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Mu La Flaga

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Mu La Flaga

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Mu la Flaga

Mu La Flaga is an accomplished mobile armor ace, called the "Hawk of Endymion" for his exploits in the Battle of Endymion. He was said to "make the impossible possible", as his accomplishment of destroying 5 ZGMF-1017 GINN mobile suits in a single battle was previously considered unthinkable. His experience in flying, combined with his natural Newtype abilities, make him far more deadly in combat than most pilots, so much so he is one of the few pilots who can use the TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius Zero mobile armor which require amazing spatial perception in order to control its wire-guided gunbarrels (four external weapon pods each carrying a pair of rail cannons).

Mu's first name is actually spelled "Mu" in the japanese version of the series, although it has been interpreted as "Moo". In various interpretations or translation errors, his last name has been spelled "Fllaga" or "Fraga", and his first name has sometimes been merged with the "La", thus being interpreted as "Mooer" or "Moorer".

Template:Spoiler Mu La Flaga quickly comes to serve as Archangel's mobile weapons commander, leading the inexperienced Kira Yamato in battle. Back on the ship he takes the younger pilot under his wing, teaching Kira the finer points of both mobile suit combat and coping with the stress of a combatants life. Mu is casually boastful of his preternatural abilities, sometimes calling himself "the man who makes the impossible possible."

During the Bloody Valentine War he develops a romantic bond with Archangel's commanding officer Murrue Ramius though she stated she dislikes mobile armor pilots to which he retorted, "Well, it's a good thing I'm a mobile suit pilot now eh?".

Later in the war Mu pilots the first FX-550 Skygrasper and then the rebuilt GAT-X105 Strike Gundam. He supposedly dies when his Strike Gundam is destroyed protecting Archangel's main bridge from Dominion's "Lohengrin" positron beam cannon.

Neo Lorrnoke

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Neo Lorrnoke (masked)
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In Gundam SEED Destiny, the sequel to Gundam SEED, there is a character named Neo Lorrnoke who is affiliated with the Earth Alliance. Subsequent animation, culminating with episode 49 of Gundam SEED Destiny confirm that he in fact is Mu.

Neo Lorrnoke makes his first appearance right after the three Extended Gundam pilots under his command: Sting Oakley, Stellar Loussier, and Auel Neider stole three prototype Gundam mobile suits in the Armory One colony. Utilizing the power of the warship Girty Lue (which uses Mirage Colloid technology) and piloting the TS-MA4F Exass, Neo manages to create confusion outside of the PLANT in order to let those three escape. A chance encounter with Rey Za Burrel and a subsequent Newtype reaction implies a possible relationship between one another, like the one Rau Le Creuset and Mu La Flaga had (which is supported later on when it is revealed that Rey, like Rau, is a clone of Mu La Flaga's father Al Da Flaga).

Although very ruthless and cunning as a captain, Neo is shown to treat the three Extended pilots very well, and despite doing what he believes needs to be done he is somewhat reluctant to go through certain actions. For example, Stellar wanted to keep the bandana Shinn gave to her when she was cut and stuck with Shinn in a island and Neo said he wouldn't erase her memories of that day, but he lied. Since Armory One, he has continued to be a constant thorn on ZAFT's side, especially with the battleship Minerva. He was also responsible for allowing Junius 7 to drop onto Earth, by interfering in ZAFT's fight with radical supporters of Patrick Zala.

Eventually Neo comes down to Earth to pursue the Minerva. One event was over the Indian Ocean that ended in defeat for the Earth Alliance base there and the liberation of its labor camp. From there he cooperated personally with the Orb Union in battling the Minerva on two occasions at the Dardanelles and at Crete. Ultimately, when he went to Berlin to help with the attack by the GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam, his GAT-04 Windam is incapacitated by Kira Yamato's Freedom Gundam, and manages to not only fall out of his cockpit at it crashes, but also to lose his helmet revealing the face behind the mask. After the battle, Archangel captain Murrue Ramius discovers Neo bearing a striking resemblance to Mu La Flaga, and decides to bring him aboard the Archangel.

The first suggestion of Neo/Mu's common identity arose from Gundam SEED: Special Edition, where Mu's broken helmet was removed from the scene showing the wreckage of the Strike Gundam in Phase-49 of the original series.

Some have suggested that Neo is only Mu's clone, but has been overshadowed by the events of PHASE-32 and PHASE 33. First of all, there is a scar on Neo's face across his nose and left side of his face below his eye. Were Neo a clone of Mu, this scar would most likely not be present. Secondly, after having his Windam (which has a purple paint job reminiscent of Mu's normal suit) destroyed in battle, and being captured by the Archangel, the crew found out that the correlation between Neo's physical data and Mu's data stored in the Archangel's database is a perfect 100% match. Initially, Neo has no recollection of Mu's exploits during the First Bloody Valentine War; speculation by Murrue and Kira indicates that Mu may have lost his memory from his injury when he used the Strike to protect the Archangel's bridge from Dominion's Lohengrin attack.

In the Gundam War trading card game, Mu's and Neo's card cannot be both on the field at the same time, this is most likely due to them being the same person.

In Phase 34 of Gundam SEED Destiny, the Archangel is under attack by ZAFT's Minerva. During one sequence where the Archangel is hit by a volley of missiles, Neo is thrown about in the infirmary and comments to himself, "Why is this place always..." before stopping in puzzlement. Although this was the first battle involving the Archangel since Neo was captured, he seemed to have some recollection of the ship and its history, although this confused him.

In Phase 39 of Gundam SEED Destiny, Neo calls in Captain Murrue from the infirmary ward with a message from Athrun Zala, who urges Kira to intervine in a space battle between the Eternal and several Nazca-class destroyers. After Kira leaves, Murrue smiles and says "So you still remember the transmission codes to the bridge". This leaves Neo with a confused look on his face. The fact that he intervened at all suggests that he is starting to feel some familiarity with the Archangel and its crew, although this could also be out of his desire to fight against ZAFT, or to avenge his many comrades within the Earth Alliance who perished due to ZAFT's actions.

In Phase 42 of Gundam SEED Destiny, Murrue gives Neo a Sky Grasper for him to leave the Archangel, as they are about to launch and protect ORB against invading ZAFT forces. Later on when missiles launched from the Minerva are about to hit the Archangel, Neo appears with his Sky Grasper and shoots down the missiles. He mentions that he hates the Minerva so the Archangel can win this battle. He then says "After all, I'm the man who can make the impossible, possible", which shocks Murrue and makes her recollect Mu's "last words" again.

In Phase 43 of Gundam Seed Destiny, Neo's Sky Grasper is shot by the Minerva, and he requests emergency landing on the Archangel. As he lands, resembling the way he did in Operation Spitbreak. Eventually he confides to Murrue some of his vital statistics and his growing pessimism about whether or not they are legitimate. He tells her something inside of him remembers her and requests that he continue to stay onboard the Archangel. Murrue accepts and she is embraced by him. As the Archangel is enlisted into Orb's military force, Orb Representative Cagalli Yula Athha finds it necessary to stay on Earth and govern Orb, therefore making her incapable of going to space. However she leaves the mobile suit she piloted during ZAFT's invasion of Orb, the Akatsuki to Neo for his personal use as he also heads to space.

In Phase 49 of Gundam Seed Destiny, when Neo blocks Minerva's Positron Cannon with Akatsuki, he gains back the memory from Gundam Seed when he blocks the Positron Cannon of Dominion with Strike Gundam. Also, a short flashback shows Mu being wrapped in bandage, with Lord Djibril and few surgeons next to him. This suggests that after the explosion which supposedly killed him, Mu's body was recovered by LOGOS, to be used for their own purposes. Whether his amnesia is natural, or artificial, has not been confirmed.

Personal data

Rank: O-3 (Captain or Lieutenant) (promotion to O-4 (Major or Lieutenant Commander) in PHASE-15) (Colonel or Captain in GSD)
Date of birth: November 29, CE 42
Age: 28 (in GS), 31 (in GSD)
Height: 183 cm (in GS, GSD)
Weight: 77 kg (in GS), 71 kg (in GSD)
Genetic type: Natural/Newtype
Blood type: O
Family: father: Al Da Flaga (deceased), clones of father: Rau Le Creuset/Prayer Reverie (former deceased, latter alive)/Rey Za Burrel, mother: name unknown (deceased)
Love interests: Murrue Ramius
Alias: "Hawk of Endymion" , Colonel Neo Lorrnoke
Mobile Weapons: TS-MA2mod.00 Moebius Zero, FX-550 Skygrasper, F-7D Spearhead, GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, TS-MA4F Exass, GAT-04 Windam, ORB-01 Akatsuki