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National Civil Defence Cadet Corps

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File:NCDCC Crest.JPG

The NCDCC Crest follows closely to the crest of the parent organization, SCDF.

The international Civil Defence triangle features prominently in the crest.

The equilateral blue triangle symbolizes the three main areas of Civil Defence — fire safety, first aid, and rescue and evacuation.

Our state shield is set on the triangle, which is garlanded by a laurel of leaves, signifying the formal status of the SCDF as a national organization.

The green laurel, with a red ribbon, represents the honour of service in the Civil Defence.

These are supported by a blue banner with the white inscriptions "NCDCC” which stands for National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.

Blue, the colour of the SCDF, stands for loyalty and dedication to the nation and citizens.

NCDCC History

NCDCC History National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, or NCDCC in short was introduced in 12 secondary schools starting from January 2005. For the pilot phase, 38 cadets completed the very first NCO Course while 22 teachers were commissioned as the pioneer batch of NCDCC officers after their completion of the first Officer Basic Course. On the 23rd of December 2005, 22 cadets attended the conversion course and became the pioneer batch of Cadet Lieutanents or CLTs for short.

The creation of NCDCC was initiated by the Ministry of home affairs in response to the need for our young leaders of tomorrow to have a firm pillar and grounding in Singapores firm belief of total defence. In the modern world we face, threats of terrorism and random acts of violence doesn't sound too distant and there is a constant fear that this attacks can occur anytime and any place.

Civil Defence, being one of the five pillars of total defence and the most important one at that.Is simply about Protection of the people by the noble men and women of the SCDF or Singapore Civil Defence Force.

NCDCC is a component of the Home Team Cadet Corp Initiative and even as a new unit, we are continually striving for greater heights and at the same time spreading our valuable knowledge to everyone around us who wants to help others in some way or another

NCDCC Core Values

Every Uniformed Group holds dear to its core training, a set of values and ideals that steer them in the direction that has been charted by the mission. The core values of NCDCC can be drawn from it's initials, forming an acronym. The explanation for each value is found below.

N - Noble

C - Caring

D - Disciplined

C - Courageous

C - Committed


The value of being Noble is to create a sense of empathy and chivalry in cadets. To remind them to put others before self. That acts of selflessness are valued, to protect and respect the weak and underprivileged for the benefit of the community at large.


Caring cadets are a vision of NCDCC. To be able to create an awareness of the needs of others and environment. This awareness would translate into cadets with an understanding about the need to be concerned about the world that they live in.


The hallmark of all Uniformed Group organisations. We are no different in this aspect. To enforce a high level of discipline in regimentation and personal self. Cadets are to be disciplined in behaviour and mental thoughts. To be able to uphold and stick firm by the values that we believe in.


Courage in many forms is desired from NCDCC cadets. Courage in the face of trying times to take the lead to make things happen and also the moral courage to do the right thing even when pressured to do otherwise.


An important value in these times where changes are constant and decisions made may waiver at the slightest influence. Cadets should be able to stay focused and committed to their goals even if there are obstacles. Cadets should also be dependable and reliable in their commitments to both the community and nation.

Ranking System

Ranking systems are implemented in all Uniform Groups with the common ambition of motivating the cadets and encouraging them to be on a constant roll and quest for trying out new things.Promotion is also based on Merit and without race,language or religion being a criteria to be promoted.

Upon Confirmation, all cadets start off as a Private. Thereafter they rise up the rank ladder in the order of Lance Corporal which is denoted by one chevron, Corporal which is denoted by two chevrons, Sergant which is denoted by three chevrons and lastly Staff Sergant which is denoted by a crib and three chevrons.This is the highest rank a cadet can acheive while in school. However certain NCOs (non-comissionised officers) will be promoted to the rank of warrant officer which is denoted by a crib encased in a Laurel and an inverted Chevron.

Promotion may be impartial but the end results are worth it when the full honor of putting on the new ranks further strengthens the cadets bond with the corps.