Joseph Sobran
Joseph Sobran is an American journalist who has written extensively on American politics and culture. His columns have been nationally syndicated since 1979, beginning with the Los Angeles Times, then Universal Press, and now Griffin Internet. He also writes for The Wanderer, a weekly Catholic newspaper.
After college (majoring in English) and a few years teaching, he started working at William Buckley's National Review magazine in 1972. He stayed 21 years, 18 of as senior editor. His association with the magazine ended about the time he began to criticize Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. The nature and tone of his critisim were interpreted by many including William F. Buckley, as being anti-Semitic.
He has since them published an article "Jewish Power" in the Journal of Historical Review which is published by the Institute for Historical Review, a think tank which promotes holocaust denial. As well as participating in annual conferences of the Institute. Joeseph Sobran's relationship with holocaust deniers has cost him the friendship of many people on the intellectual right.
Sobran is a Shakespearean scholar and much interested in the authorship question, supporting the[[Oxfordian theory|] that Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford, was the true author of the plays usually attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford.
Sobran is the author of three books: Single Issues: Essays on the Crucial Social Questions (1983), Alias Shakespeare: Solving the Greatest Literary Mystery of All Time (1997), and Hustler: The Clinton Legacy (2000).
In 2000 he was selected as the vice-presidential candidate of the Constitution Party, but soon resigned from the campaign saying it was affecting his work as an author.
He is currently working on a book about Lincoln’s presidency and its abandonment of the Constitution, and another book about the poems of Edward de Vere.
External links
- Sobran's: The Real News of the Month
- List of Joseph Sobran's articles
- Joseph Sobran and Historical Revisionism by Mark Weber published in the Journal of Historical Review of the Institute for Historical Review, Fall 1987.
- For Fear of The Jews presentation at the 14th conference of the Institute for Historical Review 2002
- The Writings of Joseph Sobran hosted on David Irving's Focal Point Publications website.
- Joseph Sobran. "Jewish Power," The Journal of Historical Review, volume 18 no. 1 (January/February, 1999), p. 28.