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Index of religion-related articles

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List of lists

Bible stories - Biblical names - Buddhist terms and concepts - Cathedrals - Christians - Christian denominations - Deities - Demons - Di Indigetes (Roman gods & goddesses) - Fictional portrayals of Jesus Christ - Greek mythological characters - Hinduism - Islamic terms - Monasteries dissolved by Henry VIII of England - Mormonism - Names for the Biblical nameless - Ninety-nine names of Allah - Patriarchs of Antioch - Patriarchs of Constantinople - Patron saint - Popes - Religions of the world - Saints - Six-hundred-thirteen commandments


Abolitionism Talk:Abolitionism Abraham - Abrahamic religion - Acts of Pilate - Adam and Eve - Aeon - Agnosticism - Akhenaton - All Saints - Altar - Altar boy - Altar rails - Amazing Grace - Ambarvalia - Amish - Anabaptist - Anathema - Anatta - Ancestor-worship - Ancient of Days - Angel - Anglican Communion - Anglican views of homosexuality - Anglicanism - Anglo-Catholicism - Animism - Anoint - Anointing of the Sick - Antediluvian - Anthropology of religion - Anthropomorphism - Anti-Arab - Anti-Defamation League - Anti-Modernist oath - Anti-Semitism - Anti-Zionism - Antichrist - Apocrypha - Apostle - Apostles Creed - Apostolic See - Apostolic Succession - Ara Pacis - Arab anti-semitism - Archbishop - Arguments against the existence of God - Arguments for the existence of God - Arianism - Articles of Faith - Asatru - Ascension - Ascetic - Ash Wednesday - Asherah - Ashkenazi - Asmodeus - Assumption of Mary - Aten - Athanasian Creed - Atheism - Atonement - Augur - Augustinians - Auspice - Autocephaly - Azazel - Aztec mythology


B'nai Noach - Baal teshuva - Baal - Bab - Bahá'í Faith - Bahaullah - Bakkah - Balam - Balor - Baptism - Baptism for the dead - Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Bar mitzvah and Bat mitzvah - Beast - Beelzebub - Robert Bellarmine - Benedictine - Bhakti - Bhakti movement - Bible - Bible translations - Biblical canon - Biblical inerrancy - Bioethics - Bishops' Bible - Bishop - Blessed Sacrament - Blessed Virgin Mary - Blood libel - Bodhisattva - Bodhi - Book of Mormon - Books of the Bible - Born again - Brahma - Brahman - Brahmin - Brethren of the Common Life - Breviary - Brit milah - Buddha - Buddha-nature: see Tathagatagarbha doctrine - Buddhism - Business ethics


Calendar of saints - Calendar - Calvinism - Candomble - Canon law - Canon - Cantor - Cardinal (Catholicism) - Carmelites - Carmen Saliare - Catechism - Catechism of the Catholic Church - Cathedral - Cathedral architecture - Catholic Church against war on Iraq - Catholic King - Catholic ministers - Catholic sacraments - Catholicism - Chalcedonian Creed - Cherem Cherub - Child sacrifice - Chinese house church -- Chosen people - Chrismation - Christian anti-Semitism - Christian anarchism - Christian Brothers - Christian eschatology - Christian fundamentalism - Christian-Jewish reconciliation - Christian Identity - Christian mythology - Christian Science - Christianity - Christmas - Christmas Eve - Christology - Church - Church of England - Church militant and church triumphant - Civil religion - Clergy - Clerical celibacy - Closed communion - College of Cardinals - College of Pontiffs - Comparative religion - Comparing and contrasting Judaism and Christianity - Conclave - Concordat - Conditional baptism -- Confession - Confirmation (sacrament) - Confucianism - Congregationalism - Congregationalist church - Conservative Judaism - Continuous revelation - Coptic Christianity - Counter-Reformation - Covenant - Covenanter - Creationism - Creed - Crucifixion - Crusade - Crypto-Judaism - Cult - Cult (religion) - Curse


Dabru Emet - Dajjal - Deacon - Dead Sea scrolls - Deism - Demigod - Demonology - Demon - Deuterocanonical books - Deuteronomy - Devil - Devil's Advocate - Dharma - Dhimmi - Dies Irae - Dispensationalism - Divination - Divine grace -- Divine healing - Divine Liturgy - Divine providence - Divine simplicity - Djinn - Doctor of the Church - Doctrine and Covenants - Doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses - Documentary hypothesis - Dogmatic definition - Dogma - Dominican Order - Dominus Iesus - Douai Bible - Druidry


Early Muslim philosophy - Earth religion - Eastern Orthodox Church - Eastern Orthodoxy - Eastern Rites - Ecclesia (sociology of religion) - Economy (Eastern Orthodoxy) - Ecumenical - Ecumenical council - Ecumenism - Mary Baker Eddy - Jonathan Edwards (theology) - Egyptian mythology - Emanationism - End of the world - End times - Epiclesis - Epiphany - Episcopalian - Episcopal see - Eritrean Orthodox Church - Eschatology - Eternal Marriage - Eternity - Ethics - Eucharist - Evangelicalism - Evolution - Ex cathedra - Excommunication - Exodus - Exorcism - Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus


Faith - Fall of man - Fallen angel - Feast of the Lemures - Fellowship of Reason - Fetishism Fideism - Filioque clause - First Vatican Council - Five Pillars of Islam - Five solas - Folk religion - Forgiveness - Fratres Arvales - Free will - Full communion - Full Gospel - Fundamentalism - Funeral


Gautama Buddha - Genesis - Geneva Bible - Gersonides - Gnosticism - God - God and gender - Goddess worship - Goddess - Godhead - Gog - The Golden Bough - Grace - Great Apostasy - Great Bible - Great Schism - Greek mythology - Greek Orthodox Church - Greek religion - Gregorian Calendar - Gregorian chant - Guru


Hail Mary - Halakha - Harran - Harrowing of Hell - Haruspex - Hasidim - Hasidism - Heaven - Hebrew Calendar - Hebrew - Hell - Hellênismos - Heresy - Hermoea - Heterodoxy - Higher criticism - Hinduism - Hiram Abiff - Historic episcopate - History of ancient Israel and Judah - History of Christianity - History of the English Bible - History of Islam - Holidays - Holocaust denial - Holocaust revisionism - Holocaust theology - Holocaust - Holy Day of Obligation - Holy Inquisition -- Holy Living and Holy Dying - Holy Orders - Holy Prepuce - Holy See - Holy Spirit - Homeric hymns - Homosexuality and morality - Homosexuality - Human sacrifice - Humanism - Hymn


Iconoclasm - Iconography - Iconostasis - Icon - Idolatry - Ifá - Iguvine Tables - Imam - Impiety - Imperial cult - Important verses from the Bible -- Incarnation - Inquisition - Intelligent design - Irreligion - Isaac - Isaiah - Isa - Ishta-Deva - Ishmael - Islam and anti-Semitism - Islam and Judaism - Islamic calendar - Islamism - Islam - Israel


Jacob - Jainism - Jehovah's Witnesses - Jehovah's Witnesses and the Holocaust - Jerusalem - Jesus Christ - Jewish eschatology - Jewish fundamentalism - Jewish history timeline - Jewish holidays - Jewish principles of faith - Jewish services - Jewish Theological Seminary of America - Jewish view of marriage - Jewish views of religious pluralism - Jewish - Jews for Jesus - Jew - Jihad - Jubilee (Biblical) - Jubilee (Christian) - Judaism - Justification (theology) -


Kabbalah - Karaites - Karma - Kashrut - King James Version of the Bible - King-James-Only Movement - Kingdom of Israel - Kohen - Kollel - Krishna


Laity - Last Judgment - Latria - Latrocinium - Latin Rite - Leviathan - Leviticus - Liberal Judaism - Light Upon Light - Lilith - List of Muslims - Liturgical colours - Liturgical hymn - Liturgical Year - Liturgy - Luciferians - Lucifer - Lupercalia - Lutheran Church


Magic (paranormal) - Magic (religion) - Magnificat - Magus - Mahayana - Maimonides - Mandaeanism - Manichaeism - Marian apparitions - Maronite - Marriage - Mary, the mother of Jesus - Masoretic text - Masorti - Mass (liturgy) - Mass (music) - Massacre of the Innocents - Mather, Cotton - Mather, Increase - Meditation - Meforshim - Megachurch - Mephistopheles - Messiah - Messianic Judaism - Methodism - Midrash - Millennialism - Millerites - Miracle - Mishnah - Mithraism - Mitzvah - Modern Orthodox Judaism - Moloch - Monastery - Monasticism - Monk - Monophysitism - Monotheism - Moral community - Moravian - Moriah - Mormonism - Edgardo Mortara - Moses - Mosque - Mount Sinai - Mourning - Muhammad - Mussar Movement - Mysticism - Myths and legends surrounding the Papacy


Nasheed - Nation of Islam anti-semitism - The nature of God in Western theology - Near sacrifice of Isaac - Neo-druidism - Neopaganism - Nestorianism - New Age - New Testament - Nicene Creed - Nirvana - Norse mythology - Number of the Beast (numerology)


Oahspe - Occult - Old English Bible translations - Old Testament - Omen - Omnipotence - Omniscience - One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church - Opus Dei - Order of the Solar Temple - Organizational Structure of Jehovah's Witnesses - Oriental Orthodoxy - Original sin - Orthodox Bahai Faith - Orthodox Christian Mission Center - Orthodox Judaism


Paganism - Pali canon - Pali - Panentheism - Pange Lingua - Pantheon - Papal bull - Papal Coronation - Papal Infallibility - Papal States - Papal Tiara - Paradise - Parentalia - Parousia - Passover - Patriarch - Paul of Tarsus - Peace - Pearl of Great Price - Pelagianism - Pentateuch - Pentecostalism - People of the Book - Permanent deacon - Persecution of Christians - Peter - Pharisee - Philistine - Philosophy of religion - Pietism - Pilgrim's Progress - Pilgrimage - Plural Marriage (Mormonism) - Polytheism - Pontiff - Pontifex maximus - Pope - Port-Royal - Posek - Pow-wow (folk magic) - Practices of Jehovah's Witnesses Prakrit - Prayer - Predestination - Pre-existence - Presbyterian - Presbyterian Church - Presbytery (sacred architecture) - Priesthood (Mormonism) - Priesthood of all believers - Priest - Primate (religion) - Probabilism - The problem of evil - The problem of Hell - Process theology - Projects working for peace among Israelis and Arabs - Prophet - Prophets of Islam -- Protestantism - Protestant Reformation - Pseudo-science - Purgatory - Purim - Pythagoreanism


Quietism - Qur'an


Rabbinic literature - Rabbinical Assembly - Rabbi - Raelism - Ramadan - Rama - Rastafarianism - Rationalism - Rebbe - Rebirth - Reconstructionist Judaism - Red Sea - Reform Judaism - Reincarnation - Religion and abortion - Religion and homosexuality - Religion in Canada Religion in Canada - Religion in the United States - Religions of the world, list of - Religion - Religion_in_India - Religious aspects of marriage - Religious conversion - Religious denomination - Religious ecstasy - Religious heritage - Religious Humanism - Religious intolerance - Religious persecution - Religious pluralism - Repentance - Requiem - Responsa - Restoration (Mormonism) - Restorationism - Resurrection - Resurrection of Jesus Christ - Revelation - Righteousness - Role of women in Judaism - Roman Catholic Church sex abuse allegations - Roman mythology - Roman religion - Romans road - Rosh Hashanah


Sabbat (neopaganism) - Sabbath - Sabellianism - Sabians - Sacramental character - Sacrament - Sacred Heart - Sacred king - Sacred language - Sacrifice - Sadducee - Sai Baba - Sadducee - Saint - Saints, calendar of - Salvation - Samael - Sanskrit - Sarah - Satanism - Satan - Sathya Sai Baba - Saturnalia - Scapegoat - Scientology - Scofield Reference Bible - Seal of the Prophets -- Second Coming - Second Great Awakening - Second Vatican Council - Secondary conversion - Sect - Secular humanism - Seder - Seir - Sephardic Judaism - Sephardi - Septuagint - Seraph - Sermon on the Mount - Sermon - Shabbat - Shamanism - Sharia - Shavuot - Shiite - Shinto - Shirk - Shiva - Shofar - Shrines to the Virgin Mary - Shunning - Siddur - Sikhism - Sign of the cross - Sin - Skepticism - Sky Father - Smith, Joseph, Jr. - Sodom and Gomorrah - Solar Deity - Sources about Jesus Christ - Spirit - Spiritism - Spiritual (music) - Spiritual possession - Spiritualism - Spirituality - Suburbicarian diocese - Succubus - Sufi - Suitheism - Sukkot - Sumerian mythology - Sunnah - Sunni - Supernatural - Superstition - Sutra - Syllabus of Errors - Synagogue - Syncretism


Tathagatagarbha doctrine - Tallit - Talmud - Tanakh - Taoism - Tawhid - Tefillin - Temple in Jerusalem - Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Temple - Ten Commandments - The Ten Gurus of Sikhism - Tetragrammaton - The Bible and history - The Enlightenment - The Episcopal Church - Thealogy - Theism - Theodicy - Theology - Theosis - Theosophy - Theravada - Thirty-Nine Articles - Three-Chapter Controversy - Three Wise Men - Tibetan Buddhism - Tipitaka - Torah study - Torah - Tosefta - Totemism - Toward the Light - Transcendentalism - Transitional deacon - Transubstantiation - Trimurti - Trinitarian formula - Trinity - Tripitaka - Tutelary


Ultra-Orthodox Judaism - Umbanda - Unitarianism - Unitarian Universalism - United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism - Universalism - Universism -- Upanishads - Urantia - Utopianism


Vajrayana - Vatican City - Vatican Hill - Vatican II - Veneration - Vespers - Vetus Latina - Vibhuti - Vishnu - Vodun - Vow of celibacy - Vulgate


Wahhabi - Charles Wesley - John Wesley - Western Orthodoxy - Western Wall - Wheel of the Year - Ellen G. White - The White Goddess - Whore of Babylon - Wicca - Roger Williams - Witch of Endor - Women - Worship




Yahweh - Yeshiva University - Yeshiva - Yom Kippur - Yoruba mythology - Brigham Young


Zen - Zionism - Zohar - Zoroaster - Zoroastrianism