Nadim is an Arabic male name. It means companion and familiar friend; partner in table fellowship; faithful comrade. Nä’-dă-mä, “to repent;” in Scripture, the irrevocability of God’s promise, from which he “will not repent,” wä-lăn-yăn’-däm (Psalm 110:4;Romans 11:29); Similarly, nä’-dăm, “to turn back,” “to show mercy,”(Jonah 3:10; Judges 21:6). Nä-dē’-mē, one “closer to me than a best friend;” Nă’-dē, an invitation to fellowship. Nä-dēm’, evening conversation of a serious or intellectual nature. In classical Arabic poetry, friendship among tribal elders; kingly fraternity, especially at joyful festivities, mĭn-dĭm’-nē-nood-män’. In Arabic folklore, a trusted companion, a confidant,who drinks with others in fellowship. This name pre-dates Islam, and appears in numerous poems and stories romanticizing alcohol (khamr in Arabic). It is common among all communities in the Arab world including Christians, Muslims and Druze. Its prevalence varies with local tradition rather than religion.