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Wikipedia:Requested articles/Mathematics

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This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Lethe (talk | contribs) at 08:46, 26 May 2004 (=Complex analysis= add Teichmüller). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This page is a sub-page of Wikipedia:Requested articles.

(a redirect page using only the last name should also be created for each of these. for example: Bourgain should redirect to Jean Bourgain and so on.)


Andrew Appel - Michael Artin -


N. G. W. H. Beeger - Robert Berger - Leonard Blumenthal - Jonathan Borwein - Peter Borwein - Jean Bourgain - Werner Boy - Charles Brianchon - William Brouncker -


Pierre Cartier - Guido Castelnuovo - Pietro Antonio Cataldi - Ronald Coifman - W. N. Colquitt - Edward Condon - James Cooley - Nicolas Courtois - J. Cullen - A. J. C. Cunningham -


Germinal Pierre Dandelin - G.C. Danielson - Michel Darboux - Ingrid Daubechies - Jean Dieudonné - Simon Donaldson - Adrien Douady - Vladimir Drinfeld - Henry E. Dudeney - Bernard Dwork - Eugene Borisovich Dynkin -


Federigo Enriques - J. Ewing -


Gerd Faltings - E. Fauquembergue - Charles Feffermann - Mitchell Feigenbaum - John Charles Fields - Gerhard Frey -


Donald B. Gillies - Luigi Guido Grandi - Mikhail Gromov - Alex Grossman -


Adolf Hurwitz -


Hartmut Jürgens -


Daniel Kan - Nicholas Katz - John Kelsey -


Serge Lang - M. James Lighthill -


Stephane Mallat - Szolem Mandelbrojt - David Masser - W. Meissner - Yves Meyer - Mirimanoff - Oskar Morgenstern


L. Nickel - Landon Curt Noll - Pyotr Sergeyevich Novikov -


Joseph Oesterlé -


Heinz-Otto Peitgen - Ivan Mikheevich Pervushin (also make a redirect from Pervouchine) - Josef Pieprzyk - John Robinson Pierce - Subbayya Sivasankaranarayana Pillai - John Pollard - Nicolae Popescu - R. E. Powers -



Pierre Samuel - Dietmar Saupe - L. G. Schnirelmann - Francesco Severi - J. H. Silverman - David Slowinski - Marshall H. Stone - Zhi Hong Sun - Zhi Wei Sun - Suyama -


B. Tuckerman - David Turner -


D. D. Wall - Hao Wang - Wallodi Weibull - Jr. Welsh - Victor Wickerhauser - Arthur Wieferich - Wolstenholme - H. J. Woodall -


Samuel Yates -


Hans Zassenhaus - George Kingsley Zipf

Complemented lattice - Discrete valuation - Formal parameter - Ideal supporting algebra - Real closed field

Geometric invariant theory - Hodge cycle - Semistable elliptic curve

Cech cohomology - Cyclic homology - Ext functor - Morava K-theory - Tor functor - Vietoris-Begle mapping theorem - Vietoris homology

Associator - Braided monoidal category - Closed monoidal category - Comodule - Connected (category theory) - Derived category - Enriched functor - Enriched limit - Gerbe - Module (category theory) - Multicategory - Push forward - Representable functor - Slice category - Stack (category theory) - Tricategory

Latin hypercube - Mac Lane's planarity criterion - Network theory - Young tableau

Analytic variety - Holomorphic sheaf - Laurent expansion theorem - Complex structure deformation - Teichmüller space

Alternating automaton - Bounding cylinder - Bounding sphere - Cascader - Continuous automaton - Continuous modelling - Discrete oriented polytope - Minsky machine - Oriented bounding box - Rabin automaton - Smallest bounding sphere - Stable algorithm - Supercombinator

Cauchy problems - Neumann Problems-

Frölicher space - Gauge space - Jet bundle - Tetrad (index notation)

Lyapunov characteristic number - Lyapunov condition - Lyapunov equation - Lyapunov time - Poincaré map

Approximate eigenvalue - Banach measure - Complex wavelet transform - Continuous functional calculus - Compression (functional analysis) - Dilation theory - Discrete wavelet transform - Fredholm's theorem - Fuglede's theorem - Functional calculus - Isometric dilation - LF-space - Measurable functional calculus - Stone-von Neumann theorem - Stratonovich integral - Total variation - Unitary dilation - Wavelet packets - Poisson resummation

best response

Birkhoff's axioms - Dandelin spheres - Elementary geometry - Hilbert's axioms - Pedal curve - Pons Asinorum - Dual lattice -

General linear groupoid - Harada-Norton group - Held group - Lyons group - O'Nan group - Rudvalis group - Tannaka-Krein duality - Tarski Monster - Zassenhaus lemma / Butterfly lemma -

Hilbert's eighteenth problem - Hilbert's eleventh problem - Hilbert's fifteenth problem - Hilbert's fourteenth problem - Hilbert's fourth problem - Hilbert's nineteenth problem - Hilbert's ninth problem - Hilbert's seventeenth problem - Hilbert's thirteenth problem - Hilbert's twelfth problem - Hilbert's twentieth problem - Hilbert's twenty-first problem - Hilbert's twenty-second problem - Hilbert's twenty-third problem

Polish Mathematical Society - Thesaurus Logarithmorum Completus

Dunkl operator - Kac-Moody algebra - Weil representation

Linear theory - Transformation matrix - Affine Lie algebra

Elementary embedding - Lightface analytic game - Omitting types - Ordinary mathematics - Projective determinacy - Turing degree - Proof by Symmetry

Epsilon conjecture - Euler system - Extra strong Lucas pseudoprime - Fibonacci pseudoprime - Frobenius pseudoprime - Lehmer number - Lucas pseudoprime - Perrin pseudoprime - Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture - Somer-Lucas pseudoprime - Strong Frobenius pseudoprime - Strong Lucas pseudoprime - Strong pseudoprime - Wolstenholme's theorem

F-statistics - Sewall Wright's theory of path coefficients - de Finetti diagram - general selection model - Malecot's method of coancestry

Lyapunov's central limit theorem - Probability of error - Subjective expected utility - Theorem of de Moivre-Laplace

Bogoliubov transformation - Geometric quantization - Robertson-Schrödinger relation - Yang-Mills Existence and mass Gap

Arithmetic harmonic mean - Darboux integral - Denjoy integral - Geometric harmonic mean - Henstock-Kurzweil-Stieltjes integral - Multivariable calculus - Perron integral -

Extensible cardinal - Grothendieck universe - History of the separation axioms - λ-strong cardinal - Mostowski collapse - New Foundations - Super-almost-huge cardinal - Superhuge cardinal - Unfoldable cardinal

Correlation ratio - MANOVA-

Cauchy space - Convergent space - Discontinuity set - Ham sandwich theorem - Initial topology - Left order topology - Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem - Pretopological space - Quasimetric space - Right order topology - Semiregular space - Sorgenfrey plane - Transition map - Urysohn space - Vietoris topology

Still unsorted

Please try to sort out the rest of the requests. Baroclinicity - Bicoherence - Bispectral analysis - Bispectrum - Circle power - Crout decomposition - Efficient frontier - Fast wavelet transform - Harmonic number of order - Kappa curve - Laguerre method - Laver table - Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm - Linear complementarity problem - Logarithmic form - Measurement problem - Minimal convex decomposition - Mixed complementarity - Mohr-Mascheroni theorem - Nash-Moser theorem - Quasiperiodic - Reconstruction filter - Relaxation technique - Small set - Space subset - Star refinement - Universal substantiation - Variational inequality

Too ambiguous and/or not linked to

Bounded error - Caratheodory's theorem - Combinatorial definability - Generalized eigenspaces of unbounded continuous operators - Herbrand theory - Invariant polynomial - Natural operation - Ritz process