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Aiki (manga)

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Aiki is a japanese manga created by Isutoshi. This manga is categorized as action, ecchi, martial arts, mature, and seinen.


A dispute arises on a local high school due to the absence of the director. The principal is rumored of overtaking control of the school with the help of his daughter. Kizuki, the granddaughter of the director with the help of her two loyal teachers seek to fight the regime but in the process they need the help of Kunitoshi, a local bad boy.

Major Characters

Joukyuu Kunitoshi

Despite his seemingly normal appearance, Kunitoshi is actually a martial-arts prodigy. He specializes in Aikido and possesses extensive knowledge of many other fighting-styles. His father, believing Kunitoshi had grown complacent due to his natural talent, drugged his son and dislocated every joint in his body, effectively cutting his power by over 50%. Since that time, Kunitoshi has avoided battle and instead spends his time seducing random women. Though generally cool and level-headed, Kunitoshi displays a darker, brutal side when angered.


Being the granddaughter of Juuzenji High's director, Kizuki retains a considerably high standing within the school. A formidable fighter in her own right, she is able to throw opponents many times her size with relative ease. Though usually calm and collected, Kizuki enthusiastically jumps at the chance to improve her skills. She is currently under the tutelage of the reluctant Kunitoshi. According to Daiki Karasamaru, Kizuki possess a "seriousness" in her that makes her someone that is not to be taken lightly.


Homei is one of the teachers at Juuzenji High, she also serves as loyal subordiante to Kizuki (whom she and Metara affectional refer to as Mistress). Homei specializes in Chinese kempo and grappling, though she relies too much on her phyiscal strength too much and has caused her skill to become rough and solid. She appears to have combined both Kung Fu with its complete opposite Western style body building which has caused her to have trouble preforming her kempo effectively with her strained body. When Homei was young, she was classified as a prodigy in Chinese Kempo till the age of 10, being able to use her inner power at the age of 7, which is quite the achivement. Her grandmother Hourei is an expert when it comes to acupuncture and knows Kunitoshi's father and is skilled at chiropractory though is not quite as skilled as Kunitoshi's father and is currently trying to help Kunitoshi fix his dislocated body though process will take time.


Metara is one of the teachers at Juuzenji High, she also serves as loyal subordiante to Kizuki (whom she and Homei affectional refer to as Mistress). Metara prefers to use fire-arms (specifially a pair of six-shooter air guns with a .45 modified calibur said to possess the destructive capabilities of a baseball pitched at 150km/h). Though she is skilled at firearms, she unable to defeat martial artists like Kageyasu and Kunitoshi because they can easily predict where she will shoot and when she reloads, she is left full of openings. She also once had to have sex with Kunitoshi to make him train with Kizuki.

Miu Takatori

As the daughter of the school principal, Takatori holds commands a substantial amount of power inside Juuzenji High. Thought by many to be the school's top fighter, she not only controls the Ten Knights, but many of the clubs and organizations on campus. Though not a malicious person by nature, Takatori's ambition and selfishness often put her at odds with Kizuki, her primary opposition. Despite their blood relation, Takatori is infatuated with her cousin, Kunitoshi, never missing an opportunity to seduce him.

Daiki Karasumaru

Daiki is reputed to be the top student at Ryoubu University and the story's primary antagonist. He enjoys testing his skill against other fighters, often taking on multiple combatants at once. His younger brother, Kosuke, is the captain of the Ten Knights. Daiki possesses a "reading" ability, allowing him to anticipate and evade his opponents' attacks with ease, despite being blind. He is capable of taking on the combined efforts of Miu, Kizuki and Kageyasu with apparaent ease which is a great indication of his strength.

Akemi Kageyasu

Formerly a student of Kunitoshi, Kageyasu now attends Ryoubu University. She is an extremely skilled fighter, able to fend off Takatori's attacks with little effort. She is very skilled espically with "Wind Step". She is currently dating Daiki Karasumaru, and trying to stop him from creating the "Road of Talent" and believes that restoreing Kunitoshi to his full strength will be able to stop him. She does prowrestling as a job under her alter-ego called "Joan, The Shadow" and says she is the "Messiah of Female Pro Wrestling" or "Queen of WXY". She is training with Kunitoshi at the moment but, was rather easily defeated by one his techniques, she says that she hasn't seen it before meaning it's a technique that he couldn't do when he still was at 50% of his strength. The technique is possibly the "Thunder Step" though not at it's fullest.

Minor Characters

Ten Knights

The Ten Knights are an essembly of enforcers that serve the top fighter at Juuzenji High. The organization itself is loosely knit with the members caring little for the well-being of their comrades.

Kosuke Karasumaru

Kosuke Karasumaru is the younger brother of Daiki and the captain of the Ten Knights though he is often mistaken for a grade-schooler due to his appearance. While not a very skilled fighter, his limited "reading" ability allows him to anticipate his opponent's next move based on their facial expressions. In spite of his status, the Ten Knight's captain is noted for being a coward with little interest in combat and frequently calls his older brother for back-up. Kosuke spends most of his time on the Juuzenji High rooftop eating ramen.

Nancy Ozeki & Santana Ryogoku

Hailing from the school Wrestling Team, these two work exclusively as a team. Their most notable technique is a joint attack the Ground Tornado: by scurrying around their opponent in a circle, they are able to stir up strong winds.

Kiku Keichou & Chie Ouei

Though currently new members of the Kickboxing and Karate Clubs respectively, Kiku and Chie's experience in gymnastics make them experts in mid-air combat. Between Kiku's punching techniques and Chie's kicks, their combined strengths make them a formidable duo.

Akifumi Wado

Wado, one of the few male students at Juuzenji High, is a member of the Swordfighting club and a practitioner of the Katori Shinto Style. To maximize the speed of his swing, he uses a titanium katana instead of standard steel.


Eishou, the only member of the Sumo Club, can generally be found in the company of Kangen and two unnamed female fighters. Like Kangen, Eishou has no sense of honor and views the other Ten Knights as little more than tools. His cruel outlook, hot temper and 170kg girth make him a particularly dangerous opponent.


Though generally seen with Eishou's group, Kangen often acts independently of the Ten Knights, especially when doing so can further his own goals. A prominent member of the Ninjutsu Club, Kangan prefers to fight from a distance with kunai. Despite his skill and agility, he is not above employing underhanded tactics. He has a tendency to be vulgar.


She is one of the Ten Knights and is usually seen along side Kangen and Eishou. She is very beautiful as she is easily seduced Kunitoshi and had sex with him. She is an weapon user like Kangen but, uses a bo staff as her personal weapon and it can disconnected by a chain and turn into a three section staff.

Unnamed Member*

She is one of the Ten Knights and usually sen along side Kangen and Eishou. She appears like a middle schooler and seems quite tomboyish and uses an unknown form of unarmed combat but, it appears to be a style of Kung Fu.

Road of Talent

The Road of Talent is a group of skilled fighters from Ryoubu University lead by Daiki. Unlike other organizations, the Road of Talent supports neither the government nor the criminal underground; they use their abilities solely to advance their own ambitions.

Sawatari Seiji

Seiji is the first of the group to be formally introduced. Despite his childish facade, he is skilled in Chinese Kempo. Unlike Homei, a fellow practicioner, Seiji does not rely on physical strength and seems to have perfected his form. This in conjunction with the machete he carries on his back make him a dangerous opponent. Though largerly uninentional, he has a habit of making homoerotic double-entendres.