Los Chicos de Puerto Rico
Los Chicos was a popular boy band in Puerto Rico, created to rival Menudo's success.
The band, created by Titi Soto, enjoyed huge success during the early 80's, particularly in Puerto Rico and Central America. A movie (Coneccion Caribe) was filmed and a tv show hosted weekly on Puerto Rico's WAPA-TV. Many songs, including Puerto Rico son Los Chicos and Terremoto became radio favorites, and memorabilia items like T-Shirts, school items, magazines, baseball hats and posters were mass produced.
Unfortunately, Los Chicos went bankrupt in 1984. While it never achieved Menudo's level of popularity, it gave them a run for their money in Puerto Rico and many Latin American countries.
Los Chicos' most popular members were Chayanne (now an international super-star) and Tony.