Major depressive disorder
Depression is a mood disorder characterised by loss of interest in life, anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure), lack of energy and motivation. Often it is accompanied by sleep disorders, especially early morning awakening and by feelings of greatly lowered self-worth. Depression is often described as being unable to feel -- even to feel many negative emotions such as sadness.
CORRECTION: The above description is incorrect. Depression is a mood disorder which may or may not involve a loss of interest in life or anhedonia:
According to DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR (p. 356), the two principal or required elements of depression include: (1) depressed mood, or (2) loss of interest or pleasure. The diagnosis does not require "loss of interest in life, anhedonia". It is sufficient to have either of these symptoms in conjunction with four of a list of other symptoms. Likewise, "lack of energy and motivation" is not at all a required symptom of Major Depression.
Psychiatrists have attempted to catagorize depression in many ways, but most agree that depressions fall into two broad catagories: Reactive or exogenous depression, which are depressions following an identifiable life trauma or loss; and endogenous depressions in which it is difficult to find an external cause. According to most psychiatrists, at least some endogenous depressions are related in a complex way to changes in some neurotransmitters in the brain. On one view, for example, changes in serotonin levels might both be caused by and be a cause of depression.
CORRECTION: Exogenous depression need not occur "following an identifiable life trauma or loss". It is often regarded as resulting from a medical condition having nothing to do with any psychological trauma or loss.
In addition, depression can be categorised into unipolar depression and depression as part of Bipolar Disorder.
In particular, Bipolar Disorder appears to have well-documented physical correlates, and responds well to chemical treatment.
What is generally known as Manic Depression, comprising both Major Depression and the several forms of Bipolar Disorder, was first discovered by Emil Kraepelin.
It is theorised that unipolar depression and bipolar disorder may be part of a wider bipolar spectrum
Depressions are currently treated, with varying degrees of success, in several ways including: psychotherapy (including [Freudian therapy]?, cognitive therapy, etc.), [anti-depressant medication]?, and [electroconvulsive treatment]?.
See also:
manic depression
[economic depression]?
For detailed information concerning Emil Kraepelin who discovered Manic Depression:
See also:
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