Dog the Bounty Hunter
Dog the Bounty Hunter is a reality television show chronicling Duane "Dog" Chapman's operations in his bounty hunting firm Da Kine Bail Bonds in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is joined in his exploits by his current wife/business partner Beth, his third son Leland, and fellow bounty hunter [[Tim youngblood] (its his half brother Also, his nephew Justin Bihag was also part of the team, but he appeared only in the first season.
While the program for the most part follows Chapman and his team's pursuits against actual criminals who violated the conditions of their bail, the program also explores Chapman's human side, especially his God-fearing attitude (being a born-again Christian) and his life as a husband to Beth, a father to his children, and a reformed ex-convict.
The program spun off from their appearance in the A&E Network's Take This Job, a program about people with unusual occupations.
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