Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/PlanetMath Exchange/05-XX Combinatorics
This page provides a list of all articles available at PlanetMath in the following topic:
- 05-XX Combinatorics.
This list will be periodically updated. Each entry in the list has three fields:
- PM : The first field is the link to the PlanetMath article, along with the article's object ID.
- WP : The second field is either a "guessed" link to a correspondingly named Wikipedia article, produced by the script which generated the list, or one or more manually entered links to the corresponding Wikipedia articles on the subject.
- Status : The third field is the status field, which explains the current status of the entry. The recommended status entries are:
Status | means PM article |
N | not needed |
A | adequately covered |
C | copied |
M | merged |
NC | needs copying |
NM | needs merging |
- Please update the WP and Status fields as appropriate.
- if the WP field is correct please remove the qualifier "guess".
- If the corresponding Wikipedia article exists, but the link to it is wrong, please fix the link.
- If you copy or merge an article from PlanetMath, please update the WP and Status fields for that entry.
- If you have any comments, for example, thoughts on how the PlanetMath article compares to the corresponding Wikipedia article(s), please place such comments on a new indented line following the entry. Comments of this kind are very valuable.
Don't forget to include the relevant template if you copy over text or feel like an external link is warranted
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- {{planetmath reference|id=|title=}} for an external link
See the main page for examples and usage criteria.
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05-00 General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) (complete)
- PM: example of pigeonhole principle, id=2972 -- WP: pigeonhole principle -- Status: WP article more complete
- Paul August ☎ 21:51, August 22, 2005 (UTC)
- PM: multi-index derivative of a power, id=4376 -- WP: multi-index notation -- Status: Merged
- PM: multi-index notation, id=4366 -- WP: multi-index notation -- Status: WP article more complete
05A05 Combinatorial choice problems (subsets, representatives, permutations)
- PM: (p,q) shuffle, id=4176 -- WP guess: (p,q) shuffle -- Status:
- PM: cycle, id=2262 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: cycle notation, id=2808 -- WP Cycle notation -- Status:Copied
- PM: permutation, id=434 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: signature of a permutation, id=4061 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: transposition, id=2274 -- Duplicate entry.
05A10 Factorials, binomial coefficients, combinatorial functions
- PM: binomial coefficient, id=273 -- WP: binomial coefficient -- Status: WP article more complete
- Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Catalan numbers, id=2724 -- WP: Catalan number -- Status: WP article more complete
- Catalan numbers redirects to Catalan number Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: central binomial coefficient, id=5936 -- WP: central binomial coefficient -- Status: Copied
- Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- Copied by User:Drini on 28 June 2005 linas 04:04, 22 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: double factorial, id=2318 -- WP: double factorial -- Status: WP article more complete
- double factorial redirects to Factorial, while PM aricle is empty. Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: falling factorial, id=2211 -- WP: Pochhammer symbol -- Status: Merged
- falling factorial redirects to Pochhammer symbol Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: generalized binomial coefficients, id=6309 -- WP: binomial coefficient -- Status: Needs to be merged
- generalized binomial coefficient redirect to binomial coefficient. Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: generalized Ruiz's identity, id=6072 -- WP guess: generalized Ruiz's identity -- Status: Not needed in WP
- Ruiz identities seem to be vanity names, and PM author has consistently failed to provide references to literature where such term is used other than Ruiz own papers. Pedro Sanchez 21:50, 17 May 2005 (UTC)
- I dunno, looks generally useful, seems to show up on Mathworld Binomial sums, although the name may be a neologism. linas 15:56, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: inductive proof of binomial theorem, id=338 -- WP guess: inductive proof of binomial theorem -- Status:
- PM: Levi-Civita permutation symbol, id=4116 -- WP: Levi-Civita permutation symbol -- Status: Needs to be merged
- PM has some examples that should eb copied over. linas 04:09, 22 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: multinomial theorem, id=3683 -- WP : multinomial theorem -- Status: WP article adequate
- Proof must be merged into WP, see below. Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: multinomial theorem (proof), id=4374 -- WP: multinomial theorem -- Status: Needs to be merged
- Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Pascal's rule (bit string proof), id=2166 -- WP guess: Pascal's rule (bit string proof) -- Status:
- PM: Pascal's rule proof, id=259 -- WP guess: Pascal's rule proof -- Status:
- PM: Pascal's triangle, id=4248 -- WP: Pascal's triangle -- Status: WP article more complete
- Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: proof of generalized Ruiz's identity, id=6078 -- WP guess: proof of generalized Ruiz's identity -- Status: Not needed in WP
- Since the parent entry is not needed. Pedro Sanchez 21:50, 17 May 2005 (UTC)
- PM: proof of upper and lower bounds to binomial coefficient, id=4546 -- WP : binomial coefficient -- Status: Merged
- PM: Ruiz's identity, id=6069 -- WP guess: Ruiz's identity -- Status: Not needed in WP
- Besides being a minor identity, Ruiz identities seem to be vanity names, and PM author has consistently failed to provide references to literature where such term is used other than Ruiz own papers. Moreover, this entry is no longer named Ruiz identity in PM. Pedro Sanchez 21:50, 17 May 2005 (UTC)
- PM: sum of powers of binomial coefficients, id=5937 -- WP guess: sum of powers of binomial coefficients -- Status: Not needed on WP
- binomial coefficient contains the info. Redirect from long title is unnecessary. Mikkalai 04:49, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Taylor series of arcus sine, id=6527 -- WP: Arcsine/Proof -- Status: Not needed on WP
- The PM article is a proof of an identity; WP currently doesn't have (many) proofs; it would need to be copied. linas 16:43, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: upper and lower bounds to binomial coefficient, id=4074 -- WP : binomial coefficient -- Status: Merged
05A15 Exact enumeration problems, generating functions
- PM: Stirling numbers of the first kind, id=2809 -- WP : Stirling numbers of the first kind -- Status: Needs to be merged
- PM article much more complete drini ☎ 04:05, 18 May 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Stirling numbers of the second kind, id=2805 -- WP : Stirling numbers of the second kind -- Status: Needs to be merged
- PM article much more complete drini ☎ 04:05, 18 May 2005 (UTC)
- PM: sum of rth powers of the first n positive integers, id=5689 -- WP guess: sum of rth powers of the first n positive integers -- Status:
05A17 Partitions of integers (complete)
- PM: integer partition, id=5748 -- WP: integer partition -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: perfect ruler, id=1620 -- Duplicate entry.
05A18 Partitions of sets (complete)
- PM: Bell number, id=6436 -- WP: Bell number -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM article does contain a short proof that WP does not. linas 15:59, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
05A19 Combinatorial identities (complete)
- PM: Pascal's rule, id=246 -- WP: Pascal's rule -- Status: Merged
- It was merged by User:Drini on 28 June 2005. linas 16:03, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Vandermonde identity, id=5562 -- WP: Vandermonde identity -- Status: WP article more complete
05A99 Miscellaneous (complete)
- PM: principle of inclusion-exclusion, id=2803 -- WP: principle of inclusion-exclusion -- Status: Merged'
- PM: principle of inclusion-exclusion proof, id=2804 -- WP: principle of inclusion-exclusion proof -- Status: Not needed on WP
- Not needed, as we mostly don't do proofs on WP. linas 04:14, 22 August 2005 (UTC)
05B15 Orthogonal arrays, Latin squares, Room squares (complete)
- PM: example of Latin squares, id=3539 -- WP: Latin square -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: graeco-latin squares, id=1625 -- WP: Graeco-Latin square -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: latin square, id=1624 -- WP: latin square -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: magic square, id=1626 -- WP: magic square -- Status: WP article more complete
05B25 Finite geometries
- PM: criterion for a near-linear space being a linear space, id=6094 -- WP guess: criterion for a near-linear space being a linear space -- Status:
- PM: finite plane, id=3510 -- WP: finite geometry -- Status: WP article adequate
- Created redirect to already existing entry. -- < drini | ∂drini > 16:24, 23 August 2005 (UTC)
05B35 Matroids, geometric lattices
- PM: chromatic polynomial, id=4745 -- WP: chromatic polynomial -- Status: Needs to be merged
- PM: graded poset, id=5571 -- WP: graded poset -- Status: Copied
- PM: matroid independence axioms, id=6367 -- WP guess: matroid independence axioms -- Status:
- PM: polymatroid, id=4707 -- WP guess: polymatroid -- Status:
05B99 Miscellaneous (complete)
- PM: Pick's theorem, id=3096 -- WP: Pick's theorem -- Status: WP article more complete
- Mikkalai 04:52, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: proof of Pick's theorem, id=3606 -- WP: Pick's theorem -- Status: WP article more complete
- Mikkalai 04:52, 4 Feb 2005 (UTC)
05C05 Trees
- PM: antichain, id=3212 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: Aronszajn tree, id=3217 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: balanced tree, id=2706 -- WP: balanced tree -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: binary tree, id=2705 -- WP: binary tree -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: branch, id=3211 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: child node (of a tree), id=2744 -- WP guess: child node (of a tree) -- Status:
- PM: complete binary tree, id=2736 -- WP: complete binary tree -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: digital search tree, id=2682 -- WP guess: digital search tree -- Status:
- PM: digital tree, id=2685 -- WP guess: digital tree -- Status:
- PM: example of Aronszajn tree, id=3219 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: example of tree (set theoretic), id=3213 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: extended binary tree, id=2766 -- WP guess: extended binary tree -- Status:
- PM: external path length, id=2776 -- WP guess: external path length -- Status:
- PM: internal node (of a tree), id=2740 -- WP guess: internal node (of a tree) -- Status:
- PM: leaf node (of a tree), id=2741 -- WP guess: leaf node (of a tree) -- Status:
- PM: minimum spanning tree, id=2710 -- WP: minimum spanning tree -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: minimum weighted path length, id=2779 -- WP guess: minimum weighted path length -- Status:
- PM: parent node (in a tree), id=2742 -- WP guess: parent node (in a tree) -- Status:
- PM: proof that \omega has the tree property, id=3218 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: root (of a tree), id=2735 -- WP guess: root (of a tree) -- Status:
- PM: spanning tree, id=2709 -- WP: spanning tree (mathematics) -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: Suslin tree, id=3220 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: tree, id=2697 -- WP: tree (graph theory) -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: tree traversals, id=2699 -- WP guess: tree traversals -- Status:
- PM: weight-balanced binary trees are ultrametric, id=4045 -- WP guess: weight-balanced binary trees are ultrametric -- Status:
- PM: weighted path length, id=2778 -- WP guess: weighted path length -- Status:
05C10 Topological graph theory, imbedding
- PM: crossing lemma, id=3859 -- WP: crossing lemma -- Status: WP article more complete
- Redirects to crossing number Terry 04:34, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: crossing number, id=3858 -- WP: crossing number -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: example of planar graph with two different embeddings into the plane, id=5738 -- WP: planar graph -- Status:
- PM: four-color conjecture, id=3875 -- WP: four-color conjecture -- Status: WP article more complete
- -- < drini | ∂drini > 16:33, 23 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: graph topology, id=4250 -- WP guess: graph topology -- Status:Copied
- PM: Heawood number, id=3876 -- WP Heawood number -- Status: Copied
- PM: Kuratowski's theorem, id=764 -- WP: Kuratowski's theorem -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: planar graph, id=1826 -- WP guess: planar graph -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: proof of crossing lemma, id=4297 -- WP guess: proof of crossing lemma -- Status: WP article more complete
- Redirects to crossing number Terry 04:34, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)
- PM: Szemerédi-Trotter theorem, id=3879 -- WP: Szemerédi-Trotter theorem -- Status:WP article more complete
05C12 Distance in graphs (complete)
- PM: Hamming distance, id=1263 -- WP: Hamming distance -- Status: WP article more complete
05C15 Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs
- PM: bipartite graph, id=1765 -- WP guess: bipartite graph -- Status:
- PM: chromatic number, id=1764 -- WP guess: chromatic number -- Status:
- PM: chromatic number and girth, id=3077 -- WP guess: chromatic number and girth -- Status:
- PM: chromatic number of a space, id=5510 -- WP guess: chromatic number of a space -- Status:
- PM: chromatic polynomial, id=4745 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: colouring problem, id=1758 -- WP guess: colouring problem -- Status:
- PM: complete bipartite graph, id=1784 -- WP guess: complete bipartite graph -- Status:
- PM: complete k-partite graph, id=1804 -- WP guess: complete k-partite graph -- Status:
- PM: four-color conjecture, id=3875 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: Heawood number, id=3876 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: k-partite graph, id=1785 -- WP guess: k-partite graph -- Status:
- PM: proof of chromatic number and girth, id=6057 -- WP guess: proof of chromatic number and girth -- Status:
- PM: property B, id=4306 -- WP guess: property B -- Status:
- PM: size of maximal independent set and chromatic number, id=6037 -- WP guess: size of maximal independent set and chromatic number -- Status:
05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments
- PM: cut, id=3398 -- WP: cut (graph theory) -- Status: Needs to be copied
- PM: de Bruijn digraph, id=1699 -- WP guess: de Bruijn digraph -- Status:Copied
- PM: directed graph, id=1702 -- WP: graph -- Status:WP article more complete
- -it's a redirect to graph Rich Farmbrough 19:59, 26 August 2005 (UTC)
- PM: flow, id=3397 -- WP: flow (graph theory) -- Status: Copied
- PM: maximum flow/minimum cut theorem, id=3399 -- WP: Max flow min cut theorem -- Status:
- PM: tournament, id=3518 -- WP: tournament (graph theory) -- Status: Copied
05C25 Graphs and groups
- PM: Cayley graph, id=3135 -- WP: Cayley graph -- Status: Needs to be merged
- The PM article contains symbolism that WP doesn't. linas 16:59, 7 August 2005 (UTC)
05C30 Enumeration of graphs and maps (complete)
- PM: random graph (infinite), id=4137 -- Duplicate entry.
05C38 Paths and cycles
- PM: acyclic graph, id=2746 -- WP guess: acyclic graph -- Status:
- PM: bridges of Königsberg, id=2810 -- WP: Seven Bridges of Königsberg -- Status: WP article more complete
- PM: chromatic number and girth, id=3077 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: Euler path, id=1043 -- WP guess: Euler path -- Status:
- PM: Floyd's algorithm, id=1722 -- WP guess: Floyd's algorithm -- Status:
- PM: proof of chromatic number and girth, id=6057 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: proof of Veblen's theorem, id=4711 -- WP guess: proof of Veblen's theorem -- Status:
- PM: simple path, id=2747 -- WP guess: simple path -- Status:
- PM: Veblen's theorem, id=2763 -- WP guess: Veblen's theorem -- Status:
05C40 Connectivity
- PM: k-connected graph, id=3630 -- WP guess: k-connected graph -- Status:
- PM: connected graph, id=2743 -- WP guess: connected graph -- Status:
- PM: Thomassen's theorem on 3-connected graphs, id=3634 -- WP guess: Thomassen's theorem on 3-connected graphs -- Status:
- PM: Tutte's wheel theorem, id=3633 -- WP guess: Tutte's wheel theorem -- Status:
05C45 Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs
- PM: binary Gray code, id=2733 -- WP guess: binary Gray code -- Status:
- PM: Bondy and Chvátal theorem, id=479 -- WP guess: Bondy and Chvátal theorem -- Status:
- PM: Euler circuit, id=1044 -- WP guess: Euler circuit -- Status:
- PM: Fleury's algorithm, id=4210 -- WP guess: Fleury's algorithm -- Status:
- PM: Hamiltonian cycle, id=476 -- WP guess: Hamiltonian cycle -- Status:
- PM: Hamiltonian graph, id=474 -- WP guess: Hamiltonian graph -- Status:
- PM: Hamiltonian path, id=475 -- WP guess: Hamiltonian path -- Status:
- PM: hypohamiltonian, id=2432 -- WP guess: hypohamiltonian -- Status:
- PM: Ore's theorem, id=473 -- WP guess: Ore's theorem -- Status:
- PM: Petersen graph, id=478 -- WP guess: Petersen graph -- Status:
- PM: proof of Bondy and Chvátal theorem, id=6466 -- WP guess: proof of Bondy and Chvátal theorem -- Status:
05C60 Isomorphism problems (reconstruction conjecture, etc.) (complete)
- PM: graph isomorphism, id=1708 -- WP: graph isomorphism -- Status:Copied
05C62 Graph representations (geometric and intersection representations, etc.) (complete)
- PM: graph topology, id=4250 -- Duplicate entry.
05C65 Hypergraphs
- PM: finite plane, id=3510 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: hypergraph, id=3508 -- WP: hypergraph -- Status:Merged
- PM: hypohamiltonian, id=2432 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: linear space and near-linear space, id=3509 -- WP guess: linear space and near-linear space -- Status:
- PM: Steiner system, id=3511 -- WP guess: Steiner system -- Status:
05C69 Dominating sets, independent sets, cliques
- PM: independent set and independence number, id=6038 -- WP guess: independent set and independence number -- Status:
- PM: Mantel's theorem, id=2764 -- WP guess: Mantel's theorem -- Status:
- PM: Mantel's theorem, id=3455 -- WP guess: proof of Mantel's theorem -- Status:
- PM: size of maximal independent set and chromatic number, id=6037 -- Duplicate entry.
05C70 Factorization, matching, covering and packing
- PM: bipartite matching, id=2942 -- WP guess: bipartite matching -- Status:
- PM: edge covering, id=2940 -- WP guess: edge covering -- Status:
- PM: maximal bipartite matching algorithm, id=2943 -- WP guess: maximal bipartite matching algorithm -- Status:
- PM: maximal matching/minimal edge covering theorem, id=2941 -- WP guess: maximal matching/minimal edge covering theorem -- Status:
- PM: Petersen theorem, id=5502 -- WP guess: Petersen theorem -- Status:
- PM: Tutte theorem, id=5501 -- WP guess: Tutte theorem -- Status:
05C75 Structural characterization of types of graphs (complete)
- PM: Mantel's theorem, id=2764 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: multigraph, id=780 -- WP guess: multigraph -- Status:WP article more complete
- PM: proof of Mantel's theorem, id=3455 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: pseudograph, id=781 -- WP guess: pseudograph -- Status: Copied
05C80 Random graphs (complete)
- PM: chromatic number and girth, id=3077 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: examples of probabilistic proofs, id=3530 -- WP: probabilistic proofs -- Status:WP article more complete
- PM: probabilistic method, id=3519 -- WP: probabilistic method -- Status:WP article more complete
- PM: proof of chromatic number and girth, id=6057 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: proof of crossing lemma, id=4297 -- Duplicate entry.
05C85 Graph algorithms (complete)
- PM: Floyd's algorithm, id=1722 -- Duplicate entry.
05C90 Applications (complete)
- PM: Hasse diagram, id=1639 -- WP: Hasse diagram -- Status: WP article more complete
05C99 Miscellaneous
- PM: complete graph, id=1757 -- WP guess: complete graph -- Status:
- PM: degree (of a vertex), id=788 -- WP guess: degree (of a vertex) -- Status:
- PM: distance (in a graph), id=2765 -- WP guess: distance (in a graph) -- Status:
- PM: edge-contraction, id=2769 -- WP guess: edge-contraction -- Status:
- PM: Euler's polyhedron theorem, id=2433 -- WP guess: Euler's polyhedron theorem -- Status:
- PM: graph minor theorem, id=5430 -- WP guess: graph minor theorem -- Status:
- PM: graph theory, id=3532 -- WP guess: graph theory -- Status:
- PM: homeomorphism, id=2773 -- WP guess: homeomorphism -- Status:
- PM: Kneser graphs, id=5732 -- WP guess: Kneser graphs -- Status:
- PM: minor (of a graph), id=2770 -- WP guess: minor (of a graph) -- Status:
- PM: neighborhood (of a vertex), id=785 -- WP guess: neighborhood (of a vertex) -- Status:
- PM: null graph, id=3131 -- WP guess: null graph -- Status:
- PM: order (of a graph), id=2762 -- WP guess: order (of a graph) -- Status:
- PM: Poincaré formula, id=4336 -- WP guess: Poincaré formula -- Status:
- PM: proof of Euler's polyhedron theorem, id=3109 -- WP guess: proof of Euler's polyhedron theorem -- Status:
- PM: proof of Turan's theorem, id=3080 -- WP guess: proof of Turan's theorem -- Status:
- PM: realization, id=2774 -- WP guess: realization -- Status:
- PM: size (of a graph), id=2761 -- WP guess: size (of a graph) -- Status:
- PM: subdivision, id=2772 -- WP guess: subdivision -- Status:
- PM: Turan's theorem, id=3037 -- WP guess: Turan's theorem -- Status:
- PM: Wagner's theorem, id=2771 -- WP guess: Wagner's theorem -- Status:
- PM: wheel graph, id=1816 -- WP guess: wheel graph -- Status:
05D05 Extremal set theory
- PM: LYM inequality, id=5498 -- WP guess: LYM inequality -- Status:
- PM: Sperner's theorem, id=4606 -- WP guess: Sperner's theorem -- Status:
05D10 Ramsey theory
- PM: Behrend's construction, id=4350 -- WP guess: Behrend's construction -- Status:
- PM: Erdős-Rado theorem, id=3366 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: proof of Ramsey's theorem, id=3286 -- WP: Ramsey's theorem -- Status:WP article is more complete
- PM: Ramsey's theorem, id=3285 -- WP guess: Ramsey's theorem -- Status:WP article is more complete
- PM: Ramsey's theorem, id=4630 -- WP guess: Ramsey's theorem -- Status:WP article is more complete
- PM: Szemerédi's theorem, id=3839 -- WP: Szemeredi's_theorem -- Status: WP article more complete
- Seems that the PM article was copied from the WP article anyway (or vice versa). Terry 04:31, 15 Feb 2005 (UTC)
05D15 Transversal (matching) theory
- PM: Hall's marriage theorem, id=2837 -- WP: Marriage theorem -- Status:Merged
- PM: proof of Hall's marriage theorem, id=3059 -- WP: Marriage theorem -- Status:Copied
- PM: system of distinct representatives, id=2836 -- WP guess: system of distinct representatives -- Status:
05D40 Probabilistic methods (complete)
- PM: Ramsey's theorem, id=4630 -- Duplicate entry.
- PM: switching lemma, id=4789 -- Duplicate entry.
05E05 Symmetric functions
- PM: algebraic independence of elementary symmetric polynomials, id=6481 -- WP guess: algebraic independence of elementary symmetric polynomials -- Status:
- PM: elementary symmetric polynomial, id=1340 -- WP: elementary symmetric polynomial -- Status: WP article more complete.
- PM: reduction algorithm for symmetric polynomials, id=1454 -- WP guess: reduction algorithm for symmetric polynomials -- Status:
05E35 Orthogonal polynomials (complete)
- PM: orthogonal, id=1284 -- WP guess: orthogonal -- Status:WP article more complete
05E99 Miscellaneous (complete)
- PM: star product, id=5574 -- WP guess: star product -- Status:Copied