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Landscape of Balikpapan City

Balikpapan is a city (population 309,234 as of 1990) on the island of Borneo, in Indonesia. It is the second largest city in the province of East Kalimantan. It is located on an inlet of Makassar Strait, about 115 km from Samarinda, the capital city of East Kalimantan. Mostly surrounded by sea, Balikpapan is an important center of the petroleum, mining, and timber industries.

The city is sometimes called the "Main Gate" of East Kalimantan. It has one international airport, called Sepinggan, several harbors such as Semayang and Somber, and one port for the petroleum industry.

Surrounded by a bay, called Balikpapan Bay, the city also has potential for business, such as trades and tourism. Many diverse people live in this peaceful city; Dayak, Bugis, Javanese, and some foreigners.

History of of Balikpapan City

  1. Native inhabitant: Balik ethnic group in Kampung "Sepaku" and "Pemaluan" Those villages are now part of regency of Pasir.
  2. The last well-known generation of the tribe is namely "DODE" the chief of Kampung Nenang Besar who has passed away in Pemaluan (Pasir).
  3. The next generations are offsprings of intermarriage between Pasirese and Banjarese people.


  1. There were 10 planks which had returned to Jenebora of 1,000 planks which were asked by Kutai Sultanate as material contribution in order to build "Old Kutai's New Palace construction". Those ten planks which had returned was called by Kutai people as "Balikpapan Tu". Nowadays, the areas along Balikpapan Bay, particularly in Jenebora is called Balikpapan.
  1. Pasir Balik Tribe (Balikpapan's native people) is descendant of an old couple namely Kayun Kuleng and Papan Ayun. Therefore, the area along Balikpapan Bay is called Kuleng-Papan of Balikpapan by their offsprings (Kuleng means "Balik" of "return" in Pasirese),
  1. In another legend, Balikpapan is originated from a princess who was discharged by his father (a king) in order to prevent her from his enemies. The infant princess was then tied into some planks in lying position. For the planks were dragged along waves, then they were upside down. While the planks had been cast ashore, a fisherman found it and tried to turn it over. The fisherman found a little princess tied in some planks. Purportedly, the princess is named Putri Petung who came from Kingdom of Pakis. So, the place where she was found is called Balikpapan.
  1. The Birthday of Balikpapan is decided on 10 February 1897. The birthday's date decree is result of Seminar on Balikpapan's History (Seminar Sejarah Kota Balikpapan) on 1 December 1984. 10 February 1897 is the day when the first oil drilling was done by Mathilda Corporation as a realization of corporation between J.H. Menten and Mr. Adams of Samuel Firms & Co.


By reference to the condition and economical development of Balikpapan, the vision is : " Terwujudnya Balikpapan sebagai Kota Industri, Perdagangan, Jasa dan Pariwisata dalam nuansa Kota Beriman (Realizing Balikpapan as industrial, trading, Service and tourism city within Beriman one)"

Determining the vision is main motivation in order to direct Balikpapan's development and it is also a consensus between local government and all people for a long term.


After agreeing the vision of Balikpapan Development, to formulate operational description as a part of the first strategy in order to reflect long-term aims, The long-term Mission of Balikpapan Development are :

  1. Increasing Human Resources quality, innovative and independent.
  2. Preparing environment-oriented city service facilities.
  3. Raising Balikpapan's spirit : Kubangun (develop), Kujaga (maintain), and Kubela (sacrifice).
  1. H.A.R.S.MUHAMMAD ( 1960 to 1963 )
  2. MAYOR TNI. AD BAMBANG SOETIKNO ( 1963 to 1965 )
  3. MAYOR TNI.AD IMAT SAILI ( 1965 to 1967 )
  4. MAYOR POL.ZAINAL ARIFIN ( 1967 to 1973 )
  5. LETKOL.POL.H.M.ASNAWI ARBAIN ( 1974 to 1981 )
  6. KOL.CZI.TNI.AD.SYARIFUDIN YOES ( 1981 to 1989 )
  7. H. HERMAIN OKOL (Sebagai Plt.Walikota) ( 1989 to 1991 )
  8. KOL.INF.H.TJUTJUP SUPARNA ( 1991 to Juni 2001)
  9. IMDAAD HAMID ( Juni 2001 to Sampai Dengan Sekarang )

Development purpose

Balikpapan Development Purpose for 2001 to 2005 Periods are :

  1. Developing quality, attitude and independence spirit in order to build a wealthy and qualified society either physically or non-physically, by realizing Balikpapan as Kota Beriman through socialize K-4 (Kebersihan (cleanliness), Keindahan (beauty) dan Ketertiban (stability) Kota).
  1. Continuing and increasing Balikpapan's role as one of industrial, trading, service and transportation centre which will be directed to expand employment and economic productivity.
  1. Developing Balikpapan as one of specific education and housing centre in order to improve pleasure and wealthiness. All of those are intended to force human resources and to preserve the clean, tidy and save environment.
  1. Developing Balikpapan as one of tourism object - The world's biggest tropical city and nautical tourism as well as preserving local culture and strengthen national defense.
  1. Developing government apparatus as trusted and authorized persons, who are able to give optimal services to society, either in Balikpapan or Hinterland.
  1. Strenghtening Balikpapan's image as East Kalimantan Gateway, southern development centre, as well as Eastern Indonesian economic development centre. It is realized by establishment of Kodam VI Tanjung Pura Headquarters and Petroleum Activities Centre for Kalimantan (Borneo).

Administration zone

Balikpapan geographically lies between 1.0 SL to 1.5 SL and 116.5 EL to 117.5 EL which the total width is 503.3 km² Balikpapan is adjacent to :

  • North : Regency of Kutai.
  • South : Makassar strait.
  • East : Makassar strait.
  • West : Regency of Pasir.

Since Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia (PP-RI) No. 38 /1996, on 24 February 1997, the municipality of Balikpapan has officially been developed into 5 districts from formerly 3. Those are :

  • Balikpapan Timur District
  • Balikpapan Selatan District
  • Balikpapan Tengah District
  • Balikpapan Utara District
  • Balikpapan Barat District

In connection with Balikpapan's development into 5 districts, by Decree of Government of East Kalimantan (Keputusan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I) No. 19/ 1996, since 15 October 1996 7 prepared-sub-districts (kelurahan) has been declared into definitive ones and on 17 May 1996, Manggar Baru has been changed its status into definitive sub-districts. So that, there are 27 village chiefs (kelurahan) in Balikpapan :

1. Manggar 2. Manggar Baru 3. Lamaru 4. Teritip 5. Prapatan 6. Klandasan Ulu 7. Klandasan Ilir 8. Damai 9. Gunung Bahagia

10. Sepinggan 11. Gunung Sari Ilir 12. Gunung Sari Ulu 13. Mekar Sari 14. Karang Rejo 15. Sumber Rejo 16. Karang Jati 17. Gunung Samarinda 18. Muara Rapak 19. Batu Ampar 20. Karang Joang 21. Baru Ilir 22. Margo Mulyo 23. Marga Sari 24. Baru Tengah 25. Baru Ulu 26. Kariangau 27. Batu Ampar

There are 369 RWs and 1,143 RTs of 27 sub-districts. It means that RWs number pre and post-development is unchanged, meanwhile for RTs number has increased from 1,081 into 1,143 RTs.


1. Area and districts width

Based on Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 38 Tahun 1996 tanggal 16 Juni 1996 and Instruksi Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 26 Tahun 1987 about Balikpapan area’s determination – incl Kutai and Pasir, administratively The municipality of Balikpapan has covered 503.3057 km², and divided into 5 districts :

  • Balikpapan Utara
  • Balikpapan Barat
  • Balikpapan Timur
  • Balikpapan Selatan
  • Balikpapan Tengah

1. Location & boundaries

Balikpapan is located between 1 degree NL – 1.5 degree SL and between 116,5 degree EL – 117 degree EL . It has boundaries with :

  • Samarinda and Regency of Kutai in the north.
  • Makassar strait in the south.
  • Makassar strait in the east.
  • Regency of Pasir in the west.


85% of Balikpapan's topography consists of hilly areas and there are only around 15% flat areas which lie along shoreline and among the hills.

Land structure in Balikpapan contains of yellow-reddish podsolic soil, alluvial and quartz sand. The most common soil in Balikpapan itself is podsolic one, which has less fertility for it has unstable topsolic layer and it can be found at the over 15% slope hilly areas. This kind of soil is easily to be eroded, so that there are only suitable for plantation.

Meanwhile, the rest consists of relatively good alluvial soil and quartz for glass. The climate conditions of Balikpapan in 1990 :

  • Average minimum air temperature : 24,4 °C
  • Average maximum air temperature : 30,5 °C
  • Average Air Moisture/Humidity : 85%
  • Average Wind Velocity : 1 km/h
  • Average Air Pressure : 1010 hPa
  • Average monthly rainfall in 1989 is 169,4 mm, with approximately 12,3 rain day every month.


Kota Balikpapan memiliki sungai sebanyak 19 buah, yang mana sebagian dari sungai-sungai ini mempunyai peranan penting disamping sebagai sumber kebutuhan air baku untuk keperluan air minum penduduk juga berfungsi sebagai sarana transportasi.

Land ability

In general, The Municipality of Balikpapan is hilly and only small parts which are flat, particularly along seashore and among the hilly areas.

The topography is wavy hills with 10 to 15 slopes and less than 100 metres of difference between the valley and top of hills. While the altitude of Balikpapan ranges from 0 to 80 m above sea level

Land status

Land utilization is highly influenced by land capability, so that physical elements identifications must be done as requirements in order to classify land in accordance with its function. Land capability in Balikpapan depends on its classification, slope, erosion level, and land release.

Land classification depends on its primary rocks. The municipality of Balikpapan consists of - geologically- Balikpapan Bawah, Balikpapan Atas and Balikpapan Kampung Baru formations. Balikpapan Bawah and Atas formations are constructed by quartz and clay with some silts, splinters, limestone and charcoal which can be found in the urban, where this formations are relatively younger (Miocene) and have high corrosion level as well as water-saturation. Meanwhile, Balikpapan Kampung Baru formation contains quartz, with lignite clays, silts and Pliocene regards to its age. The formation locates in eastern and northern part of Balikpapan where it can be eroded easily. By looking at its land capability, land utilization in Balikpapan should respect to Space Exploitations Intensity Planning (Rencana Intensitas Pemanfaatan Ruang) which consists of :

1. Building base coefficient (Koefisien Dasar Bangunan)

Building base coefficient is aimed to manage basic building density in order to :

  • Keep the proper water absorption.
  • Keep the proper open air and spaces.
  • Develop an environment-based architecture image.

2. Building floor coefficient (Koefisien Lantai Bangunan)

It is aimed to manage and control the built-floors in order to :

  • Manage land utilization.
  • Direct Building Base Coefficient.
  • Manage road sizes.
  • Prepare building distance.
  • Prepare approved building's maximum height.

3. Building height

It relates to building mass towards land support. Land is a very basic need for realizing physical development. In order to get land's advantages, at first, the builder should have land rights such as "land utilizations, land rights and development". Those three are a unity.

Land status in Balikpapan can be said has been determined and it can be seen on its legal land ownerships. Meanwhile the empty areas have been decreased by time to time, particularly in urban area. According to Bureau of Land Affairs of Balikpapan, until 1999, there are around 43,889 issued certificates for HM, HGB, HP, HPL and donated land of 77 km² out of a total of 508 km²scattered in 5 districts.


Slope is defined as a result of height difference between two positions with its plain distance (in percent). In Balikpapan, its area width is classified – according to the slope- as the following :

  • 0 to 2 % = 70 km²
  • 2 to 15 % = 57 km²
  • 15 to 40 % = 124 km²
  • > 40 % = 182 km²

Most of Balikpapan area has > 40% slope class. It is one of many problems which is faced to develop the city physically. It is closely related to slope stability and water surface debit structure.

This slope is result of Balikpapan’s hilly topography (85%), particularly in northern part. It can be seen on the following map.

Soil sediment / land effective depth

Land depth influences plants roots, besides indicates water and nutritious things that can be absorbed by plants. Land effective depth is a depth which be determined from surface into anti-water layer such as sand, lignite, gravel. It is also determined by humus on the surface.

Soil sediment distribution in Balikpapan can be classified into 3 classes :

  • 300 to 600 mm, + 50% of the city.
  • 600 to 900 mm, + 40% of the city.
  • > 900 mm, + 10% of the city.

Regional development programme (PROPEDA)

1. What is it ?

Balikpapan’s regional development programme is a main document of regional development planning which contains of vision, mission, strategies and direction based on conditions, potentials, problems and recent growing local needs.

2. Functions

It has a position as basic ways on regional development management and it is also as Balikpapan citizen’s ‘representative’ with respect to GBHN 1999 to 2004 directions, and East Kalimantan’s reform development points. While it functions as guidance for governance, development management and social service distribution media to regions.

3. Purpose

regional development programme is aimed to give direction on governance, development management and social service distribution in order to realize a democratic conditions, realize human rights protections, law supremacy , as well as good attitudes, independent, and wealthy within five years.

Balikpapan municipal house of representative structures


Drs. Miseri Pribadi

Vice Head

H. Alimuddin Mustafa

Vice Head

H. Jamal Noor

Vice Head

Eddy Sutrisno


1. Drs. Agus Santoso
2. Mikrody
3. Istinah As
4. Drs. Amijaya Sasputra B
5. Kusnadi
6. Djieky Tantono
7. Mahmud Husaeni
8. Bedjo Sihono
9. Darmadi
10. Asnawi
11. Ir. Soebarno
12. Ruslan Abdul Gani
13. Hery Susanto
14. Sri Anjarwani
15. Drs. Soegito Wiratmoko
16. Aminuddin Rukka, S. Sos
17. Suardi Sittara, Sh
18. Ng. Priyono
19. H. Dachri Mamma
20. H. Abdul Makka
21. H. Ali Basri
22. H. Syachrani, Be
23. Muhammad, Sh
24. Jumiati Rachman
25. Ir. Lilik Ambar Widyastuti
26. Baharuddin Machmud, Sh
27. Drs. H.A. Royani Muchlis
28. Rachmad Hanan
29. Kambali M
30. Mulyadi
31. Isti Yudono
32. H. Djamaluddin Kama
33. Muhiddin Abdul Muis
34. Ir. Gunawarman
35. Drs. Akhmari Siddiq
36. Syamsuddin Sulaimana

Balikpapan Municipal Budget Committee Structure


Drs. H. Miseri Pribadi

Vice Head

Drs.H. Alimuddin Mustafa. Sh.Mm

Vice Head

H. Jamal Noor

Vice Head

Eddy Sutrisno

Secretary I

Ir Hj. Lilik Ambar Widyastuti

Secretary Ii

Muhiddin Abdul Muis


1. Drs. Agus Santoso
2. Machmud Husaeni
3. Istinah. As
4. Drs. Herry Susanto
5. H. Darmadi, Sh
6. Drs. Soegito Wiratmoko
7. H. Aminuddin Rukka, S. Sos
8. H. Dachri Mamma
9. H. Syachrani, Be
10. Baharuddin Mahmud, Sh
11. Ir. Gunawarman
12. Mulyadi

Balikpapan municipal conference committee structure


Drs. H. Miseri Pribadi

Vice Head

Drs.H. Alimuddin Mustafa, Sh.Mm

Vice Head

H. Jamal Noor

Vice Head

Eddy Sutrisno


Drs. Herry Susanto


1. H. Darmadi, Sh
2. Bedjo Sihono
3. Ruslan Abdul Gani
4. Ir. Soebarno
5. H. Abdul Makka
6. Ng. Priyono
7. H. Ali Basri
8. Jumiati Rachman
9. Rachmad Hanan
10. Drs. H.A. Royani Muchlis
11. Drs. Akhmari Siddiq
12. Syamsuddin Sulaimana
13. H. Kambali

Balikpapan Municipal Regulation Legislative Committee structure


Drs. H. Miseri Pribadi

Vice Head

Drs.H. Alimuddin Mustafa, Sh.Mm

Vice Head

H. Jamal Noor

Vice Head

Eddy Sutrisno

Secretary I

Drs. Soegito Wiratmoko

Secretary Ii

Drs. Amijaya Sasputra Buana


1. Drs. Agus Santoso
2. Djieky Tantono
3. H. Mikrody
4. Ruslan Abdul Gani
5. H. Abdul Makka
6. H. Suardi Sittara, Sh
7. Muhammad, Sh
8. Baharuddin Machmud, Sh
9. Ir. Hj. Lilik Ambar Widyastuti
10. Ir. Gunawarman
11. H.Djamaluddin Kama
12. Drs.Isti Yudono

Balikpapan oil refinery

It is located on the seashore of Teluk Balikpapan. Covers 2.5 km². It is the oldest refinery which has established since 1922. It was destroyed during WW II by alliance forces and re-built in 1950. This refinery consists of : Balikpapan I and Balikpapan II.

Balikpapan I contains :

  • 2 raw oil refinery units, and those produce naphta, kerosene, gasoline, diesel, and residue.
  • 1 high vacuum unit which produces paraffin oil distillate (POD), this POD is used for basic material of wax factory with 100 tonnes waxes per day.

The wax itself has various grades which is exported or sold domestically & internationally.

Balikpapan II :

It has been opened since 1 November 1983. It has two refineries, hydro-skimming and hydro-cracking refineries. The products are: petrol (refinery gas), LPG, Naphta, kerosene, diesel and residue.

Sepinggan Airport

Balikpapan has an international airport – Sepinggan. It is the second Indonesian busiest airport after Soekarno- Hatta International Airport. Sepinggan is able to accept large aircraft, both from Indonesia and abroad.

Sepinggan international airport has also been a 5th pilgrimage embarkation since 1995/ 1996. In 1996/ 1997, it served + 4,500 East Kalimantan pilgrims and in 1997/ 1998 it had served pilgrims from East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi and North Sulawesi.

Sea harbour

Government of Balikpapan has got several harbours which have their own functions. Public harbour in Balikpapan is managed by PERUM Pelabuhan V Balikpapan Branch, while Pertamina harbour is specified for exploitation and oil export, and under PERTAMINA’s management, PT. ITCI harbour is functioned for goods transportation and for PT. ITCI employees, and Somber harbour is for ferry . it is under LLASDP’s management.

Kariangau industrial zone

A. Background

In order to face globalization, government has declared widely 13 supreme areas in Eastern Indonesia as developed areas. Those areas are called Integrated Economic Development Zone (Kapet), which has been committed by President Decree no.89 / 1996 and President Decree no. 09 / 1998.

For the earlier, there is only one integrated economic development zone in every province, and in East Kalimantan itself, it's declared in Sasamba (Sanga-sanga, Samarinda & Balikpapan by Keppres No. 12 / 1999, in order to attract investor, government provides fiscal and non-fiscal dispensation so that economic activities can be continued. It is for developing Eastern Indonesia to be better and has got similar economic level with its western counterparts. Since local autonomy which declared in 2000, province or other localities should develop their own sources as maximum as possible.

By its operational, Sasamba is expected to support economic growth either for the area and its surroundings which has agricultural and fishery potential as material sources. This activity should be supported by building an economic network as detailed in Sasamba planning.

Sasamba is managed by manager council (BP) which consists of Local and National government. As well as its main duty, BP Sasamba should supervise development activities at Sasamba. Kariangau industrial zone development is one of priority, because it is expected to be heart of Sasamba.

B. Overview

Kariangau Industrial Zone (KIZ/ KIK) covers 50 km² which consists of delineated Kariangau industrial area and its development areas. KIZ/ KIK itself is the beginning developed area of all. KIZ/KIK covers 15 km². The rest will be developed later.

Recently, KIZ/ KIK development zone is relatively unused for economic matters. Mostly it consists of coarse grass, bushes and forest. While people who explore this area still applies swidden agriculture. Based on the physical condition, this area is potential for industry . However, it cannot be expanded northwards, for it is bounded by Sungai Wain protected forest.

In order to support KIZ/ KIK development, it needs to establish three-way transport network:

  • Eastward : through KM 13 land route which connects Balikpapan-Samarinda.
  • Westward : through Teluk Waru port
  • Northward : through Teluk Balikpapan port.

Those three gateway will support KIZ/KIK as industrial zone, especially for providing raw material from Sasamba and surroundings, and its distribution to other areas.

C. KIZ/KIK Industrial activities

The activities are divided into 2 ; industrial and non-industrial. The non-industrial activities are providing accommodation facilities for the visitors, recreation and other supporting activities within Kariangau Industrial Zone.

The potential industries in KIZ/ KIK are classified into large scaled industry, medium and small scaled industry. Besides, it is also supported by port, warehouses, waste processing and firehouse.

a. Industrial activities

Industrial activities have important roles in KIZ/ KIK and it is planned to cover large areas. The dominant activities are large scaled and medium scaled industries. Besides, this area is also divided according to product, such as food & beverage, rubber, wood processing, chemical, metal, charcoal and any others. Almost all its raw material come from local sources - particularly agriculture- and will be oriented to outside of East Kalimantan.

b. Warehousing

The available warehouse functions to temporary storage, both finished products and raw materials prior to be distributed to the destination. The warehouse area will locate near seaport, and even under the same roof. No large areas needed for warehouse.

c. Seaport

Kariangau Industrial Zone will be facilitated with seaport for goods distribution, particularly productions. It is also provided with loading & unloading container, such as crane and container area. Besides, the seaport will be prepared as export gateway, so that it is established export documentation office, customs and others.

d. Firehouse

Industrial activities are such activities which easy to get inflammation, therefore it is needed firehouse facilities, such as hydrant and vehicle. It is very important specially for chemical industry.

e. Waste processing facilities

Kariangau Industrial Zone will also provide waste processing facilities, either in solid or liquid. It will process the industrial waste before end into the sea or river. For all industrial zone, it will be constructed integrated waste processing facilities so that it doesn't need to build their own, except for particular one. Liquid waste can be processed as catalyst for solid waste.

f. Public facilities

Industrial activities also needs additional public facilities, such as bank, clinic, post office, restaurant/ cafeteria, shops and worshipping houses. Those facilities are compacted into one area so that it can be easily reached as sub area centre.

Somber industrial zone - Balikpapan

A. Introduction

Balikpapan with all its strategic position and comparative advantages from other areas has raised its vision as industry, trading & service centre. The condition needs to be paid attention with providing its facilities, in order to develop particularly small-scaled industry.

By looking at Balikpapan's progress recently, small-scaled industries which scattered in all part of Balikpapan should be developed and improved - particularly its potentials.

Small-scaled or household industry after crisis are part of democratic economic application, but its existence raise environmental problems, particularly in urban area.

In order to resolve the problem, Balikpapan government since 1994 has planned to relocate small-scaled/ household industries which are given priority to beancurd/ tempe industries for step I . In 1995, Somber Industrial Zone facilities were built , however in 1997 the development was delayed for monetary crisis . In 2000, it was continued by providing production house or houses as many as 50 units (it was developed by Perumnas).

The industry relocation project occurs in Somber Km 3.5 Kel. Batu Ampar, Balikpapan Utara and covers 90,000 square metres which has capacities 150 to 200 small industries and it has been suitable with Balikpapan's 1999 to 2004 RUTRK.

B. Targets & purpose

  • To relocate small-scaled/ household industries in Balikpapan in order to overcome any pollutions and its impact.
  • To ease supervisory & guidance as well as develop business in small-scale.
  • To increase businessmen & employees welfare with fair competition and open any opportunities for intensifying, extensification and diversification.
  • To realize a multi-functional, well-formed and representative small-scaled/ household industries area.

5. Targets :

▬ Step I

80 families capacity special for beancurd/ tempe makers.

▬ Step II

Build other small-scaled industries along with beancurd/tempe industry such as :

  • Workshop industry
  • Charcoal brick industry
  • Beancurd/ tempe snack
  • Fried soybean industry
  • Nata de soya industry
  • Cassava product industry
  • Cookies/ steamed cake industry
  • Wooden toy industry
  • Compos, biogas and waste processing industry others

C. Profile

1. Physics :

▬ Location.

Locates in developed Balikpapan's suburb.

▬ Topography

Hilarious area with 20 to 45 degree slope.

▬ Hidrologi

It lies on an aquiver areas which scattered from Sepaku - semoi to Sepinggan.

2. The population is rare, for most of the area is still used for dam, plantation, sawmill and housing.

3. Facilities :

• Asphalt road with macadam construction and C standard, 4m in width and 1,200 metre in length.

• Access from Somber to Jumpi which breaks its isolation with its hot mix construction (A standard), 8 m in width and 600 m in length.

• Fresh water is taken from ground water with deep well and retain it into 150 m3 and 5 m3 reservoir prior to be distributed to houses.

• PVC closed waste canal for flowing household wastes into waste pond.

• Waste processing facilities consist of :

a. Liquid waste

• PVC closed waste canal.

• Waste processing pond

b. Solid waste

  • Manually collected to be further processed.
  • Opened canal drainage.
  • PLN electricity and generator set for sub mercible pump stock.
  • Operate public transportation after finishing Somber-Jumpi road.
  • KIKS Management Board office.
  • Soybean warehouse.
  • Generator set house.

4. Land & Building status

Beancurd/ tempe industrial area covers 90,000 square metres. Its status is building rights on behalf of Local government rights. Local government does not sell land to them but provides rights to develop their industry. As the compensation, people pays retribution through KIKS management board.

D. KIKS Management system

The system is applied by KIKS management board. It consists of Industry, trading & cooperation service of Balikpapan and KOPTI.


ased on people’s needs and environmental supporting aspect towards society, Balikpapan should be divided into several zones which function to distribute people’s aspiration in respect with their environment. Eco-tourism zones in Balikpapan are directed into five zones;

1. Zone A

Sungai Wain protected forest, Hang Tuah sunk boat sea park, and Balikpapan Harbour.

2. Zone B

Mangrove forest around S. Wain and mangrove zone west of S. Wain protected forest.

3. Zone C

Eco-tourism and agro-tourism zone.

4. Zone D

Manggar beach, Lamaru beach, Japanese Cemetery, Kebun Salak, Gunung Binjai and crocodile cultivation.

5. Zone E

Monpera area, Bekapai park, Melawai Beach, Japanese cannon.

Zone A Sungai Wain Protected Forest area

This zone is predominated by Sungai Wain protected forest as eco-tourism zone which has lack of any activities and facilities, it is based of consideration that :

  • It is a protected forest which must be preserved.
  • The protected forest’s condition has been apprehensive about for fire, hunting, cutting and uncontrolled exploration.
  • Primary forest has been decreased for the condition above.
  • The unrelieved burnt forest.

Basic considerations to establish border zone as b-classified eco-tourism are;

  • Border zone is planned to be built new roads, so that eco-tourism activities can be applied as buffer zone in order to preserve mangrove and Sungai Wain zone.
  • The boundary zone location consists of unburnt primary forest, and it is suitable for eco-tourism activities.
  • The boundary zone does not interfere natural conservation at Sungai Wain protected forest.

Zone B Mangrove area

The mangrove-predominated zone has moderate eco-tourism activities and facilities. It functions as supporting zone for all Balikpapan’s eco-tourism . Mangrove position is based on the following considerations ;

  • Mangrove area is a buffer zone for land and sea lives.
  • Mangrove area has been decreased.
  • Mangrove area is the running rehabilitation one nowadays.
  • Mangrove is not used for several people’s sources.
  • Mangrove area can be established as model for tourists and local people in order to introduce mangrove’s preservation.
  • Mangrove’s existence can be use as people’s sources without destroy it.
  • Mangrove capability is not able to receive tourists in-mass which can destroy and interfere rehabilitation programmes.

Therefore, mangrove area is intended to particular tourists, mostly for whom concern to the environment. It is also intended to decrease any interference which makes the ecosystem unstable.

Zone C Agro-tourism area.

The areas can be categorized as moderate and intensive eco-tourism, in activities and facilities. It is based on the considerations that :

  • Agro-tourism area consists of forest and agro-industrial zone for tourism matters.
  • Agro-tourism area can be used as mass study zone without interfere its surroundings.
  • Tourism attraction adding can be done intensively without change physical environment.

Zone D Manggar Beach, Lamaru, Japanese Cemetery, Kebun Salak Gunung Binjai, Crocodile Cultivation.

This is an intensive eco-tourism zone, based on the considerations that;

  • If the disadvantageous/interference factors can be reduced, seashore zone can attract more tourists (by respect with the environment).
  • Seashore, zalacca palm plantation, and crocodile cultivation potentials can be intensified by investment in order to add more tourism attraction in general.

Zone E Monpera, Bekapai Park, Melawai Beach and Japanese Cannon.

It is a cultural zone, so that it can be developed by looking at physical and social environment, and not interfere Balikpapan’s ecosystem in general. This area is functioned as other tourism alternatives.

Trading & service

Trading facilities

Nowadays trading sector has been in progress, where there have been a lot of trading centres and its development were supported by APBD as well as from society and local government loans. Besides as oil city, Balikpapan is also known as trading city. That is why there are so many trading centres facilities, which do not just serve for themselves, but also from East Kalimantan.

Trading facilities :

  • 17 government public marketplaces :
  • Pasar Klandasan Inpres I
  • Pasar Klandasan Inpres II
  • Pasar Baru
  • Pasar Damai I
  • Pasar Sepinggan
  • Pasar Inpres Muara Rapak
  • Pasar Damai III
  • Pertokoan Muara Rapak
  • Pasar Inpres Pandan Sari
  • Pasar Inpres Kebun Sayur
  • Pusat Perbelanjaan Kebun Sayur
  • Pasar Kampung Baru Tengah
  • Pasar Penampungan A & B Kebun Sayur
  • Pasar Gunung Tembak
  • Pasar Tumbuh Km.4,5
  • Pasar Tani Batu Ampar
  • Pasar Manggar

Besides, there are also several shopping centres which have been constructed by private groups, such as Plaza Balikpapan as well as Plaza Balikpapan Permai near future.

Travel Agent development

Society is one of travel agent’s source. They recruit their employees from society and they also offer their service to public. In many things, travel and hotel agent has big role in Balikpapan’s economy because it increase local earnings, but so far it depends on their development level.

Now there are 33 travel agents in Balikpapan, and it should be improved in order to ease people who wants to visit Balikpapan, either for business or tourism.


Road links in Balikpapan can be classified into 3 ; national road, provincial road and city road. For provincial roads there is a connecting road between Balikpapan and Loa Janan (+ 100 km), while city road is 81.40 km consists of alongshore road and connects to the harbour. Balikpapan road length in accordance with its status and authorization can be classified as the following:

  • National road ; 25 km
  • Provincial road ; 94,101 km
  • City road; 260,304 km
  • Total ; 379,405 km

Since Sepinggan international airport was declared as the Indonesian 5th pilgrimage embarkation in 1995/ 1996, the continuation of Jl. Iswahyudi-Sepinggan into Manggar pilgrimage dormitory has been divided into two routes, and it planned in 2000/ 2001 period, so that the land connection to provincial capital and other cities become unlimited, and easy to be reached by all vehicles.

There are representative facilities, with many tested cars, autobuses and other public transportations in the region, and there are also inter-city terminal along asphalted roads.

There are several terminals in Balikpapan, one of them is functioned as inter-city terminal. It locates in km 3.5 (jl. Soekarno-Hatta) and other ones are, Kampung Baru Terminal, Taxi terminal, Sepinggan airport and Balikpapan Permai terminal.

According to 1996 survey, there are 4 to 6 vehicles per 432.824 metres so that all parts of the city can be reached by land transportation