List of philosophical topics
This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to Philosophy. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Watch links in the sidebar.
The list is not necessary complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here that is), please do update the page accordingly.
- A_posteriori
- A_priori
- Abstract
- Accidental_properties
- Ad_hominem
- Aesthetics
- Affirming_the_consequent
- Agnosticism
- Alan_Turing
- Albert_Camus
- Alfred_Ayer
- Alfred_Korzybski
- Alfred_Tarski
- Alonzo_Church
- Altruism
- Alvin_Plantinga
- Ambiguity
- Ammonius_Saccas
- Anacharsis
- Anarchism_and_natural_law_theory
- Anaxagoras
- Anaximander
- Anaximenes_of_Miletus
- Ancient_philosophy
- Andrei_Andreevich_Markov
- Anselm
- Anthropology
- Anti-realism
- Applied_ethics
- Argument
- Argument_form
- Arguments_for_the_existence_of_God
- Aristotle
- Aristotles_theory_of_universals
- Art
- Arthur_Schopenhauer
- Atheism
- Athenian_democracy
- Athens
- Atlantis
- Augustine
- Augustine_of_Hippo
- Aulus_Gellius
- Austria
- Axiology
- Axiom_of_choice
- Axiomatization
- Ayn_Rand
- Bayesian_probability
- Beauty
- Behaviorism
- Being
- Bertrand_Russell
- Blaise_Pascal
- Body
- Boethius
- Brain_event
- Buddha
- Buddhism
- Buddhist_philosophy
- Bundle_theory
- Cambridge
- Cartesian
- Casuistry
- Category_of_being
- Causality
- Chaos_argument
- Charles_Peirce
- Chinese_philosophy
- Chrysippus
- Cicero
- Claude_Levi-Strauss
- Cogency
- Cogito_ergo_sum
- Cognitive_science
- Cognitive_science_of_mathematics
- College_logic
- Common_sense_and_the_Diallelus
- Computable_number
- Computer_science
- Concept
- Concrete
- Confucianism
- Confucius
- Connective
- Connotation
- Consciousness
- Consensus_reality
- Consequentialism
- Continental_Rationalism
- Courage
- Critical_philosophy
- Critical_theory
- Daniel_Dennett
- Data
- David_Gauthier
- David_Hilbert
- David_Hume
- Deconstruction
- Deconstructionism
- Deduction_and_induction
- Definition
- Deism
- Democritus
- Denis_Diderot
- Derek_Parfit
- Determinism
- Dharma
- Dialectic
- Dialectical_materialism
- Diogenes_Laertius
- Disambiguation
- Discordianism
- Disjunctive_syllogism
- Douglas_Hofstadter
- Dreaming
- Dualism
- Dualistic_interactionism
- Duns_Scotus
- Economic_subjectivism
- Edmund_Husserl
- Educational_essentialism
- Educational_perennialism
- Educational_progressivism
- Egoism
- Emic
- Empedocles
- Empirical_knowledge
- Empiricism
- Enlightenment
- Epictetus
- Epicureanism
- Epicurus
- Epigenetics
- Epistemology
- Error
- Ethical_egoism
- Ethical_naturalism
- Ethical_non-naturalism
- Ethics
- Ethology
- Etic
- Eubulides_of_Miletus
- Eusociality
- Evil
- Existence
- Existentialism
- Experiment
- Faith
- Faith_and_rationality
- Falsifiability
- Fascism
- Fashion
- Felix_Guattari
- First-order_predicate_calculus
- Force
- Formal_language
- Foundationalism
- Franz_Brentano
- Franz_Xaver_von_Baader
- Frederick_C._Copleston
- Free_will
- Free_will_and_determinism
- Freedom
- French_materialism
- Friedrich_Nietzsche
- Fuzzy_logic
- G._E._Moore
- General_semantics
- Georg_Hegel
- Georg_Henrik_von_Wright
- George_Boole
- George_Lakoff
- George_Pappas
- Gilles_Deleuze
- Gnosticism
- God
- Good_argument
- Goodness
- Gottfried_Leibniz
- Gottlieb_Fichte
- Gottlob_Frege
- Government
- Haskell_Curry
- Hedonism
- Henry_Home,_Lord_Kames
- Heraclitus
- Hilary_Putnam
- Historical_materialism
- Historicism
- History_of_logic
- History_of_philosophy
- How_the_Self_Controls_Its_Brain
- Hugh_Binning
- Hypothesis
- I_Ching
- Idealism
- Identity
- Identity_and_change
- Iff
- Illusion
- Immanuel_Kant
- Imre_Lakatos
- Inherence_relation
- Intuitive_truth
- Irrationalism_and_Aestheticism
- Irrealism
- Islam
- Jacques_Derrida
- Jean-Jacques_Rousseau
- Jean-Paul_Sartre
- Jeremy_Bentham
- John_Carew_Eccles
- John_Dewey
- John_Locke
- John_Maynard_Keynes
- John_Stuart_Mill
- Julian_Jaynes
- Jurisprudence
- Justice
- Karma
- Kin_selection
- Knowledge
- Kurt_Godel
- Larrys_Text
- Law_(principle)
- Law_of_excluded_middle
- Law_of_nature
- Law_of_non-contradiction
- Leucippus
- Liberal
- Liberal_arts
- Libertarianism
- Life
- Life_Coaching
- List_of_Isms
- Logic
- Logical_argument
- Logical_fallacy
- Logical_positivism
- Lucretius
- Ludwig_Wittgenstein
- Macedonia
- Maimonides
- Marshall_McLuhan
- Marsilio_Ficino
- Martin_Heidegger
- Marvin_Minsky
- Marxism
- Materialism
- Mathematical_constructivism
- Mathematical_intuitionism
- Mathematics
- Matter
- Maurice_Merleau-Ponty
- Max_Weber
- Meaning
- Mental_event
- Mental_functions
- Meta-ethics
- Meta-philosophy
- Metaphysical_subjectivism
- Metaphysics
- Michael_Polanyi
- Minarchism
- Mind
- Modernism
- Modus_ponens
- Modus_tollens
- Mohism
- Monism
- Moral_absolutism
- Moral_core
- Morality
- Mortimer_Adler
- Muhammad
- Muslim
- Nagarjuna
- Naive_relativism_about_truth
- Natural_law
- Natural_selection
- Natural_theology
- Naturalism
- Naturalistic_fallacy
- Nature
- Neoplatonism
- Neural_Darwinism
- Neutral_monism
- New_Age
- Nihilism
- Nominalism
- Non-cognitivism
- Normative_ethics
- Object
- Object_(philosophy)
- Objecthood
- Objectivist_philosophy
- Observation
- Occam's_Razor
- Oedipus_the_King
- Omnipotence
- Omniscience
- Ontology
- Outcome-based_education
- Oxford
- Panarchism
- Parmenides
- Particular
- Paul_Erdos
- Paul_Feyerabend
- Peter_Singer
- Peter_Wessel_Zapffe
- Phenomenology
- Philip_II_of_Macedon
- Philosopher
- Philosophical_argument
- Philosophical_counseling
- Philosophical_Investigations
- Philosophical_issues_and_problems
- Philosophical_method
- Philosophical_movement
- Philosophical_pessimism
- Philosophical_subdisciplines
- Philosophical_theories
- Philosophical_view
- Philosophy
- Philosophy_basic_topics
- Philosophy_of_education
- Philosophy_of_language
- Philosophy_of_law
- Philosophy_of_mathematics
- Philosophy_of_mind
- Philosophy_of_perception
- Philosophy_of_religion
- Philosophy_of_science
- Physical_event
- Physicalism
- Physics
- Pierre_Abelard
- Piety
- Plato
- Platonic_realism
- Platonism
- Plato's_allegory_of_the_cave
- Plato's_metaphor_of_the_sun
- Plato's_Republic
- Pliny_the_Elder
- Plotinus
- Plutarch
- Political_philosophy
- Populism_and_nationalism
- Porphyry
- Postmodernism
- Post-structuralism
- Primitive
- Problem_of_the_criterion
- Problem_of_universals
- Process
- Process_theology
- Proclus
- Proper_names
- Properties
- Property
- Protagoras
- Psychedelic
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychological_egoism
- Psychology
- Pythagoras
- Quantum_mechanics
- Ralph_Cudworth
- Realism
- Reality
- Reality_enforcement
- Reason
- Reciprocal_altruism
- Recursive_function
- Reductio_ad_absurdum
- Reduction
- Relation
- Relativism
- Reliabilism
- Religion
- Rene_Descartes
- Revealed_truth
- Rhetoric
- Right
- Robert_Nozick
- Roger_Bacon
- Rudolf_Carnap
- Rule_of_thumb
- Saul_Kripke
- Scholasticism
- Science
- Scientific_method
- Scientists_belief_in_God
- Semantics
- Semiotics
- Seneca
- Shinto
- Sign
- Skepticism
- Social_contract_theories
- Social_epistemology
- Social_justice
- Society_of_Mind_theory
- Socrates
- Socrates_Scholasticus
- Socratic_method
- Sokal_Affair
- Solipsism
- Sophist
- Sophocles
- Soren_Kierkegaard
- Soul
- Soundness
- Space
- Species
- Spirit
- Statistics
- Stoicism
- Strabo
- String
- Structuralism
- Subjectivism
- Substance
- Substance_theory
- Sui_generis
- Superman
- Supernatural
- Taking_Children_Seriously
- Taoism
- Teleological_argument
- Teleology
- Temperance
- Thales
- The_divided_line_of_Plato
- The_existence_of_physical_objects
- The_Forms
- The_Hitchhikers_Guide_to_the_Galaxy
- The_justification_of_the_state
- The_meaning_of_meaning
- The_mind-body_problem
- The_motivation_to_philosophize
- The_nature_of_God
- The_nature_of_God_in_Western_theology
- The_Origin_of_Consciousness_in_the_Breakdown_of_the_Bicameral_Mind
- The_Presocratics
- The_problem_of_evil
- The_problem_of_other_minds
- The_purpose_of_government
- The_regress_argument_in_epistemology
- Theism
- Theodicy
- Theology
- Theory
- Theory_of_conduct
- Theory_of_justification
- Thomas_Aquinas
- Thomas_Hobbes
- Thomas_Samuel_Kuhn
- Time
- Tractatus_Logico-Philosophicus
- Trial_of_Socrates
- Tripitaka
- Truth
- Truth_table
- Turing_machine
- Umberto_Eco
- Uncertainty
- Unconscious_mind
- Universe
- Utilitarianism
- Utility
- Validity
- Value
- Value_theory
- Vedic
- Virtue
- Visual_arts_and_design
- Voltaire
- W._V._Quine
- William_of_Ockham
- Wisdom
- Zeno_of_Citium
- Zenos_paradoxes