RGO hand grenade
The RGO hand grenade (Ruchnaya Granata Oboronitel'naya) is a defensive Russian fragmentation hand grenade. It consists of a double layered aluminium pre-fragmented body. It is very similar to the offensive RGN hand grenade.
General characteristics
- Total weight: 0.53 kg
- Explosive content: 0.092 kg A-1X-1 (96% RDX phlegmatized with 4% wax)
- Fuse: 3.8 seconds delay (+/- 0.5 seconds) and impact (which arms after 1 to 1.8 seconds)
- Throw range: 30 to 40 m
- Lethal radius: 6 m
- Global security US Army FM 3-23-30
- Janes Infantry Weapons 1991-1992, ISBN 0710609639