Astrological compatibility
Astrological Compatibility
Astrological Compatibility describes how one particular Zodiac Sign is compatible with another. Compatibility between two signs was described in words or rated in numbers to give an idea on how, according to Relationship Astrology experts, one person is compatible or incompatible with another one, based on their Zodiac Signs.
Compatibility between two Zodiac Signs is always approached within particular branch of astrological tradition, be it Chinese Astrology, Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology.
Compatibility in Chinese Astrology
Chinese Astrology has an elaborate system desribing compatility between individuals based on their hour, day, week, month and year of birth according to ancient tradition.
Compatibility in Western Astrology
To define compatibility between two signs Western Astrology defines a concept that 12 Western Zodiac Signs are related to 4 different Western Element Groups: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
Suzanne White. (1998). Chinese Astrology: Plain and Simple. Publisher: Tuttle Publishing. ISBN: 0804831882
Theodora Lau. (1997). "Chinese Horoscopes Guide to Relationships". Publisher: Doubleday Publishing. ISBN: 0385486405
Theodora Lau. (1999). Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes. Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN: 0062737317
Suzanne White. (1998) New Astrology: A Unique Synthesis of the World's Two Great Astrological Systems: The Chinese and Western
The Diagram Group. (2004). "The Book of the Zodiac". Publisher: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. ISBN: 4972551306