Dora Chapara
Dora Chapara(Donra Chapra- as per official website of Muaffarpur District). It's a small village which mainly relies on farming and agriculture.It falls under kathaiyan thana(Police satation). It's in Fatehan Panchyat and Baruraj Legislative Seat. It falls under the Vaishali parliamentry seat. Nearest Railway station is Motipur. As per 1991 cencus it's population was 759(409 male and 350 feamales)and 231 people with literacy and 112 house holds. But at present its population is around 2000 and literacy at 60% and number of present hoseholds above 250.
This village heavily relies on farming. Till early nineties the main crop was sugar cane.But with closure of Motipur Sugar mill and conditions not suitable for farming people have migrated to differnt parts of the country in search of livelihood and work.