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Electional astrology

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Electional astrology is a branch found in most systems of astrology. In western culture one can see remnants of this in ceremonies such as the cutting of a ribbon to open a new building. This is traditionally done at the auspicious moment for the building to come into use, which is considered its actual birth to the people who will utilize the space. A heavy importance is placed on this in modern Hindu culture, and therefore there is a large amount of information on this topic from that tradition.

Hindu Electional Astrology (Muhūrta)

Electional astrology (called Muhurt or Muhūrta in Hindu astrology) concerns itself with finding the best time to do a particular activity. A part of Vedic astrology, this system proposes that the results of any action are based not only on who or how they are performed, but also when. This system takes in account the individual person, and the place where the action is performed to suggest the best time to perform the activity in order to get the best results possible.

The basis of electional astrology lies in the assumption that just as the destiny of an individual is governed by the state of the heaven when he was born, the outcome of the action also depends on the stars governing it.

The Vedic system of Electional astrology is more than a way to find out the best time to perform actions that you wish to gain fruit from. It is a guide to life itself and suggests the best time to do not only the important, but even mundane rituals of life like shaving, bathing, etc.

Muhurtha uses the person's horoscope, mundane influences, omens, prevailing religious & social customs etc., to suggest when the heavens are harmonious with an individual's desire and thus arrive on the best time to perform an action.

In Hindu system of electional astrology, electional astrology is distinct from horary astrology; having separate logics, rules, factors for consideration, application & utility, though the fundamental rules of astrology are applicable to both the branches. Separate treatises are available on each of these two branches. Horary is predictive astrology while electional astrology is predictive, preventive & prescriptive in nature.

Considerations in selection of an election

To arrive at precise (Sukshama) election for a specific activity, following main factors are considered :

Nativity of the aspirant, his name, birth ascendant, lunar sign (the radical Moon sign), lunar asterism, his status (social status, age, religion, caste), place where activity is to be performed, social & religious considerations.

Availability of universal purified time length, Panchang Shuddhi [suitable availability of fundamental five elements of Hindu ephemeris – day, asterism, half lunar day (Tithi), Karan & Yoga], Special Muhurt Yogas, selection of purified time (year, month, solstice, Lunar half, hora). Presence of special Muhurt Yogas (specific combinations of weekday, asterism, lunar day, asterism transited by the Sun etc.) fortifies an election, which is hallmark of Hindu electional astrology. Suitability of specific elements of Hindu ephemeris has been separately prescribed for specific elections.

Bright & luminous Moon lays foundations of an election. No good election is thought possible without detailed consideration of the Moon, as other planets gets strength from the Moon, & the Moon is mind of the election.

Absence of universal malefic / prohibited time like– junctional points (Gandantas), eclipses, solar ingresses into a new sign, Vishti Karan, Mahapaatas, Latta-Paata-Baana-Sangrahas- Kartari-Dash Doshas, malefic Yogas, blind / deaf signs-months-Tithis, combustion of Jupiter & Venus, etc. etc.), malefic / poisonous Yogas (combination of astrological elements) the list is long to mention here all the factors.

Absence of malefic time for the doer – adverse transit of the Moon & significator of the event, adverse asterisms; adverse killer (Ghaata) ascendant-Tithi- day- part of the day- Yoga-Karan etc.

Favourable transits of planets for the native selected through various Hindu systems – like Gochar, Ashtakvarga, Vaam Vedha, Karam Vedha, auspicious asterism, Ansha Chakra, Sarvaobhadra Chakra etc., favourable Dasha (Hindu progression system), Omens, portents, proper Swar (mode of breathing), incantation of Mantras & Vedic hymns. Extensive rules have been laid down to fortify & purify the election chart & election ascendant.

The unsullied election – without any maleficence is the best but is rarely available. Next middling election, having more beneficence & less maleficence is used by specialist astrologer through his expertise after balancing the election & examining the antidotes. The election having lesser beneficence is used in emergency. In Hindu system, other styles of Muhurtas (elections) like Do Ghati Muhurt, Shivprokat Muhurt, Chaughadia Muhurt & Brihaspati Muhurtas are also in vogue.

Time range / limitations available to the doer, nature of activity – degree of its signification / importance. Some events are time bound like first feeding, Jaatakaram (propitiations just after birth) have to be initiated within specific time limit.

Antidotes: No election is feasible unless antidotes to the maleficence is available & the election is balanced by a specialist astrologer. He has to examine compliance to the laid down logics, purification of divisional charts; arriving at the precise moment to start the event for the best benefits of the aspirants explaining him the limitations & constraints, as perceived by the specialist astrologer.

Western system of electional astrology

It is a subsection of horary astrology that attempts to determine the ideal time to initiate an action, such as buying a house, starting a business, getting married, buying a car, beginning a journey/travel, or any other important moment in the native's life. By drawing up a selection of horoscopes (also called natal charts or astrological charts) usually on a computer the astrologer then determines the merits of various dates, times and/or places and suggests those that will be most favorable in an astrological sense. The horoscopes of the main protagonists will also be taken into consideration in most cases.

Depending on the type of action proposed, certain planets are considered stronger or more dignified in the astrological chart and others are "weaker" - for example, a strong or well aspected Venus will be considered good for romance or marriage, but not for military action such as an invasion, as Mars is supposed to suit much better for that purpose (see astrological signs for further discussion). Traditionally one of the most important factors in determining what planet should be strongest when selecting propitious times to act are the planetary hours. In this system there are several favorable hours available for initiating any activity imaginable each day; and minimal calculations are required (not a complete horoscope).

One of the problems faced in this type of astrology is the determination of the exact time an activity begins. For example, does a business begin with the decision to start it, the time at which certain documents are signed, or when it starts trading? It might be necessary to take the astrological charts for each of these events into consideration.

Common usages of electional astrology

Usage by astrologers of Western world

Probably the most widely used[citation needed] function of electional astrology in the Western world today (yet not often talked about) is to determine the exact moment when a marriage ceremony should begin and the vows are exchanged. In electional astrology, the exact positions of the celestial bodies at the crucial first moments of the official relationship becomes eternally binding and is supposed to contain the "tenor" and "map" of the entire relationship in the future for as long as the union may last. It is especially popular amongst more spiritual, or so-called New Age couples, often being spread or advertised through word-of-mouth only.

In modern India, where Vedic astrology has become firmly entrenched in the culture of the local people over thousands of years, this form of electional strology is and was used for the vast majority of marriage ceremonies taking place, even into the present day. Because arranged marriages are still very widespread in most parts of India, a couple's Astrological Compatibility (evaluated by examining each person's natal chart in relation to the other's in a process known as synastry) is often taken into consideration before a definitive arrangement and match is made, thus hypothetically increasing the overall stability and lovingness of the arranged marriage over the years.

Electional astrology is still used widely today in gardening and even in commercial farming operations, as is obvious if one has ever read the famed Farmer's Almanac, first began by Ben Franklin over 200 years ago. The almanac was (and still is) widely used across the World for planting/harvesting by the phases of the Moon. Plants and crops are believed to grow and flourish much better when initially planted under a waxing Moon because the Moon is increasing (i.e. growing) in light. Please see this website for extensive information on using electional astrology for gardening using the phases of the Moon.

During the Middle Ages, the Age of Exploration, and throughout much of recorded history, electional astrology was widely use in Old Europe and other areas across the globe to determine the most favorable, exact astrological moment for the launching of a ship going on a (usually long and dangerous) major journey by sea (and sometimes even by foot/horse) -- the "best moment for embarkation" was chosen so that the crew would accomplish their mission safely (whether it be trade, war, exploration, fishing, etc.) and return home quickly.

With today's emphasis within astrological circles on the said person's personality/inner psychology and the development of their unique character, this type of astrology is somewhat out of fashion, but it is a widely acknowledged fact that the timing of many key events in the career of Ronald Reagan were recommended using electional astrology, by Nancy Reagan's personal astrologer Joan Quigley. These astrologers were particularly used after the assassination attempt when she became nothing short of obsessed with her husband's personal safety. It finally became a major embarrassment, as it was disclosed that Nancy influenced the White House time schedule of her husband. Days were color-coded according to the astrologer's advice, being classified as "good" days, "neutral" days, or days that should be avoided. Many important speeches and key press conferences were scheduled according to the advice of the various astrologers that Nancy Reagan used. The White House Chief of Staff, Donald Regan (of no relation to her husband), finally became extremely frustrated with this regimen, causing a power struggle between Regan and the First Lady. Donald Regan resigned in 1987. In particular, it is claimed that the dates of Reagan's inauguration as Governor of California and a Reagan-Gorbachev summit (8 December 1987) were chosen by her. Nancy Reagan became increasingly paranoid for her husband's safety after the assassination attempt and was said to use electional astrology much more than she had in the past after this traumatic event.

Usage by ancient & present astrologers adopting Hindu Electional system

References are found in Vedic literatures about directions & usage of electional astrology primarily for evolution of human being in performing Samskaras. Samskaras are special Vedic sacraments & rituals, which remove evil qualities in the persons & inculcate good virtues. The man is cleaned of his sins & is shown a path of Moksha (relieving from cycle of births & deaths). He is purified of his sins & is given a new form through the rites & rituals prescribed in Vedas, Shrutis & Smritis. In Vedic era there were 48 Samskaras but subsequently only 16 were performed. For attaining higher & higher degree of success & increase in measure of pleasure in life activities & especially purification of the mind, body & the soul, the Samskar sacraments are performed in auspicious election (Muhurt). The 16 Samskaras in the Hindu religion are :

Garbhadaan (conception), Punvasan (the sacrament to change sex of the embryo), Seemant (for safety of the foetus), Jaatakaram (to ward off evil effects of inauspicious birth time), Naamkaran (baptizing- to get name & fame), Nishkraman (taking the child first time out of the house), Mundan (tonsure), Annaprashan (taking grain for the first time), Upanayana (wearing the sacred thread), Karan Vedha (ear piercing), Veda Arambh (start of education), Keshanta (hair cut after completion of the education), Vrata Snaana – Vidya , Snaana, Marriage, Agniparigrah and Tretaagnisangraha. Subsequently usage of Hindu electional astrology was found in worldly life activities. It covers such activities which are performed generally once in life time. Certain activities of importance are repeatedly performed are also covered in electional system. For following main activities Hindu electional astrology is effectively used now -a- days:

Marriage related elections : Engagement, solemnising of marriage ruituals, first entry into husband's house, first sexual union, cooking by bride, re-marriage, return to father's house just after marriage, matching of horoscopes / compatibility in marriage.

Education related elections: Start of education of different types of education like : archery, architecture, astrology, cinematography, dance & singing, dance, Shaastra, gemology, grammar, handicraft, initiation of Mantras, law, foreign languages, mathematics, mechanics, medicine, music, instrumental music, painting, philosophy, religious, physical exercise, theater, Veda, painting).

Agriculture related elections : Sowing seeds, tilling, crop gathering, eating, new grains, entering into field, harvesting, irrigation, land, sale-purchase, manufacture, agricultural products, mustard oil extraction, plouging, seed storing, selling, agricultural products, storing agricultural products, water storing, gardening,

Female matters : Make up, ornamentation, decoration, first breast feeding, first feeding on milk wearing of new clothes & ornaments, stitching of new clothes, cradling of child, signification of start of puberty, bath after menses, first wearing of bangles, piercing of ears & nose, first feeding of grain, tailoring etc.

Travel related elections: Beneficial time to start travel, Yogis in traveling, Omens in traveling, delayed start of traveling Return from journey.

Religion related elections: Religious discourses, oblation to fire (Havan), idol installation, idol making, initiation of Mantras, worship of fire etc.

Animals related elections: Bringing up, their sale-purchase, castration, training, and hunting of different types of animals.

Cloth related elections: Manufacture wearing of clothes of different colors, dyeing, stitching, washing new clothes.

House related elections: Start of digging, foundation laying, start of construction, fixing of main door, entering into house, repair / white washing, obstructions to dwellings.

Medical treatment : Preparation of medicines, administration of medicines, bath after recovery, surgery, drinking, treatment of different diseases (bile illness, blood purification, gonorrhea, leprosy, phlegm disorder, taking purgative, poison taking, rheumatism, typhoid, vomiting, wind complaints, etc.)

Money matters: Burying / hiding, collection, money borrowing, money lending, opening of shop, printing currency, property division, shop opening, making a will, manufacture of different items, library, sculpturing.

Government & service matters: Coronation, wearing of crown, oath by head of state, oath taking by ministers, filing nomination paper for elections, relations between employer & employee. employing a servant, making application to employer, joining a service, making war, making a treaty, litigation, friendship making printing currency, manufacture of weapons, wearing of weapons, catching a thief, Inauguration of army, to see a king or high official etc.

The above list is not complete & exhaustive. In modern day applications, electional astrology is used extensively in filing nomination papers for elections, the taking of oaths by ministers, start of cinematography projects, release of motion pictures, and travel to foreign lands, performing marriage rituals, start of house & entry into the same. However, its most useful applications can be first feeding of child to ensure good food with dignity, conception of child to ensure birth of a prosperous & lucky progeny, felicitous marriage by careful examination of compatibility & selection of marriage related elections, spiritual development and purification by wearing of sacred thread, happy & prosperous living in new house by selecting beneficial time of its construction & first entry.

The usage of Hindu electional astrology is so vast and can find its application to any life activity, as the exponents have clearly laid down principles & rules for its application. The astrologer having studied the subject deeply can, with God's blessings, use this most useful branch of Vedic astrology effectively.

Hindu vs Western electional astrology

Electional (Muhurt/ Muhurtha) astrology dictums in jyotisha / Hindu / Vedic astrology are found in Vedic literature, canonical books, and scriptures & in mythological books; which were primarily prescribed "for the good of all, for the gain of all" especially in conduction of religious rites & auspicious activities. Latter on their application was used in worldly activities including wars & battles. "Vasishtha Samhita" (see Notes & references - 11, 12 & 13) is one of the oldest treatises on Hindu system of electional astrology is believed to have been written by Sage Vasishtha one of the 18 divine Sages who have contributed to jyotisha / Hindu / Vedic astrology as per their traditions / bliefs. The Vedic astrology has unbroken traditions of over several thousands years ago BC (see Notes & references - 1,2,3,4,5 & 6). There are numerous specific treatises exclusively on Hindu system of electional astrology gifted by exponents of Hindu astrology, who were specialist in the said field.

While Western electional astrology is of recent origin, and there is perhaps no exclusive book of ancient past on this most useful branch of astrology (see Notes & references No. 9). The Western astrology covers mainly the present day-to-day worldly activities (see Notes & reference No. 7, 8 & 9), while the ancient Vedic system deals more on the spiritual aspect of elections.

Both the systems are branches of horoscopy, and fundamental principals of horoscopy are applied in general, and the figure of Heavens drawn at the moment of initiation of the desired activity is the birth time of the event. Western electional astrology has been derived from Horary astrology, & general rules of the latter are applied, while Hindu electional astrology is distinct from Horary astrology and its specific rules are not applicable; but separate guidelines & rules are laid down in the treatises of Hindu electional astrology. Hindu system opines that delineations based on horary has time limit (say up to seven years) to foresee the effects, but effects of election performed are permanent.

Universally accepted auspicious / benefic & prohibited time, Special Muhurt Yogas, suitability of the five Hindu ephemeral elements (Panchang), specific prescriptions for specific elections, different styles / modes of elections etc. are special features of Hindu electional astrology which is fundamentally based on Lunar mansions (constellation occupied by the Moon). While in western system, emphasis in given on fortification of electional chart and event significator. In agreement to this, the Hindu system believes that election chart is body, the Moon is mind, the Sun is soul of the election; and a composite & holistic view is considered.

In Hindu system of electional astrology clear & consistent guidelines & rules for selection of suitable moment for elections have been dilated in length. Nature, signification and effect of each element (weekday, Tithi, constellation, Yoga & Karan) of Hindu Panchang (ephemeris) has been clearly defined, along with their effects when the elements are concurrent. With the available guidelines, astrologer with his skill can arrive at an election for which detailed dictums / guidelines are not available.

Exponents of the Hindu system of electional astrology had mastered the branch as a special subject and have gifted a vast number of exclusive treatises on this most useful branch of astrology. They were specialist in electional branch and have spread vast knowledge. Such exponents have not dealt on the other branches of astrology. On the contrary, western astrologer have dealt election as a small part / chapter in their treatises. Perhaps on record there have been no specialist electional astrologer in the anicient past in Western astrology.

In both the systems, nativity, planetary strength & planetary conditions and status, critical degrees; as per their own system, is taken into account at the time of initiation. In Western system radical twelfth house is considered as the worst while in Hindu system eighth house from radical ascendant as well as radical Moon is prohibited. Planetary day & hours are similarly considered. But some western astrologers consider planetary hours (Hora)as division of daytime & nighttime separately. Via Combusta, cazimi, Part of Fortune, Void of course Moon, the Moon's applying & separating aspects; are some of features in western electional astrology which are not considered in Hindu system of electional astrology.

One of the subtle difference is that William Lilly opines cazimi planets to be "wondrous strong" and followers may thus select cazimi Moon (Solar eclipse period) in good elections; but as per Hindu election system it is shunned in all good elections & has no remedy. Cazimi Jupiter similarly may be selected in elections following principals of Western electional astrology, but is certainly prohibited in auspicious elections & rituals (like marriage, tonsure, wearing of sacred thread, start of education etc.) in the Hindu electional system, and it has no 'antidote'.

Both the systems agree that it is rarely feasible to have the best possible election chart all meeting the desired requirements, but Hindu system have unique mode to balance the electional chart by "antidotes", for which enough guidelines are available.

For fruition of an initiated activity, election plays one part. The Hindu system directs aspirants for purification of mind & body, operation of proper mode of breathing, environmental purification by incantation of Mantras & Vedic hymns and oblation to fire, donations to poor, observation of omens & portents etc. etc. at the start of electional activity; for which separate guidelines are prescribed.

Hindu Electional Astrology and Use of the Days of the Week

It is believed by astrologers that one's desired work will be more successful if performed on the day relating to the qualities of the task being performed. The seven days a week system is prevalent throughout the world. Each day relates to a planet. Sunday to the Sun, Monday to the Moon, etc. This relationship of the planets to and the weekdays is found in multiple languages. Based on the nature & signification of the weekday (the planet ruling that day)certain activities are recommended.

Vedic or Indian astrology recommends detailed guidance as to which activity comes to fruition on specific weekdays. In the Hindu system, the days are calculated from Sunrise to Sunrise, which is distinct from the calculating the day from midnight. Here is a traditional list of activities considered more successful on the various weekdays.

Sunday- Sun: Coronation, government work, respects to the king, fire related works, weapon making & usage, war, bravery, service & employment, travel, thief, doctor, transaction of medicine, purchase of cows, bullocks & animals, gold-silver-copper-wood-works, bones-skin-hides, auspicious works, Yagya, teaching Mantras (Agni Mantras), religious discourse, music learning, woolen clothes, wearing of new clothes, mountains, stones, dessert, forest, trees, usage of forest items, snake, animal rearing & husbandry, food grain, trade.

Monday- Moon: Agriculture, farming, gardening, fragrant trees, lotus & flowers, milk, food, food-grains, sugar, sugarcane, raw sugar / molasses, Yagya, ornament making & wearing, silver, deer, sale & purchase of cows - buffaloes, gems-pearl & shells, conch-shell, singing & dancing- starting thereof, water related works, popular works, movable works, starting of education, night movements, benefit to mother's brother, Brahmins, article causing phlegm, clothes, female related works, king, road.

Tuesday- Mars: Killing, arresting, inciting insurgency, cruel works, piercing, army commanding, treaty, backing off treaty / agreement, fort, igniting fire, weapon, storing of war material, poison, lying, deception, thief, thievery, coral, gold related works & collection thereof, metal work, forest, night worker, doctor, ascetic / religious mendicant, treasurer, business of catching snakes, animal, trees with red coloured flowers, red colour items, works related to blood.

Wednesday- Mercury: Fine arts, literature-music- dancing & starting thereof; poetry, sculpturing, all type of art, theater, education, writing, spiritual learning, idol making, Mantra Kriya, meritorious works, marriage, friendship, starting of fast, holy bathing, trade, clever works, ordinary works, science, metal work, argument, intelligence, skill, ingenuity, messenger, physical exercise, collection of articles, juices & food grains, emerald, earth, clothes, fragrant articles.

Thursday- Jupiter : Auspicious works, Yagya, Havan, worshipping, peaceful religious works, fast, honoring the ancestors, temples, installing of idol, education, knowledge related works, learning in general, truthful works, wearing new clothes & trading thereof, ornaments, starting living in house, doctor, medicine, trading in medicine, physical works, health related works, physical works, development & expanding works, king, wealth, trees, gold, silver, elephant, horse, bullock, transport, travel.

Friday- Venus: Good for starting dance, music, singing painting; luxurious works, festivals, wearing new clothes & ornaments, friendship, sexual activities, artciles related to women, passion, sex, prostitutes, beds, fertility promoting, fragrance, comedy, laughter, cows, trade related to food grain & agriculture, farming, selling & purchase of land, sugar cane, juicy foods, gems, gold, silver, transport, lotus, earth, medicine.

Saturday- Saturn : Entering into new house & city, trading with deceit & forgery, telling lies, dreadful deeds, insurgency, works related to obstruction, trading of arms & ammunition, poisoning, bereft of courtesy, usage of iron & steel, arm & armory, dead, servant, debased person, old persons, thief, buffalo, camel, birds, trapping of elephant, stable works, profession related to capturing, collection of houses, departure, broken utensils, glass, stones, learning secret Mantras from Guru (Deeksha), service.

Logic for selection of weekdays

Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn are the celestial bodies visible to the naked eye. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday are auspicious because they are ruled by a planet considered to a benefic. Sunday, Tuesday & Saturday in general are harsher and better for tough, cruel, or aggressive actions because these planets are considered as malefic.

The status of the planet ruling the weekday is also considered within the chart at the time of the event. Thursday, Friday & Sunday are more effective during the daytime; Monday, Tuesday & Saturday are more effective during the night-time while Mercury is effective both during daytime & night-time. Like this there are many other rules relative to the weekdays that are utilized by a practicing astrologer to pick a successful moment for a task to begin.

Constellations (Nakshatra) : application in Hindu Electional Astrology

The current constellation occupied by the Moon, and nature of the constellation form the fundamental of Hindu Electional Astrology Vedic ("Muhurta"). Constellations are grouped on the basis of their nature, type of their face, degree of their beneficence, their quarters in different signs, with reference to the constellation occupied by the Sun, with reference to the birth constellation (Janma Nakshatra), their caste etc. Some of the useful elections based on their nature as per Vedic / Jyotisha astrology is very briefly given below based on their fundamental nature:


Rohini, Uttara Bhādrapadā , Uttra Falguni, and Uttara Ashada

WORKS: Fixed & permanent nature, house, village, temple, entering in new hose-city-temple, religious works, rites for getting peace, propitiation of portents, Vinayaka Shanti, coronation, sowing of seeds, planting of small garden, starting of vocal music, friendship, sexual works, making & wearing of ornaments & clothes may be auspiciously begun / effectively performed. Works allocated to delicate & friendly (Mridu) asterisms may also be performed.


Punarvasu, Swati, Sharavana, Shatabhishā & Shravishthā

WORKS : Related to motion & movement, riding on a vehicle or elephant, opening of shop, walking first time, walking in garden, sex, making jewellery, learning of a trait. Things performed in Small (Laghu) constellation are also effectively performed in the Movable constellations.


Magha, Bharni, Porva Falguni, Poorva Shada, & Poorva Bhadra.

WORKS: Ambush, burning, poisoning (self & others), making & using weapons especially related to fire, cheating / deception / wickedness / craftiness, cutting & destroying, controlling of animals, beating & punishing of enemy. Works allocated to Sharp / Horrible (Darun) asterisms are also successfully done in these asterisms.

D) MIXED ( Mishra & Sadharan ) CONSTELLATIONS :

Vishakha & Krittika.

WORKS: Fire works, burning of sacred fire (Agnihotra), using poison, fearsome works, arresting, adulteration (mixing), donation of ox to get one's desires fulfilled (Vrashotsarga). Works prescribed under cruel (Ugra, Karur) constellations may also be performed. As per N.S. works of Sweet / delicate & friendly (Mridu & Maitri) constellations can also be included.


Hasta, Abhijit, Pushya, and Ashvani.

WORKS: Selling, medical knowledge, using & handling of medicines, literature-music-art, the 64 Kala Shilpa (various arts, sculpture etc.) jewellery making & wearing, sexual intercourse. And the works prescribed for Movable (Char) constellations. Though Abhijit is included in Small group of asterisms, but is rarely referred in the Muhurt prescriptions.


Mrigashīrsha, Chitra, Anuradha and Revati.

WORKS: Starting & learning singing of songs, clothes & jewellery making & wearing, Manglik works, matter related to friends, female company, enjoyments, sexual passions.


Jyeshta, Ardra, Ashlesha, and Moola.

WORKS: Charm or spell causing disease or death, hypnotism, sorcery; ghost, ambush, horror, capture, matters related to secrecy, backbiting, starting of quarrel, separation, matters related to friendship & breaking thereof, training & tying of animals, pleasure works, playing games, getting made & wearing of new dress & ornaments, starting & learning singing of songs, entering into village / city, peaceful & developmental works.

Extremely high auspicious Muhurtas in Hindu electional astrology

According to Vedic / Indian treatises on electional astrology three Muhurtas are held as most auspicious in initiating life activities. These are : Abhijit Muhrat, Sade-Teen Muhurt and Gau-Dhuli (12 minutes before and after the Sunset). Though these have been held as most auspicious in general but caution need to be exercised that their durations are not sullied by concurrent presence of inauspicious Yogas, universally accepted malefic time like eclipse and Ganadanta (junction points) etc, and adverse planetary transits for the doer etc. Further doers are cautioned to select the Muhurt properly as Abhijit Muhurt is suitable for worldly activities, and the Sade-Teem Muhurtas and Gow-Dhuli are suitable for auspicious and meritorious activities. Selection of an auspicious time is one of the highest skill of an electional astrologers but still the said auspicious Muhurtas can be effectively utilized when expert's services are not available.

Sade – Teen Muhurtas

1st Tithi of Bright Half of Chaitra (starting of new year), 10th Tithi of Bright Half of Ashvina (Vijay Dashmi), 3rd Tithi of Bright Half of Vaishakha (Akshay Tritiya- Parshu Jyanti) & 1st Tithi of Bright Half of Karttika are called "Sade-Teen (3 ½) Muhurt". The first three Tithis are counted as full & the last one as half Tithi, and constitute Sade - Teen Muhurt. These are among the most auspicious Tithis & auspicious (Manglik) deeds successfully fructify when started in these Tithis. It is held that there is no blemish during these Tithis. Meritorious activities (Punya Karma) such as recitation (Japa), penance (Tapa), donations, bating (Snaana), oblation to fire (Havan), burnt offering (Hooma) performed in this Tithi is extremely beneficial. Wearing sacred thread (Upnayana), marriage, ending of fast, house construction & entering thereof, travailing and plantation are prohibited during Akshay Tritiya as this Tithi is Yugadi Tithis; which was prevailing during start of Treta Yuga.

Abhijit Muhurt

Abhijit Muhurt is a powerful election as per Hindu astrology. Exponents of Vedic / Hindu electional astrology have prescribed Abhijit Muhurt (election) as on of the most powerful election & has general acceptance of exponents for initiating a wide spectrum of life activities, especially for fruition of worldly activities. Its Puranik name is Abhijit or Kutup Muhurt. This election (Muhurt) is also called Swami Tithiyansha', 'Vijay Muhurt' & 'Chaturlagna. It is ruled by Abhijit (Vega 19) asterism, a benefic one.

It has power to annihilate / destroy numerous malevolent influences in elections. However, its efficacy is enhanced by presence of special Muhurt Yogas, prescribed beneficial Hindu ephemeris (Panchang) elements, luminous Moon, fortified & purified ascendant, specific disposition of election related planets, favourable transits of the planets to the aspirant etc. etc. This election is that powerful that some exponents have praised to the extent that when a suitable election is not available, it can be selected for fruition of the desires.

This election is as or similarly powerful as Vijay Dashmi, Ravi Yoga, Sade-Teen Muhurt, Sarva-Karya-Arambha Muhurt, Gow-Dhuli, and Vijay Muhurt & Amrit Ghatis for initiating a wide spectrum of life activities.

Abhijit Muhurt starts from 24 minutes before the Local Noon Time (LNT) & remains till 24 minutes thereafter (total duration 48 minutes) for 12-hour duration of daytime. For variable length of daytime its duration should be calculated proportional to non-nocturnal (daytime) length. Proportional election time (total duration) of this election is 15th part of the daytime length. Thus at a place of activity on a given day the election shall be current during:

LNT ± [(proportional election time) ÷ 2]

=[(Sunset time + Sunrise time)÷2] ± [(Sunsettime - Sunrisetime)÷ 30]

For example if Sunrise is at 07.00 GMT & the Sunset time is 18.00 GMT at a place of an activity then, its total duration shall be 44 minutes (11 h ÷2 = 44 m). Local Noon Time shall be 12.30 GMT. The said election time shall start from 12.08 & ends at 12.52 GMT (12.30 ± 22 m).

In the corresponding duration during night-time, equally auspicious election prevails which is called Brahma Muhurt. Most of the authoritative writers have eulogized this Muhurt as suitable to initiate all types of works, & as the most powerful & efficacious Muhurt capable of removing plurality of maleficence (Doshas).

Lord Shiva killed a powerful demon named Tripurasur in this Muhurt. This Muhurt has blessing of Lord Vishnu who destroys innumerable Doshas with His Sudarshan Chakra during the currency of this Muhurt. Aspirants (not having in-depth knowledge of Muhurt astrology) may select this powerful election for day-to-day life activities without going into intricacies of the knowledge regarding election & ephemeris.

Exceptions : But this powerful Muhurt is not suitable for auspicious / sacraments (Manglik activities like marriage, Upanayana etc.) functions on Wednesdays, as it forms a malefic Muhurt. Further travel in the South direction should be refrained during this powerful election.

Some exponents have advised that ± 4 minutes of time (total 8 minutes) from the junction of forenoon & after-noon (mid-day), and also the first & latter part of night (mid-night - Mahanisha) are malefic & should be refrained in a benefic Muhurt (elections). Thus aspirants should not use this election during LNT ± 4 minutes.

Readers shall find that some of the countries whose birth took place in the said election have thrived & progressed merely by virtues of this powerful election.

Phonetical Astrology (Swar Shaastra) - its significance in electional astrology

Swar Shaastra – is a unique oriental knowledge based on breathing and speech. Sound is one of the most effective energies playing leading role in interpersonal and spiritual development. The exponents of jyotisha /Hindu / Indian astrology had mastered this knowledge and had gifted numerous treatises (Shiv Swarodaya, Samarsaar, Narpatijacharya, seven Yamalaas) on this subject. However, subtleties of its usage and application are still kept highly secret. It has been held that for maximum possible success in a venture, assistance from harmonious sound is essential.

As opined by exponents of Hindu electional astrology, electional astrology is not merely selecting a suitable moment through astrology, but ensuring that harmonious / beneficial environment prevails through incantation of holy sound / Mantras and the aspirant has the right mode of breathing to attain highest feasible success in the venture. This highly developed branch of knowledge has fundamental role in spiritual evolution of human being through various mode of breathing (Pranayam & Yogas), incantation of Mantras and fine art of music. Its derived applications are found in selection (election) of suitable time for initiation of life (and also day-to-day) activities based on name of person; judging compatibility among persons; using suitable style of breathing while initiation of specific activity; horary astrology, and providing vital assistance in clinching the issue; independent mode to decipher future; selection of breathing mode for health maintenance and removal of illness; enchantment of persons. It is a subject in itself and its application in electional astrology is very briefly given for delight and benefit of aspirants.

There are three modes of breathing, viz, flow from left nostril, flow from right nostril & flow from both the nostrils. The last mode is generally for a short duration when breathing switches from left to right & vice versa. Mode of breathing can be checked by examining air flow while exhaling. When breath is flowing from both the nostrils, the time is beneficial for worshipping & devotional activities only; all other activities must not be then initiated. Following are some of the specific activities which should be initiated when left or right nostrils are active. Some activities are listed under both the modes, which the aspirant may select based on the functional / piousness of the activity. In general for pious activities are initiated during currency of left nostril.

Activities recommended during running of left nostril:

It is beneficial / auspicious in long distance travels; charity; donation; wearing of clothes and ornaments; treaty & agreement; installation of God's idol; practicing Yoga; oblation of fire for peace; worshipping; marriage; administering of medicine, treating of difficult illness, removing poison; starting of education-singing-dancing-playing musical instruments; discussion on dance - drama; stationary & fixed works; entering into house - city - village; coronation, seeing king (high official, master, employer); sweet & friendly activities, making friends; auspicious deeds; teachings; initiation of Mantras; leaning of futurity knowledge; collection of domestic items - wealth & grains; starting of water tank-pond-well; peaceful & developmental works; trade (give & take by the hand presenting the mode of breathing); agriculture works, sowing seeds, buying agricultural land.

Activities recommended during running of right nostril:

Currency of breathing through right nostril is auspicious / beneficial for performing accurate & difficult works; writing alphabets; learning and practicing use of arms and weapons; destruction of enemy war, attack, encounter; enmity; inflicting punishment; breaking / splitting; gambling; bathing; taking food; sleeping; sex, visiting women & prostitutes, enchanting females, attracting others; creating fear, cruel works; short distance travel; entry into house; boarding ship / big boat; drinking intoxicants, administration of poison, removal of poison; usage of Mantras; study of holy books; study & teaching of difficult & destructive branches of knowledge climbing mountains & forts; riding on horse / elephant and transports; physical exercise; sale of animals; crossing pond-river; taking medicine; giving donations; sale-purchase; grinding of bricks-stones-wood-metals; conduction of 'Six-Works': "beating, charming, hindering, enmity, vexing & subduing".

Aspirant user of this knowledge must change mode of breathing suitably at the time of initiating specific desired activity. When left nostril is working, body gets cooled; while right nostril is working, the body gets heated up. Most of the practicing electional astrologers have observed that compliance to the dictums of Swar Shaastra is more efficacious than omens.

Books on electional astrology

Books on western electional astrology

  • Carmen Astrologorum - (Dorotheus of Sidon, 1st century CE - book V (in Pingree edition of Arabic translation)
  • Peri Katarkhōn - (Maximus - astrologer of 2nd century CE)
  • Electional astrology – (Vivian E. Robson)
  • Electional astrology – (Joann Hamper)
  • Electional astrology : art of timing - (Mountain astrologer)
  • Authoritative Text on Electional
  • Astrology restored - (William Ramesey)

    Classical treatises / books on Vedic / Hindu electional astrology

    Following is list of the treatises on Vedic / Hindu / India electional (Muhurt / Muhurtha astrology. Election has also been dealt in other books but these are exclusive books on the subject. Electional astrology has also been dealt exhaustively / partly in some of the Samhitas whose list is also appended. These books are in Sanskrit, but those available in English translation or commentary are marked as * & in bold letters.

  • Adbhuta Sagaar
  • Brihannarad
  • Brihatdaivygyaranjan
  • Brihatjyotisaar
  • Daivygyamanoranjan
  • Daivygyamanohar Granth
  • Ganak Mandan
  • Gian Manjari
  • Hindu Electional Astrology (in English)
  • Jaganmohan Granth
  • Jyotiprakash
  • Jyotirnibandh
  • Jyotish Ratan
  • Jyotisha Tattwa
  • Jyotishsaar
  • Jyotish Chintamani
  • Jyotirvidabharnam
  • Kaal Khanda
  • Kaal Nirnaya Deepika
  • Kaal Prakashika *
  • Madhaveeyam
  • Muhurtarnava
  • Muhurt Bhaskar
  • Muhurt Chintamani *
  • Muhurt Chudamani
  • Muhurt Darpaan
  • Muhurt Deepak
  • Muhurt Deepika
  • Muhurt Ganpati
  • Muhurt Kalpadrum
  • Muhurt Maala
  • Muhurt Manjari
  • Muhurt Martanda
  • Muhurt Muktaavali
  • Muhurt Prakash
  • Muhurt Saagar
  • Muhurt Sangraha
  • Muhurt Tattva
  • Muhurt Tattvapradeep
  • Muhurtarnava
  • Muktaavali
  • Narpatijacharyaaswarodaya
  • Naardeeya
  • Nibandh Chudamani
  • Poorva Kaalamrit
  • Rajmartanda
  • Ratan Koosh
  • Ratanmaala
  • Samarsaar
  • Shiv Swarodaya *
  • Vaivahaar Pradeep
  • Vivah Kautuhal
  • Vivah Patal
  • Vivah Pradeep
  • Vivah Saar
  • Vivah Vrindavan
  • Vyvahaarochchya
  • Yoga Yatra
  • Vyvaharsaar
  • SAMHITAS : Following is list of Samhitas; treatises on mundane, omens, portents, electional, meteorology etc.
  • Brahmarshi Samhita
  • Brihaspati Samhita
  • Brihat Samhita *
  • Charak Samhita
  • Guru Samhita
  • Kashyap Samhita
  • Lomasha Samhita
  • Maanav Samhita
  • Naagarjun Samhita
  • Narad Samhita
  • Shakalya Samhita
  • Samaas Samhita
  • Samhita Pradeep
  • Samhita Sidhhanta
  • Satya Samhita
  • Sur Samhita
  • Vaikhaan Samhita
  • Vasist Samhita

    Classical treatises / books on Vedic / Hindu Phonetical astrology

  • Shiva Swarodaya-- by Muktabodhnanda Saraswati
  • Swar Yoga -- by Muktabodhnanda Saraswati
  • Swar Chintamani -- by S Kannan
  • Hindu Electional Astrology -- by V K Shridhar
  • Jyotish Me Swar Vigyan Ka Mahatava -- by Kedar Dutt Joshi
  • Narpatijacharya -- by Narpatikavi
  • Samarsaar -- by Raamchandra

    Notes and references

    [1] Florida Vedic College

    [2] " A Brief History of Astrology" by Dr. Jai Maharaj

    [3] - "Astrology and Religion Nexus - see Hinduism & astrology

    [4] "History Vedic Indian Astrology Hindu Astrology Branches of Astrology"

    [5] "American College of Vedic Astrology" - Explore & learn about Vedic Astrology.

    [6] - a tribute to a Vedic astrologer.

    [7]- Astrology books: Horary and electional, page 1; Describes contents of electional activities covered in four famous books on Western Electional astrology.

    [8] - Title index; no details of any Western electional astrology book of BCE era.

    [9] "Electional Asrology" by Vivian B Robson - (p-3) "... for no book on Electional Astrology has ever before been published, ..."

    [10] - Sage Vasishtha - author of many treatises on Yoga, Spiritrulism & Vedic astrology, according to Hindu Mythology.

    [11] - "Vasishta head" - found to be around 3700 B.C.

    [12] - era in which Sage Vasishtha existed

    [13]-"Vasishtha Samhita" - One of the most ancient treatise on Vedic Electional astrology, written in pre Vedic era.

    Electional Astrology Books

    • [14] "Hindu Electional Astrology" - a compendium on Vedic / Hindu system of electional (Muhurt) astrology detailing their principles, prescriptions & database of over 250 elections of important life activities.
    • [15]-"Vasishtha Samhita" - One of the most ancient treatise on Vedic Electional astrology, written in pre Vedic era.