List of political parties in Canada
Political parties with representation in the Canadian Parliament
Other parties that ran in the last election
- Canadian Action Party
- Communist Party of Canada
- Green Party of Canada
- Marijuana Party of Canada
- Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada
- Natural Law Party of Canada
Unregistered Parties
- Absolutely Absurd Party
- Christian Heritage Party of Canada
- Libertarian Party of Canada
- Canadian Clean Start Party
- Canadian Democratic Movement
- Cosmopolitan Party of Canada
- Democratic Canadian Union
- Freedom Party of Canada
- Grey Party of Canada
- National Alternative Party
- Ontario Party of Canada
- Rest of Canada Party
- Socialist Alternative
- Socialist Party of Canada
- Western Canada Concept
Historical parties
- Bloc Populaire Canadien 1945-1949
- Canadian Alliance 2000-2003
- Confederation of Regions Party of Canada 1984 & 1988 elections
- Conservative Party of Canada (historic) 1867-1942
- Cooperative Commonwealth Federation 1935-1961
- Labour Party various
- Labour Progressive Party 1943-1959
- Movement for an Independent Socialist Canada 1974 election only
- National Party of Canada 1993 election only
- National Unity Party 1938-1940
- Parti national social chrétien 1934-1938
- Parti Nationaliste du Quebec 1984 election only
- Progressive Conservative Party of Canada 1942-2003
- Progressive Party of Canada 1921-1948
- Reconstruction Party of Canada 1935 election only
- Reform Party of Canada 1987-2000
- Rhinoceros Party of Canada
- Social Credit 1935-1988
- Socalist Party of Canada
- United Farmers 1921-1935
Provincial and territorial parties
Political parties represented in the Legislative Assembly
Other Parties
- Alberta Alliance Party
- Alberta First Party
- Alberta Greens
- Alberta Party
- Communist Party
- The Equity Party
- Natural Law Party
- Reform Party of Alberta
- Social Credit Party of Alberta
Parties represented in the Legislative Assembly
Other Parties
- All Nations Party of British Columbia
- The Alternative Party
- The Annexation Party of British Columbia
- BC Allegiance
- BC Youth Coallition
- British Columbia Conservative Party
- British Columbia Citizens Alliance Now
- British Columbia Democratic Futures Party
- Green Party of British Columbia
- British Columbia Marijuana Party
- British Columbia Party
- British Columbia Patriot Party
- British Columbia Social Credit Party
- Canadian Alliance Party of British Columbia
- Centre Democratic Party
- Citizens Action Party
- Citizens Commonwealth Federation
- Communist Party of BC
- Confederation Party of British Columbia
- Democratic Idealists Party
- Enterprise Party of B.C.
- Free Canadian Party
- The Freedom Party of British Columbia
- Link BC
- The Moderate Democratic Movement
- Natural Law Party of British Columbia
- Party Of Citizens Who Have Decided To Think For Themselves And Be Their Own Politicians
- People's Front
- The People of British Columbia Millionaires Party
- Reform Party of British Columbia
- United Peoples Action Party
- Unity Party
- Western Canada Concept Party of BC
- Western Independence Party of BC
- Western Reform
- Work Less Party of British Columbia
- Your Political Party of BC
Parties represented in the Legislative Assembly
- Manitoba Liberal Party
- New Democratic Party of Manitoba
- The Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba
Other Parties
- Communist Party of Canada - Manitoba
- The Green Party of Manitoba
- Libertarian Party of Manitoba
- Manitoba Party
Historical Parties
- Progressive Party 1921-1948
- The Grey Party of New Brunswick
- Liberal Party
- New Democratic Party
- Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Historical Parties
- The Labrador Party
- Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
- New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
Parties represented in the Legislative Assembly
Other Parties
- Communist Party of Canada (Ontario)
- Confederations of Regions Party
- Family Coalition Party of Ontario
- Freedom Party of Ontario
- Green Party of Ontario
- Ontario Libertarian Party
Historical Parties
Parties that contested the last election
- Prince Edward Island Liberal Party
- Island New Democrats
- Prince Edward Island Progressive Conservative Party
Unregistered Parties
Parties represented in the National Assembly
Other Parties
- Bloc pot
- Equality Party
- Parti démocratie chrétienne du Québec
- Parti marxiste-léniniste du Québec
- Parti vert du Quebec
- Union des forces progressistes
- Gauche Socialiste
- Parti de la Democratie Socialiste
- Parti Populaire des Putes
- Parti Populaire Socialiste
- Rassemblement pour l'Alternative Politique
- Canadian Traditional Conservative Union
Historical parties
Contemporary Parties
- The Indigenous Party of Saskatchewan
- New Green Alliance
- Saskatchewan Liberal Party
- Saskatchewan New Democratic Party
- Saskatchewan Party
- Western Independence Party of Saskatchewan
Historical Parties
Northwest Territories and Nunavut operate a consensus form of government and have no political parties.