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Prime Minister of Serbia

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List of Prime Ministers of Serbia

The office of Prime Minister of Serbia is Vojislav Koštunica, who resigned on March 8, 2008. The Deputy Prime Minister for European Integrations is Božidar Đelić.


In the medieval period, like in the rest of the European states, the most important member of the ruling circle surrounding the ruler was the finance secretary. In Serbia, this person was styled Protovestijar (Cyrillic: Протовестијар) after the Byzantine example. Later, the style was changed from the Greek to the Serbian Riznički čelnik (Cyrillic: Ризнички челник ) or the Treasurer (literally guardian of the vault). The treasurers were usually from the cities on the Adriatic coast, like Dubrovnik, or the famed Buća family from Kotor. The importance of the office can be seen from the XIV century Serbian proverb, ruled by the emperor Dušan the Mighty: Car dâ, Buća ne da (The emperor gives the money, Buća stops it).

The first modern-style Serbian government was established on August 27, 1805, during the First Serbian Uprising, and was called Praviteljstvujušči Sovjet (Serbian Cyrillic: Правитељствујушчи Совјет ) or Administering Council, while the title of the head of government was President of the Administering Council. Government ceased to exist with the collapse of the First Serbian Uprising on October 3, 1813, however later continued in Hotin exile (Russia) 1813-1814. Initially the Council had no ministers, just members, but in 1811 modern ministries were created.

Government was restored on November 21, 1815 with the Second Serbian Uprising. Head of government was styled Prince's Representative (Knjaževski predstavnik; Cyrillic: Књажевски представник ). The style remained official until 1861, even after the establishing of constitutional government in 1835. Prior to that date, the office was of no major importance or influence and depended solely on the will of the prince Miloš Obrenović.

In 1861-1903, the head of government was styled President of the Ministry (Predsednik ministarstva; Cyrillic: Председник министарства).

From 1903 until the creation of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (future Yugoslavia) on December 1, 1918, head of government was styled President of the Ministerial Council (Predsednik ministarskog saveta; Cyrillic: Председник министарског савета).

Serbia had no government of its own until May 4, 1941 when Germans, after occupation and dismemberment of Yugoslavia, set a quisling government. Initially, the head of government was styled President of the Council of the Commissars until August 29, 1941, and then President of the Ministerial Council of Serbian Government of National Salvation until October 5, 1944.

Under the Communist regime, Serbia got a sort of separate government opposed to the German-installed one in September 1941. First, the 'head of government' was styled President of the Executive Council of the Supreme National Liberational Council until April 7, 1945. On that day, a ministry for Serbia was created within the government of Yugoslavia (as for all the other five republics), with Minister for Serbia being in charge of creating first real government of post-War Serbia, which took place on April 9, 1945. Governments were headed by President of the Government until February 3, 1953, President of the Executive Council until January 15, 1991 and again President of the Government since then, but the term Prime Minister is colloquialy used (especially including media) since the government of Dragutin Zelenović in 1991. In some later articles about the recent history of Serbia, term is retroactively applied to Stanko Radmilović, Desimir Jevtić and even back to Ivan Stambolić's government.

In Serbia the Julian Calendar (Old Style) was in official use until 1919, but all dates of office in the lists below are given by the Gregorian Calendar (New Style).

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
1333 1354 Nikola Buća Никола Бућа unknown, Kotor 1354 *
1354 1355 Maroje Gučetić Мароје Гучетић unknown, Dubrovnik unknown *
13?? 13?? Toma Buća Tома Бућа unknown unknown *
c1395 c14?? Ivan Buća Иван Бућа unknown unknown *
1445 1453 Paskoje Sorkočević Паскоје Cоркочевић unknown unknown *

Presidents of the Administering Council

Beginning of the term End of term Name Birth Death Notes
August 27, 1805 January, 1807 Mateja Nenadović 1777, Brankovina, Valjevo December 11, 1854 Valjevo he was a priest (prota)
Матеја Ненадовић
January, 1807 1810 Mladen Milovanović 1760, Botunje, Kragujevac 1823, Rujan, Zlatibor assassinated
Младен Миловановић
1810 January 22, 1811 Jakov Nenadović 1765, Brankovina, Valjevo 1836, Brankovina, Valjevo brother of Mateja Nenadović
Јаков Ненадовић
January 22, 1811 October 3, 1813 Đorđe Petrović Karađorđe November 15, 1762, Viševac, Topola August 7, 1817, Radovanjski Lug, Smederevo founder of the Karađorđević dynasty; assassinated
Ђорђе Петровић Карађорђе
1813 1814 Mladen Milovanović 1760, Botunje, Kragujevac 1823, Rujan, Zlatibor in Russian exile; second term
Младен Миловановић

Principality of Serbia under Ottoman suzerainity

Prince's Representatives

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
November 21, 1815 May 16, 1816 Petar Nikolajević Moler Петар Николајевић Молер 17??, 1816, Kalemegdan, Belgrade assassinated
1821 1826 Jevrem Obrenović Јеврем Обреновић March 3, 1790, Dobrinja, Užice September 20, 1856, Manasia, Wallachia brother of the prince Miloš Obrenović
1826 1826 Miloje Todorović Милоје Тодоровић 1762 1832 *
1826 1829 Dimitrije Davidović Димитрије Давидовић October 24, 1789, Zemun April 6, 1838, Smederevo *
February 15, 1835 February 26, 1839 Koca Marković Коца Марковић unknown unknown *
February 26, 1839 April 7, 1840 Avram Petronijević Аврам Петронијевић February 14, 1791, Orşova, Wallachia April 22, 1852, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire *
April 7, 1840 May 15, 1840 Paun Janković Паун Јанковић 1808 1865 acting
May 15, 1840 September 7, 1842 Đorđe Protić Ђорђе Протић 1793, Bela Crkva, Krupanj December 7, 1857, Belgrade acting to June 24, 1840
September 7, 1842 October 6, 1843 Avram Petronijević Аврам Петронијевић February 14, 1791, Orşova, Wallachia April 22, 1852, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire second term
October 6, 1843 October 11, 1844 Aleksa Simić Алекса Симић March 30, 1800, Boljevci, Zemun February 29, 1872, Belgrade *
October 11, 1844 April 22, 1852 Avram Petronijević Аврам Петронијевић February 14, 1791, Orşova, Wallachia April 22, 1852, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire third term; died in office
April 22, 1852 March 26, 1853 Ilija Garašanin Илија Гарашанин January 28, 1812, Garaši, Aranđelovac June 22, 1874, Belgrade acting to April 25, 1852
March 26, 1853 December 28, 1855 Aleksa Simić Алекса Симић March 30, 1800, Boljevci, Zemun February 29, 1872, Belgrade second term
December 28, 1855, June 10, 1856 Aleksa Janković Алекса Јанковић 1806, Timişoara June 22, 1869, Belgrade *
June 10, 1856 September 28, 1856 Stevan Marković Стеван Марковић January 7, 1805, Zemun December 11, 1864 Vienna acting
September 28, 1856 July 1, 1857 Aleksa Simić Алекса Симић March 30, 1800, Boljevci, Zemun February 29, 1872, Belgrade third term
July 1, 1857 June 12, 1858 Stevan Marković Стеван Марковић January 7, 1805, Zemun December 11, 1864 Vienna second term
June 12, 1858 April 18, 1859 Stevan Magazinović Стеван Магазиновић 1804 February 17, 1874, Belgrade third term
April 18, 1859 November 8, 1860 Cvetko Rajović Цветко Рајовић 1793, Vukovići, Vlasenica, Bosnia May 4, 1873, Belgrade *
November 8, 1860 October 21, 1861 Filip Hristić Филип Христић 1819 February 11, 1905 Menton, France *

Presidents of the Ministry:

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
October 21, 1861 November 15, 1867 Ilija Garašanin Илија Гарашанин January 28, 1812, Garaši, Aranđelovac June 22, 1874, Belgrade second term
November 15, 1867 December 3, 1867 Jovan Ristić Јован Ристић January 16, 1831, Kragujevac September 4, 1899, Belgrade *
December 3, 1867 July 3, 1868 Nikola Hristić Никола Христић 1818 1911 *
July 3, 1868 August 8, 1869 Đorđe Cenić Ђорђе Ценић 1825 1903 *
August 8, 1869 August 22, 1872 Radivoje Milojković Радивоје Милојковић January 8, 1832, Glogovac, Jagodina December 29, 1888, Belgrade *
August 22, 1872 April 5, 1873 Milivoje Petrović Blaznavac Миливоје Петровић Блазнавац 1824, Blaznava, Rudnik April 5, 1873, Belgrade died in office
April 5, 1873 November 3, 1873 Jovan Ristić Јован Ристић January 16, 1831, Kragujevac September 4, 1899, Belgrade second term; acting to April 14, 1873
November 3, 1873 December 7, 1874 Jovan Marinović Јован Мариновић 1821, Sarajevo, Bosnia August 12, 1893, Villiers, France *
December 7, 1874 February 3, 1875 Aćim Čumić Аћим Чумић 1836 1901 *
February 3, 1875 August 31, 1875 Danilo Stefanović Данило Стефановић 1815 1886 *
August 31, 1875 October 8, 1875 Stevča Mihailović Стевча Михаиловић 1804 1888 *
October 8, 1875 May 6, 1876 Ljubomir Kaljević Љубомир Каљевић 1841, Užice March 2, 1907, Belgrade *
May 6, 1876 October 13, 1878 Stevča Mihailović Стевча Михаиловић 1804 1888 second term

Independent Serbia; Principality and Kingdom of Serbia

Presidents of the Ministry

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
October 13, 1878 November 2, 1880 Jovan Ristić Јован Ристић January 16, 1831, Kragujevac September 4, 1899, Belgrade third term
November 2, 1880 October 3, 1883 Milan Piroćanac Милан Пироћанац January 19, 1837, Jagodina March 13, 1897, Belgrade *
October 3, 1883 February 19, 1884 Nikola Hristić Никола Христић 1818 1911 second term
February 19, 1884 June 13, 1887 Milutin Garašanin Милутин Гарашанин February 22, 1843, Belgrade March 4, 1898, Paris, France son of Ilija Garašanin
June 13, 1887 January 1, 1888 Jovan Ristić Јован Ристић January 16, 1831, Kragujevac September 4, 1899, Belgrade fourth term
January 1, 1888 April 27, 1888 Sava Grujić Сава Грујић December 7, 1840, Kolari, Smederevo December 8, 1913, Belgrade *
April 27, 1888 January 19, 1889 Nikola Hristić Никола Христић 1818 1911 third term
January 19, 1889 March 7, 1889 Kosta Protić Кост Протић 1831 June 16, 1892 *
March 7, 1889 February 23, 1891 Sava Grujić Сава Грујић December 7, 1840, Kolari, Smederevo December 8, 1913, Belgrade second term
February 23, 1891 August 22, 1892 Nikola Pašić Никола Пашић December 31, 1845, Zaječar December 10, 1926, Belgrade *
August 22, 1892 April 13, 1893 Jovan Avakumović Јован Авакумовић January 13, 1841, Belgrade August 11, 1928, Belgrade *
April 13, 1893 December 5, 1893 Lazar Dokić Лазар Докић 1845 December 5, 1893, Belgrade died in office
December 5, 1893 January 24, 1894 Sava Grujić Сава Грујић December 7, 1840, Kolari, Smederevo December 8, 1913, Belgrade third term
January 24, 1894 April 3, 1894 Đorđe Simić Ђорђе Симић February 28, 1843, Belgrade November 10, 1921, Zemun *
April 3, 1894 October 27, 1894 Svetomir Nikolajević Светомир Николајевић 1844 1922 *
October 27, 1894 July 7, 1895 Nikola Hristić Никола Христић 1818 1911 fourth term
July 7, 1895 December 27, 1896 Stojan Novaković Стојан Новаковић November 13, 1842, Šabac March 3, 1915, Niš *
December 27, 1896 October 19, 1897 Đorđe Simić Ђорђе Симић February 28, 1843, Belgrade November 10, 1921, Zemun second term
October 19, 1897 July 25, 1900 Vladan Đorđević Владан Ђорђевић December 3, 1844, Belgrade August 31, 1930, Belgrade *
July 25, 1900 April 3, 1901 Aleksa Jovanović Алекса Јовановић August 31, 1846, Ćuprija May 6, 1920, Belgrade *
April 3, 1901 October 20, 1902 Mihailo Vujić Михаило Вујић November 7, 1853, Belgrade March 14, 1913, Sušak, Rijeka *
October 20, 1902 November 20, 1902 Pera Velimirović Пера Велимировић January 16, 1848, Sikol, Zaječar December 23, 1921, Belgrade *
November 20, 1902 June 11, 1903 Dimitrije Cincar-Marković Димтрије Цинцар-Марковић March 6, 1849, Šabac June 11, 1903, Belgrade assassinated in office

Presidents of the Ministerial Council

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
June 11, 1903 October 4, 1903 Jovan Avakumović Јован Авакумовић January 13, 1841, Belgrade August 11, 1928, Belgrade second term
October 4, 1903 December 10, 1904 Sava Grujić Сава Грујић December 7, 1840, Kolari, Smederevo December 8, 1913, Belgrade fourth term
December 10, 1904 May 28, 1905 Nikola Pašić Никола Пашић December 31, 1845, Zaječar December 10, 1926, Belgrade second term
May 28, 1905 March 7, 1906 Ljubomir Stojanović Љубомир Стојановић 1860 1930 *
March 7, 1906 April 29, 1906 Sava Grujić Сава Грујић December 7, 1840, Kolari, Smederevo December 8, 1913, Belgrade fifth term
April 29, 1906 July 20, 1908 Nikola Pašić Никола Пашић December 31, 1845, Zaječar December 10, 1926, Belgrade third term
July 20, 1908 February 22, 1909 Pera Velimirović Пера Велимировић January 16, 1848, Sikol, Zaječar December 23, 1921, Belgrade second term
February 22, 1909 October 24, 1909 Stojan Novaković Стојан Новаковић November 13, 1842, Šabac March 3, 1915, Niš second term
October 24, 1909 July 4, 1911 Nikola Pašić Никола Пашић December 31, 1845, Zaječar December 10, 1926, Belgrade fourth term
July 4, 1911 July 1, 1912 Milovan Milovanović Милован Миловановић March 1, 1863, Belgrade July 1, 1912, Belgrade died in office
July 1, 1912 September 12, 1912 Marko Trifković Марко Трифковић 1864 1928 *
September 12, 1912 December 1, 1918 Nikola Pašić Никола Пашић December 31, 1845, Zaječar December 10, 1926, Belgrade fifth term

Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Yugoslavia)

See list of prime ministers of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

German puppet regime in occupied Serbia

President of the Council of the Commissars and President of the Ministerial Council of Serbian Government of National Salvation

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
May 4, 1941 August 29, 1941 Milan Aćimović Милан Аћимовић 1898, Pinosava, Belgrade 1945, Zelengora killed in battle
August 29, 1941 October 5, 1944 Milan Nedić Милан Недић September 14, 1878, Grocka, Belgrade February 6, 1946, Belgrade suicide (??)

Communist Resistance

Presidents of the Executive Council of the Supreme National Liberational Council

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
Sep 1941 194? Petar Stambolić Петар Стамболић July 12, 1912, Brezova, Ivanjica September 21, 2007, Belgrade *

Minister for Serbia in Yugoslav government

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
March 7, 1945 April 9, 1945 Jaša Prodanović Јаша Продановић April 23, 1867, Čačak June 1, 1948, Belgrade *

Presidents of the Government

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
April 9, 1945 September 5, 1948 Blagoje Nešković Благоје Нешковић February 11, 1907, Kragujevac 1984 *
September 5, 1948 February 5, 1953 Petar Stambolić Петар Стамболић July 12, 1912, Brezova, Ivanjica September 21, 2007, Belgrade second term

Presidents of the Executive Council

Beginning of the term End of term Name Cyrillic Birth Death Notes
February 5, 1953 December 16, 1953 Petar Stambolić Петар Стамболић July 12, 1912, Brezova, Ivanjica September 21, 2007, Belgrade second term; continuing
December 16, 1953 April 6, 1957 Jovan Veselinov Јован Веселинов January 20, 1906, Kumane, Zrenjanin February 8, 1982, Belgrade *
April 6, 1957 June 9, 1962 Miloš Minić Милош Минић August 28, 1914, Preljina, Čačak September 5, 2003, Belgrade *
June 9, 1962 November 6, 1964 Slobodan Penezić Krcun Слободан Пенезић Крцун 1918, Užice November 6, 1964, Lazarevac, Belgrade died in office; killed in a car accident (??)
November 6, 1964 November 17, 1964 Stevan Doronjski Стеван Дороњски September 26, 1919, Krčedin 1981 acting
November 17, 1964 June 6, 1967 Dragi Stamenković Драги Стаменковић 1920, Leskovac February 17, 2004, Belgrade *
June 6, 1967 May 7, 1969 Đurica Jojkić Ђурица Јојкић 1914, Turija, Srbobran 1981 *
May 7, 1969 May 6, 1974 Milenko Bojanić Миленко Бојанић September 24, 1924, Aradac, Zrenjanin May 22, 1987, Belgrade *
May 6, 1974 May 6, 1978 Dušan Čkrebić Душан Чкребић August 17, 1927, Niš alive *
May 6, 1978 May 5, 1982 Ivan Stambolić Иван Стамболић November 5, 1936, Brezova, Ivanjica August 25, 2000, Fruška Gora nephew of Petar Stambolić; assassinated
May 5, 1982 May 6, 1986 Branislav Ikonić Бранислав Иконић 28 April, 1928, Gornje Crniljevo, Osečina alive *
May 6, 1986 December 5, 1989 Desimir Jevtić Десимир Јевтић December 16, 1938, Kruševac alive *
December 5, 1989 January 15, 1991 Stanko Radmilović Станко Радмиловић 19?? alive *

Presidents of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Prime Ministers)

Name Born-Died Term start Term end Political Party
Dragutin Zelenović 1928- 15 January 1991 23 December 1991 Socialist Party of Serbia
Radoman Božović 1953- 23 December 1991 10 February 1993 Socialist Party of Serbia
Nikola Šainović 1948- 10 February 1993 18 March 1994 Socialist Party of Serbia
Mirko Marjanović 1937-2006 18 March 1994 24 October 2000 Socialist Party of Serbia
Milomir Minić (interim) 1950- 24 October 2000 25 January 2001 Socialist Party of Serbia
Zoran Đinđić 1952-2003 25 January 2001 12 March 2003 Democratic Party (Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Nebojša Čović (acting) 1958- 12 March 2003 17 March 2003 Democratic Alternative (Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Žarko Korać (acting) 1947- 17 March 2003 18 March 2003 Social Democratic Party (Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Zoran Živković 1960- 18 March 2003 3 March 2004 Democratic Party (Democratic Opposition of Serbia)
Vojislav Koštunica 1944- 3 March 2004 5 June 2006 Democratic Party of Serbia

Republic of Serbia (Independent, 2006-Present)

Presidents of the Government of the Republic of Serbia (Prime Ministers)

Name Born-Died Term start Term end Political Party
Vojislav Koštunica 1944- 5 June 2006 Present Democratic Party of Serbia