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Symmetric matrix

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In linear algebra, a symmetric matrix is a matrix that is its own transpose. Thus A is symmetric if

which implies that A is a square matrix. The entries of a symmetric matrix are symmetric with respect to the main diagonal (top left to bottom right). So if the entries are written as A = (aij), then


The following 3-by-3 matrix is symmetric:

Any diagonal matrix is symmetric, since all its off-diagonal entries are zero.


One of the basic theorems concerning such matrices is the finite-dimensional spectral theorem, which says that any symmetric matrix whose entries are real can be diagonalized by an orthogonal matrix. More explicitly: to every symmetric real matrix A there exists a real orthogonal matrix Q such that D = QTAQ is a diagonal matrix. Every symmetric matrix is thus, up to choice of an orthonormal basis, a diagonal matrix.

Every real symmetric matrix is Hermitian, and therefore all its eigenvalues are real. (In fact, the eigenvalues are the entries in the above diagonal matrix D, and therefore D is uniquely determined by A, up to the order of its entries.) Essentially, the property of symmetry of real matrices corresponds to the property of being Hermitian for complex matrices.

Every square real matrix X can be written in a unique way as the sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix (a matrix is skew-symmetric if it equals the negative of its transpose). This is done in the following way:

(This is true more generally for every square matrix X with entries from any field whose characteristic is different from 2.)

The sum and difference of two symmetric matrices is again symmetric, but this is not always true for the product: given symmetric matrices A and B, then AB is symmetric if and only if A and B commute, i.e. if AB = BA. Two real symmetric matrices commute if and only if they have the same eigenspaces.

Denote with <,> the standard inner product on Rn. The real n-by-n matrix A is symmetric if and only if


Using the Jordan normal form, one can prove that every square real matrix can be written as a product of two real symmetric matrices, and every square complex matrix can be written as a product of two complex symmetric matrices. (Bosch, 1986)


Symmetric real n-by-n matrices appear as the Hessian of twice continuously differentiable functions of n real variables.

Every quadratic form q on Rn can be uniquely written in the form q(x) = xTAx with a symmetric n-by-n matrix A. Because of the above spectral theorem, one can then say that every quadratic form, up to the choice of an orthonormal basis of Rn, "looks like"

with real numbers λi. This considerably simplifies the study of quadratic forms, as well as the study of the level sets {x : q(x) = 1} which are generalizations of conic sections.

This is important partly because the second-order behavior of every smooth multi-variable function is described by the quadratic form belonging to the function's Hessian; this is a consequence of Taylor's theorem.

See also

Other types of symmetry or pattern in square matrices have special names; see for example:
