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List of ethnic slurs

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The following is a list of ethnic slurs that are, or have been, used to refer to members of a given ethnicity (or, in some cases, nationality or religion) in a derogatory or pejorative manner. The term is listed, followed by its primary user(s) and a definition.

Not all terms on the list are considered equally offensive. Many of these terms are used more widely than would be imagined based on their "definition", for example, Chink can be used to refer to any Asian person. The key here is that the person using the slur cares so little about the target, that the person's actual background is irrelevant. The motivation for using an ethnic slur is often racism.

It is not uncommon for minority groups to adopt an originally disparaging term and use it of themselves, as an act of self-assertion. However, they may be extremely offended if it is used by others; nigger is an extreme example.



  • 51st Stater - Canadians, according to some from the United States (can be also used by Australians to describe themselves as part of social commmentary, from the saying that Australia is the 51st state of the United States)
  • 927 - blacks, comes from the suburban Los Angeles Police Department code for "Suspicious Person"


  • A.I. - short for "American Ignorance" used for US citizens.
  • Abba-Dabba - from the film Betrayed, referring to Arabs and the United Arab Emirates city of Abu Dhabi
  • ABC - American-Born Chinese, Australian-born Chinese (but not a derogatory term in Australia, mainly used by Chinese themselves)
  • ABCD - "American-Born Confused Desi" used for American-born Indians who are confused about their culture
  • Abo - Australia, Australian aboriginal. This used to be the standard common term for Aboriginals, and was used by many Aboriginal people themselves. It was not considered offensive until the 1960s.
  • Adolf - Germans, referring to Adolf Hitler
  • African queen - U.K., a black gay male. Also the title of a film.
  • Afro-Saxon - Young white men who act black.
  • Ahab - whites, from Moby Dick
  • Ainu - Japanese people, originally referring to a valid minority (the Ainu) of Japan, now sometimes used as a derogatory term for any Asian, emphasizing barbarism
  • Albino - whites (see albino)
  • Albo- Albanians
  • Ame-koh - Americans, used in Japan
  • Americunt - Canada, can be used in reference to American women and men
  • AmeriKKKan - Canada, a reference to perceived racism in American society
  • Amoronican - Canada, used in reference to low intelligence of Americans
  • Amo - the Amish
  • A-Neh - Singaporean and Malaysian Hokkiens, an Indian person
  • Angie - Anglophones in Canada, used in Quebec
  • Anglo - US, a white person
  • Ang Mor (Kwee) - Hokkien speakers, Red Hair (Devil), a white person
  • Ape Candy - Whites who date blacks.
  • apple - U.S., a black person (apples hang from trees) cf. windchime, Canada, an Indian who 'acts' like a white (red on the outside, white on the inside).
  • Apu - U.S., popularized by the character of the same name from The Simpsons, referring to Indians
  • A-rab - U.S., someone of Middle-eastern descent (pronounced as the letter "A" followed by "rab" as in rabbit.)
  • Armo - Armenians
  • Arm Pit - Armenian person
  • Aunt Jemima, U.S. Blacks, a black woman who "kisses up" to whites, a "sellout", cf. Uncle Tom
  • Ay-rab - U.S., variant spelling of A-rab.


  • Babuska - Eastern Europeans, deriving from the head covering worn by Ukrainian women
  • Bagel dog - Jews, referring to traditional food product: bagels
  • Bahadur - Nepali servants
  • Bamboo coon - Chinese people
  • banana - Canada, U.S., an Asian who is "yellow on the outside, white on the inside"
  • Bangla - Malaysia and Singapore, a Bangladeshi
  • barbarian - Ancient Greece, any non-Greek (derived from the Greek perception of any non-Greek-speaker babbling ("ba-ba-ba"); China, a person of a Mongolian tribe
  • BBCD - British Born Confused Desi.
  • beaner / bean-eater - Western U.S., someone of Mexican descent
  • beaner - U.S., Chicanos or Latinos in general
  • Beastie Boy - Jews who act black, comes from The Beastie Boys
  • Bigger Thomas - U.S. Blacks, slang for a bad nigger
  • Bhai - Malaysia and Singapore, a Sikh person. Originates from the innocuous Punjabi word meaning brother but in this sense it is offensive.
  • black pillar box - U.K., a Muslim woman who wears a burka
  • black velvet - Australia, an Aboriginal prostitute
  • blackhead - U.K., an Arab
  • boat niggers - U.S., Cuban people, or anyone from the Caribbean seeking asylum in the U.S.
  • boat people, boaties - Australia, sea-borne illegal immigrants of any nationality. In the 1970s usually Vietnamese, today mainly Afghans and Iraqis.
  • bog trotter - UK, Irish people
  • bög - Swedes, used by Finns. Actually Swedish for a homosexual male.
  • bohunk - U.S., 1890s, a person from east-central Europe, especially a laborer (compound of Bo(hemian) + Hung(arian)).
  • bok gwai - Cantonese, a white person. Literally means "white ghost"
  • bolillo - Mexico, white people (bolillo is a white bread roll).
  • boofer - Hawaii, Polynesian word equivalent to nigger
  • Booger - a Bulgarian
  • boong - Australia, Australian aboriginal. Highly offensive.
  • Boris - U.S., a Russian immigrant
  • Bosno - a Bosniak, or a person from Bosnia
  • bounty bar - U.S., a black person who acts like a white person
  • boy - Southern U.S. whites and South African whites, a black man
  • brown sugar - U.S./U.K., a black woman
  • bule - Indonesian term for a white person, roughly translates as 'pigskin'.
  • Bull grease - A person from Bulgaria, used primarily for disrespecting a Bulgarian, but not as a regular term.ie."Get your Bull grease ass out of here". Not used as plural. Also used is the term, Bull Greaser. (Derives from the word Bulgr or Bulgar, which is short for Bulgarian.)
  • bulgy - a Bulgarian person
  • bushie - South Africa, a Coloured


  • cafflick - Scotland, a Catholic
  • camel jockey - U.S., someone of Middle-eastern descent
  • Canuck - U.S., a Canadian national
  • caphead - Australia, a Jewish man
  • cardboard nigger - US Blacks, a black person "selling out" to the whites or not acting "black"
  • Carlton - U.S., refers to Carlton Banks: a black character from the sitcom "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" who "acted white".
  • Casper the Unfriendly Ghost - U.S. Asians, A naughty white person.
  • cave bitch - U.S., from an Ice Cube song about white women
  • Celestial - Australia, 19th century, Chinese
  • Cereal - a person from Syria (uses an "a" for singular form, and an "s" for plural) Also, brands of cereal are used.
  • chalala - France, young trendy jewish person.
  • charlie - U.S., a Vietnamese person (shortened from radio code for the Vietcong (V.C.): "Victor Charlie")
  • Cheese-eating surrender monkeys - U.S. - the French, because they opposed US policy in Iraq.
  • Chigger - Chinese person that acts Black
  • Chinaman - International, person of Chinese or generally of Asian descent
  • Chinese - International, persons of Asian descent
  • ching chong - Australia, someone of Chinese descent
  • Chink - U.S./U.K., someone of Chinese descent
  • Chino - US Hispanic, someone of Chinese descent
  • chocolate drop - U.K., a black person
  • chogee - Australia, someone of Asian descent
  • chongo/chango - (also "mono") U.S. Hispanics, a black person ("chongo/chango" is Spanish for "monkey")
  • Chow - Australia, 19th century, Chinese
  • chowie - U.K./Australia, someone of Asian descent
  • Christ-Fucker - a Christian person, usually referring to Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, or Presbyterian.
  • Christ-killer - used in some Christian cultures, a Jewish person
  • Choong - Australia, Vietnamese or Cambodian immigrants
  • clog - used in some cultures, a Dutch person (from their supposed wearing of clogs)
  • Cochise - U.S., a Native American
  • coco - U.K., a black person
  • coconut - U.S./U.K./Australia, a black or Hispanic person who acts like a white (a coconut is dark on the outside but white on the inside); New Zealand, a Pacific Islander
  • coolie - South African whites, a South African of Indian descent
  • coon - U.S./U.K./Australia, a black person
  • coonass - degrading term projected to Cajun People
  • cockroach - U.S., a Mexican immigrant
  • commie - US, a Russian. Sometimes used to refer to a Chinese individual.
  • cosmopolite - Soviet Union, a Jew
  • cotton picker - U.S., a black person
  • cracker - U.S., a white person
  • criminal - U.K. and N.Z., an Australian (see also convict)
  • cuff - U.S., a black person
  • curry muncher - Australia, an Indian person.


  • dago - (also "dag") U.S., someone of Italian descent (originally derived from the Spanish name Diego, it was applied to Spanish, Portuguese or Italian sailors)
  • darkie - various, someone with dark-colored skin
  • darkness - various, someone with dark-colored skin (from skit on David Chapelle's comedy show featuring Rick James)
  • deicide - "godkiller", synonym of Christ-killer.
  • diaper head - United States, someone of Middle Eastern descent, or another person that wears a turban
  • didicoy - UK, gipsy
  • dinge - US, a black person
  • dog muncher - U.S., someone of Korean descent
  • don - England, a Spaniard (from the Spanish title). Common use in Ekizabethan times.
  • Donny Brasco - an Italian person
  • Dot-head - U.S., someone of South Asian descent (from the Hindu practice of wearing bindis)
  • double Dutch / Dutch courage - U.S./U.K., inferior attributes for Dutch people
  • DWO - "Driving While Oriental" - U.S., referring to Asian drivers, perceived to be poorer drivers than others
  • dune coon - US, someone of Middle Eastern descent
  • Dutchman - English-speaking South African whites, used for Afrikaners


  • egg - a white person who 'acts' like an Asian (white on the outside, yellow on the inside)
  • eggplant - North-eastern U.S., a black person
  • Eskimo - an Inuit, Yupik, Inupiat or Aleut.
  • Elbow - an Albanian person (derives from the other slur, 'Albo')
  • esse - U.S., someone of Hispanic descent
  • Eurotrash - U.S./U.K., Europeans gatecrashing society by trading on false claims of wealth, titles of nobility etc.
  • Euro-weenies - U.S., Europeans, particularly French, who don't support US foreign policy.
  • Eyetie / Eye-talian - U.S., someone of Italian descent


  • Fabio - Italian person
  • farang - Thailand, non asian person.
  • feuj - France, a jew (Verlan of Juif).
  • fisheyes - U.S. Asians, a white person.
  • fjord nigger - Alaska, an Alaskan Native of the Tlingit tribe.
  • flattie U.K. traveller community, someone of fixed abode
  • flip - U.S., someone of Filipino descent
  • Flea - a person person of Yugoslavian descent. (derives from the fact that the majority of the Yugoslav names end in "ich" or "itch", when a flea bites, you itch.
  • fob - U.S., a recent Asian immigrant (from Fresh Off the Boat)
  • forby - Australia, a Jew. Rhyming slang, forby is short for four-by-two, a piece of wood four inches by two, commonly used in building. Now obsolete. Jews are so integrated in Australia that there is no current term of abuse.
  • FOS - US., non-english speaking immigrant. (from "Fresh Off the Ship")
  • franchute - Spain, a French national
  • franco - french person
  • Frenchy - U.S., a person with French roots.
  • Fritz - U.K. and France, a German
  • frog or froggie - U.S./U.K., a French national
  • fuckoff - France, a British youth


  • gabacho - Spain, a French national.
  • gachupín - Central America, a Spaniard
  • gadjo/gadji - Gypsy, a non-Gypsy male/female
  • gaijin - Japan, any non-Japanese person
  • gavacho - Mexico, a white person. See gabacho.
  • geek - Greek person(singular only)
  • Gek, Gecko - a person with Greek roots
  • Germ Man - a german person(using the bacteria form of germ)
  • ghetto monkey - U.S., a black person
  • ghost - China (Qing Dynasty), a foreigner, esp. a Japanese person (white people were "ghosts from the seas")
  • ghostbuster - an asian who beats up on whites.
  • gin - Australia - an Aboriginal woman
  • goat roper - U.S. southwest, white people (mostly hicks and/or suburban cowboys)
  • Gobbler - A Turkish person (gobble = Turkey)
  • godo - Canary Islands, "Goth", a Peninsular Spaniard.
  • go-go - a person from the former Yugoslavia, comes from the "Go" in Yugo.
  • gook - U.S. military slang since the Korean War, applied initially to Koreans and later to Vietnamese during the Vietnam War. It derives from Hanguk, the Korean name for Korea.
  • goomba - various groups, An Italian person
  • gorilla - a big, fat black person.
  • goy - Jews, a non-Jew or a Jew that does not practice Judaism. (Goy, plural goyim, is the standard Hebrew word for a non-Jew and is not intended to be offensive when used in that sense.)
  • greaser - U.S., someone of Latin American descent, esp. Mexican
  • greaseball - U.S., an Italian person
  • gringo - Latin America and Spain: Non-Hispanic U.S. national. Hence Gringolandia, the United States. For Brazilians, any foreigner.
  • gubba - Australia - Aboriginal term for white people.
  • guido - US, someone of Italian descent (a genuine Italian first name)
  • guinea - U.S., someone of Italian descent
  • gwailo - also spelled "gweilo"; a Cantonese term for Caucasians. Similar to the entry above for ghost.
  • Gyppo - UK and Australian military, Egyptians. Sometimes used affectionately, but "bloody Gyppo" was a term of abuse.
  • Gypsy - a Sinti or Roma (not universally regarded as offensive)


  • habib - U.S., someone of South Asian (e.g., Indian or Pakistani) descent
  • hairyback - English speaking South Africans, an Afrikaner
  • hajji - an Iraqi, Arab, Muslim, or occasionally other nonwhite, used by US occupation forces; one soldier notably wrote "Hodgie killer" on his footlocker. See Hajj for non-offensive usage.
  • Hankee Yankee - U.S. Asians, a white southerner.
  • haole - native Hawaiians, a non-native white person
  • Happy Slave- US/UK, an Irish immigrant
  • heeb - U.S., a Jewish person (Short for Hebrew)
  • Hervat - a croatian person
  • hick - U.S., rural person, generally uneducated, similar to yokel
  • hillbilly - U.S., a rural white person, esp. one from Appalachia, can be used jokingly unlike some terms
  • Hindoo - Australia, 19th century, Indian
  • Hindy - An person with Indian descent, or a person who practices Hindu.
  • hok gwai - Cantonese, a black person. Literally means "dark ghost".
  • honger - North America, a person from Hong Kong
  • honky - U.S. blacks, a white person
  • hoser - A Canadian
  • Hymie - also spelled "heimy", U.S. blacks, a Jewish person, especially from New York City ("Hymietown")
  • hun - Allies in WWI, a German soldier; also Irish nationalists, a British nationalist. See Huns for non-offensive usage.
  • Hungo - a person of Hungarian roots
  • hunkie - U.S., someone of Hungarian descent


  • Ian - an Armenian person, since almost every Armenian has a "ian" at the end of their name.
  • ice mutant - black supremacists, a white person
  • Injun - a Native American, from "Indian"
  • Itch - a person from the former Yugoslavia. Because almost everyone from there have "ich" at the end of their name, changed to "itch" to mean a nuisance, see the other slur "Flea".


  • Jap - U.S./U.K., someone of Japanese descent
  • JAP - U.S., Jewish women (Jewish American Princess)/Aust. spoilt jewish adolescants (Jewish American Prince or Princess)
  • Jawa - U.S., sand people, someone of Middle Eastern descent. See also sand monkey
  • Jerry - U.S., a German national
  • jigaboo, jig - U.S., a black person
  • Jock - UK, Scottish person
  • John Chinaman - Australia, 19th century, Chinese
  • jook-sing - a Westernized Asian
  • jungle bunny - U.S. whites, a black person


  • kaffir - South African whites, a black person
  • kaffir - Arabic word used in the Islamic world, a non-believer, atheist, or pagan. Jews and Christians would not be considered a kaffir. The word does not count as a slur, it has the same negative connotations as a non-believer
  • Keling - Malaysia and Singapore, an Indian person. Very offensive.
  • kike - U.S., a Jewish person
  • Kraut - U.S./U.K., a German national
  • kugel - South African whites, an affluent Jewish woman


  • Lanscaper - person from Ukraine or Poland(both of which sound like a structure of land, or something that builds land, ie.uCRANE, POLEand.)
  • Lebo - Australia, Lebanese (but widely used by Lebanese-Australians themselves)
  • limey - U.S., a British national - British sailors ate limes to prevent scurvy
  • lepraucaun - Irish person (usually one with red hair, pale skin, and freckles.)
  • levee rat - degrading term projected to Cajun People and people of the swamp
  • long nose - China, a person of European descent


  • macaque - Belgium (French) - a Moroccan; derived from macaque
  • mall honky - an indiscriminate white consumer.
  • makak - Belgium (Dutch) - a Moroccan; derived from macaque*maketo - Basque Country, a Spaniard
  • Maco, Maconie - a Macedonian person (can also be spelled 'Mako')
  • mario - U.S., Italian person. (also "Luigi" is used)
  • Mat Salleh - Malaysia and Singapore - a white person; derived from mad sailor.
  • Mau-mau - U.S./U.K., a black activist
  • mayate - U.S. hispanics, Spanish equivalent of nigger
  • Mehmet - (Turkish Cypriot) - a mainland Turk
  • Mexicans - Australia. In Sydney, a term used for people arriving from Victoria, which is south of the Murray River (analogous to the Rio Grande). A humorous term not intended to be offensive, but sometimes taken that way.
  • Midnight - a black person (used only in singular form)
  • mick - U.S., a person of Irish descent (from the common surname form McXxxx)
  • monkey - U.S., a black person
  • mongrel - a multiracial person
  • moon cricket - U.S., a black person
  • moro, moraco - Spain, a Moor, but see Moro.
  • mountain nigger - a person from Montenegro.
  • Mrs Simpson Egypt, 1930s and 40s, an English woman (after the Duchess of Windsor). Intended to be highly insulting when shouted at English women in the street.
  • mud person - U.S. white supremacists, a non-white person (usually seen in the plural form as mud people)
  • muley, mulie, moolie - U. S. Italian, a black person
  • munt - South Africa, a black person
  • mutt - a multiracial person


  • Naga - U.S., a black person (Naga stands for North American Ground Ape, used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in LA)
  • Nazi - North America, Europe, etc, a German person
  • Newfie - Canada, a person from Newfoundland, can be used as a term of pride
  • NFN - U.K., Normal for Norfolk, implying learning difficulties due to inbreeding in isolated fen communities.
  • nigger - U.S./U.K., a black person (also "niggra," southern U.S. pronunciation; "nigga," Ebonics)
  • night fighter - U.S., a black person
  • nig-nog - U.K., a black person (adapted from niknok, see below)
  • niknok - Netherlands, Dutch word equivalent to nigger
  • ninja - U.S., a Muslim woman
  • ninny - U.S., a black person (short for pickaninnie)
  • Nip - U.S., someone of Japanese descent (from Nippon, an Anglicization of the Japanese name for Japan)
  • Nordstrom Rack - White women with fake breasts.


  • octoon - 19th century U.S., a person of 1/8 Black ancestry
  • oreo - U.S., someone of black and white descent (or a black person who "acts white" - see Carlton)
  • Outsider - Alaska, a person from the lower 48.
  • oven dodger - Australia, a Jewish person


  • Paddy - U.S., an Irish person (from the popular Irish diminutive of "Patrick")
  • Papist - Protestants, a Roman Catholic person
  • Pakeha - Maori, a New Zealander of European descent (not necessarily widely-regarded as offensive)
  • Paki - U.K., a Pakistani (or other South Asian)
  • payo - Spain, a non-Gypsy
  • peckerwood - U.S., a white person
  • Pepsi - Anglophone Canadian, a French-Canadian (from popularity of Pepsi-Cola in Quebec, where this soft drink outsells Coca-Cola — possibly the only place in the world where this is true)
  • pickaninnie, pickaninny - U.K./U.S., black child
  • pinko - Japan, a Russian person
  • Polack - U.S., a person of Polish descent
  • Polar Bear - a big, fat, white person
  • Pole Humper - a Polish person
  • pom, pommie, pommy - Australia/New Zealand/South Africa, a British national. Originally short for pomegranate. It is often used affectionately and is not usually considered offensive. Many English migrants to Australia call themselves "ten pound poms," because they paid ten pounds for their passage to Australia in the 1950s.
  • pongo - U.K., a black person
  • porch honky - U.S., lazy white person
  • porch monkey - U.S., a black person
  • potato - Canada, a black person who 'acts' like a white (brown on the outside, white on the inside).
  • P.R. - U.S., Puerto Rican
  • prairie nigger - U.S., a Native American
  • prod - Scotland, a Protestant
  • Proddy, Proddy dog - Australian Catholics (particularly school kids), term for Protestants, particularly rival kids from Protestant schools. Now obsolete since most kids are atheists.


  • quadroon - 19th century U.S., a person of 1/4 Black ancestry
  • Quaker - a white person


  • rabbit - U.S., a black person, said to have rabbit blood.
  • raghead - U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent. U.K., a Sikh, or any East Indian.
  • raton - France, a North African Muslim (from the French diminutive for "rat")
  • Red Fella - Russian person
  • redneck - U.S., an rural, unrefined white person (esp. a person from a southern state)
  • redskin - now obsolete, a Native American
  • ricain - France, an American
  • rice king/queen - A white person who dates Asians.
  • Rice picker - a filipino, viet, cambodian, or any other south-east asian.
  • roast beef or rosbif - France, a British person
  • rock ape - U.K./Australia, a black person
  • rock spider - English-speaking South Africans, an Afrikaner (although in Australia, rock spider means child molester)
  • rooinek - Afrikaners, an English speaking South African
  • rootless cosmopolitan (Russian: bezrodnyj kosmopolit) - Soviet Union (late Stalin era, 1948-1953), a Jew
  • round eye - Asia, a white person
  • round hair - U.S., a black person
  • rug pilot - U.S., a person of Middle Eastern descent (from the image of the flying carpet)
  • Russki - U.S., a Russian national


  • sambo - U.S./U.K., a black person
  • sand monkey - U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent
  • sand Nazi - U.S./Israel, someone of Middle Eastern descent
  • sand nigger - U.S./Israel, someone of Middle Eastern descent
  • sars - U.S., person of Asian descent (presumably from the Asian origin of the illness SARS).
  • Seppo - Australia/U.K., an American (from septic tank, rhyming slang for yank, also to imples Americans are full of shit)
  • Serabian - a Serbian
  • Serburbian - a person of Serbian descent
  • Sernitz - Serbia, a black person
  • sheister [shyster] - U.S., a Jew [German origin]
  • sheepfucker, sheepscrewer, sheepshagger and other variations on this theme - England, a Welshman; Australia, a New Zealander; USA, a Scot; etc.)
  • Shiptar - an Albanian person, also "shit-tar" is used.
  • shit-kicker - U.S., a white person from the southwest (ex: Oklahoma)
  • Skunk - U.S., someone of Middle-eastern descent
  • Skinny - U.S., First (?) used in Starship Troopers for an alien race. Used by U.S. and other western militaries for Africans, especially Somalis.
  • Skip - Australian - a white Australian of British descent - from the TV show Skippy the Bush Kangaroo. Among ethnic youth, "skip" is the opposite of "wog."
  • slant-eye - U.S., a person of Asian descent
  • slapface - Australia, a person of Asian descent
  • slob - Russian, ie. person of Slavic heritage
  • slope - a person of Asian descent
  • snowback - U.S., a Canadian refugee who flees his/her Motherland for the warm climate of Florida.
  • snowman - white person
  • Sons of Heaven - Australia, 19th century, Chinese
  • Soviet - a person from Russia.
  • Space Ghost - U.S. Asians, A white person perceived to have limited mental capacity. From a superhero character.
  • spade - U.S., a black person
  • spic or spick - U.S., a person of Hispanic descent
  • spook - U.S. whites, a black person
  • spear-chucker - U.S. whites, a black person
  • squarehead - A German or a Norwegian
  • Stani - a person from central asia with the country's name ending in "Stan"(Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, ect.)
  • sudaca - Spain, a Latin American, a play on sudamericano and sudar (to sweat)
  • Suicide Bomber - a Muslim Person
  • surrender monkey - U.S., a French person
  • swamp honky - U.S. southwest, similar to white trash - white residents around the Louisiana/Texas border (also "swamp trash")
  • swamp nigger - degrading term projected to Cajun People and people of the swamp.


  • taffy - U.K., a Welsh person. From the Taff River. Children's rhyme: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief."
  • Taig - Northern Ireland Protestants, a Catholic
  • Terrorist - a person from the middle-east, sometimes is used for a person from south eastern europe.
  • terrier - U.S., an Irish laborer
  • Thanksgiving - U.S., a person of Turkish descent. Used soley as an adjective. ie. "Thanksgiving Muther-fucker".
  • Tonto - U.S., a Native American (refers to the sidekick on "The Lone Ranger")
  • towelhead - U.S., someone of Middle Eastern descent
  • trailer trash - U.S., a rural white person living in a trailer park; cf. white trash
  • T.W.E. - Eastern European (from Third-World-European) For short, 'Tweety' is used.
  • twinkie - U.S./Canada, an Asian person who is "yellow on the outside, white on the inside" (similar to 'banana' above)



  • Viet - a Vietnamese person
  • Vodka Pisser - Russian person
  • Vut - a Russian, because the russian immigrants said "vut" instead of "what" when asked something in english.


  • Walpeople - U.S., working-class whites...from whites perceived to shop at Walmart.
  • welfare monkey - U.S., a black person
  • wetback, wetter - U.S., an illegal Mexican immigrant (presumably having swum across the Rio Grande)
  • White Devil - U.S., (originated with Nation of Islam) a white person
  • white boy - U.S., any white
  • white Negro - US/UK, an Irish immigrant
  • whitey - U.S., a white person
  • white trash, also poor white trash - U.S., a rural white person
  • wigger - U.S., a white person who 'acts' black
  • windchime - U.S., a black person (windchimes are hung out in the open) cf. apple
  • Whink - Canada, a White person trying to act Chinese.
  • wog - U.K., a dark-skinned national of a Colonial British colony; also Australia, a Mediterranean-European (especially Greek or Italian) person (or any foreigner). It may have originated in Empire days in sub-Asia as a mandated term of respect, Worthy Oriental Gentleman, then abbreviated. In Australia the term, once very offensive, has been appropriated by second-generation ethnic youth and is used humorously or with pride, as in "wog culture" and the successful comedy show Wogs Out of Work.
  • wop - U.S., an Italian immigrant (from guappo [1], although folk etymology gives the origin as: WithOut Passport)


  • Yank/Yankee - Originally used by the New York Dutch to refer to the English (Jan Kees means "John Cheese" in Dutch), it has gradually broadened in meaning. In the northern US, it means a traditional New Englander of old English stock. In the southern US, it means any northerner. Outside the US, it means any American, as in "Yankee go home". Spelled Yanqui in Spanish.
  • Yankee Doodle, Americans
  • yard ape - U.S., a black person; cf. porch monkey
  • yellow peril - Australia, an Asian immigrant
  • yid - U.K., A Jewish person
  • yo-yo - U.S., a black person (yo-yos hang from strings) cf. windchime
  • Yugo - a Yugoslavian person (from the car "Yugo" which was cheap and broke down easily)
  • Yugoshit - A person from the former Yugoslavia, using the word "yugo" and saying literally "You go shit".
  • zig - U.S., a black person (short for zigaboo)
  • zip - an Italian
  • zipperhead - U.S., a Chinese person
  • Zebra - a partly white, partly black person
  • Zerbo - Serbian person

See also