (s) Afghanistan (ISO 3166 trigram)
- AFI - (s) French Territory of the Afars and Issas (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete since 1977)
- AFJ - (i) April Fool's Joke
- AFK - (i) Away From Keyboard (Internet chat abbreviation)
- AFL - (i) American Federation of Labor - American Football League - Arena Football League - Australian Football League
- AFL-CIO - (i) American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations
- AFM - (i) Army Field Manual (U.K.; the U.S. more frequently uses just FM) - Aviation Fleet Maintenance
- AFOSR - (i) U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- AFS&A or AFSA - (i) U.S. Air Force Studies and Analysis
- AFSC - (i) U.S. Air Force Staff College
- AFSCN - (i) Air Force Satellite Control Network
- AFV - (i) Armoured Fighting Vehicle
- Ag - (s) Silver (Latin argentum)
- AG - (i) Aktiengesellschaft (German, "incorporated") - (s) Algeria (NATO country code) - Antigua and Barbuda (ISO 3166 digram)
- AGA - (a/i) AB Gas-accumulator ("ah-gah", Swedish company) - Advanced Graphics Architecture
- AGARD - (a) Advanced Guidance for Alliance Research and Development
- AGB - (i) Internal Nintendo initialism (Advanced Game Boy) for Game Boy Advance
- AGC - (i) Apollo Guidance Computer - Automatic Gain Control
- AGI - (i) Auxiliary Group Intelligence
- AGL - (i) Above Ground Level
- AGM - (i) Annual General Meeting
- AGO - (s) Angola (ISO 3166 trigram)
- AGP - (i) Accelerated Graphics Port
- AGS - (i) Alaska Ground Station (LandSat)
- AGU - (i) American Geophysical Union
- AI - (i) Air Interdiction - (s) Anguilla (ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Amnesty International - Artificial Insemination - Artificial Intelligence
- AIA - (i) Aerospace Industry Association - (s) Anguilla (ISO 3166 trigram)
- AIC - (i) African Independent Church
- AICMFP - (i) And I Claim My Five Pounds
- AID - (i) U.S. Agency for International Development
- AIDS - (a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- AIM - many, including AOL Instant Messenger; see entry
- AIMP - (i) Aurora Incremental Modernization Project
- AIPAC - (i) American Israel Public Affairs Committee
- AIR - (i) Aircraft Inventory Record
- AJ - (s) Azerbaijan (NATO country code)
- AJD - (i) Astronomical Julian Day
- AJP - (i) Allied Joint Publication
- AK - (s) Alaska (postal symbol)
- aka - (i) also known as
- AKDT - (p) Alaska Standard Daylight Saving Time (UTC-8 hours)
- AKST - (p) Alaska Standard Time (UTC-9 hours)
- Al - (s) Aluminium
- AL - (s) Alabama (postal symbol) - Albania (NATO country code; ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Anno Lucis (Latin, "Year of Light", in Masonic tradition, most often seen on plaques bearing the founding dates of buildings, in years AD and years AL)
- ALA - (s) Åland Islands (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ALAP - (a) As Long/Late As Possible
- ALARM - (a) Air-Launched Anti-Radar Missile
- ALB - (s) Albania (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ALERT - (a) Advanced Linked Extended Reconnaissance and Targeting - Attack and Launch Early Reporting to Theatre
- ALGOL - (p) ALGOrithmic Language
- ALOC - (a) Air Lines Of Communication
- ALS - (i) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Automatic Landing System
- ALSP - (i) Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol
- Am - (s) Americium
- AM - many, including Amplitude Modulation and ante meridiem; see entry - (s) Armenia (NATO country code; ISO 3166 digram)
- AMA - (i) American Medical Association
- AMC - (i) U.S. Air Mobility Command - American Motors Company - U.S. Army Materiel Command
- AMD - (i) Advanced Micro Devices (U.S. company)
- AMF - (i) Afghan Military Force(s)
- AMLCD - (i) Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display
- AMOS - (a) Advanced MOrtar System - Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing observatory
- AMP - (i) Adenosine MonoPhosphate
- AMRAAM - (a) Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
- AMS - (i) American Mathematical Society
- AMSU - (i) Aviation Matériel Screening Unit and (i) Association for Managers in Students' Unions
- AN - (s) Andorra (NATO country code) - Netherland Antilles (ISO 3166 digram)
- ANA - (a) All Nippon Airways - Anti-Nuclear Anti-body
- ANC - (i) African National Congress
- AND - (s) Andorra (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ANGLiCo - (p) Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Company
- ANM - (i) Acoustic Noise Monitor
- ANOVA - (p) ANalysis Of VAriance
- ANS - (i) Applied and Natural Sciences
- ANSI - (a) American National Standards Institute
- ANT - (s) Netherland Antilles (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ANZAC - (a) Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
- AO - (s) Angola (NATO country code; ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Approach Officer (submarine) - Area of Operations
- AOC - (i) Air Operations Centre
- AOL - (i) America OnLine
- AOR - (i) Area Of Responsibility
- AOU - (i) American Ornithologists' Union
- AP - (i) Advanced Placement - Air Publication - (s) Armed Forces Pacific (postal symbol) - (i) Associated Press - Auto Pilot
- APB - (i) All Points Bulletin (police jargon)
- APC - (i) Armoured Personnel Carrier
- APFSDS - (i) Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot (ammunition)
- API - (i) Application Programming Interface
- APM - (i) Advanced Power Management
- APOD - (i) Aerial Port (Airport) Of Debarkation
- APOE - (i) Aerial Port (Airport) Of Embarkation
- APOLLO - (a) Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation
- APP - (i) Allied Procedural Publication
- APS - (i) American Physical Society
- AQ - (s) Antarctica (ISO 3166 digram)
- Ar - (s) Argon
- AR - (s) Argentina (NATO country code; ISO 3166 digram) - Arkansas (postal symbol) - Armour
- ARE - (s) United Arab Emirates (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ARF - (i) ASEAN Regional Forum
- ARG - (s) Argentina (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ARI - (i) Acute Respiratory Infection - U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences
- ARM - (a) Anti-Radiation Missile - (s) Armenia (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ARP - (i) Address Resolution Protocol - Applied Research Programme
- ARRC - (i) ACE Rapid Reaction Corps
- ARSC - (i) Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
- ARSPACE - (p) U.S. Army Space Command
- ARWG - (i) Army Research Working Group
- As - (s) Arsenic
- AS - (s) American Samoa (postal symbol; ISO 3166 digram) - Australia (NATO country code)
- A&S - (i) Armament & Standardisation
- ASA - (i) AcetylSalicylic Acid - American Standards Association - Army Security Agency - Atlantic Southeast Airlines
- ASAP - (a) As Soon As Possible
- ASARS - (a) Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System - Airborne Search and Rescue System
- ASCAP - (a) American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
- ASCC - (i) Army Service Component Commander - Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
- ASCII - (a) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
- ASDR - (i) Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release (sound envelope specification)
- ASEAN - (a) Association of SouthEast Asian Nations
- ASFAR - (a) Americans for a Society Free of Age Restrictions
- ASG - (i) Area Support Group
- ASIC - (a) Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
- ASICS - (a) Anima sana in corpore sano (Latin, "A sound mind in a sound body") (athletic shoe manufacturer)
- ASIO - (i) Australian Security Intelligence Office
- ASL - (i) Above Sea Level - American Sign Language (also known as Ameslan)
- ASM - (i) Air-to-Surface Missile - (s) American Samoa (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ASOC - (a/i) Air Sovereignty Operations Centre - Air Support Operations Centre - Airport Security and Operations Centre - Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition - Australian Standard Offence Classification
- ASP - (i) Active Server Pages - American Society of Primatologists - Ammunition Supply Point - Application Service Provider (cf internet service provider) - Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- ASRAAM - (a) Advanced Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile
- AST - (i) Atlantic Standard Time (UTC-4 hours)
- ASTREA - (a) Aerial Support To Regional Enforcement Agencies (sheriff's air support unit)
- ASUW - (p) AntiSUrface Warfare
- ASW - (i) AntiSubmarine Warfare
- At - (s) Astatine
- AT - (i) Anti-Tank - (s) Austria (ISO 3166 digram)
- ATA - (i) Afghan Transitional Authority - (s) Antarctica (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ATAC - (a) Air Transportable Acoustic Communications
- ATACMS - (p) Army TACtical Missile System
- ATAS - (a) Air-To-Air Stinger (missile)
- ATB - (i) Active Time Battle - (s) British Antarctic Territory (ISO 3166 trigram; merged with AQ in 1979)
- ATC - (i) Air Traffic Control - U.S. Air Transport Command (1942-1948)
- ATCCIS - (i) Army Tactical Command and Control Information System
- ATESS - (i) Aerospace and Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron
- ATF - (s) French Southern Territories (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ATG - (s) Antigua and Barbuda (ISO 3166 trigram)
- ATI - (i) Allied Telesyn International, Inc.
- ATM - (i) Automated Teller Machine - Asynchronous Transfer Mode - At The Moment
- ATN - (s) Dronning Maud Land (ISO 3166 trigram; merged with AQ in 1983)
- ATO - (i) Air Tasking Order
- ATP - (i) Adenosine TriPhosphate - Allied Tactical Publication - Ammunition Transfer Point
- AT&T - (i) American Telephone and Telegraph (U.S. company, aka "Ma Bell")
- ATV - (i) All-Terrain Vehicle
- ATWA - (i) Air Trees Water Animals, coined by Charles Manson
- Au - (s) Gold
- AU - (i) African Union (was OAU before 2000) - American University - (s) Astronomical Unit - Australia (ISO 3166 digram) - Austria (NATO country code)
- AUC - (i) Ab Urbe Condita / Anno Urbis Conditae (Latin "from the founding of the city" / "in the year since the founding of the city") (of Rome) - Area Under the Curve (concentration time curve; medicine)
- AUS - (s) Australia (ISO 3166 trigram)
- AUT - (s) Austria (ISO 3166 trigram)
- AV - (i) Audio-Visual - (s) Aviation
- AVCATT-A - (p) (U.S. Army's) Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer-Aviation [Reconfigurable Manned Simulator]
- AVDLR - (p) Aviation Depot Level Repair
- AVGP - (i) Armoured Vehicle, General Purpose
- AVI - (i) Audio Video Interleave
- AVIM - (p) Aviation Intermediate Maintenance
- AVO - (i) Apprehended Violence Order
- AVTB - (i) Armoured Vehicle Test Bed
- AVUM - (p) Aviation Unit Maintenance
- AW - (s) Aruba (ISO 3166 digram)
- AWA - (i) American Wrestling Association
- AWACS - (a) Airborne Warning And Control System
- AWC - (i) Air Warfare Centre
- AWD - many, including All Wheel Drive; see entry
- AWE - (i/a) Advanced Warfighting Experiment
- AWOL - (a) Absent Without Official Leave - Absent Without Leave (military jargon)
- AWP - (i) Awaiting Parts (SM&R code)
- AX - (s) Åland Islands (ISO 3166 digram)
- AXP - (p) Ambulance eXchange Point
- AYU - (i) As Yet Unknown
- AZ - (s) Arizona (postal symbol) - Azerbaijan (ISO 3166 digram)
- AZE - (s) Azerbaijan (ISO 3166 trigram)