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Index of philosophy articles (A–C)

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Mark Christensen (talk | contribs) at 16:04, 23 September 2002 (Moved I topics). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

See also Philosophy basic topics for a pared-down list.


Nicola Abbaganno -- Abduction -- Peter Abelard aka Peter Abailard -- Abortion -- The Absolute -- Absolute idealism -- Abstract objects -- Absolute theory of space -- Absolutism -- Abstract vs Concrete -- Abstract ideas -- Abstraction -- The absurd -- Abunaser aka Al Farabi -- Academic Philosophy Plato's Academy aka the Acadamy of Athens-- Academy of Florence -- Acceptance -- Fallacy of the Accident -- Accesibility Relation -- Accidie -- Achilles and the Tortoise -- Acquaintance and Description -- Action (philosophy) -- Action at a distance -- Act object ambiguity -- Act and omisssion doctrine -- Actual -- Actualism -- Actualty and potentiality -- Actualization -- Act utilitarianism -- Adam of Wodeham -- Adams thesis -- Ad hoc theory aka Ad hoc hypothesis Ad hominem argument -- Adventitous ideas -- Theodor W Adorno -- Advaita -- Adiaphora gk. indifferent -- Adverbal theory -- Aenesidemus of Cnossos -- Aesop -- Aesthetics -- Aestehtic detachment -- Aesthetic objectivity -- Aestehtic values -- Affirmative action -- Affirming the antecedent -- Affirming the consequent -- Aether -- Affective -- Affirmative vs. negative propositions -- Affirming the consetuent -- A fortiori -- Age of reason -- Agent -- Agent causation -- Agent morality -- Agent neutral reasons in ethics -- Agent relative reasons in ethics -- Agnostic -- Agnosticism -- AI -- Albert the Great aka Albertus Magnus -- Albert of Saxony -- Samuel Alexander -- Alexander of Aphrodisias -- Alexandrian school -- Abu Jasar Al-Farabi -- Algazel aka Al-Ghazali -- Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali -- Robert Alyngton -- Algorithm -- Yaqub ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi -- Alienation -- Ammonius Saccas see also Plotinus -- Saint Ambrose -- Ammonius Saccus -- Amoral decision -- Amoralist -- Amplative argument -- Analogy -- Medieval theories of analogy -- Analysis -- Analytic philosophy -- Analytic vs synthetic knowlege -- Anarchism -- Anarcho-capitalism -- Anaxagoras of Clazomenae -- Anaxarchus teacher of Pyrrho -- Anaximander of Miletus -- Anaximenes of Miletus -- John Anderson -- Angst -- Animal consciousness -- Animal rights -- Anotic -- Saint Anselm -- Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe -- Antecedent Antecedentalism in ethics -- The Anthropic principle -- Anthropocentrism -- Antinomianism -- Antinomy -- Antiperistasis -- Antiphon -- Anti-realism -- Antithesis -- Antiochus of Ascalon -- Karl-Otto Apel Aperion -- Aphorism -- Apodeitic or Apodictic -- Apollonian vs Dionysian -- Apopogetics Apophatic philosophy -- Apophatic theology -- Apperception -- Applied ethics -- Applied philosophy -- A posteriori knowledge -- A priori knowledge -- Apitude in ethics -- Saint Thomas Aquinas, -- Arcesilaus -- Arche -- Archtype -- Hannah Arendt -- Arianism -- Aristippus -- Arius -- Arastocracy -- Argument -- Argumentum ad baculum -- Argumentum ad hominum -- Argumentum ad misericordiam -- Artumentum ad populum -- Argumentum ad verecundiam -- Aristotelianism in the Ancient World -- Aristotelianism in Islamic Philosophy -- Aristotelianism in the Medieval Europe -- Aristotelianism in the Renaissance -- Aristotelian biology -- Aristotelian ethics -- Aristotelian logic -- Aristotelian mathematics -- Aristotelian metaphysics -- Aristotelian physics -- Aristotelian political philosophy -- Aristotelian poetics -- Aristotelian rhetoric -- Arminianism -- Jacob Arminius -- David Armstrong -- artifact -- artifical intelligence -- Artifical intelligence and multi-valued logic -- Antone Arnauld -- Raymond Aron -- Arrow paradox Arrow's theorem -- Ascriptivism -- Assertion sign in logic -- Associative law in logic -- Astell, Mary -- Astrology -- Atomic fact -- Atomism -- Attitude Utilitarinism -- Attribute -- Saint Augustine -- Saint Augustine and neo-platonism -- Saint Augustine and free will -- Peter Auriol -- Authenticity -- Authoritarinism -- Authority -- John Austin -- John Langshaw Austen -- Autocracy -- Autonomy in moral philosophy -- Autonomy in political philosophy -- Richard Avenarius -- Averoes aka Ibn Rushd -- Avicena aka Ibn Sina -- Avowal -- Axiom -- Axiomatic system -- Axiom of choice -- Axiom of infinity -- Axioms of intuition -- A. J. Ayer --


Fronz von Baader -- Graccus Baboeuf -- Gaston Bachelard -- Backward Causation -- Francis Bacon -- Roger Bacon -- Bad faith -- Alexander Bain -- Michael Bakunin -- Ball of wax example -- Barber paradox -- Barcan formula -- Marcus Barcan -- Karl Barth -- Roland Barthes -- [[[Epistemic basing relation]] -- Basic Action -- Bataille Georges -- Bruno Bayer -- Thomas Bayes -- Bayes's theorem-- Bayle's trilema -- James Beattie -- Beauty -- Simone de Baeuvoir -- Begging the question -- Behaviorism -- Being -- Being and becoming -- Beign in itself -- Being for itself -- Bell's Theorem -- Jeremy Bentham -- George Berkeley -- Sir Isaiah Berlin -- Bernoulli's theorum -- Best of all possible worlds hypothisis -- Biconditional -- Binary opposition -- Bioethics -- Teleological notions in biology -- Principle of bivalence -- Hugh Blair -- Black box or Black box theory -- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius -- Boethius of Daca -- Saint Bonaventure -- George Boole -- Boolian Algebra -- Bernard Bosanquet -- Bound variable -- Bourgeois -- Robert Boyle -- Francis Herbert Bradley -- Bracketing see also Epoche -- Thomas Bradwardine -- Richard Bevan Braithwaite -- Brain -- Brain in a vat theory -- Franz Brentano -- Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brauwer -- British empiricists -- Brute Fact -- Thomas Brown -- Martin Buber -- Bultmann Rudolf -- Bundle theory -- Joseph Butler -- John Buridan aka Jean Buridan -- Edmund Burke -- Walter Burley aka Walter Burleigh -- James Burnet aka Lord Monboddo --


Jean Calvin -- Callicles and Thrasymachus -- Cambridge Platonists -- Camridge School -- Campbell, George -- Carneades -- Casuistry -- Categories see also problem of universals -- Category theory -- Causation -- Causal processes see also Causation -- Causal decision theory -- Counterfactual theories of causal processes -- Causation and manipulability -- Medieval theories of causation -- Metaphysics and causal processes -- Probabilistic causal processes -- Moral character -- Character traits -- Philosophy of childhood -- Central concepts of Christianity -- Church-Turing thesis -- Citizenship -- Civil rights -- Catharine Trotter Cockburn -- Cognitive science -- Moral cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism -- Hermann Cohen -- Anthony Collins -- Color -- Common knowledge -- Communitarianism -- Comparative philosophy ?Chinese and Western -- Compatibilism -- Computability -- Computer ethics -- Etienne Bonnot de Condillac -- Conditionals -- Confirmation -- Confucius -- Connectionism -- Connectives -- conscience -- Medieval theories of conscience -- Consciousness -- Higher-order theories of consciousness -- Consciousness and intentionality -- Representational theories of consciousness -- Unity of consciousness -- Consequentialism -- Rule Consequentialism -- Constitutionalism-- Contractarianism -- Contract theory -- Lady Anne Conway -- Cosmology -- Cosmology in the 1930s and 1940s -- Cosmology and theology -- Cosmopolitanism -- Creationism -- Criminal law theory -- Cultural evolution -- Curry's paradox


Dante Alighieri -- Daoism see also Taoism -- Darwinism -- Dasein see also Martin Heidegger -- Donald Davidson -- Death -- Decision theory -- Democracy -- Demonstratives see also indexicals -- Deontological ethics -- Ontological dependence -- Rene Descartes -- Descriptions) -- Robert Desgabets -- Determinates vs. Determinables -- Causal Determinism -- Developmental biology -- dialetheism aka dialethism -- Disjunction -- Distributive justice -- Diversity -- Divine illumination -- Doing harm vs. allowing harm -- Doctrine of double effect -- Dunbar, James -- John Duns Scotus --


Ecology see also Conservation biology -- Jonathan Edwards -- Egalitarianism -- Egoism -- Albert Einstein -- Einstein-Bohr debates -- Einstein and the hole argument -- Einsteins contribution to the philosophy of science -- Elias -- Emergent properties -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Empedocles-- Entailment see also Logical consequence -- Envy -- Epiphenomenalism -- episteme and techne aka scientific knowledge and expertise -- epistemic basing relation -- epistemic closure principle -- epistemology -- Bayesian epistemology -- Evolutionary epistemology -- Feminist epistemology -- Moral epistemology -- Naturalized epistomology -- Social epistomology -- Virtue epistemology Epsilon calculus -- Equality -- Equality of opportunity -- Equivalence of mass and energy -- Eternity -- Ethics -- Deontological ethics -- Environmental ethics -- Feminist ethics -- Natural law tradition in ethics -- Utilitarianism see also consequentialism -- Ethics, morality and practical reason see morality and practical reason -- Eudaimonia -- Euthanasia -- Problem of evil -- Evolution -- Cultural Evolution -- Evolutionary game theory-- Existence -- Experimentation -- Experimentation in physics -- Exploitation -- Extrinsic properties see also Intrinsic properties and Intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties


Facts -- Fact value dichotomy -- Fallacies see also Logical fallacies-- Feminism -- feminist epistemology -- Feminist philosophy of science -- Feminist ethics -- Feminist history of philosophy -- Feminist perspectives on reproduction -- Feminist perspectives on the self -- History of feminist thought -- Adam Ferguson -- James Ferrier -- Paul Feyerabend -- Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- Fictionalism -- Modal Fictionalism -- Philosophy of film -- Fitch's paradox of knowability -- Folk psychology -- Forms see also Platonic Forms -- Foundationalism -- Michel Foucault -- Foundationalism -- Frame problem -- Francis of Marchia -- Freedom -- Divine freedom -- Free will -- Gottlob Frege


Hans-Gerog Gadamer -- Gaia Hypothesis -- Galen -- Galileo Galilei -- Pierre Gassendi -- Geist -- Geneology of ideas -- Genetic fallacy -- Ghost in the machine -- Giles of Rome -- Gnomic wisdom -- God -- Arguments for the existence of God -- Death of God -- God of the philosophers -- William Godwin -- Goldbach conjecture -- Golden Rule -- Nelson Goodman -- Goodmans paradox -- Grammatology -- Greatest happiness principle -- Grellings paradox --


Hans-Georg Gadamer -- Game theory -- Game theory and ethics -- Game theory and evolution -- Pierre Gassendi -- Generalized quantifiers -- General relativity -- Genetics -- Genotype-phenotype distinction -- Geometry -- Alexander Gerard-- German Philosophy -- Gersonides-- Giles of Rome-- Globalization -- Godfrey of Fontaines -- William Godwin -- Thomas Hill Green -- Gregory of Rimini Hamann, Johann Georg -- Hamilton, William -- Hartshorne, Charles -- Hedonism -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- Martin Heidegger -- Johann Gottfried von Herder -- William Heytesbury -- Thomas Hobbes -- Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin -- Holes -- Robert Holkot -- Henry Home aka Lord Kames -- Homology -- character/trait -- Homosexuality -- Civic Humanism -- David Hume -- David Hume and moral philosophyDavid Hume and philosophy of religion Edmund Husserl -- Francis Hutcheson -- James Hutton --


Idealism -- British Idealism -- Identity -- Identity of indiscernibles -- Relative identity -- Identity politics -- Identity theory of mind -- Idiolect see also Private language -- Immutability -- Impartiality -- Incompatibilism -- Incompatibilist theories of free will -- Indexicals -- Inequality -- Inertial systems -- Informal logic -- Semantic conceptions of information -- Innatism -- Insolubles -- Integrity -- Intelligent design theory -- Intentionality -- ancient theories of intentionality -- consciousness and intentionality -- medieval theories of intentionality -- intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties --