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Bharatiya Janata Party

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Bharatiya Janata Party
LeaderLal Krishna Advani
Headquarters11, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110001
IdeologyHindutva Right Wing to Centrist
AllianceNational Democratic Alliance

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), literally meaning Indian People's Party, created in 1980, is today one of the largest national political parties in India. It claims to be a champion of socio-religious cultural values of the country's Hindu majority, conservative social policies and strong national defense. It finds its primary base of support in the urban and semi-urban middle class, business and merchant classes and religious and social conservatives. Its constituency is strengthened by the broad umbrella of Hindu nationalist organizations, informally known as the Sangh Parivar (Family of "Sangh" organizations), where the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh play a leading role.

Throughout its existance the main opponent of BJP has been the Indian National Congress. The BJP has allied with regional cultural forces to roll back the centralising tendencies formerly endorsed by the Congress Party, which dominated central government for four decades. The ideological rallying cry of the BJP is Hindutva, literally "Hinduness," or cultural Hindu nationalism.

BJP led the Government of India between 1998 and 2004, under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Deputy Prime Minister Lal Krishna Advani, its most senior leaders. However, it has done so as the leading party within the National Democratic Alliance, of which it remains a part even today, and leads the opposition. It has never won a parliamentary majority by itself.



The Bharatiya Jana Sangh (Indian People's Union) was founded in 1952 by Syama Prasad Mookerjee, a Bengali Hindu nationalist leader, former Union Minister and freedom-fighter. It was considered the political wing of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a mass public Hindu nationalist organization. But the fortunes of the young party floundered in 1953, when Mookherjee died in Kashmir in jail during a protest. BJS lasted for 24 more years, but never succeeded in winning control of any state or more than a small share of the seats of the Union Parliament. It could never challenge the Indian National Congress, leader of the nation's freedom movement for a political majority, and always had to contend with lesser socialist parties for second and third places. However, the party nourished future leaders who were seasoned with tough political experiences, like the future Prime Minister, the Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

When Indira Gandhi imposed a state of emergency in 1975, postponing elections and exercising major central powers granted by the Constitution for emergency situations, the BJS joined a coalition of opposition parties in active protest. Several of its leaders were arrested, including Vajpayee. But when Gandhi called elections in 1977, the BJS invested all its political and organizational capital in merging into the new Janata Party, a unified opposition party. A mixture of socialist, regionalists, and former Congressmen, the party was united in opposition to the Emergency and Indira Gandhi. The Janata Party defeated Indira Gandhi's Congress Party in a landslide victory and formed a government under Morarji Desai's Premiership in 1977. Vajpayee, the most senior BJS leader became Minister for External Affairs, responsible for foreign policy. His close friend and political comrade Lal Krishna Advani became the Minister for Information and Broadcasting.

The Janata Party government lasted for barely 2 years, and following its collapse, Indira Gandhi's Congress returned in a thunderous landslide victory. When the Janata Party imploded, the nucleus of the BJS reorganised themselves.

Early years

The BJP was founded in December 1980, under the direct leadership of the dumvirate of Vajpayee and Advani. In 1984 Lok Sabha elections, where the Congress Party won a massive landslide following Indira Gandhi's assassination, the BJP obtained only 2 seats out of 543. But in the 1989 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP won 88. It supported the Janata Dal-led coalition of V.P. Singh, but from the outside. That government too collapsed in less than two years.

In the 1991 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP became the premier Opposition party, and the Congress government was a coalition one. In 1996, the BJP became the single-largest political party in Parliament, with the Congress at its lowest ever. The President of India, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, appointed A.B. Vajpayee as Prime Minister and the BJP worked to foster a coalition that could command a majority in the Lok Sabha, but the opponents of BJP were able to rally a majority and Vajpayee had to resign after only 13 days in power. Instead, a broad centre-left coalition government was formed.

The First BJP Government

Lok Sabha elections were again held in 1998, and the BJP again won the largest bloc of seats. This time, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with allied political parties. NDA had a slim majority, and A.B. Vajpayee returned as Prime Minister. But the coalition ruptured in May 1999, and fresh elections were again called.

On October 13 1999, the BJP-led NDA won as many as 303 seats. The BJP won an all-time high of 183. Vajpayee won his third-term as Prime Minister, and L.K. Advani became the Deputy Prime Minister and held the Home Ministry. This NDA Government lasted for its full 5 years.

The Second BJP Government (1998-2004)

Under Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the new Government sent the country bursting into the new era, with the 5 nuclear tests at Pokhran, in Rajasthan in 1998, making Bharat a new-age nuclear power with a considerable weapons arsenal and technology. The Vajpayee administration also oversaw the country's defenses during the Kargil conflict, where thousands of soldiers, with artillery, aircraft and extremely dangerous assaults and operations, recovered strategic hills from Pakistani militants who had occupied and incursed into the Indian side of the Line of Control.

The BJP-led National Democratic Alliance passed the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 2002, a stringent law increasing the powers of police authorities and intelligence agencies in an effort to destroy subversive political activities and terrorism. The POTA was promulgated chiefly in response to the December 13, 2001 terrorist attacks on the Union Parliament.

Vajpayee and his economic team also pushed through major privatizations of big government corporations, the Freedom of Information Act, the liberalization of trade rules, free trade, opening the skies to commercial airlines, foreign investment and ownership and developed "Special Economic Zones" where industries could enjoy special infrastructure. The Government specially catered to the rising Information Technology industry, and lowered taxes for middle-class Indians and businesses.

Vajpayee's Golden Quadrilateral road system was developed to link the four corners of the nation with heavy, industrial roads, and improve surface transport in the country as such. His education programs boosted the enrollment of children into primary schools, expanded aid for schools and pushed new-age technologies to improve schooling.

The Vajpayee administration presided over the biggest and longest-sustained economic boom in the country's history, starting in late 2002. Record increases in agricultural and industrial production were matched by hungry middle-class consumers, and increasing foreign trade and investment. In 2004, the Government signed the South Asia Free Trade Agreement with Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, a decision that will vastly benefit over 1.6 billion people.

Vajpayee was single-handedly responsible for three monumental efforts to build peaceful relations with Pakistan. In 1999, he rode on the Delhi-Lahore bus inaugural, and signed the Lahore Declaration with the Pakistani PM, committing Bharat to peace. Despite the betrayal to come 3 months later in Kargil, Vajpayee in 2001 invited the military ruler, Pervez Musharaff to Delhi, though the summit failed with no result. And despite the terrorist attacks that froze relations for two and a half years, Vajpayee, in a stunning and emotive speech to Parliament in August 2004, spoke of his "absolute last attempt of my life" to foster peace with Pakistan, de-freezing relations and invoking praise from world leaders.

The BJP was severely discredited by the 2002 Gujarat riots, where the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi of the BJP was accused of protecting murderous Hindu mobs and obstructing the work of police to stop the anti-Muslim violence. Many BJP activists and some MLAs were involved in orchestrating the violence. Over 2,000 people were killed and tens of thousands displaced in the carnage. The BJP's hard-right wing attempted to defend and justify Modi's leadership, while the moderate wing was deeply embarrassed and weakened by the effects of the fiasco on the party's image and its efforts to woo Muslim voters.

The 2000 Tehelka scam severely affected the credibility of the NDA, while the chargesheeting of L.K. Advani and others in the Babri Mosque demolition case in 2003 proved a further embarrassment.

After the 2004 General Election

The BJP and the NDA suffered a surprise defeat in the general elections in 2004, and failed to muster a parliamentary majority. A.B. Vajpayee passed on the premiership to Dr. Manmohan Singh of the Congress Party, and its United Progressive Alliance.

The defeat was incomprehensible to many, who assumed that the BJP would win on the basis of Vajpayee's widespread popularity, the national economic boom and Vajpayee's historical revival of the peace process with Pakistan. However for this assumption, the organization's volunteers did not work hard to canvass voters and recruit supporters, and the BJP's political campaign remained confined to television and radio, and no grass-roots effort was properly organized. But the major reason was the unrest amongst the nation's poverty-struck millions, who felt ignored and left out of the economic boom.

The BJP also lost in the Maharashtra state elections, which then brought on a full organization crisis.

Faced with inter-alliance tensions, and quibbling amongst its younger, second-tier leadership, the BJP agreed to call on Lal Krishna Advani to assume the presidency and lead the party and the NDA in Parliament. Vajpayee was elected Chairman of the NDA, an honorary role but clearly indicative of his diminishing role in the party's future.

In June 2005, Advani's presidency was severely battered after he made comments praising Pakistan's founding-father, Mohammed Ali Jinnah as a "secular" leader. On a visit to Pakistan to transform his image from a hardliner to a peacenik in the Vajpayee mold, Advani invited a storm of criticism from the Hindu nationalist base of the party, and for several weeks lost control amidst fiery calls for his resignation. His resignation was given and retracted, and a public "clarification" of his comments announced, but Advani and the BJP were left bracing a political storm. Hammered in by the ruling coalition and the left-wing, the BJP's internal disarray severely afflicted its credentials with the people.

The future of the BJP, although leader of a powerful political movement, passes through a critical period of test, when a new generation succeeds the old and changes the direction of the party, and its fortunes.

BJP election poster 2004 in Bengali.

Hindu Nationalism

The BJP is a nationalist party. It sees itself as rising to the defence of indigenous culture, Indian religious systems like Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism. To many Hindu nationalists, Bharat is a Hindu Rashtra, literally a Hindu nation.

According to BJP, this definition does not exclude Muslims, Christians and other minorities. Hindu Rashtra is portrayed as cultural nationalism and Hinduism as an entire systems of faith and worship, culture and history that have developed in India over the past 5,000 years. In the political language of Hindu nationalists, all the peoples of India, their cultures and heritage are "Hindu," which literally means "inhabitant of the land of the river Sindhu," the modern-day Indus.

The BJP has been accused of being a xenophobic, racist and fascist organization by its opponents. Its supporters, on the other hand, argue that it is a conservative, nationally-orientated party and does not wish to polarise the country on communal (religious) grounds. The life and work of the BJP is seen by many as strongly influenced by the Partition of India in 1947.

The partition was traumatic legacy for most religious communities in India. A massive section of Hindus and Sikhs from the areas that became Pakistan had to flee to India. During the chaos surrounding Partition, over 1 million Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims were killed in religious violence and had to flee either to India or Pakistan in the wake of horrendous carnage. The trauma of midnight evacuations of ancestral homes, and being forced to wade through murderous violence, chaos and confusion to despair and helplessness in a different land which became their home, has struck deep in the veins of Hindu nationalists.

Another important factor in the ideological construction of the ideology of BJP is the ongoing territorial dispute over Jammu and Kashmir and the wars of 1947-48, 1962, 1965, and 1971 and recently the 1999 Kargil War. BJP and its followers feel they must remain viligant against threats from Pakistan, China and others.

The BJP has often been accused of participation in religious violence and using religiously sensitive issues for political advantage. These accusations, some backed by facts have tarnished the image of BJP in the eyes of many Indians, Hindus and Muslims alike. Many journalists and observers feel that the BJP is a fascist organization, and has a clear anti-Muslim bias. However the BJP does have prominent Muslims in positions of leadership like Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi and the late Sikandar Bakht.

BJP has certain demands and actions to its credit that are explicitly controversial, and which are considered as fomenting communal tensions. The Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya is probably the most important of such issues. Claims are made that Muslim invaders destroyed an ancient temple in the city of Ayodhya in medieval times. Supposedly built on its head was the Babri Mosque.

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the 1970s inaugurated an organized campaign to re-build the Hindu temple there. But only because the site was supposedly considered the birthplace of Lord Rama of the Ramayana, the epic hero-God of Hindus, the most popular incarnation of the Supreme Lord Vishnu.

For two decades, the protests were peaceful. But in the late 1980s, the issue turned more controversial than ever. The VHP began demanded a direct demolition of the mosque, and the BJP embraced the issue as its own.

The Ram temple having become a major demand of the BJP, its activists joined the ranks of protestors, and many major party rallies were held in Ayodhya. The emotive strength of this issue, was one of the most important factors in BJP winning the state assembly elections in the most populous state of India, Uttar Pradesh, in 1991 and rose to national prominence.

But on December 3, 1992, a parade of protestors burst upon the mosque and tore it down with pickaxes and shovels. The rally was being led by Lal Krishna Advani. The BJP leader and many senior VHP and RSS leaders were close by, giving the strong impression that the destruction was pre-planned. And across the country, violent mobs broke loose, killing over 10,000 people, mainly Muslims, in orgies of anger, murder, looting and burning. In the aftermath of the communal violence, many sectors felt that the secular fabric of India was threatened. The VHP was banned and Advani of BJP was arrested amongst others. Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi are two BJP leaders on a CBI chargesheet for the destruction. But the political growth of BJP continued rapidly.


The rank-and-file leadership of BJP largely derives from the cadre of the RSS, which has millions of affiliates. It also maintains close links to other Sangh Parivar organisations, such as Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Swadeshi Jagran Manch (an organisation promoting consumption of domestic goods).

Mass organisations associated with the BJP include:

Outside of India, BJP followers have formed the 'Overseas Friends of BJP'.


The core agenda of BJP is inspired chiefly by Hindu nationalism. Though not in order of importance, the chief goals of BJP may be summarized as follows:

(1)The Repeal of Article 370 of the Constitution, which grants a special status to Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir and prevents Indian citizens from settling in the state, in an effort to protect its Muslim-majority.

(2)The Promulgation of a Uniform Common Civil Code, which create only one personal and civil law code for Hindus, Muslims and Christians, who enjoy the privilege of having law codes tailored to their religious culture over personal and family matters. In the minds of BJP supporters, this system creates a sense of division in the country between religious communities.

(3)A Ban on Cow Slaughter, to honor the Hindu tradition of deeming cows and most cattle as sacred, and prohibiting the consumption of beef and pork.

(4)The Ban on Religious Conversions, to prevent Islamic and Christian missionaries from converting Hindus. The BJP argues that it has become virtually impossible to distinguish forcible incidents of conversion from personal choice, and the BJP considers it important to protect the Hindu majority from the political agendas of prosletising Muslim and Christian groups.

(5)The Construction of the Ram Janmbhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya.

(6)To achieve the full territorial and political integration of Jammu and Kashmir with India. Presently over 40% of the territory is under the control of Pakistan and China.

The BJP stands for strong national defense, small government and free-market economic policies, but Hindutva has been its core philosophy and identity ever since its inception.

Office Bearers


Former Presidents

General Secretaries


BJP in the States

As of 2005, the BJP rules the Indian States of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, and the states of Jharkhand and Orissa through the National Democratic Alliance partners. In the state of Tamil Nadu, AIADMK the ruling party is an observer member of the NDA.

The BJP has traditionally done well and has a strong base of support in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Haryana, Goa Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh. It does well in mainly Hindi-speaking, northern states and states where the population culture and life is religious and conservative.

To expand its influence in the states, the BJP has sought out right-wing allies. In Maharashtra, the hard-right Shiv Sena is a long-time ally, though repeated election defeats have impaired their relationship. In Assam, the Asom Gana Parishad (Assam People's Council), a home-grown Assam nationalist party is the ally. In Punjab it is naturally allied with the Akali Dal, Sikh religious party. It allies with the Janata Dal (United) in Bihar and with the BJD in Orissa. In Arunachal Pradesh, an umbrella of independents and opposition parties merged themselves under Gegong Apang and the BJP, forming the first-ever BJP government in a Northeastern state.

Seeking out the regional cultural nationalists for alliance, the BJP supports decentralization of government powers and responsibilities, and supports the respect and revival of regional religious and ethnic cultures as a part of the revival of the wider national socio-cultural fabric. This however, can be explained also in political terms, as these regional parties are the principal opponents of the secular, nationalist, centralising Congress Party in most states. Ignored in terms of allocation of capital and resources, strategic economic and national security assistance, the regions began breaking out of the Congress fold in the early 1990s, and the BJP has joined this revolt but is aiding it to develop as a uniting, rather than dividing force by fostering a nationwide cultural revival, and culture and religion, and not secularism and socialism in government as a uniting factor for people.

List of BJP MPs in the 14th Lok Sabha

1 Advani, Shri Lal Krishna Gandhinagar (Gujarat )

2 Ahir, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Chandrapur (Maharashtra )

3 Ajgalley, Shri Guharam Sarangarh (SC) (Chhattisgarh )

4 Ananth Kumar, Shri Bangalore South (Karnataka )

5 Angadi, Shri Suresh Chanabasappa Belgaum (Karnataka )

6 Argal, Shri Ashok Morena (SC) (Madhya Pradesh )

7 Bais, Shri Ramesh Raipur (Chhattisgarh )

8 Bangaru, Smt. Susheela Laxman Jalore (SC) (Rajasthan )

9 Bhagora, Shri Mahavir Salumber (ST) (Rajasthan )

10 Bhargav, Shri Girdhari Lal Jaipur (Rajasthan )

11 Bisen, Shri Gauri Shankar Chaturbhuj Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh )

12 Bishnoi, Shri Jaswant Singh Jodhpur (Rajasthan )

13 Borkataky, Shri Narayan Chandra Mangaldoi (Assam )

14 Chandel, Shri Suresh Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh )

15 Channappa, Shri Kunnur Manjunath Dharwad South (Karnataka )

16 Chaubey, Shri Lalmuni Buxar (Bihar )

17 Chaudhary, Shri Pankaj Maharajganj (Uttar Pradesh )

18 Chauhan, Shri Nihal Chand Ganganagar (SC) (Rajasthan )

19 Chauhan, Shri Nand Kumar Singh Khandwa (Madhya Pradesh )

20 Chavan, Shri Harischandra Deoram Malegaon (ST) (Maharashtra )

21 Chhatwal, Shri Sartaj Singh Hoshangabad (Madhya Pradesh )

22 Choudhary, Shri Nikhil Kumar Katihar (Bihar )

23 Chouhan, Shri Shivraj Singh Vidisha (Madhya Pradesh )

24 Dangawas, Shri Bhanwar Singh Nagaur (Rajasthan )

25 Danve, Shri Raosaheb Patil Jalna (Maharashtra )

26 Darbar, Shri Chhatar Singh Dhar(ST) (Madhya Pradesh )

27 Deo, Shri Bikram Keshari Kalahandi (Orissa )

28 Deshmukh, Shri Subhash Sureshchandra Solapur (Maharashtra )

29 Dharmendra, Shri Bikaner (Rajasthan )

30 Dhotre, Shri Sanjay Shamrao Akola (Maharashtra )

31 Diler, Shri Kishan Lal Hathras (SC) (Uttar Pradesh )

32 Gaddigoudar, Shri P.C. Bagalkot (Karnataka )

33 Gadhavi, Shri Pushpdan Shambhudan Kutch (Gujarat )

34 Gandhi, Smt. Maneka Pilibhit (Uttar Pradesh )

35 Gandhi, Shri Pradeep Rajnandgaon (Chhattisgarh )

36 Gangwar, Shri Santosh Kumar Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh )

37 Gao, Shri Tapir Arunachal East (Arunachal Pradesh )

38 Gehlot, Shri Thaawar Chand Shajapur (SC) (Madhya Pradesh )

39 Gohain, Shri Rajen Nowgong (Assam )

40 Gowda, Shri D.V. Sadananda Mangalore (Karnataka )

41 Hegde, Shri Anant Kumar Kanara (Karnataka )

42 Jain, Shri Pusp Pali (Rajasthan )

43 Jatiya, Dr. Satyanarayan Ujjain (SC) (Madhya Pradesh )

44 Jigajinagi, Shri Ramesh Chandappa Chikkodi (SC) (Karnataka )

45 Joshi, Shri Pralhad Venkatesh Dharwad North (Karnataka )

46 Joshi, Shri Kailash Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh )

47 Kanodia, Shri Mahesh Kumar Patan (SC) (Gujarat )

48 Kashyap, Shri Baliram Bastar (ST) (Chhattisgarh )

49 Kaswan, Shri Ram Singh Churu (Rajasthan )

50 Katara, Shri Babubhai Khimabhai Dohad (ST) (Gujarat )

51 Kathiria, Dr. Vallabhbhai Rajkot (Gujarat )

52 Kaushal, Shri Raghuvir Singh Kota (Rajasthan )

53 Khandelwal, Shri Vijay Kumar Betul (Madhya Pradesh )

54 Khanduri, AVSM,Maj.Gen.(Retd.) Bhuwan Chandra Garhwal (Uttranchal )

55 Khanna, Shri Vinod Gurdaspur (Punjab )

56 Khanna, Shri Avinash Rai Hoshiarpur (Punjab )

57 Koli, Shri Ramswaroop Bayana (SC) (Rajasthan )

58 Kripalani, Shri Srichand Chittorgarh (Rajasthan )

59 Kulaste, Shri Faggan Singh Mandla (ST) (Madhya Pradesh )

60 Kusmaria, Dr. Ramkrishna Khajuraho (Madhya Pradesh )

61 Madhwaraj, Smt. Manorama Udupi (Karnataka )

62 Mahajan, Smt. Sumitra Indore (Madhya Pradesh )

63 Mahajan, Shri Y.G. Jalgaon (Maharashtra )

64 Maharia, Shri Subhash Sikar (Rajasthan )

65 Maheshwari, Smt. Kiran Udaipur (Rajasthan )

66 Majhi, Shri Parsuram Nowrangpur (ST) (Orissa )

67 Malhotra, Prof. Vijay Kumar South Delhi (Delhi )

68 Mallikarjunaiah, Shri S. Tumkur (Karnataka )

69 Marandi, Shri Babu Lal Kodarma (Jharkhand )

70 Meghwal, Shri Kailash Tonk (SC) (Rajasthan )

71 Modi, Shri Sushil Kumar Bhagalpur (Bihar )

72 Moghe, Shri Krishna Murari Khargone (Madhya Pradesh )

73 Mohale, Shri Punnulal Bilaspur (SC) (Chhattisgarh )

74 Naik, Shri Shripad Yasso Panaji (Goa )

75 Nath, Shri Aditya Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh )

76 Nayak, Shri Ananta Keonjhar (ST) (Orissa )

77 Oram, Shri Jual Sundargarh (ST) (Orissa )

78 Pandey, Dr. Laxminarayan Mandsaur (Madhya Pradesh )

79 Paraste, Shri Dalpat Singh Shahdol (ST) (Madhya Pradesh )

80 Paswan, Shri Sukdeo Araria (SC) (Bihar )

81 Patel, Shri Somabhai Gandalal Koli Surendranagar (Gujarat )

82 Patel, Shri Harilal Madhavjibhai Porbandar (Gujarat )

83 Pateriya, Smt. Neeta Seoni (Madhya Pradesh )

84 Pathak, Shri Harin Ahmedabad (Gujarat )

85 Patil, Shri Basangouda Bijapur (Karnataka )

86 Patil, Shri Anna Saheb M.K. Erandol (Maharashtra )

87 Patil, Smt. Rupatai Diliprao Nilangekar Latur (Maharashtra )

88 Patil, Shri Digamber Bapuji Nanded (Maharashtra )

89 Patle, Shri Shishupal Natthu Bhandara (Maharashtra )

90 Potai, Shri Sohan Kanker (ST) (Chhattisgarh )

91 Pradhan, Shri Ashok Kumar Khurja (SC) (Uttar Pradesh )

92 Pradhan, Shri Dharmendra Deogarh (Orissa )

93 Rana, Shri Kashi Ram Surat (Gujarat )

94 Rana (Raju Rana), Shri Rajendrasinh Ghanshyamsinh Bhavnagar (Gujarat )

95 Rathod, Shri Harisingh Nasaru Yavatmal (Maharashtra )

96 Rawat, Shri Bachi Singh Almora (Uttranchal )

97 Rawat, Prof. Rasa Singh Ajmer (Rajasthan )

98 Rawat, Shri Dhan Singh Banswara (ST) (Rajasthan )

99 Reddy, Shri Karunakara G. Bellary (Karnataka )

100 Rijiju, Shri Kiren Arunachal West (Arunachal Pradesh )

101 Sahu, Shri Tarachand Durg (Chhattisgarh )

102 Sai, Shri Vishnu Dev Raigarh (ST) (Chhattisgarh )

103 Sai, Shri Nand Kumar Surguja (ST) (Chhattisgarh )

104 Sangliana, Shri H.T. Bangalore North (Karnataka )

105 Sangwan, Shri Kishan Singh Sonepat (Haryana )

106 Shah, Lt. Col.(Retd) Maharaja Manabendra Tehri Garhwal (Uttranchal )

107 Shiwankar, Shri Maha Deo Rao Chimur (Maharashtra )

108 Shukla, Smt. Karuna Janjgir (Chhattisgarh )

109 Siddeswara, Shri Gowdar Mallikarjunappa Davangere (Karnataka )

110 Sidhu, Shri Navjot Singh Amritsar (Punjab )

111 Singh, Shri Ganesh Satna (Madhya Pradesh )

112 Singh, Baba Saheb Chandra Pratap Sidhi (ST) (Madhya Pradesh )

113 Singh, Shri Lakshman Rajgarh (Madhya Pradesh )

114 Singh, Shri Rakesh Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh )

115 Singh, Shri Uday Purnea (Bihar )

116 Singh, Shri Manvendra Barmer (Rajasthan )

117 Singh, Shri Vishvendra Bharatpur (Rajasthan )

118 Singh, Shri Vijayendra Pal Bhilwara (Rajasthan )

119 Singh, Dr. Ram Lakhan Bhind (Madhya Pradesh )

120 Singh, Shri Chandrabhan Bhaiya Damoh (Madhya Pradesh )

121 Singh, Shri Brij Bhushan Sharan Balrampur (Uttar Pradesh )

122 Singh, Shri Kalyan Bulandshahr (Uttar Pradesh )

123 Singh, Shri Dushyant Jhalawar (Rajasthan )

124 Singh Deo, Smt. Sangeeta Kumari Bolangir (Orissa )

125 Solanki, Shri Bhupendrasinh Prabhatsinh Godhra (Gujarat )

126 Srikantappa, Shri D.C. Chikmagalur (Karnataka )

127 Swain, Shri M.A. Kharabela Balasore (Orissa )

128 Thakkar, Smt. Jayaben B. Baroda (Gujarat )

129 Tripathi, Shri Chandramani Rewa (Madhya Pradesh )

130 Vajpayee, Shri Atal Bihari Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh )

131 Varma, Shri Ratilal Kalidas Dhandhuka (SC) (Gujarat )

132 Vasava, Shri Mansukhbhai D. Broach (Gujarat )

133 Verma, Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh Jalaun (SC) (Uttar Pradesh )

134 Vijayashankar, Shri C.H. Mysore (Karnataka )

135 Virendra Kumar, Shri Sagar (SC) (Madhya Pradesh )

136 Wagmare, Shri Suresh Ganpatrao Wardha (Maharashtra )

Source : Official BJP MP List