I am Measure. My handle comes from a novel by Orson Scott Card. I edit stuff.
Edit count for Measure
I reside in the Seattle area. I've lived in such exotic locales as Auburn, Renton, and Yakima, Washington, as well as Tempe, Mesa, and Globe Arizona. (Globe? It's right next to Miami, of course!)
I read a lot of blogs. Since I keep up on them using bloglines, I can share my list with you.
Sleep Study/Apnea
From a letter I recieved from my doctor after a sleep study:
During your sleep, you had a partial or complete blockage of your breathing 259 times. Prior to the application of CPAP, you had very frequent breathing pauses, which occured at a rate of 101.5 times per hour. Loud snoring was observed in between your breathing pauses. These breathing pauses improved significantly in frequency and severity, however, once CPAP was started and increased in pressure.
Your lowest oxygen level throughout the study was 66.05% prior to starting CPAP therapy.
This means that you have evidence of severe obstructive sleep apnea, which improved significantly with the application of CPAP.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was started several hours into your sleep study due to the sheer severity of your sleep apnea events. It appeared that a CPAP pressure of 16 cm of water is effective at improving your sleep apnea.
You demonstrated kicking movements of your legs 0.59 times per hour. This is a normal value.
Fun links
Remove instances of "the the" from WP!"the the".
I served a mission for the LDS church in the Tempe Arizona mission from 1996-1998. It was hot.
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