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Bishop Stopford's School

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Bishop Stopford's School at Enfield, commonly known as Bishop Stopford's or just Bishop's, is an independent Church Of England co-educational secondary school with sixth form. It is located in Brick Lane, Enfield, near (Ponders End), Greater London, England, at grid reference TQ346791.

The East Wing of Bishop Stopford's School at Enfield, a view across the yard.


Bishop Stopford's has approximately 1,019 pupils from the ages of eleven to eighteen.


After almost a century of attempts by the Church to found a church secondary school in Enfield, Bishop Stopford's was founded on St. Polycarp's Day 1967 and opened its doors to its first pupils on 7 September 1967. Its founder was the then Bishop Of London, the Very Revd Robert Stopford. The school was founded to provide a Church school for the children of Enfield, who at that time had several Church primary schools but no Church secondary schools. The school was established in the buildings of the old Suffolks School. The three heads of Bishop Stopford's have been Head Masters the late Dr Geoffrey Roberts PhD, MA, BA, JP (1967 to 1988), Mr Brian Robin Pickard M.A. (1988 to 2001) and Head Mistress Mrs Bridget Sarah Evans (2001 to date).


Every pupil and each member of staff belongs to one of the six 'Houses', known in short as Coventry, Georges, King Alfred's, Temples, Waltham, & Trinity. The first three are known by the acronym CGK and the second TWY. The full names of the houses are:

  • The House of the Resurgent City and Cathedral Church of St. Michael and all Angels at Coventry
  • The House of Saint George the Martyr, Glorious Patron of England
  • The House of Alfred The Great, King of the West Saxons.
  • The House of William Temple, Head Master, Archbishop and Servant of God.
  • The House of the Holy Cross of our Saviour at Waltham
  • The House of the Holy, Blessed and Glorious Trinity

It was the intention that the houses should reflect attitudes and ideals rather than being a collection of six different examples of one type of thing.

Each house has its own colour. This colour has little modern significance other than the socks which pupils wear for games (in an earlier era a football shirt and shorts of the approriate hue were also required). Coventry wear green; George's red; King Alfred's yellow; Temple's light blue; Waltham purple and Trinity dark blue.

The champion house (until the end of the academic year ending in Summer 2006) is Temple's under the direction of their House Mistress Mrs. Leverington.

Choir Form

The Choir Form was founded in 1973 and takes boys and girls from all six houses from the second year to the sixth form. Whilst remaining members of their houses, pupils in the Choir Form attend registration together, sing in assembly, hymn practice, choir practice and compline together. They attend a residential singing week every year, which has been at Seasalter, Walsingham, and Winchester. In 2004-5 the Choir Form was renamed the Music Form to incorporate a wider range of musical abilities and the modernisation of school worship. The intention is to give young musicians an opportunity to practice for participation in worship.


Bishop Stopford's is laid out differently from most modern schools. Its house structure and tradition lead it to be laid out with the following sections:

  • East Wing
  • West Wing
  • South East Wing (Huts - soon to be demolished)
  • South West Wing (Destroyed by fire)
  • Orchard Wing
  • Jubilee Wing

The East and West Wings are joined by the forbidden Chapel Corridor. The West Wing is joined to the Orchard Wing via a bridge overlooking the yard. This means that the whole school is accessible indoors via intricate corridors and passageways. Many a student has been caught on a rainy day trying to use the Chapel corridor to try to go from German to Maths. The sight of a master or mistress chasing after them with black gown billowing is something generations of Stopfordians will have seen, or been part of.


The uniform is a white shirt, navy blue tie, pullover and blazer bearing the school crest, and black trousers for boys and blue pleated skirt or blue trousers for girls. The summer uniform consists of a short-sleeved shirts. In the past, pupils could also opt for shirt sleeve order in the summer, with sleeves rolled up, pullover and tie removed, and top button undone. Now students are expected to wear their tie at all times, and may only undo their top-button, and remove pullovers or blazers with express permission. There are strict rules for the length of skirts and height of socks for girls. Gowns are always worn by senior staff and certain pupils in assembly.

Unusually, teachers at Stopford's are restricted by a strict dress code, which is not enforced so strictly since the new Headmistress took over. Prior to 2001 female members of staff were forbidden to wear trouser suits and must wear skirts. Male members of staff should wear a suit. Staff wore traditional black teaching gowns, which complimented the blue and grey gowns of the pupils. Until 2001 all staff were referred to as Masters or Mistresses, the term "teacher" did not enter the Stopford's lexicon. "Lesson" was not heard other than the religious lesson in assembly. What ordinary schools call a "lesson", Stopford's called a "period".

Masters or Mistresses are always referred to by the title "Sir" or "Miss". However in recent years the use of the teachers' surname preceded by his or her title is acceptable. Using first names to refer to teachers is forbidden.

Pupils' uniform is normally bought from the taylors S. Brigg and Sons. However, gowns are purchased from the famous robe maker Ede and Ravenscroft of Cambridge and London.


Bishop Stopford's School has had two Chaplains since 1967. These have been the self-styled "Father" James Lowry and the current incumbent, the Revd. S. Taylor. The Chaplain is a Divinity (Religious Education) teacher, as well as an ordained church minister, and will teach as well as conduct services.

Rule Book

The Bishop Stopford's School Rule Book contains the school rules, and also the Church and School calendar. When the school was founded it was decided to have as few rules as possible, with new rules being introduced as and when required. Thius the rule book gradually expanded during the School's first twenty-four years. Since 2001 the rules have been simplified and can be seen at the School Web Site


All pupils must attend one assembly a week, normally with their houses, however the Sixth Form has its own assembly on Fridays.

The assembly at Bishop Stopford's School differs considerably from most other schools. It begains with triumphant organ music during which all pupils and staff present must stand. A house prefect from one of the houses whose assembly is being held then leads in the procession of all the prefects from the two house. Following the prefects are the senior staff, normally the Deputy Head Master and the Deputy Headmistress. Behind the deputy heads come the Chaplin. He is then followed by the Head Master's prefects, who are followed by the Headmistress. (The Head master's Prefects retain the male prefix even when there is a female head) The current Headteacher no longer observes the tradition of previous head Masters who have carried in their academic hat however gowns are still worn. It used to be customary for the Head Master's prefects to carry the school roll and the shorts rested upon a velvet cushion however with the abolition of the punishment called forgiveness and the roll now consisting of three quivers this has been stopped.

Following the procession the head instructs both sides of the great hall (one house on each side of the hall in collegiate fashion similar to the House of Commons) to take their seats. The assembly then proceeds in a more customary fashion including prayers and hymns. At the conclusion the organ is once again played and the procession lead out in the same order they came in.

Patronal Festivals

The school observes six patronal festivals each year, one for each house. They are celebrated in the hall by the individual houses on days significant to their patron. The patronal festival includes the school eucharist as well as performances in music and the arts by house pupils.

The School Eucharist

The school eucharist is said on many occasions throughout the year. Most pupils experience the eucharist at the three Holy Communions at the end of each term and at their house's patronal festival. However, the school eucharist is also said every morning before lessons in the chapel by the chaplin.

The School Chapel

The school chapel is a small chapel accessed from the chapel corridor and is situated opposite the great hall. The school eucharist is said in the chapel every morning and so is the Prayer for all Stopfordians. This is a special prayer for all those who have a connection with the school, living or dead.

The Chapel Corridor

The corridor between the east and west wings of the school which is the only way to access the chapel and the great hall is strictly out of bounds for all students except prefects and the sixth form. It is one of the most strictly enforced traditions and even today it is rare for a student in the school to go through the chapel corridor other than for assembly or eucharist. This tradition is perhaps one of the least popular amongst pupils and most populare amongst staff as it means pupils, on wet cold days, have to walk around outside to get to their lessons whereas staff have warm, dry and quiet passage to lessons.


The school is famous for the traditions it maintains, many of which were instituted by its first head master.

The Beating Of The Bounds

Every year, on Ascension Day, a group of pupils went round the boundaries of the school whipping selected areas with special whips. This is based on the Anglo-Saxon practice of beating the bounds. The practise has been somewhat modernised, but a special Ascension Day assembly is still held, remembering the practice.

Merits system

Merit - a house point

Demerit - the subtraction of a house point from a pupil's total for bad behaviour

Placet - ten house points. In 2003-4, Placets (from the Latin for "pleasing") were replaced with Commendations.

Public commendation - if a student obtained three placets they were given a public commendation. This was abolished in 2004 as it was too similar to the new Commendation which replaced the Placet.

With My Duty

At the top of every piece of work, pupils are required to write the date, the title, and the words 'With My Duty', to show their acknowledgement of their duty to themselves, their parents, the school, and to God.

Cardinals' Hats

This is a tradition of which most Bishop Stopford's pupils will be unaware. When a cardinal dies his hat is hung in the Vatican forever. This has been going on for over a thousand years, and some of the old hats are now disintegrating. At Stopford's the programmes of all School productions are pinned to the beam above the stage facing the Altar. They hang there until "like Cardinals' Hats they drop in dust" as the first Head Master would say.

The School Prayer


Grant oh most glorious Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
That as this School has been founded to Thy glory,
So it may forever flourish,
To Thy perpetual praise.
Who livest and reignest,
Our Light and our Salvation,
God ever blest,
World without end,



The School Song

The school song is the hymn Captain Of Israel's Host And Guide by Charles Wesley, set to the tune Marienlyst by J.W.David.

The words to the school song are:

Captain of Israel's Host and guide, of all who seek the land above, beneath they shadow we abide, the cloud of they protecting love, thy strength, thy grace, they rule, thy word, our end the glory of the Lord

By thine unerring spirit led, we shall not in the desert stray, we shall not full direction need, nor miss our providential way. As far from danger, as from fear, while love almighty love is near.

The School Roll

Since the school was founded, every new pupil and teacher at the school has signed his name on the School Roll. Originally a single roll of paper, kept in a leather quiver, this has now had to have additional paper added to the first roll and two new separate rolls (and quivers) made to accommodate new names. The roll was carried in the procession every morning in Assembly but as it now comprises three quivers this has been stopped. On special occasions one of the three quivers is carried to signify the roll's importance in the life of the school.

Some people are on the roll twice. This includes the second Head Master, Mr. Pickard, and all the Head Master's prefects who sign the roll for a second time upon being elevated to that rank.

At least two honorary Stopfordians are on the roll, Christoph Spital, who has run the exchange programme with Germany since 1985, and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh , who visited the school in October 2003.

The School Plant

The chamomile - or as it is also known anthemis nobilis is the school plant. Also carried in processions, it represents the school's ability to thrive in adverse conditions. This is taken from the line in Shakespeare's Henry IV, part 1 'The Camomile; The more it is trodden on, the faster it grows'. Henry IV, part 1, is unofficially the school play.


Forgiveness is an alternative to corporal punishment. If a pupil wants to choose to be forgiven rather than having the cane he may do so. A pupil who chooses forgiveness is made to perform arduous tasks or physical exercise for a period of approximately one hour, after which he is said to be 'forgiven'. To make the choice, a pupil is presented with a cushion bearing a pair of blue and a pair of black shorts. If he selects the blue shorts he will receive the cane, if he opts for the black shorts he will receive forgiveness. The shorts were carried on the cushion in procession in House Assemblies. With the abolition of corporal punishment in England the trial by shorts procedure is now defunct. In recent years Forgiveness has become less and less common however it remains one of the strictest punishments in British schooling.

Noteworthy Teachers

The longest serving teacher currently at the school is Mr. Malcolm Chalmers who has been at the school since a term after the name changed, some 38 years. There are also many other teachers who have been there over twenty years. These include: Miss. Leverington (House Mistress of Temple's House), Mrs. Hannan (Head of the Lower School), Mr. Geary (Head of Business and Economics), Mr. Peutrill, Miss. A. Jones (Head of Upper School), Miss. Jones (Head of Science)and Mr. Jones. Mr Leslie Pringle who was a pupil at the previous Suffolks School, and at Bishops's returned to teach divinity, being the first of a number of pupils to return as staff.


The school is famous as one of the only educational institutions still to require its students to wear gowns. Although in 2003 the new Headmistress instituted blazers with gowns reserved for special occasions. The gowns vary in colour but all take the form of a long sleeveless robe. House Prefects wear grey gowns, School Prefects wear royal blue and Senior Prefects navy blue. House Captains also wear navy blue. The most senior rank of prefects, the Senior VI, wear navy blue Senior Prefect gowns with a coloured flashing to signify their rank. The Deputy Head Boy and Girl have a thin purple stripe and the Head Boy and Girl have thick purple stripe. The most senior and oldest rank of prefect, the Head Master's Prefects, have a thick red stripe on their gown. To wear a gown is considered a great privilege by the students.


Bishop Stopford's School has one of the most complex prefect systems in operation in British schooling. It is generally regarded as a strength of the school.

The lowest rank of prefect is the House Prefect. This is open to the boys and girls in the Fifth Form and they are chosen by their house master or house mistress. The next rank up is School Prefect. This rank comprises of students from the lower and upper sixth forms and are selected by the Heads of Houses, the Head of the Sixth Form, the Head of the Upper school and the Head Master. Senior prefects are the next rank up. This comprises of the House captains and the former house captains. House captains are traditionally selected from the lower sixth form and serve for a year. In the upper sixth they retain all the rights and privileges but not the title. The next rank up is the deputy head boy and girl, these are chosen by a poll of the entire sixth form. Then comes the head boy and girl, also chosen by poll. It comes as a surprise to many that the head boy and girl are not the most senior prefects in the school. The highest rank is the Head Master's Prefects who are chosen by the Head Master, or Headmistress on the advice of the Head of Sixth Form and Head of Upper School.

The deputy head boy and girl, the head boy and girl, and the Head Master's prefects are collectively called the senior six. They wear special gowns and represent the school on public and state functions. They also have considerable rights, powers and privileges as well as the ear of all the senior staff of the school.

Prefects' Investiture

The investiture of prefects is one of the pastoral and ceremonial highlights of the school year. House, school and senior prefects are invested in their own house assembly.

The Head Master asks the House Master or Mistress to stand and asks:

"Is there anyone in N house worthy of the rank of X prefect?"

To which the Housemaster or mistress will respond, assuming there are:

"There are."

Head Master - "Have they been told of all their duties and all that will be expected of them?" Housemaster - "They have." Head Master - "Then I shall admit them."

The housemaster then reads out the name and rank of each pupil to be invested. One by one they stand, and have their gown placed on them. They then have to go to the Head Master and kneel before him. He then asks them some questions to which the prefect-to-be gives certain reponses. A prefects badge is then pressed into the hands of the pupil, who is now a prefect.

The investiture of members of the senior six is two-fold. There is a private conference with the Head Master in which the pupil has to place his or her hands on a bible and promise to uphold the ten commandments and the dignity of the school amongst other things.

The public ceremony of investing the senior six takes place in all the house assemblies and involves the passing of the gowns from the old senior six to the new senior six. A prefect's term in the senior six last for the entirety of their final year at the school.

Selected Old Stopfordians

  • Ruth Symes became a children's author, writing books such as Carnegie Medal nominated The Master Of Secrets, Smelly Sock Soup, Little Tail, and Floppy Ears, and for the television programme The Hoobs.
  • Winston Marche became a professional musician, playing drums for among others, Bob Dylan


  • Treading On The Camomile G. Roberts.