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List of German expressions in English

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Below is a list of German expressions used in English. Some are relatively common (such as hamburger or gestalt), but most are comparatively rare. In many cases, the German borrowing in English has assumed a substantially different meaning than its German forebear.

German words have been incorporated into English usage for various reasons. Common cultural items, especially foods, have spread to English-speaking nations and are often identified by their German names. The history of excellence among German-speaking nations in science, scholarship, and classical music has led to many German words being adopted by academics for use in English contexts. Discussion of German history and culture requires use of German words. Lastly, some German words are used simply to a fictional passage by implying that the thing being expressed is German, as in Frau or Reich, although sometimes the use of German terms has no German implication, as in doppelganger or angst.

English and German are descended from the same common ancestor, called Proto-Germanic. Because of this, a number of English words are identical to their German counterparts either in spelling (Hand, Finger) or in pronunciation (Fish = Fisch). These words are excluded from this list.

German Terms Commonly Used in English

Words in this category will be recognized by most English speakers and are commonly used in English. A few, such as delicatessen and hinterland, are often used without awareness that that are originally German. It should be noted that some words in this list (hamburger, kindergarten) are more common than others (ersatz, wanderlust).

Food and drink

Sports and recreation

Other aspects of everyday life

German Terms Commonly Used in Academic Contexts in English

German terms frequently appear in several academic disciplines in English, notably in history, psychology, philosophy, music and the physical sciences. Non-specialists in a given field may or may not be familiar with a given German term.




(Some terms are listed in multiple categories, if they are important to each.)

Das Dritte Reich (The Third Reich)

  • Anschluss the (coerced) union of Germany and Austria
  • Arbeit macht frei "Work Makes (you) Free", slogan inscribed at the enternace to several German concentration camps
  • Blitzkrieg (and blitz) "Lightning war"
  • Drang nach Osten "Drive to the east", the historic German desire to expand into Slavic lands
  • Endlösung "final solution", short for "final solution to the Jewish question" (or "... problem") , a Nazi euphemism for the Holocaust; use of the phrase, even in non-Nazi contexts, e.g., "the final solution of a mathematics problem" is frowned upon in modern Germany
  • Endlösung der Judenfrage, "final solution to the Jewish question"; see Endlösung, above.
  • Führer (umlaut is usually dropped in English) "Leader", term used both to mean leader generally, and to mean specifically Hitler
  • Führerprinzip
  • Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Nazi-era secret state police.)
  • Gleichschaltung
  • Hakenkreuz, "Swastika"
  • Heimatvertriebene
  • Konzentrationslager often abbreviated KZ concentration camp; in German the word is distinct from Vernichtungslager, "death camp"; in (American) English, the distinction is not usually made
  • Kraft durch Freude
  • Kristallnacht
  • Lebensraum, "Living space", specifically loving space for ethnic Germans; see Drang nach Osten
  • Luftwaffe, (military) "Air force" under Third Reich
  • Panzer, (military) "Tank" -- not specific to Third Reich, but listed here for its centrality to Blitzkrieg
  • Putsch
  • Reich (Empire)
  • Reichstag (Imperial Diet; see Reichstag (building) and Reichstag (institution))
  • SS (Schutzstaffel)
  • U-Bahn (abbreviated form of Untergrundbahn)
  • U-Boot (abbreviated form of Unterseeboot) submarine
  • Volk the (German) people

Other Historical Periods

Noble Titles

  • Freiherr, roughly equivalent to an English baron, the lowest rank of nobility
  • Fürst, "prince", but see entry for notes and qualifications: in German use refers to leader of a principality, not an heir to a throne
  • Graf, "count"
  • Junker
  • Kaiser, "emperor"
  • Landgraf, count with princely (sovereign) powers, see entry for relation to "Graf"

General Military Terms

Military Ranks



Mathematics and formal logic



Physical sciences


Academic culture

German Terms Mostly Used for Literary Effect

There are a few terms which are recognised by many English speakers but are usually only used to deliberately evoke a German context:

  • Achtung -- "attention"
  • Frau and Fräulein
  • Führer (umlaut is usually dropped in English) -- always used in (American) English to denote Hitler or to connote a Fascistic leader -- never used, as is possible in German, to simply and unironically to denote a (non-Fascist) leader
  • Hände hoch -- "hands up"
  • Herr -- evokes German context; but used with military titles ("Herr Oberst"), immediately connotes Nazi era to (American) English listeners.
  • Lederhosen (Singular Lederhose in German denotes one pair of trousers. The original Bavarian word is Lederhosn, which is both singular and plural.)
  • Nein, "no"
  • Reich -- to (American) English speakers, "Reich" does not denote its literal meaning, "empire", but strongly connotes Naziism and is often used to suggest Fascism or authoritarianism, e.g., "Herr Reichsminister" used as a title for a disliked politician.
  • Jawohl

German Terms Rarely Used in English

This is the unsorted, original list. If a term is common in a particular academic discipline, and there is no more commonly used English equivalent, then please move it to the list above.

See also