If you were looking for Denni Windrim's page, this is it, and welcome. If you weren't, use the 'back' button.
Even though I'm up to my eyebrows in projects, my score of 46 means I don't need to check myself into the Betty Ford Center as a wikiholic just yet.
I've been hard at work on articles in meteorology, climatology, physics, addiction, and whatever else provokes my interest at the moment. Often, it's just a visit to the Recent changes page that will send me charging off in a new direction.
The best part about all of this is the research - since I'm doing this for no one but me, I follow my interests, and the result is that I've learned more in the past months than I have in years.
Pages I've created
- Atmospheric circulation
- Depressant
- George Hadley
- Intertropical convergence zone
- Púca
- William Ferrel
- Wind
- Withdrawal
Pages I've contributed to
- 3753 Cruithne
- Addiction
- Bermuda triangle
- Carbon nanotube
- Convection cell
- Lapse rate
- Sachs-Wolfe effect
- Tropopause
Pages I'm working on