Lego X-Wing
The Lego X-Wing is a Lego model of the X-wing from Star Wars. It is one of the 4 wings: The A-Wing, the B-wing, the Y-Wing, and the X-Wing. There are 4 lego X-wings. The first one was made in 1999, the second one was made in about 2001, the third one was made in 2002, and the fourth one was made in 2003. The lego X-Wing 4, moveble wings. 2 wings go up and 2 wings go down. This process makes the X -Wing look like an X, also when this happens, the X-Wing goes into attack mode, so it can fight off enemies. The X-Wing was the first lego starwars model made, also it was the first fighter the rebels made. This set (the picture) includes Luke and worker.