Index of cryptography articles
This page aims to list terms that are related to cryptography. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on "Related changes" in the sidebar or the link below:
The list is not necessarily complete or up to date — if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.
See also
- Topics in cryptography — an analytical list of articles and terms.
- Books on cryptography — an annotated list of suggested readings.
- List of cryptographers — an annotated list of cryptographers.
- Important publications in cryptography — some cryptography papers in computer science.
Digits and symbols
3-Way -- 40-bit encryption --
A5/1 -- A5/2 -- Abraham Sinkov -- Adaptive chosen ciphertext attack -- ADFGVX cipher -- Adi Shamir -- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) -- Advanced Encryption Standard process -- Alan Turing -- Anonymous remailer -- Asymmetric key algorithm -- Atbash cipher -- Attacker -- Auguste Kerckhoffs -- Authentication -- Autokey cipher --
Babington plot -- Beale Ciphers -- Birthday attack -- Bit-flipping attack -- Blaise de Vigenère -- Bletchley Park -- Blinding -- Blind signature -- Block cipher -- Block cipher modes of operation -- Block size -- Blowfish -- Blum Blum Shub -- Book cipher -- Books on cryptography -- Bruce Schneier -- Brute force attack --
Caesar cipher -- CAcert -- CAST-128 -- Camellia -- Certificate authority -- Certificate-based encryption -- Certificateless Cryptography -- Certificate Revocation List -- Chaffing and winnowing -- Chosen ciphertext attack -- Chosen plaintext attack -- Cipher -- Cipher Block Chaining -- Cipherspace -- Ciphertext-only attack -- Claude Shannon -- Clipper chip -- Code -- Codebook -- Colossus computer -- Commitment scheme -- Computer insecurity -- Computer surveillance -- COMSEC equipment -- Confidentiality -- Confusion and diffusion -- Cover -- Covert channel -- Cryptanalysis -- CRYPTO -- Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age -- Crypto system -- Crypto-anarchism -- Cryptogram -- Cryptographic engineering -- Cryptographic hash function -- Cryptographic Message Syntax -- Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator -- Cryptographically strong -- Cryptographie indéchiffrable -- Cryptography -- Cryptologia -- Cryptomathic -- Cryptome -- Cryptonomicon -- Crypto-society -- Cypherpunk -- Cyphertext --
Daniel J. Bernstein -- Data Encryption Standard -- David Chaum -- David Wagner -- David Wheeler -- Decipherment -- Decrypt -- DeCSS -- Dictionary attack -- Differential cryptanalysis -- Diffie-Hellman key exchange -- Digital signature -- Digital timestamping -- Dining cryptographers protocol -- Discrete logarithm -- -- Don Coppersmith --
ECHELON -- Electronic money -- ElGamal discrete log cryptosystem -- Eli Biham -- Elizebeth Friedman -- Elliptic curve cryptography -- Encode -- Encryption -- Enigma machine -- Espionage -- Exclusive disjunction --
Famous ciphertexts -- Feistel cipher -- Financial cryptography -- FISH -- Frank A. Stevenson -- Frank Rowlett -- Frequency analysis -- Friedrich Kasiski -- Fritz-chip --
Garble -- Geheimfernschreiber -- Glossary of telecommunications encryption terms -- GNU Privacy Guard -- GOST -- Government Communications Headquarters --
Hardware random number generator -- Hebern Rotor Machine -- Henryk Zygalski -- Herbert Yardley -- History of cryptography -- Horst Feistel --
ID-based cryptography -- Index of coincidence -- Information security -- Information theory -- Initialization vector -- International Association for Cryptologic Research -- International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) -- Internet key exchange -- Invisible ink -- IPSec -- Iraqi Block Cipher -- Iraqi block cipher -- ISAAC --
Jerzy Rozycki -- JN-25 -- Journal of Cryptology --
Kerckhoffs' law -- Key-agreement protocol -- Key authentication -- Key -- Key derivation function -- Key distribution center -- Key escrow -- Key signature -- Key signing party -- Key size -- Keyed-hash message authentication code -- Knapsack problem -- Known-plaintext attack --
Laurence Safford -- Leo Marks -- Leonard Adleman -- Leone Battista Alberti -- Linear cryptanalysis -- Linear feedback shift register -- List of cryptographers -- Lorenz cypher -- Lucifer --
Man in the middle attack -- Marian Rejewski -- MARS -- Martin Hellman -- Max Newman -- MD5 -- MD5CRK -- Merkle-Hellman -- Message authentication code -- Message digest -- Microdot --
National Security Agency -- NESSIE -- Niels Ferguson -- NTRUEncrypt -- Null cipher --
One-time pad -- One way function -- OpenPGP -- OpenSSH -- OpenSSL --
Pass phrase -- Password -- Password cracking -- Permutation cipher -- Phil Zimmermann -- Physical security -- Pike (cipher) -- Plaintext -- Playfair cipher -- Poem code -- Polyalphabetic cipher -- Polybius square -- Pretty Good Privacy -- Pseudorandom number generator -- Public key certificate -- Public-key cryptography -- Public key infrastructure -- Purple code --
Rabin cryptosystem -- Ralph Merkle -- Random oracle -- RC4 -- RC5 -- RC6 -- Rijndael -- RIPEMD-160 -- Ron Rivest -- Ross Anderson -- ROT13 -- Rotor machine -- RSA -- RSA Security -- Rubber-hose cryptanalysis -- Running key cipher --
S-1 -- Scrambler -- Scytale -- SEAL -- Secret sharing -- Secure cryptoprocessor -- Secure Key Issuing Cryptography -- Secure shell -- Security engineering -- Security through obscurity -- Self-certifying key -- Serpent -- Session key -- SHA-1 -- Shrinking generator -- SIGABA -- SIGINT -- Skipjack -- Snake oil -- Snefru -- Solomon Kullback -- Steganography -- Straddling checkerboard -- Stream cipher -- Substitution box -- Substitution cipher -- Substitution-permutation network -- Symmetric encryption -- Symmetric key algorithm --
Tabula recta -- Tamper resistance -- TEMPEST -- The Codebreakers -- Tiger hash function -- Timing attack -- Tiny Encryption Algorithm -- Topics in cryptography -- Traffic analysis -- Transport Layer Security -- Transposition cipher -- Trapdoor function -- Triple DES -- Trusted third party -- Tunny -- Twofish -- Type 1 product -- Type 2 product -- Typex --
Ultra -- Undeniable signature -- Unicity distance --
VENONA project -- VIC cipher -- Vigenère -- Vincent Rijmen --
Whitfield Diffie -- Wi-Fi Protected Access -- William F. Friedman -- Wired Equivalent Privacy -- W. T. Tutte --
Zero-knowledge proof -- Zeroise --