Meet the Manger Babies
The Manger Babies are a group of four puppets within the animated series King of the Hill. They compose a Christian-themed puppet show involving the manger created by Luanne Platter, niece of Hank Hill and Peggy Hill. She came up with the idea after seeing the old puppets at a garage sale.
The Manger Babies consist of:
- Obadiah the donkey (he says "Eee-yaa!")
- Hosea the cat ("Meow meow!")
- (Unnamed) octopus ("Gurgle gurgle!") - he only has six legs
- Sir Reginald Featherbottom the Third, a penguin and very British bird ("Charmed, I'm sure, guv'nor")
Hank and his friends make a stage set for Luanne out of an old refrigerator box, and the puppet show aired on the local TV channel.