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Advance-fee scam

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Advance fee fraud, often also known as the Nigerian money transfer fraud, Nigerian scam or 419 scam after the relevant section of the Nigerian Criminal Code that it violates, is a fraudulent scheme to extract money from victims after making them believe they will get an immense fortune. Victims are requested to pay an upfront fee before their purported fortune is released.

This type of scam, originally known as the "Spanish Prisoner Letter" [1], has been carried out since at least the sixteenth century via ordinary postal mail. These scams have come to be associated in the public mind with Nigeria due to the massive proliferation of such confidence tricks from that country since the mid-eighties, although they are often also carried out in other African nations, and increasingly from European cities with large Nigerian populations, notably London, Amsterdam and Madrid and lately also Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

Originally, the schemers contacted mainly heads of companies and church officials, however, the use of e-mail spam and instant messaging for the initial contacts has led to many private citizens also being targeted, as the cost to the scammers to make initial contact is much lower.

The United States Federal Trade Commission has issued a consumer alert about the Nigerian scam. It says: "If you receive an offer via email from someone claiming to need your help getting money out of Nigeria — or any other country, for that matter — forward it to the FTC at spam@uce.gov."

The United States Department Of The Treasury advises "You may also email the 419er documents, especially any banking data they may have given you, marked as described above, to Task Force Main in DC 419.fcd@usss.treas.gov; that is also acceptable."

How the scam operates

The 'investors' are contacted, typically with an offer of the type "A rich person from the needy country needs to discreetly move money abroad, would it be possible to use your account?". The sums involved are usually in the millions of dollars, and the investor is promised a large percentage, often forty percent. The proposed deal is often presented as a "harmless" white-collar crime, in order to dissuade participants from later contacting the authorities. The operation is professionally organized in Nigeria, with offices, working fax numbers, and often contacts at government offices. The investor who attempts to research the background of the offer will usually find that all pieces fit perfectly together.

If they then agree to the deal, the other side will first send several documents bearing official government stamps, seals etc., and then introduce delays, such as "in order to transmit the money, we need to bribe a bank official. Could you help us with a loan?" or "In order for you to be allowed to be a party to the transaction, you need to have holdings at a Nigerian bank of $100,000 or more" or similar. More delays and more additional costs are added, always keeping the promise of an imminent large transfer alive. Sometimes psychological pressure is added by claiming that the Nigerian side, in order to pay certain fees, had to sell all belongings and borrow money on their house.

Sometimes, victims are invited to Nigeria and get to meet real or fake government officials. Some victims that travel are instead held for ransom. In some cases they are smuggled into the country without a visa and then threatened into giving up more money, as the penalties for being in Nigeria without a visa are especially severe. In the most extreme cases the victim is even murdered.

In any case, the promised money transfer never happens, of course. The money or gold does not exist.

The country involved is not always Nigeria. Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa and other West African states are sometimes seen. Occasionally the scam operates from a non-African country such as the Netherlands (Amsterdam), the United Kingdom (London), Spain (Madrid) or Canada (Toronto). This number is on the rise.

A variant of the scam will appear to be sent by a lawyer representing the estate of some long-lost relative the victim never knows he or she had (the victim's surname will be inserted into the e-mail message) who perished along with his or her family in a car or airplane accident last April. The scammer will claim to have gone to a lot of trouble to find the victim in order to give him or her a share of the millions of dollars available if the victim will forward his or her bank account information to the scammer.

Another variant, the so-called Lottery scam, pretends to be a "winning notification" from a lottery company, typically in the UK, Spain or the Netherlands, requesting payment in advance to collect the sum that the victim has "won".

In a newer version of the scam, the scammer offers to buy some expensive item (which the victim advertised on eBay, for example) by official, certified, bank or cashier's check. The check will have an "accidentally" or mutually agreed higher value than the price of the item, so the scammer asks the victim to wire the extra money to some third party as soon as the check clears. The check typically clears after one or two days, but the fact that it is counterfeit is not detected until several days or weeks later, by which time the victim has sent the item and the "additional money" to the scammer and his representative. Most banks will hold the victim accountable for the value of the counterfeit check.

The latest variant of the scam are the fake charity and fake church scams. In this type of scam the victim is asked to donate or invest in a local (often West African) charity or church. While no direct monetary benefit is presented to the victim, these scams are perpetrated by the same scammers that also employ more traditional advance fee fraud and the scams follow roughly the same modus operandi as the previously mentioned scams.

The 419 spam is significantly less sophisticated in its delivery methods than almost all other spam regularly seen. The spam is almost always sent via free webmail services such as Hotmail or very occasionally with paid services, often paid for with credit card details stolen from former victims. This is also the method used to pay for the hosting of websites for the fake banks, companies and escrow services used in the later stages of the scam.

The spams are normally sent from Internet cafes equipped with satellite Internet. The addresses to be sent to and bodies of the mails copied and pasted from memory sticks into the webmail interface. Some London-based gangs have been known to use spamware on laptops which they surreptitiously connect to the cafe's network, but even this software is notably out-of-date. While this method is significantly more labour-intensive per mail sent than others, it offers near-total anonymity and allows them to very quickly and easily relocate. The often very professional layout of web pages and so on used in the scams suggests that they do not lack technical sophistication at least at the upper levels of the gangs. Alternatively, the gangs may hire experts from tech-savvy (i.e. non-African) parts of the world.

Estimates of losses

Estimates of the total losses due to the scam vary widely, the Snopes website lists the following estimate:

"The Nigerian scam is hugely successful. According to a 1997 newspaper article: "We have confirmed losses just in the United States of over $100 million in the last 15 months," said Special Agent James Caldwell, of the Secret Service financial crimes division. "And that's just the ones we know of. We figure a lot of people don't report them." " [2]


Some investors have hired private investigators in Nigeria or have personally travelled to Nigeria, without ever retrieving their money. One American was murdered in Nigeria while pursuing his lost money. In February 2003, a scam victim from the Czech Republic shot and killed an official at the Nigerian embassy. A Greek man was murdered in South Africa after responding to a 419 scam. [3]

Victims of 419 Advance Fee Fraud have little recourse. Since 1995, the United States Secret Service has been (somewhat) involved in combating these schemes, however they will not investigate unless the monetary loss is in excess of fifty thousand US Dollars. Very few arrests and prosecutions have been made due to the international aspect of this crime.

A better track record is held by the South African Police Services. Inspector Rian Visser has enlisted the help of scam baiters to identify and track down scammers that operate from South Africa and to inform the public about advance fee fraud. So far there have been in excess of 100 arrests made (February 2005).

Apparently, the scams, while usually performed by Nigerians, do not always originate in Nigeria. In 2004, fifty-two suspects were arrested in Amsterdam after an extensive raid. An Internet service provider had noticed the increased email traffic. Out of these fifty-two none has been jailed or fined to date, due to lack of evidence. They were released in the week of July 12, 2004.

Police forces from many countries advise that any victims should not attempt to retrieve their lost money, since the chances of any money being found, or returned, are extremely remote. Also, the inherent dangers of continued contact with these criminals are very great.

Recently, a new tier of scam-artists has arisen, those that target previous victims of 419 Advance Fee fraud by posing as Nigerian police, "Anti-Fraud Investigators" or "Fraud Recovery Experts".

Another effect of the scam's proliferation is that ordinary Nigerians are having their access to the internet hindered. One reporter in Nigeria sent this in an email to his producers in late 2005:

"Connecting a lap top in a cybercafe [in Nigeria] is a nightmare. Because of the 419 scam, cybercafe operators are reluctant to connect peoples lap tops. The few who do have to make some settings to your lap top and most often it would not work."

Legitimate Nigerian businesses are also finding their e-mails increasingly fail to reach their targets, due to people and companies setting their e-mail clients to automatically divert all mail containing the words 'Nigeria' and 'Nigerian' or coming from Nigerian IP's to the trash bin.

Origin of the scam

The origin of the 419 scam is currently debated. Many critics believe that the scam was first introduced to Nigeria by Nigerian petroleum companies and criminal gangs in the 1970s or 1980s. Others believe that the scam was a combination of different frauds in the Igboland region, some hundreds of years old. The first scams involved lucrative oil contracts and other related frauds. Until about 2001, the scammers were located primarily in Lagos, Aba, Owerri, and Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The scammers have recently set up bases in many countries besides Nigeria, including Togo, the Côte d'Ivoire, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Scam baiting

A number of Internet groups have invented the hobby of scam baiting. The object is to pretend to be interested in the scammer's scheme, while convincing the scammer to waste his time, perform ridiculous tasks, or otherwise entertain the baiter. Some scam baiters have even persuaded scammers to travel to another country to meet them. One scam baiter was able to convince a scammer to go to a local Western Union agency to collect a nonexistent money transfer twenty-three times before the scammer realized what was going on. It should be noted that this activity, which involves being in contact with possibly dangerous criminals, could be considered a risky pastime. It is strongly suggested not to pursue this hobby at all, or at least with extreme regard towards anonymity.

Users who wish to help stop these type of scams but do not want to be involved in scambaiting can also contribute by simply informing their friends, family, and coworkers of such a scam or by collecting any addresses/letters and later posting them on scambaiting web forums for experienced baiters to tackle. Another way would be to setup a fictional account and bait a scammer simply to collect his or her e-mail address and report them to the corresponding domain name so the scam address can be shut down. This will help by forcing the scammer to lose many of his victims and have to start the scam over with new addresses to prevent a further shut down of his new e-mail, thus saving many possible victims. Doing this may also help to alert any victims affected by the shut down to recognize any new e-mails received as a scam. Reporting fraudulent addresses will help each corresponding domain to identifity static IP addresses from which these e-mails originate so as to prevent further account creations and shut down other addresses using these IPs.

419 guestbook spamming

419 guestbook spam is a type of spam in which Nigerian 419 scammers attempt to mark their "guestbook turf." The "lads", as the scammers are sometimes referred to, apparently depend in large part upon guestbook entries to harvest usable email addresses.

A Google search for "mugu@mugu.com" or "guestbook mugu" currently shows over eleven thousand entries in various guestbooks with the "From:" address being specified as "mugu@mugu.com". The text of most of the entries is usually some gibberish along the lines of "I don dere" or "mugu keep ooooooooff". It remains unclear how the scammers generate such an enormous amount of entries, although judging from a few IP addresses shown in the guestbooks, it looks to be at least a few people involved. Many of the IP addresses left behind in the guestbooks point [4] to a cafe in Togo.

The legitimate site mugu.com, states that they are in no way involved with the spam.

The word mugu is a Nigerian pidgin word that means fool. The Yoruba form of the word is mugun.

Example "mugu" guestbook entries

"mugu keep offffff"
Translation: Fool/idiot stay away.
"i dey here ooooooooooo"
Translation: I am here; this is my turf. (A sequence of "o"s in West African netspeak is equivalent to a sequence of "!"s)
"nwa nne keep off"
Translation: Sibling, stay away (Nwanne literarily means mother's child. Nwanne is an Igbo word that is used to refer to people like "Brother" or "Buddy". For example: Hey Brother, what's happening? or Hey Buddy, you got the time?)
"work in progress ok my guys keep it uppppp all mugus stay clear"
Translation: My work is in progress. My friends, keep up the work, and all fools stay clear.

Sample scam letter

Here is an example of a typical email message which attempts to attract victims:

From: "BIBI LUCKY" <bibialora1@example.com>
Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:03:44 +0100
To: John.Doe@example.com
Reply-To: bibialora1@example.com

Dear Sir,


I write to inform you of my desire to acquire estates
or landed properties in your country on behalf of the
Director of Contracts and Finance Allocations of the
Federal Ministry of Works and Housing in Nigeria.

Considering his very strategic and influential
position, he would want the transaction to be as
strictly confidential as possible. He further wants
his identity to remain undisclosed at least for now,
until the completion of the transaction. Hence our
desire to have an overseas agent.

I have therefore been directed to inquire if you would
agree to act as our overseas agent in order to
actualize this transaction.

The deal, in brief, is that the funds with which we
intend to carry out our proposed investments in your
country is presently in a coded account at the
Nigerian Apex Bank (i.e. the Central Bank of Nigeria)
and we need your assistance to transfer the funds to
your country in a convenient bank account that will be
provided by you before we can put the funds into use in 
your country. For this, you shall be
considered to have executed a contract for the Federal
Ministry of Works and Housing in Nigeria for which
payment should be effected to you by the Ministry, The
contract sum of which shall run into US$26.4 Million, 
of which your share shall be 30% if you agree to be
our overseas agent.

As soon as payment is effected, and the amount
mentioned above is successfully transferred into your
account, we intend to use our own share in acquiring
some estates abroad. For this too you shall also serve
as our agent.

In the light of this, I would like you to forward to
me the following information:

1. Your company name and address if any
2. Your personal fax number
3. Your personal telephone number for easy

You are requested to communicate your acceptance of
this proposal through my above stated email address
after which we shall discuss in details the modalities
for seeing this transaction through.

Your quick response will be highly appreciated. Thank
you in anticipation of your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Other examples of Nigerian scam emails can be seen:

Proposed legislation

As a result of the fraud, Nigeria is drafting legislation to make spamming a criminal offence punishable with a fine up to £2,000GBP and three years in jail [5].

Lottery scam

Lottery scam involves fake notices of lottery wins. The winner will usually be asked to send sensitive information to a free email account. This is a form of advance fee fraud as money in advance is often required and is also similar to phishing.

Fake escrow

Another method is after winning a bid on items on the online auction site eBay (especially laptops or other consumer electronics), to suggest to use an escrow service. However, the escrow service is fake and part of the scam. The victim will send the laptop or camera to the escrow service, never to hear from the scammer or escrow service again. The website of the escrow service will typically go offline after the victim has sent his goods.

In one case the victim knew that the supposed buyer was a scammer and scammed the scammer. The whole exchange and pictures was extensively documented on the Something Awful forums. More details here: P-P-P-Powerbook

419 fraudsters' criminal argot

  • Akwukwo, chekere or pepper: fake check.
  • Bill: the amount a scammer plans to extract from his victim.
  • Fall mugu: being fooled, becoming victim of advance fee fraud.
  • Format: The scheme or script of an advance fee fraud, e.g., the late dictator format, the next of kin format, the lottery format.
  • Guyman, guy: scammer engaged in advance fee fraud.
  • Maga, mugu, mugun, mahi or mayee: victim of advance fee fraud.
  • Oga: boss
  • Owner of the job: Scammer who makes the first contact with a victim and then passes him on to another scammer who finishes the job. The latter shares the spoil with the former.
  • Wash wash: huge amount of black papers (purportedly $ 100 bank notes covered by a black film to sneak them off the custom officers) that is showed to the victim, who is then requested to pay for “expensive chemicals” to cleanse the bills. See black money scam.

See also

General information:

