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Characters of Parasite Eve

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This article details fictional characters of the Parasite Eve series of video games.

Main characters

Aya Brea

Aya Brea was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1972. She is of mixed ethnicity: her father (name unrevealed), who is a journalist, was white, her mother (Mariko) was Japanese. This gives her a unique appearance as she boasts many Asian facial features, such as the shape of her face and eyes, while possessing typically Caucasian coloring, including blue eyes and fair blonde hair. She had a sister named Maya who, along with her mother, died in an automobile accident in or around December 1977.

Parasite Eve I

After Maya's death, her organs were preserved, which allowed for one of her corneas to be transplanted into Aya, in 1986. At the same time, one of Maya's kidneys was transplanted into a young girl named Melissa Pearce. Unknown to any of the doctors, Maya Brea's mitochondria were highly evolved and began changing Aya and Melissa's genetic structure.

As a young woman, Aya studied criminology at the University of Massachusetts and was involved in their ROTC program, but any record of military service is never mentioned within the game. She later became a detective with the NYPD 17th precinct. Within the first 6 months of working at the precinct, Aya became involved in an incident known as the New York Blockade Incident to the general public. As an officer, she became part of the "father and daughter" team where she was partnered up with Daniel "Bo" Dollis, a veteran cop, who can be considered overly protective of her at worst. On December 24, 1997, Aya attended an opera performance at Carnegie Hall with her date (whose name is never mentioned), which starred Melissa Pearce as the lead.

During the performance, Maya's advanced mitochondria, which had lain dormant in Melissa for eleven years, awakened and transformed her into Mitochondria Eve. As her first act against humankind, Eve killed everyone in Carnegie Hall via spontaneous human combustion, except for Aya who was immune to the effect.

During the next six days, Aya fought Eve and the creatures she spawned, known as Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures or NMCs, all across Manhattan, greatly assisted by the incredible powers she started to exhibit. Aya would later discover that she was granted great power due to the fact that she possessed Maya's mitochondria (transferred to her body during the corneal transplant), but it was unable to take control of her as it did Melissa because of Aya's evolved cell nuclei. Aya fought and destroyed a strain of rapidly evolving mitochondria that threatened to enslave all humanity. Eventually, Aya engaged Eve in a showdown on Liberty Island, in which Eve was killed. After this however, she had to destroy The Ultimate Being, that Eve gave birth to. After an ongoing battle between her humanity and evolution, Aya successfully managed to destroy the creature with a little help from Daniel and Kunihiko Maeda (a Japanese scientist assisting them with advice in these matters). She soon became a hero among the government ranks for her courageous acts while few civilians are aware of the details of the event.

After the events in the game transpire, she, along with her friends try to make up for a lost Christmas by going to the opera at Carnegie Hall once again. During this time, Aya communicates with the entire audience's mitochondria and their eyes begin to glow a pinkish red. The meaning behind this ending is debated by many players. Some say that this is what Eve meant when she told Aya: "The more you use those powers, the more you become like me." This leads up to this ending possibly being non-canonical, where if the player plays through the Chrysler Building and defeats the Purebred Eve, Aya will lose her mitochondrial powers (albeit gaining newer, less superior ones leading up to the sequel) thus, saving the audience as well as all of mankind once again.

Parasite Eve II

A few months after Eve's rampage in New York, Aya left the force and joined a newly-formed branch of the FBI known as the Mitochondrion Investigation and Suppression Team or MIST. The purpose of MIST, based out of Los Angeles, is to hunt down and destroy any remaining NMCs. During her time as a MIST Agent, Aya had always worked alone due to the abnormality of her powers. "I try not to show others my mitochondrial powers. I can see the fear in their eyes." Another fact worth noting is that due to her awakened mitochondria in her cells, Aya appears younger than her biological age. Despite having this as a benefit, Aya would be happier just living one normal life rather than living into another century beyond the 21st.

In early September 2000, Aya was following a lead to a tiny town called Dryfield in the Mojave Desert where she met a 29-year-old P.I. from Texas called Kyle Madigan (who she formed a partnership with). With Kyle's co-operation, Aya soon discovered a strange shadow government facility called Neo-Ark where scientists were using Aya's DNA to breed a race of Artificial Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures. To control the ANMCs, the Neo-Ark directors brainwashed a young girl named Eve, a clone of Aya. Given Eve's age and various clues in the game, Eve is thought to be a clone that ages rapidly, considering she looks 10 years old and was cloned after Aya's mitochondria was awakened in 1997. Two more disturbing theories which have been put forward are that Eve is actually a clone of Maya Brea or possibly a clone of Aya made before Aya's mitochondria awakened, thus suggesting the shadow government knew about Aya's potential. After discovering that Eve, as well as the ANMCs were all made from her, she felt obligated to "finish what she started" and once again, save humanity from an ominious fate which was ultimately the cause of her own physical existence.

After the destruction of the Neo-Ark facility, as well as her "struggle" having finally ended, Aya left MIST, any documents containing information regarding the NMCs were disposed of by the US Government, she took the young Eve in, forming a motherly/sisterly bond with her, and thanks to one of her friends in MIST, Rupert Broderick, pulled some strings and created a profile for Eve saying that she's Aya's sister, no questions asked. Aya's boss, Eric Baldwin was discovered to be a mole for the shadow government and was ultimately locked behind bars for treason courtesy of Aya learning so from another one of her friends, Pierce D. Carradine. Baldwin's place leading MIST was taken by Rupert Broderick following the inside investigation. Kyle Madigan (who disappeared after the Neo Ark events) meets with Aya and Eve in N.Y, and is hinted that both Aya and Kyle are getting involved in a romantic relationship.

Melissa Pearce

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Melissa Pearce in her opera costume.

Mitochondria Eve is a fictional character who serves as the main villainess in both the Parasite Eve film and game series. All Eves are actually women who have been taken over by the consciousness of the mitochondria in their cells. All the Eve incarnations have many powers, but they all possess a single, common power: the ability to cause living animals to combust.

The first Eve was seen in the Japanese horror novel and film Parasite Eve.

Second Eve

The second Eve was, in essence, two humans: Maya Brea and Melissa Pearce.[1] Like Kiyomi, Maya Brea was killed in a car accident. Her kidney was transplanted into a young girl named Melissa Pearce and her cornea was transplanted into her sister, Aya Brea. Maya's mitochondria spent eleven years in a dormant state within Melissa Pearce. During the time after Melissa's transplant, she fell constantly ill and was advised to take immunosuppressant drugs; This was done in order to prevent her internal systems from rejecting the new organ (Melissa believed this was why she was sick). However unknown to Melissa, it was Maya's mitochondria that caused her illness and the immunosuppressants Melissa took allowed Maya's mitochondria to gain a greater control over her (This persisted and worsened her sickness).

Years later, Melissa is an opera singer living in New York City. On December 24, 1997, in order to star in an opera performance, Melissa who was feeling ill, overdosed on the immunosuppressant drugs. This drug overdose collapsed Melissa's immune system allowing Maya's mitochondria to finally take full control of Melissa, revealing her true form, Eve. Melissa gets the lead role for a production though after the lead died in an apartment fire. During her performance at the opera people began to burst into flames, the only person not affected was Aya Brea. Aya gives chase, tracking Melissa down to a large room. Melissa is playing a Piano before she transforms into a more powerful form, Mitochondria Eve.

Over the next six days, Eve tried to birth an Ultimate Being, just like her predecessor. Aya Brea, who was immune to Eve's powers, challenged her at every turn, but in the end, Eve was successful, using specially-engineered sperm that contained no paternal mitochondria. Eve was killed by Aya, but not before she gave birth to the Ultimate Being. Fortunately, Aya Brea was able to kill the Ultimate Being by blowing up a ship similar to Ticonderoga Class AEGIS with the Ultimate Being aboard.

Judith Siirila provided Melissa's singing voice. [2]

Third Eve

The third Eve is the only benevolent Eve known to the series. She is a clone of Aya Brea born in a subterranean, shadow government facility known as Neo-Ark. The clone, dubbed simply "Eve", was brain-washed from a young age and used to control an artificially created race of Neo-Mitochondrians. Eventually, the US government was able to find and destroy the laboratory thanks to the mole (hinted to be Kyle Madigan) who tipped them off and Aya Brea managed rescue the young girl, adopting Eve and raising her as a sister. But not before defeating her after she had merged the large pupa N.M. whom Aya had already defeated. In this form, she possessed phenomenal speed and power that rivaled the second Eve, but lacked the intelligence both the previous Eves seemed to possess.

After Aya successfully defeated this form, in a stroke of desperation, the N.M. version of Eve grabbed Aya and tried to absorb Aya into herself. However, there was yet another rebellion. Just as the N.M. Eve tried to fly out to Earth's surface and cause a pandemic on a planetary scale, Aya's cells fought against the organism trying to absorb her and caused the N.M. Eve to disintegrate, releasing both the real Eve and Aya. Eve had then seemingly lost her Mitochondrian powers as well as the memory of her past in Neo-Ark and returned to her benevolent self. [3]

Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures

Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures (sometimes called Neo-Mitochondrion Creatures) or NMCs for short are fictional enemies found in the Parasite Eve video games. NMCs serve as the series main antagonists and "cannon fodder", each providing different means of attack, defense and styles. NMCs are encountered by the player very frequently to assist in leveling up the protagonist's (Aya Brea) stats and provisions, and increase steadily in power and other offensive capabilities as the difficulty settings rise. At the beginning of the games, Aya is faced with more commonplace NMC's such as snakes and rats (see below), but encounters more complex organisms as the game nears its climax, such as reanimated dinosaurs.

Neo Mitochondrial Creatures were first created soon after Melissa Pearce's transformation to Mitochondria Eve. After escaping from Aya Brea and causing everyone in an Opera theater to ignite in flames, she wreaked havoc throughout the city of New York by transmogrifying every normal animal she came in contact with into NMCs. This in turn, caused an invasion of the City populated by numerous creatures, from mutated snakes to transformed Cerberus-like dog creatures. [1]

Regular type

Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures are mutated animals or otherwise normal life forms taken over and controlled by their Mitochondria. After the mitochondrion has been 'awakened', it generates extreme amounts of ATP energy, causing drastic changes in the cell nuclei, as well as the death of the host organism. This results in mutations such as growth, extra limbs and/or appendages, as well as a rather horrific "disfigured" look. They also exhibit increased hostility in their behavioral patterns. Most Creatures are driven by the most basic of needs, such as to feed on anything in the vicinity, which usually includes humans. They are alarmingly efficient in teamwork in most situations and will work together to attack a "normal" creature. However, if presented with no prey in the environment; they will not hesitate to attack and consume each other. During the New York Blockade incident these creatures included but were not limited to:[2]

  • Monkeys - the result from Eve's manipulation of the monkey's genes bears no resemblance to its prior form. A bipedal creature standing as tall as a man, the NMC monkey is deadly at both long and short range with its left arm possessing an appendage that works as a sort of boomerang towards its prey.
  • Frogs - the NMC frog which Aya encountered in the sewers of Manhattan is a man-sized creature with a prehensile tongue. Slow and dull-witted, the speed of its darting tongue more than make up for its weakness.
  • Bats - though not powerful creatures, the NMC bat's sonic attack make it a monster to be wary of. Capable of disorienting creatures far bigger than itself, this attack effectively negates an opponent's ability to fight, making them easy prey.
  • Rats - the first of the NMCs Aya encounters, their relative weakness make them easy to disregard, though their flaming tail attacks may be cause for concern in tight quarters such as hallways.
  • Scorpions - the massive NMC scorpions that Aya first encounters in the American Museum of Natural History, are a well armored and dangerous foe. Capable of shrugging off large amounts of damage and dishing out the same with its pincer attacks, poison gas breath and tail, this NMC's only weakness is its slow speed.
  • Snakes - the genetically altered snakes Aya first finds at the Zoo in Central Park improve upon all their previous strengths and eliminate all their weaknesses. Now capable of surviving in freezing temperatures, their lightning strikes and poisoning attacks make them formidable creatures.
  • Velociraptors - by manipulating the fossilized remains of certain dinosaurs, Eve was able to bring some of these long extinct creatures back to life. With their speed and strength, the Velociraptors are among the deadliest NMCs Aya encounters in the New York Blockade Incident.
  • The Ultimate Being (U.B. for short) was a NMC birthed by Eve near the end of the events of the First Parasite Eve game. She was able to conceive the atrocity after gaining and modifying the sperm of a human. After birth, the creature showcased its power by destroying a nearby Navy force by inducing Self-combustion in them all. It also was extremely resistant to conventional weaponry and grew at an exceptional rate; it matured from a baby to adolescent, then on to an adult and a final "merman"-esque form in all but a few minutes, although Aya's attacks upon the creature may have functioned as a catalyst. Fortunately for all mankind, Aya was able to kill the Ultimate Being by using bullets that had been laced with her own DNA, the natural antithesis of Mitochondria Eve's, and then blowing up the ship with it still on board.[3]

Artificial type

Artificial Neo-Mitochondrial Creature or ANMCs were introduced in the Parasite Eve II. They are mutants transmogrified by human and/or chemical procedures (Otherwise impossible without a catalyst such as Eve). They exhibit the same ecology behavior as "regular" NMCs but are often fitted with cybernetic armaments in their physiology (such as flamethrowers, energy swords and prosthetic limbs). They came into existence via a shadow government named Neo-Ark. The classifications of these ANMCs included but were not limited to:[4]

  • Strangers - Also called "Chicken walkers" in the cast of credits. Initially meant for a rain forest environment, these are the first ANMCs ever made. Vestigial hands and powerful legs give all Stranger breeds an ostrich-like silhouette. Strangers also possess the ability to mimic their original human form via "apoptosis"--cell suicide. However, the physical strain limits it to a few minutes at best. Those test subjects who dislike the traditional ANMC form often choose this breed. Aya first fights these ANMCs at the Akropolis Tower.
  • Stalkers - A camouflaged ANMC. Designed for a woodland environment, Stalkers take a lesson from monkeys. Their feet are fully prehensile, like those of the tree monkey. Additionally, their control of skin pigmentation is far superior to that of the chameleon. Its enhanced pigment cells can alter color and pattern to instantly match any background. If the shadow government had succeeded in carrying out its plans, the combination of the traits would make the Stalker "king of the jungle." When they are camouflaged they would appear as a shift in space. Aya meets a large form of these at the shelter entrance, and in underground of Dryfield town.
  • Sucklers - One of the breeds intended for savannah environments, Sucklers are mature in a neotenized state, looking much like infants. People who would enjoy "always being in their mothers arms, always being loved," often choose this form for that reason. Sucklers are different from AMNCs in both shape and ecology, but are too similar on the genetic level to be different. In the developmental stage classified as the "Bonesuckler," they crawl in packs in search of prey. When prey is found, a Suckler will rapidly divert blood to its head, causing a cranial explosion. The resulting shower of bone shards pulverizes prey for the rest of the pack to feed upon. After pupating, the Suckler leaves its larval state and becomes the winged adult "Mindsuckler." From the air, the Mindsuckler finds prey and uses its ovipositor to fire larva into the prey's head region. The larva parasitizes the host's cranium, leading the host to the larval Bonesuckler nest. After the host is consumed, the larva exits the safety of the cranium, now a full-grown Bonesuckler (not actually demonstrated in the game). This kind of complete metamorphosis and altruistic behavior is sometimes seen in higher insects such as ants. Due to their delicate skin, Sucklers only move around at night and in shaded areas.
  • Scavengers - Bouncing ANMCs with big ears also intended for woodland environments. Though small, they have big appetites and can eat carrion. While they form packs to hunt weaker prey, they are not effective fighters. Since they are largely nocturnal, they will only appear out in the open at night. Aya's most unfortunate encounter with the Scavengers happens when they strip her Sedan.
  • Chasers - Intended for the savannah environment. After leaving the forests, humanity's ancestors lived in the savannah. What if our ancestors stayed in the savannah, discarded their tools, and walked on all fours? The Chaser is intended to be the answer to that question. Chasers have hoof like feet for fast movement across the plains. Their mentality is geared to support an organized herd social structure. Their unequaled success as hunters is largely due to refined teamwork. Aya's most notable encounter with the Chasers is when they ambushed the truck Kyle and her took to the mines leading to the Neo-Ark shelter. The Chasers have head-butting charges capable of breaking bulletproof glass.
  • Fatties - Also called "Dumpty Brutes" in the cast of credits. Intended for the ocean environment. It has been theorized that human evolution began at the water's edge. The subcutaneous layer of fat may be a relic from that time. What if humans had never left their watery environment? That question seemingly inspired the design of the Fatty ANMC. Though it restricts land movement, their thick fatty layer provides protection from cold and enemies. The Fatty's well-developed arms also help in food acquisition. The fatty can dislocate its arms for improved reach, and grab prey from the safety of the water. One powerful blow from this skilled hunter knocks prey out cold (though not a technique demonstrated well in the game).
  • Divers - Another ANMC intended for the ocean environment. It has been said that humans began as ocean-dwelling creatures. The slight webbing between our fingers and our light body hair are both relics from that time. This theory also holds that we first learned to walk upright in the water. The Divers are intended to be the concept of humanity's ultimate form...If we had never left the water. Their smooth, hairless skin, flipper feet, and great lung capacity make them "kings of the deep." They are of course great swimmers and are capable of staying submerged for up to 40 minutes. In exchange for losing walking legs, Divers have a light-emitting organ to draw prey to them. This special organ can also be used to paralyze prey remotely. This breed of ANMC was apparently one of the most successful in the Neo-Ark facility. [5]
  • Burner - One of the boss characters the player faces, the ANMC Burner is an immense, bloated organism that has a wide mouth extremity as well as large arms for crushing its prey. Its mouth also contains an immense flamethrower for expelling fire (hence the name). Aya defeated it with heavy long range weaponry standing atop of the Dryfield motel (although it's possible for the player to force it to retreat by using weaker weapons such as the P08 handgun, this would however result in the death of Douglas' dog, Flint).

Supporting characters of Parasite Eve

Daniel Dollis

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Daniel Dollis

Daniel Dollis is a veteran detective with 20 years of experience and a long time colleague of Aya Brea. He is 42 years old and operates in the 17th Precinct of the NYPD. He has a very one-minded nature towards his profession, making him sometimes gruff and disclosed to spending time with his family. It is because of this, that his wife, Lorraine divorces him nearly a year before the events of the game, leaving him with the custody of their son Ben Dollis.

During the events of Parasite Eve, Daniel serves as a supporting role for the Aya, giving her encouraging words of experience while he attempts to function with the terms of his divorce and the eventual death of his ex-wife. Prior to Aya's confrontation of the Ultimate Being, he nearly sacrifices himself in order to deliver special mitochondria-laced bullets to assist her in the battle. He also finally reconsiders the effects of his neglect of his family in place of his profession and is shown spending time with his son. In the events of the second game, he is presumed to be still working at the NYPD police district. Though he doesn't make an actual appearance, he's briefly mentioned by Aya as being a terrible cook, and is compared with Gary Douglas; Aya considered both men were "stubborn, but with a heart of gold".

Ben Dollis

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Ben Dollis

The eight year-old son of Daniel and Lorraine Dollis, he is an inquisitive and perky young child that finds himself disappointed with his father's obsession with work. He frequently attempts to unite his family together, and is devastated with the mutation/death of his mother by Eve. In the ending of the game, he is shown finally spending quality time with his father as they attend a concert act.

Hans Klamp

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Hans Klamp

A 37-year-old scientist that achieved a master's degree in scientific studies and resides at the American Museum of Natural History Laboratory in New York. Sometime during his studies he became obsessed with the study of Mitochondria and its ATP energy.

He becomes slightly insane near the climax of the game, and provides Eve with the necessary scientifically altered sperm to birth the Ultimate Being. In the end, he asks EVE to take him and dies of human combustion.

Capt. Douglas Baker

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Douglas Baker

The current chief of the NYPD's 17th Precinct. He is 41 years old and a good friend of Daniel who started his career with him. As the two continued their professions, however, they developed different viewpoints on how to handle crime. This resulted in Baker shifting towards desk and overseer work, gaining him chief status, whilst Daniel went towards more active police positions and investigations. Despite their differences, Daniel and Baker later reconcile.

Kunihiko Maeda

Kunihiko Maeda

A Japanese scientist that shows interest in the science of Mitochondria and the original Eve. He is 35-year graduate that is knowledgeable on a broad range of subjects and is slightly superstitious. He develops mitochondrial bullets laced with Aya's DNA that assist her in defeating the Ultimate Being. In the ending of the game, it is hinted he has feelings for Aya, but his shy and reclused nature prevents him from saying anything. He is also referenced in the second game, more prominently in the ".44 Maeda sp" bullets for the Mongoose magnum, which is some of the most powerful ammo available for Aya.

Lorraine Dollis

Lorraine Dollis is the ex-wife of Daniel Dollis and the mother of Ben. She previously divorced Daniel to the amount of time he spent away from his family. However, in her comments it is revealed she really desires to spend time with him and is elated at the prospect of the family being reunited. She is transformed into a NMC by Eve later in the game while attending a concert with Ben, who wasn't affected due to his being away from the area. She later is consumed completely by her Mitochondria and Eve's birth of the Ultimate Being, which convinced Daniel to reconsider his time spent at his occupation and with his family.

Supporting characters of Parasite Eve II

Rupert Broderick

Rupert Broderick

In Parasite Eve II, Aya departed the NYPD police out of respect for her comrades due to the awakening of her mitochondrial powers and joined FBI's "MIST" (Mitochondrion Investigation and Suppression Team). Somewhat replacing Daniel Dollis as the supporting character, Rupert is Aya's new partner and provides back-up, saving her from a surprise attack from a ANMC stranger in the beginning of the game.

According to his back-story, he fights along with MIST because of an NMC attack on his family, slaughtering his wife and child.

Eric Baldwin

Eric Baldwin

Eric Baldwin is the commanding supervisor of the MIST organization. Baldwin is fifty years old and has a strict and straightforward nature, commanding the MIST team with efficiency. His subordinates nickname him "Hal", though he apparently doesn't know it. It is later revealed in the game that he is actually working in part for the Neo Ark government, which is later discovered by Aya and her colleagues. It is presumed Hal was later given to the authorities.

Kyle Madigan

Kyle Madigan

A 29 year old man born in Texas who claims to be a P.I from Los Angeles and is initially shown as a man with mysterious motives, he is originally found by Aya in Dryfield hiding from the NMCs; however he later forms a team with her to fight the Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures produced by the Shadow government Neo Ark. Towards the end of the game is revealed that Kyle is in fact a U.S Government Special Agent who works directly with the President of the U.S; he played both sides (Neo Ark's and Aya's) to get information and act accordingly. He loses his leg from the concussion blast caused by the orbiting SDI Hypervelocity Railgun directed at the Pupa ANMC. After the events of Dryfield, he disappears, but meets later with Aya, and the new Eve, in New York City.

Gary Douglas

Gary Douglas

Gary is a weapons specialist that currently resides in the fictional town of Dryfield (located in the Mojave Desert) and was the only remaining survivor after a massive ANMC infestation wiped out most of the population. He apparently is a war veteran and assists Aya in her investigation while she explores the area. He owns a bloodhound named Flint, who appears to be very intelligent and befriends Aya during the course of the game. After the instances in Dryfield, he was seriously injured from the SDI attack...but recovered and started rebuilding Dryfield.

Pierce Carradine

Pierce Carradine

Pierce is a 30-year-old computer specialist who manages data collection and informative updates for MIST. He is a lean, tall individual who speaks little and consistently dons sunglasses and a vest. During his various conversations with the player (i.e. Aya) it is hinted he has feelings for her, but he never fully acts on them. According to the PE HQ, his habit of wearing glasses has often lead to accidents while driving. In the canonical ending of the game, he meets up with Aya's friend Kunihiko Maeda and they hit it off well while Maeda himself is studying what he calls a "Superhuman Theory", after hearing about the instances in the game. He also goes to the trouble of giving two tickets to the American Museum of Natural History at the end of the game, to Aya and Eve where they are reunited with Kyle Madigan.

No. 9 Golem

No. 9

A golem-type ANMC encountered by Aya three times during the game. No. 9 was previously a human who requested Neo Ark to transform him into a NMC, but unlike other test subjects, he paid the scientists to retain most of his human intelligence and memories. The transformation still leaves him slightly mad, however, evidenced by his insane laughter and actions.

No. 9 claims to be a "Hunter" like Aya for Neo Ark and uses two types of blades, a Machete that he occasionally ignites in flame by first rubbing some sort of flammable liquid on it, and a Gunblade (which can be gained by the player). He also wears two different kinds of outfits, one with a black kevlar vest and the other with a yellow tactical vest. He rides a large motorcycle 1600ccs or larger. He encounters Aya first in the Akropolis Tower, in which he is defeated and causes the tower to explode in a kamikaze attempt. He then engages Aya in the town of Dryfield, only to be combusted by Aya's awakening powers. His final attempt causes him to encounter Aya and Kyle Madigan as they traverse the Neo Ark facility in which Kyle shoots him in an act of betrayal, killing him for good (after he was sucked into the Pupa NMC in place of Eve at the time).

Jodie Bouquet

Jodie Bouquet

Jodie is a 24-year-old weapon expert and distributor for the MIST agency. She commonly sells weapons and various objects to the player throughout the game in exchange for points accumulated through the battle system. She is also very adept at customizations and remodeling. She criticizes Pierce a lot (mainly because of Pierce's poor gun knowledge), but is hinted that she has feelings for him.


  1. ^ Parasite Eve (video game)
  2. ^ Parasite Eve (video game)
  3. ^ Parasite Eve II
  1. ^ N/A (2005). "PE HQ". N/A. Retrieved 2006-03-29.
  2. ^ Square Soft. "Parasite Eve 2 official website". Soft Square. Retrieved 2006-03-29.
  3. ^ Kroeti (2002-04-24). "Enemy FAQ". GameFAQs. Retrieved 2006-10-08.
  4. ^ ChandooG (2004-10-10). "FAQ". GameFAQs. Retrieved 2006-10-08.
  5. ^ Aki (2006-03-30). "ign Parasite Eve II walkthrough". IGN. Retrieved 2006-03-30.
  6. ^ Phan Nguyen Khanh Dan "Mysticcat" (2002-02-14). "Story FAQ". GameFAQs. Retrieved 2006-10-08.