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40 Eridani

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40 Eridani or Keid or Omicron 2 Eridani is a triple star system less than 16.5 light years away from Earth. It is in constellation Eridanus. It was discovered to be a double star in 1783 by William Herschel, and in 1851 it was discovered that one of the stars in the double was itself a double, by Otto Wilhem von Struve.

The primary star is an orange main-sequence dwarf of spectral type K1, observed to be about 4 billion years old. The two companion stars, 40 Eridani B, a 9th magnitude white dwarf (spectral type A VII) and 40 Eridani C an 11th magnitude red dwarf (spectral type M4e V), orbit each other 400 astronomical units from the primary star.