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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Optim (talk | contribs) at 03:42, 21 January 2004. The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

Old talk archived at User talk:Danny Archive; User talk: Danny Archive 2

Danny, I have now made some NPOV-ish amendments to the paragraphs we have been discussing. I do tend to take hard positions when I am arguing, then reconsider later. Let me know what you think.

PS Your talkpage is too long :)

PPS A good article on Hirshfeld. It reminds me to ask: have you ever heard the story that Hirschel Grunspan (spelling?) and Vom Rath, the German diplomat he shot, were lovers or ex-lovers, and that was why he shot him?

Dr Adam Carr 03:44, 28 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I don't recall where I saw the Grunszpan / vom Rath story - i will have a hunt.

I see at your Marinus van de Lubbe article you call the Dutch CP the CPH. I would think it was Communistische Partij van Nederland (CPN) Dr Adam Carr 04:21, 28 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Danny, thanks for the great work on Adolf Hitler. Can I ask that you sign your comments on the Talk page, even very short comments, as it is now hard to figure out who wrote what. I'm making the same request to Adam. Thanks. --zero 04:25, 28 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Later: Danny I have located some leads on Grynszpan/vom Rath. Perhaps it is a piece of David Irving disinformation, but it does seem to have a long pedigree.

  • this piece argues that Grynszpan made up the affair with v Rath as a defence.

I have now rewritten Herschel Grynszpan - I think he deserves a shrine of some sort, don't you? I might try and run it in the gay press here as well. Adam

Later: Out of curiosity I had a look at the Polish version of Adolf Hitler, and I see that in the first line they perpetuate the Schickelgruber myth. I imagine that's even harder for a Polish writer to be NPOV about Hitler than it is for me, but that should be corrected. Do you know any Polish or Polonophone Wikipedians? Someone knowledgable should check the whole article. Adam 09:21, 29 Sep 2003 (UTC)

These may interest you Antinous, Karl-Maria Kertbeny, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs :)
Please start a new talk-page, this one is far too long Adam 07:31, 30 Sep 2003 (UTC)

I'm still eager to see what you were hoping to add to Jewish music, when you have time. Mkmcconn 17:43, 10 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, thanks very much for that, you were one of the people I was hoping would respond.

I would like you to comment on the overall structure of the article before we get down to details.

  • On Dreyfus and Herzl I wrote:
The key event in triggering the modern Zionist movement was the Dreyfus Affair, which erupted in France in 1894. Jews were profoundly shocked to see this outbreak of virulent anti-Semitism in a country which they thought of as the home of enlightenment and liberty. Among those who witnessed the Affair was an Austrian-Jewish journalist, Theodor Herzl, who published his pamphlet Der Judenstaat ("The Jewish State") in 1896. In 1897 Herzl organised a congress in Basel, Switzerland, which founded the World Zionist Organisation (WZO) and elected Herzl as its President.
Do you have problems with this?

  • You say: "Another common mistake people make is identifying almost all Jews as pro-Zionist."
I thought had made that point fairly extensively. Yes I should mention the Bund. I haven't heard of some of these others you mention, but I will look them up.
And don't forget the Neturei Karta types! BTW, their website (http://www.nkusa.org/) is a bit amusing. With a photo of Rabbi Moshe Hirsch meeting with Arafat, and an Israeli flag with a red line across it, they're still not shying away from controversy, even today. 172 18:53, 18 Oct 2003 (UTC)
  • "BTW, if you want the gay angle, Jakob de Haan is fascinating. I have a great scoop on the assassination from someone who was in the know, but I cannot verify it, so it cannot go in."
I have no idea what this is referring to - please enlighten me.

BTW, I am astonished there is no article on Jewish emancipation (or the Bund) and that the article on the Rothschilds is only a stub. What have you been doing? :)

Adam 16:27, 18 Oct 2003 (UTC)

General Jewish Labor Union: your comments welcome. Adam 05:39, 19 Oct 2003 (UTC)

The Bundists I have met here have all been very elderly :)

I'm a bit surprised that User:Adam Carr/Zionism hasn't had much comment yet. I suppose the way to provoke comment is just to replace Zionism with my article, but I'm a bit wary of appearing too arrogant (I am arrogant, of course, but I try to conceal it :)) What do you think about the protocol of doing that? Adam 06:10, 19 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Messianic Judaism refers to a group of evangelical Christian religious movements, self-identified as Jewish, that believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah foretold in biblical prophechy. They are not regarded as Jewish by any mainstream segments of the Jewish community. -- Isn't it true that many or most of these people are halakhically Jewish? Then the last part is wrong; it should say something like that their beliefs are not regarded as Jewish by the mainstream, not they themselves. Then again, what would I know ;-) ? --Zero 13:42, 19 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Thanks, the new introduction has it just right I think. Also thanks for deleting Mohler; I hope it sticks. I won't put in any quotations about Messianic Judaism being a cancer on Judaism either ;-). --Zero 14:47, 19 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, Can you say anything about the photo I have found for General Jewish Labor Union? Adam 04:30, 23 Oct 2003 (UTC)

From Zero 13:45, 23 Oct 2003 (UTC) about General Jewish Labor Union, concerning the name given:

  • In English: Lithuania, Poland and Russia
  • In translitered Yiddish: Lithuania, Russia and Poland
  • In Yiddish: Russia, Lithuania and Poland
That's three different permutations. Which is correct?

On another topic, might you be able to add something about Ahad Ha'am to the new Zionism article? --Zero 13:45, 23 Oct 2003 (UTC)

And while you're at it, Danny, do you know anything about Edgardo Mortara? I was led to this by the debate over involuntary baptism at User:Adam Carr/Mother Teresa (I seem to be developing an obsession with Jewish history). Adam 13:55, 23 Oct 2003 (UTC)

  • Re my strange obsessions. They come and go in cycles. In this case working for a Jewish politician probably doesn't help.
  • Edgardo Mortara is mostly cribbed from online sources and needs to be checked by someone knowledgeable. Also I can't find a pic of him anywhere. Have you got one you can scan?
  • I turned Herschel Grynszpan into an gay press article (click page 4).

Adam 07:18, 24 Oct 2003 (UTC)

From anti-Semitism: Given all that, I removed the material. I was tempted to remove a lot more, and eventually I will.
My response: please!. --Zero 11:51, 26 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, I wonder if anti-Semitism is salvagable at all in this environment. There is no way to prevent people from adding every little thing they see in a newspaper or on adl.org. What do you think about a new separate article on the earlier time-periods? I'd suggest the time period [-infinity..WWI], but the endpoint could be later provided it is not recent enough to run into the present edit-wars. If it was initially prepared off-line like the new Zionism article (which I still plan to work on), it would have a chance of survival I think. The more recent times could then be tackled later. What do you think? Obviously it would be a lot of work. --Zero 23:33, 26 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, you are now overly emotional. Please stop unilaterally gutting this anti-Semitism article, and pushing your own POV. Also, please stop your disingenuous attacks against me; you keep deleting the section on Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism...you you yourself agreed with this point of view when we spoke about this issue, at length, on the telephone. Were you lying to me? Or are you lying to Wikipedians now? In any case, no one person has the right to gut a two year old Wikipedia article wholesale, and bypass the entire Wikipedia peer review process. You may not take this privilege for yourself, yet deny it for others. These actions, if emulated by others, would lead to total anarchy. RK 03:20, Oct 27, 2003 (UTC)

As I said before, I recognize that when you are calm, you make very good suggestions, and do very fine job of writing, which shows a great deal of scholarship. In fact, I support you in carefully working on this article, one step at a time. So stop vandalizing this article for no reason. I am not preventing you from making edits, suggestions, or even large changes. In fact, no one is doing so. Its hard enough dealing with people who refuse to allow you to work...why deliberately vandalize an article and create an edit war with someone who has repeatedly and publicly stated that its Ok to work on this article? RK 03:20, Oct 27, 2003 (UTC)

The idea that an unbalanced article can be fixed by adding more on the other side is fundamentally broken. Some things, and this includes listing of countless current events that in the long run of history are insignificant, simply don't belong at all, and I support your deletion of them. Unfortunately, some people are more motivated to fight the good fight than to write sound articles that will pass the test of time. --Zero 10:26, 27 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, Zero has provided me with a slab of text to go in the Zionism article, on the topic of Zionism and the Arabs (before 1948). My only opinion about it at the moment is that it is too long. I would welcome your comment at User talk:Adam Carr Adam 13:21, 28 Oct 2003 (UTC)

I would also welcome your opinion and input. As for the length, I think it is an important topic and I'm more concerned about the stuff that's left out. --Zero 13:55, 29 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Zero, lots of things are important, but the question is how much space should be given to this relative to the length of the rest of the article. Zionist attitudes to the Arabs of Palestine is one aspect of the history of Zionism, but not the only one. But I am sure we can come up with a text that everyone is happy with and which is proportionate to the whole article. Adam 14:55, 29 Oct 2003 (UTC)
Leaving aside (for the moment) the quality of what I wrote, I would argue that it is not too long. I'm sure that, were it not for this aspect of Zionism, the amount of interest in the subject would be only a tiny part of what it is. Many of the readers of the article will come to it primarily to read about this issue. The stuff I wrote would be only 24% of the total if it replaced the existing section and that will drop to 20% when other parts of the article are expanded as they should be. Only 20% on one of the key issues surrounding the history of Zionism does not sound like excess to me. --Zero 08:53, 30 Oct 2003 (UTC)

OK well I will wait until you have concluded your overall edit and see how it looks in context. Plus I will wait until we get an opinion from Danny.

PS Danny please archive most of this Talk page, my browser is only just coping.

Adam 09:25, 30 Oct 2003 (UTC)

Danny, your comments on my latest efforts at restoring History of Poland (1939-1945) would be welcome. Adam 03:53, 2 Nov 2003 (UTC)

I'm still arguing with Poles *sigh*. Can you authenticate this? : "as Hitler in person said to his soldiers: "We will kill men, women and children of Polish nationality and Polish race. We should be mercyless. Who now remembers the slaughter of Armenians?"

Adam 14:10, 4 Nov 2003 (UTC)

That's quite famous as a quotation which everyone repeats but nobody gives a primary source for. It was supposed to have been said to his army chiefs shortly before the invasion of Poland. There's a longer version around that mentions Genghis Khan as well. I'd be most interested in a citation of a primary document from someone respectable on this one. Some years ago I located at least 20 books that either gave no source at all or gave a secondary source. There was some reference to some Nuremberg document that I couldn't find. There's also a book "Hitler and the Armenian massacres" but I didn't find it and maybe it is an unreliable polemic like much on that subject. --Zero 14:39, 4 Nov 2003 (UTC)
(Zero never rests.) I found a long extract of this speech on p219-221 of Making of the Second World War by Anthony P. Adamthwaite, which copied it from Documents on British Foreign Policy 1919-1939, 3rd series, vol VII, p312. The wording is a little different. I'll copy the relevant paragraph here, tomorrow with luck. --Zero 15:15, 4 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Does that mean you accept the quote as authentic? Adam

I don't know. See User talk:Adam Carr. --Zero 00:46, 5 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Danny, Zero has supplied me with this text: On the Armenians, please see p219, p220, and p221 which I extracted from amazon.com (told you it was a useful resource). Then please ask Danny to hard-delete them as they are a possible copyright issue. I'd want to look at the paper of Koch cited on p219 before saying anything about the authenticity. However it does seem that this "speech" appeared during the war and its provenance is an issue. I should have just left for a week away from home so I'll leave this in your hands. When you have time you might look at these sources. Adam 03:09, 5 Nov 2003 (UTC)

What the about the link i gave in discussion?


googling gave those ppaers: 2. Office of United States Chief of Council for Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression [Red Series], 8 vols. and 2 suppl. (Washington, 1946- 48) 7:752-54 (Doc. L-3). See also Winfried Baumgart, "Zur Ansprache Hitlers vor den Fiffirern der Wehrmacht am 22. August 1939," Vierteljahrshefte ffir Zeitgeschichte 16 (1968): 120-49; ibid., 19 (1971): 294-304; and Kevork B. Bardakjian, Hitler and the Armenian Genocide (Cambridge, MA, 1985), pp. 52- 58.

There is a lot in http://www.ataa.org/ataa/ref/arm_uscongress/appendix.html

There are versions without mentioning Armenians, but stil mentioning that the goeal of the world is killing of Poles, not reaching certain line.

It seems that quote in most cited "canonical" form appeared in Lochner book in 1942. (Louis P. Lochner, What About Germany? (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1942),)

But it is claimed, that text was sent to British embassy in 1939. 1 Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939, 3rd series, VII. London: HMSO, 1954: 257-60. (Original text as sent to the Foreign Office, 25 August 1939.)

Danny, I am having a tiresome pedant-war with Wik (a very tiresome person). Do you have any evidence on whether Goebbels spelled his name Josef or Joseph? There are many Joseph Goebbels refs on the web, even at German-language sites, but I can't imagine that he spelled it that way. There are a number of refs to Dr Josef Goebbels Strasse, which seems decisive to me, but doesn't satisfy him. What I really need is an authentic contemporary image like a photo with caption or newspaper headline or a letter with signature. Any thoughts?

Reminder (I realise you are both busy):

Team: I have now placed a somewhat trimmed version of Zero's text on Zionism and the Arabs in the article, and done a general edit. Comments please. Do we think we are close to having a text that can replace the existing Zionism article? Adam 13:22, 6 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Please participate in the new meta-article: Naming conventions (Mormonism). Thx --B 05:36, Nov 14, 2003 (UTC)

Hello, do you happen to know if the top balcony at the torch (not crown) of the Statue of Liberty was open to visitors before 9/11? Thanks, AxelBoldt 18:44, 14 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Instead of worrying about Old Sarum you should be reading User:Adam Carr/Zionism, hmmm? :) Adam 03:59, 18 Nov 2003 (UTC)

So are you now happy to have this article replace the existing Zionism article? I was hoping to get an opinion from RK, who also seems very knowledgeable, but he hasn't responded. But I think between you me and Zero e have a much better article now. Adam 04:57, 18 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Regarding History of Jews in Soviet Union: Danny, please provide a name of any Jewish settlement in Russia before 1772!

Danny, Your input at Population groups in Israel, including the Talk page, would be welcome. --Zero 14:07, 23 Nov 2003 (UTC)

You accidently welcomned someone on their User page instead of their User Talk page. Alexandros

  • Thank you very much! I am glad that you enjoyed them. You too have written some very interesting and valuable articles. As I have family in New York, I visit there frequently. Best wishes! Alexandros 16:52, 30 Nov 2003 (UTC)

You made a comment on User:Cathie Tranent's user page instead of the talk page, as such I've moved the comment on the former to the latter. Thanks Dysprosia 22:13, 30 Nov 2003 (UTC)

Yes well I will let RK and Zero flog each other for a while then propose a compromise text. Adam 03:00, 2 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I had a quick look at Nazism. While it isn't terrifically well written, political theory isn't really my field and I wouldn't want to get into editing it. The first para says that the Nazis claimed to be socialists, not that they were socialists, which I suppose it true. Adam 12:44, 2 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I wanted to thank you for your work on Dating the Bible and point out a similar, though much smaller issue exists on documentary hypothesis. JeMa made a revert on Nov 26th of correction I made in the text (to material I originally introduced) on the grounds of my "mental instability". The reasons for my corrections are covered at least twice within Talk:documentary hypothesis. It may be too small to deal with, but with RK trying to raise Cain in Dating the Bible, I do not wish any spillover of the mess in Dating the Bible into DH. Dwmyers 18:34, 4 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Thanks for the comment re the Pale. The Irish Pale was quite different to the one you mentioned. From the early 1200s until the reign of Elizabeth I, though England nominally ruled Ireland (as Lord of Ireland until 1536, King of Ireland from then on) its rule really only stretched to a strip of land in the east of Ireland. That was what was known as the Pale. From the reign of Queen Elizabeth, however, English rule spead out beyond the pale. So the pale was just the area of English rule up to the late 14th century. I hope that clears it up. FearÉIREANN 23:10, 7 Dec 2003 (UTC)

If I reverted anything of yours at culture of Israel, it was an accident. I think we changed almost entirely the same stuff, and have incorporated what you did into my edit, but I may have missed something. Tuf-Kat 22:23, Dec 8, 2003 (UTC)

RK. You have long ago made the point that you are an idiot. No need to hammer it home any further. .... Fortunately, I do not expect more from you

Feel better now? Don't let your personal anger at me get in the way of being a productive Wiki-citizen. You have the ability to be very productive, and you can be an excellent writer, when you are not being snippy and vindictive. Chill out. RK 22:54, Dec 8, 2003 (UTC)

Your theory about JeMa is looking good. --Zero 03:18, 11 Dec 2003 (UTC)


Hi Danny, just curious: do you feel the ADL represents mainstream Jewish opinion in the USA? -- Viajero 18:50, 11 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Thanks for the voice of reason at Zionism --Zero 00:31, 12 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Thanks for fixing my typo at Christian Bernard! Optim 17:56, 13 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Hebrew Wikipedia

דני שמחתי מאוד לראות שהתחלת לתרום חומר לויקיפדיה בעברית. אני מקווה שתמשיך. אני בטוח שכולנו ניתרם (תהיה תרומה לכולנו) בוודאי שמת לב, עד כמה התפתח האתר בעברית? אני לא ה"אשם" בכך, יש תורמים כבדים בעיקר דוד שי ובן-הטבע. אני גם חושב שמתחילים להיווצר מאמרים טובים באתר. אגב, למה אתה לא נכנס עם שם משתמש לאתר? (ואני מקווה כי אני לא טועה
^^ Dod1 02:56, 14 Dec 2003 (UTC)

So it was not you, who entered the data relating to the Swiss cities: Lucerne etc.? Anyway I think we will prevail (is that the right word?). Looking at the average article size and number of visits per page, of the Romanian Wiki, it looks we are far ahead.
I ask again to contribute to wiki:he - your experience can boost things up. We will beat. ^^ Dod1 03:28, 14 Dec 2003 (UTC)

I'm not sure....

I can't find what the problem is. I counted trs, tds and ths and they all look normal. Maybe copy the alsace table in and edit it? Zocky 04:16, 14 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Thanks, Danny, for your comments on the very questionable text that has been (several time) inserted (and reinserted) on the Dance page. I was also appalled by the comments about how "savages" dance (whoever these savages might be???). I went on to research the text which, as it turned out, had been plagiarized and presented on the page as if it was original by JesusSaves. The text is plagiarized from Project Gutenberg's online publishing of "Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes" by J.M. Judy. The plagiarism is almost word-for-word in most cases, with little attempt to rework the information. You can find the full etext at Project Gutenberg: Questionable Amusements and Worthy Substitutes by J.M. Judy It was originally published by Western Methodist Book Concern in 1904.

User:Jesus Saves! has inserted text from that document in other Wikipedia articles, most notably Tobacco smoking, where it was also removed.

The section of text that User:Jesus Saves! had contributed to the Dance article has now been removed (again) and placed on a separate page Dance in mythology and religion, since it is suspected that it is not going to disappear soon.

Sfdan 12:33, 21 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Danny, Please note that if you change the form of a Rep's name at List of members of the U.S. House of Representatives (as you did with Michael N. Castle), you must also change it at U.S. House election, 2004.

Also, what did you think of the final form of anti-Zionism? Over Christmas we should have a go at anti-Semitism, if you are up for more of this kind of stuff. Happy Chanukah, Adam 03:43, 22 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Unless the recording itself is important (as opposed to being a thorough collection of Armenian music), I would recommend just adding a citation to the References section. There's probably an MLA or APA format for albums, but I dunno know what it is. If the album (or series of albums) played an important role in the development or popularization of Armenian music, then I'd mention it in the prose. Tuf-Kat 04:54, Dec 22, 2003 (UTC)

Re deleting junk: seems to be all I do these days. Your turn next. --Zero 11:02, 22 Dec 2003 (UTC)

A suggestion regarding the Israeli section of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism: the fact that there is a separate education system is mentioned only indirectly. It would help to have this stated explicitly with whatever details you think appropriate. --Zero 01:36, 23 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Re Mike Rogerses: Unless we can find out their full names (Michael A Rogers and Michael B Rogers), we will have to tag them Mike Rogers (Alabama) and Mike Rogers (Michigan I guess. Of course, whatever we do Jiang will come along and change it. You don't seem to be making much progress by the way. Adam 12:35, 23 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Yes, I saw Timeline of Anti-Semitism. It isn't fixable, but getting it deleted would be hard. Sometimes the Wikipedia workflow model just doesn't work. Meanwhile, here's something. Don't shoot the messenger. --Zero 04:09, 25 Dec 2003 (UTC)

About Aliyah: I think that the mechanism which is supposed to trap simultaneous edits is broken. Presumably something to do with the current server problems. The same thing just happened to me (edits lost without warning). --Zero 09:35, 27 Dec 2003 (UTC)

A new article mostly by User:ChrisO that might interest you: Binational solution. --Zero 10:29, 27 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Refusal to serve in the Israeli military: It's a lot better than my small effort at Israel Defence Forces. I noticed some English problems; I'll work on those tomorrow if you don't get to it first. Another good link: http://www.seruv.org.il/english/default.asp . Also a survey on public opinion: http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/375945.html . What about the other type of refusal: refusal to dismantle settlements? I guess that has a history going back at least to Yamit. --Zero 15:41, 27 Dec 2003 (UTC)

  • Yamit: you are right. I remember there were some rabbis (also some politicians?) calling on soldiers to refuse but no significant actual refusal. (but maybe behind the scenes...)
  • Does this organization deserve a paragraph too? I didn't hear of them before.
  • Why did you transliterate MaTKaL like that? Of course I realise what the algorithm is but you didn't write YeSh or LeSaReV. Any objection to using Sayeret Matkal (which is how the English edition of Haaretz rendered it)?
  • I wonder if there is any hard evidence (more than just anecdotal) about the prevalence of hidden refusal. A friend in the reserves tells me he just warns his CO that he won't cooperate in the territories and the CO gives him something different to do. Nothing gets public. Of course not all COs would be so sympathetic.
--Zero 05:31, 30 Dec 2003 (UTC)
Aha, I didn't realise it was an acronym. Btw, that huge pile of crap just got reinserted into Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I've deleted it twice now, do you want a turn? --Zero 14:00, 31 Dec 2003 (UTC)

Hi Danny. Per your request on my talk page, I've revised the LDS section on the Israelite article. I'm inviting some of my other fellow-Mormon-Wikipedians to review my work. As you can see from the changes, there is some work to be done on chosen people too. Happy New Year's to you. B 19:05, Jan 2, 2004 (UTC)

You're right in your note on my article on gehenna, Danny. I made an edit. Maybe someone knowledgeable of Hebrew and.or Greek (not me...) could add the roots in Hebrew and Greek. — dino

Thanks for the compliment on gehenna. While now rather backslid, I was raised Christian, and recall seeing footnotes in the Bible saying something like Greek: gehenna. When I saw the blank link, I decided to grab it. I put the Hebrew stuff in, but it was only copy-paste — I have no knowledge of Hebrew. — dino.

Danny, My question in Talk:Quotations about Jesus in the Talmud might welcome your attention. I'm away until the weekend. --Zero 12:58, 6 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Danny, this may interest you. You will notice that the Yiddish version of the name of the Bund is different again from the one we have in the article. Adam 03:01, 8 Jan 2004 (UTC)

User:Danny/Centenary of Bund

Yes but it's not just that the name is different, it's that the Yiddish words themselves are different, such as Lite for Lithuania instead of Litauer. I know there were regional variants of Yiddish - does this explain it?

Also I have done some work on faggot and fag as requested. Adam 12:54, 8 Jan 2004 (UTC)

See RK's comment at my talk page - what are you two fighting about now? Adam 02:49, 9 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Me with Yos Zeusovich Teper, 88, veteran of Stalingrad. What are the odds that a Jew born in Odessa in 1916 would survive the 20th century and live to an active old age in Melbourne Australia? Adam 03:31, 9 Jan 2004 (UTC)

(Not sure why I'm writing to myself like this but..) I see the Israel-Palestinian conflict fun continues. No problem, some of my best friends are vandals. I'll do some deleting tomorrow. --Zero 12:43, 9 Jan 2004 (UTC)

When you have a spare moment, please take a look at Semitic. User:Zestauferov recently rewrote most of it, but it was awful both before and after. Not sure what to do. --Zero 13:25, 9 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Sorry to hear that, Danny. Anyway, good luck. --Zero 16:44, 9 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Welcome back Danny! You had us worried there for a while. Wikipedia is a better place with you. :) --mav 13:24, 12 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hi Danny, User:OneVoice created a stub for Faisal Husseini; I copyedited and expanded it slightly, but I don't know a lot about the subject. Care to have a go at it? -- Viajero 23:11, 12 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hey you are back! let loud Hosannas ring etc. You should see Jimbo's talk page for some unsolicited testimonials to how much you are valued here. Not least by Adam 06:51, 13 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hi again, surprised on not finding one already, I created an entry for Yishuv, but it is basically a one-line definition. Maybe it is enough? Maybe something more can be said about the term?... -- Viajero 11:46, 14 Jan 2004 (UTC)

I have added some material. Adam 04:17, 15 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Danny, if you are still with us, you might like to look at Jean-Marie Lustiger and tell me if I have got any of the Jewish stuff wrong. A friend tells me that Lustiger is still halachically (is that the word?) a Jew because it is impossible to "convert out." Your opinion? Adam 05:50, 19 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for your comments on Lustiger, and it's nice to hear from you again. I have reinstated some of the text you deleted, altered to take into account the points about Jewish law, because I think it is important that the question of whether Lustiger is or is not a Jew and what Jews think of him ought to be discussed. Adam 14:11, 19 Jan 2004 (UTC)

ur wikicookie!

Here is your wikicookie:

:) Optim 03:42, 21 Jan 2004 (UTC)