NUREG-1150 (1990, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC]) is an improvement on WASH-1400 using the results of plant-specific Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRAs). It determined that the current generation of nuclear power plants exceeds NRC safety goals.
Results of NUREG-1150 [1]:
- Average probability of an individual early fatality per year:
- Average probability of an individual latent cancer death per year:
The typical BWR was the Peach Bottom plant and the typical PWR was the Surry plant.
Some of the calculations were done using the MACCS code [2]. (MACCS does not include a module for calculating the source term, but rather calculates the environmental impact.) Parts of NUREG-1150 were compiled by Sandia National Laboratories, which continues to do such research. [3]
See also
External links
- Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants (NUREG-1437 Vol. 1)
- Vandellos plant, some Surry results