List of role-playing games by genre
This is a list of role-playing games, subdivided by genre (although many games do not fit clearly into one genre or another). It does not include computer role-playing games or any other video games with RPG elements. Most of these games are tabletop role-playing games; other types of games are noted as such where appropriate.
Fantasy Genre
- Agone (French) - edited in French by Multisim Editions and translated in English by Multisim Editions
- Amber Diceless Roleplaying - based on the works of Roger Zelazny
- ANKH (Adventurers of the North - Kalevala Heroes)
- Arduin - The First cross-genre RPG, written by David A. Hargrave
- Aria
- Ars Magica
- Axiom16 - (Bulgarian)
- Battleaxe fantasy roleplaying by Sixteen Coal Black Horses
- BattleDragons Play as dragons in a fantasy world by Spartacus Publishing.
- Bloodlust (french) - edited by Asmodée Editions
- Blue Rose (RPG) by Green Ronin
- Burning Wheel
- Castles and Crusades - OGL System fantasy RPG published by Troll Lord Games
- Castle Falkenstein - steampunk fantasy
- Chivalry and Sorcery
- Les Chroniques d'Erdor, an unusual French RPG of oneiric fantasy using a 54 card game, edited by Boite a Polpette.
- Circe, by Bryce Harrington
- Conan (a GURPS version by SJGames, and an OGL System version by Mongoose Publishing)
- Clan Lord
- Corum - an addendum to the Stormbringer RPG (aka Elric!)
- Crimson Empire
- Dangerous Journeys - created by E. Gary Gygax
- The Dark Eye - Germany's most popular RPG, known in Germany as Das Schwarze Auge
- Deliria: Faerie Tales for the New Millenium - by Phil Brucato. Published by Laughing Pan Productions
- DragonNet - A free open-source fantasy RPG system
- Drakar och Demoner (Dragons and Demons) - Swedish fantasy RPG
- DragonQuest - a now out-of-print RPG, suppressed by TSR
- DragonRaid - a Christian RPG, created by Dick Wulf in 1984
- Dungeons & Dragons - created by Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax, further editions by TSR, Inc. and Wizards of the Coast
- Dying Earth - based on the stories of Jack Vance
- Earthdawn
- Elfquest by Chaosium - based on the works of Richard Pini and Wendy Pini
- Elric!, by Chaosium, based on Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melniboné stories
- Endyval - (Bulgarian) The first Bulgarian roleplaying system. Official site: Sivosten
- Empire of the Petal Throne - set in M. A. R. Barker's world of Tekumel
- Everway
- Exalted
- Everway
- Fabula
- Fairy Meat
- Fantasy Hero
- The Fantasy Trip
- Fantasy Wargaming - sold through the Science Fiction Book Club, while often considered incomplete and insufficient, this game has noteworthy elements and qualities that are still yet unseen in most roleplaying games
- Furry Outlaws
- Furry Pirates
- Grimm
- Hackmaster
- HârnMaster/Hârn
- HARP - High Adventure Role Playing
- Hawkmoon - an addendum to the Stormbringer RPG (aka Elric!)
- Hero Wars/HeroQuest (role-playing game)
- In Nomine - game based on the In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas French roleplaying game
- Ironclaw - Edited by Sanguine Productions Ltd
- Jadeclaw - Edited by Sanguine Productions Ltd
- Jorune (or "Skyrealms of Jorune")
- Krysztaly czasu (Polish, Crystals of Time) by MAG
- Lands of Adventure
- Legend of the Five Rings Role-Playing Game - asian-themed RPG, published by Alderac Entertainment Group
- Legendy Armandie - fantasy RPG created by Skaven
- Lejendary Adventure, created by Gary Gygax and published by Hekaforge Productions
- LexiconPRG created by [Neel Krishnaswami]
- Lone Wolf
- Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game - based on the fantasy works of J. R. R. Tolkien
- Lords of Creation by Avalon Hill
- Maelstrom (role playing game)
- Man, Myth & Magic by Yaquinto - RPG drawing on 4000 B.C. to 1000 A.D. Earth legends.
- Middle Earth Role Play - based on the fantasy works of J. R. R. Tolkien
- Midgard - the oldest German fantasy RPG
- Monastyr (Polish), Monastery by Portal
- Multiverser by E.R. Jones and M. Joseph Young
- Nobilis by R. Sean Borgstrom
- Palladium
- Paranoia - darkly humorous dystopian sci-fi
- Powers and Perils by Avalon Hill
- Puppetland
- Rangers of Taradoin by Sean-Robert Shaw
- Rapture: The Second Coming by William Spencer-Hale, Quintessential Mercy
- The Red Arc
- Rêve: the Dream Ouroboros by Denis Gerfaud (french, Rêve de Dragon)
- Riddle of Steel by Driftwood Publishing
- Rifts by Palladium Games - crossover system
- RMSS (Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing) by Iron Crown Enterprises - fully expandable and customizable rules system
- Runebearer by Chris Magoun - "Magic and religion clash in a ruined world" - current (2004) external link here
- RuneQuest
- RuneScape
- Shadowrun (cyberpunk fantasy)
- Skyrealms of Jorune
- Stormbringer, by Chaosium, based on Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melniboné stories
- Swordbearer by Heritage Games and Fantasy Games Unlimited
- Talislanta by Bard Games
- The Riddle of Steel by Driftwood Publishing
- Timehunter by Red Axe
- Tribe 8 (RPG) by Dream Pod 9
- Tunnels and Trolls by Flying Buffalo
- Usagi Yojimbo - based on the furry comic book series, Usagi Yojimbo, by Stan Sakai
- Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay by Games Workshop
- The Wheel of Time - based on The Wheel of Time novel series by author Robert Jordan
- Wiedźmin (Polish) by MAG
- World Of Warcraft by White Wolf -- a roleplaying game book based on the popular computer game by Blizzard
Science Fiction Genre
- A/State by Contested Ground Studios
- Aftermath! (1981) - by Fantasy Games Unlimited*
- A I F - free SF rpg by NastiDyne
- Albedo RPG - Based on the furry comic book series, Erma Felna by Steve Gallacci
- Aliens by Leading Edge Games
- Alternity by TSR
- Babylon Project - Based on the Babylon 5 TV franchise
- Babylon 5 by Mongoose Publishing
- Battletech
- Bitume by Croc (French - post-apocalyptical, Mad Max-like)
- Blue Planet by Biohazard Games
- La Compagnie de glaces (french - post-apocalyptical, from the novels of G.J. Arnaud)
- Conspiracy X by Eden Studios - aliens, UFOs, and government coverups
- C°ntinuum - time travel adventure
- Core Command by Dream Pod 9
- Cyberpunk 2020 by R. Talisorian Games; based on the mirror shades authors
- Cybergeneration by R. Talisorian Games
- Doctor Who RPG - based on the BBC television series
- Empire Galactique by François Nédelec (french - space opera)
- Ex Machina
- EXO (Spanish - By Ediciones Sombra)
- Gamma World by TSR
- Legionnaire by FASA (Standalone roleplaying game for the Renegade Legion universe)
- Mecha - A game based on Anime Mecha science fiction
- Mega - les Messagers Galactiques (french - parallel universe)
- Mekton - by R. Talsorian Games (based on Anime Mecha science fiction)
- Metamorphosis Alpha (1976)
- The Morrow Project
- Multiverser by E.R. Jones and M. Joseph Young
- Mutant (Target Games)
- Mutant RYMD
- Mutant Chronicles
- Neuroshima (Polish) by Portal
- Other Suns by Fantasy Games Unlimited -a space oriented game with a strong furry element
- Paranoia by West End Games (WEG) - a satire of dystopian futures
- Pax Draconis by Technicraft Design - a detailed rules heavy space opera with a percentile system
- Phoenix Command by Leading Edge Games
- Prime Directive by Task Force Games
- Psiworld by Fantasy Games Unlimited - SF adventures with a focus on psi abilities.
- Rifts by Palladium Games - crossover system
- Robotech RPG by Palladium Games; based on the Robotech anime television series
- Serenity by Soverign Press, based on the Firefly television series.
- Shadowrun (cyberpunk fantasy)
- Shatterzone
- Jorune/Skyrealms of Jorune
- SLA Industries
- Space 1889 by GDW - Victorian Era Sci-Fi
- Space Hulk
- Space Opera (RPG) by FGU
- Spacemaster - the SF adaptation of Rolemaster
- Star Frontiers by TSR
- Star Hero - the SF adaptation of Fantasy Hero's Hero System
- Star Trek RPG
- Star Wars RPG
- Tales from the Floating Vagabond
- Timelord, a Doctor Who RPG
- Timeship by Yaquinto
- Traveller - by GDW, Marc Miller
- Trinity - by White Wolf
- Twilight 2000 by GDW(1984)
- Universe - SF adaptation of DragonQuest
Horror Genre
- All Flesh Must Be Eaten - Zombie survival horror game by Eden Studios
- Call of Cthulhu - based on the works of H. P. Lovecraft
- Chill
- Deadlands: The Weird West
- Dead Inside - A small-press RPG where the characters attempt to rebuild their lost souls through selfless and noble actions (and get superhuman powers along the way)
- Kult - Swedish game of Kaballistic origins; tag line is "Death is only the beginning", and generally thought of as one of the darkest games around.
- Trevas, brazilian game about hell, earth, heaven and other worlds, and how the use of can lead them to destruction.
- The Whispering Vault - a RPG about god-hunting
- Witchcraft
- World of Darkness product line by White Wolf Game Studio
- World of Darkness (new) new product line by White Wolf Game Studio
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth by Guardians of Order - anime based RPG
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer - based on the TV show of the same name
- Bunnies and Burrows
- Fanhunter Spanish game based on the serie of comics of the same name
- Ghostbusters RPG based on the Ghostbusters film series.
- In Nomine Satanis / Magna Veritas (french) by Croc (Siroz) (satiristic gang and spy wars involving angels and demons in the contemporary world)
- Kalmo Finnish zombie rpg
- Tales from the Floating Vagabond
- Teenagers from Outer Space, an anime based RPG.
- The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, a storytelling RPG by James Wallis based on the novel of Baron Munchausen
- Toon - Cartoon adventure inspired by the classic cartoon series from Warner Brothers and MGM
- Wuthering Heights by Philippe Tromeur, a parody of the novel Wuthering Heights
Superhero Genre
- Marvel Universe Role Playing Game by Marvel Publishing Group
- Marvel Super Heroes Role-Playing Game by TSR
- Mutants and Masterminds by Green Ronin Publishing
- Silver Age Sentinels by Guardians of Order
- Superhero 2044
- Super Squadron - an Australian game "inspired" by Villains and Vigilantes
- Superworld by Chaosium
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Strangeness by Palladium Games - based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books.
Contemporary Action/Espionage/Adventure
- Danger International by Hero Games - espionage adventure
- Feng Shui - based on Hong Kong martial arts movies
- James Bond 007 by Victory Games - based on the James Bond films
- Merc 2000 (Twilight 2000 updated for the post-Cold War '90s)
- Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes
- Ninjas and Superspies by Palladium Games - martial arts and espionage adventure
- Recon by Palladium Games - Vietnam War adventure
- Top Secret by TSR - espionage adventure
- Trauma (french) by Chroniques d'Outre-Monde (contemporary police and counter-terrorism adventures)
- Spycraft by Alderac Entertainment Group - espionage adventure
- Shadowforce Archer by Alderac Entertainment Group - a setting for Spycraft
Period Adventure/Alternate History Genres
- Adventure! - pulp adventure by White Wolf
- Arkéos [1] - pulp adventure by Extraordinary Worlds Studio (eWs)
- Avant Charlemagne by François Nédelec (french - early Middle-Age)
- Baron Munchausen - based on the tall tales of Baron Munchausen
- Boot Hill - TSR - Wild West adventure
- Bushido - samurai RPG
- Cliffhanger by Fantasy Games Unlimited - 1930s adventure
- Daredevils - pulp era mystery (not about the marvel character)
- Dark Continent - colonial African horror
- Deadlands: The Weird West
- Draug - Norwegian RPG set in medieval times based on the FUDGE engine.
- Dzikie Pola (Wild Fields), a set in 17th century Poland
- En Garde! - Duellists from 17th century France published by Game Designers' Workshop and SFC Press.
- Fallout - Post apocalyptic RPG based on the computer game of the same name.
- Forgotten Futures
- Gangbusters by TSR - 1930s urban crime adventure
- Indiana Jones (role-playing game) by TSR - based on the Indiana Jones films
- InuYasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask by Ban-Dai - based on the InuYasha anime series which is in the Feudal Era of Japan.
- Justice Inc. by Hero Games - 1930s Pulp fiction oriented adventure, based on The Avenger
- Légendes Celtiques (french)
- Légendes de la Vallée des rois (french - ancient Egypt)
- Miles Christi (french) - (Crusades and knights Templar)
- Seventh Sea by Alderac Entertainment Company
- SHWI-ISOT alternative history online RPG with a POD in 1800, where players have characters based on themselves.
- Skull and Crossbones - Pirate Adventures on the Spanish Main by FGU
- Space 1889 by GDW - Victorian Era Sci-Fi
- Valley of the Pharaohs by Palladium Books
- Wuthering Heights by Philippe Tromeur, a parody of the novel Wuthering Heights
Universal Roleplaying Systems
- d6 - West End Games' in-house system, based on the Star Wars RPG
- d20 System - based on Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition rules
- EW-System [2] - open game system by Extraordinary Worlds Studio (eWs)
- FATE - Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment based on the FUDGE engine
- FUDGE - Free, Universal, Do-it-Yourself Gaming Engine by Steffan O'Sullivan
- GURPS - Generic Universal Role Playing System by Steve Jackson (US)
- HARPE - The Hugely Adaptable (action/anime) Role-Playing Engine, Free and quite adaptable
- Hero System by Hero Games
- The Window
- TORG - published by West End Games
Other products
- Dragon
- Dungeon
- The Excellent Prismatic Spray
- The Gryphon
- Imagine
- Journal of the Travellers Aid Society
- The Last Province
- Polyhedron
- Pyramid
- The Unspeakable Oath
- Warpstone
- White Dwarf - a British magazine which originally covered all games, these days is purely a house magazine (sometimes not too far removed from a catalogue) for Games Workshop.
- Valkyrie
- Scrye
- Shadis
- The Space Gamer
- White Wolf
- Alarums and Excursions
- Aslan
- carnel
- Demons Drawl
- The Guildsman
- Imazine
- PTG-PTB (Places To Go, People To Be)
- Tales of the Reaching Moon
- Telegraph Road
- Tradetalk
- The Whisperer
See also
- Board game
- Campaign setting
- Computer role-playing game
- Letter games
- List of computer and video games by category
- Live action role-playing game
- Play by mail game
- Role-playing game
- Storytelling game
- Tabletop role-playing game
- Trading card game
- Wargame