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Minor allies of Kim Possible

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This article is for minor, recurring fictional characters from Disney's animated television series Kim Possible.


A minor character mostly seen in season 1. Believed to have graduated now.

Amelia constantly blows off Ron's attempts at flirting, but welcomes him into her popular circle during the episodes All the News and The New Ron.

Doctor Betty Director

Kim, Dr. Director, Ron

Betty Director, more commonly known as Dr. Director, is the head of the worldwide espionage organization known as Global Justice (GJ). She is in charge of addressing any threats to the world that fall outside the scope of normal law enforcement groups. However, even an organization with some of the world's finest scientists, weapons and agents requires some help from time to time. And Dr. Director isn't too proud to call in reinforcements if it means the job gets done, which is where Kim Possible comes in. However, being a top secret organization, even asking for help has to be handled in a subversive way, whether it's sucking Kim into a trap door through a series of transport tubes or arranging a phony crime to lure her to a meeting site. She first introduced Kim to Global Justice in a case that led to Kim's first encounter with Duff Killigan. She later called in Kim to assess the phenomenon GJ scientists dubbed "the Ron Factor" (the basic gist being that Ron's chaotic nature was the real reason for Kim's success saving the world and Dr. Director wanted to see if GJ could harness that chaos). She has subsequently stayed behind the scenes for the most part, although Kim has had other dealings with Global Justice, usually in the form of rides to her destinations and backup on missions.

As the head of a global organization, Dr. Director has very little hands-on involvement in GJ's cases, but on the rare occasions when she's had to get her hands dirty (such as when she had to team up with Kim to fight her twin brother, Gemini), she's proven that she can hold her own in a fight. Dr. Director is bound and determined to bring down Gemini and his organization, WEE (the Worldwide Evil Empire). But rather than a war of two tactical geniuses, their battles are really more reminiscent of a kindergarten slap fight, since their conflict is really nothing more than a case of sibling rivalry run amuck. In fact, get the two of them in a room together and even Ron would most likely say that he's more mature than either of them. Dr. Director is instantly recognizable by her eyepatch, reminiscent of the Marvel Comics character, Nick Fury. Gemini wears one too. However, it's unclear whether either sister or brother wears it because of an actual eye injury or whether they're just trying to make a fashion statement.

Voiced by Felicity Huffman.

Felix Renton

More Ron's friend than Kim's, Felix is an easy going boy who enjoys video games and basketball. The fact that he was paralyzed doesn't stop him from enjoying life, especially since his mom, who is a cybertronic genius at the space center, tricked out his wheelchair. Felix often jokes about his stiuation, much to Kim's discomfort. In fact, when Felix first arrived, Kim was in a way even more paralyzed than Felix, since she kept trying to think of the most "appropriate" way to behave around him. In the beginning, her efforts were repeatedly met with failure, but inspired by Ron's mellow attutude (as well as realizing that he was more than capable of handling life, even from a wheelchair), she relaxed eventually.

Felix is a good friend, supporting Ron in the two episodes he appeared in, "Motor Ed" and "Steal Wheels". He has helped on those two missions and was essential to their success, his wheelchair's abilities coming in handy. Since both missions involved Motor Ed (who claims that he could've handled Kim the first time had Felix not interfered), the argument could be made that Motor Ed has become more Felix's enemy than Kim's.

As an interesting piece of trivia, Ron's voice actor Will Friedle and Jason Marsden (Felix), aside from playing friends on screen, are best friends in real-life.


Francois has done several favors for Kim to repay her for saving his dog, Shi-shi. Shi-shi did make one appearance in "Rufus in Show".


A student of the Yamanouchi ninja school, Hirotaka allowed himself to be transferred to Middleton temporarily so that Ron could travel to Japan to fight Monkey Fist. When he arrived, he immediately gained the affection of every teenage girl in Middleton, including Kim and Monique, who held out longer than the others. But eventually, even they were drawn to Hirotaka and ended up being the two fiercest competitors for his affection. However, all their efforts were in vain when Hirotaka revealed that he had in fact chosen Bonnie Rockwaller as his "#1 girlfriend".

In terms of skill, Hirotaka seems to be one of Yamanouchi's more adavanced students and possesses a great deal of stamina through his training. When he asked Kim to demonstrate her skills to him, although neither of them actually hit the other, Kim was left winded and Hirotaka hadn't even broken a sweat. He also seems to prefer a more defensive style of combat, not fighting back unless he absolutely has to. When Brick Flagg tried to pick a fight with him at Bueno Nacho (angered at the attention Hirotaka was getting from all the girls), Hirotaka was perfectly happy to simply evade Brick's attacks and let him exhaust himself to the point where Brick couldn't fight anymore.

Master Sensei

The Headmaster of Yamanouchi, Sensei was the one who initially arranged for Ron to be part of the transfer program to Japan in order to protect the Lotus Blade from Monkey Fist. He was later kidnapped by DNAmy as part of a plot to frame Monkey Fist so Ron and Yori would find him for her (so she could be Monkey Fist's girlfriend). Like Yori, Sensei has an unwavering confidence in Ron and his abilities and sees him as a true warrior, although this is a mindset Ron doesn't always share.

The traditional "wise old master", Sensei possesses a wide range of abilities, a product of his many years of training and experience. As a martial artist, he is quite powerful, regardless of his advanced years and small stature. He demonstrated this handily in "Gorilla Fist" showing that he could even go toe-to-toe with the raw power of DNAmy's gorilla warriors. He also seems to possess a wide range of spiritual abilities, such as astral projection (which he used to try and warn Ron not to get involved in his kidnapping) and the ability to levitate. But despite these skills, Sensei seems to prefer not involving himself directly in conflicts unless he has to, most likely because he believes such acts are best left to the young, whom he does his best to pass his knowledge on to through the Yamanouchi school.

Voiced by George Takei.

Nakasumi-San and Miss Kyoko

Nakasumi is the top toy developer in the world. He was the victim of theft by Drakken and Shego in "Crush". Kim recovered what was stolen; and, in return, Nakasumi gave her a ride in "A Very Possible Christmas". Nakasumi made another surprise appearance in So the Drama. It is likely that he'll be in season 4.

At first, it seemed that Nakasumi couldn't speak, but understood, English. To avoid using Japanese, the series crew had Nakasumi whisper to Miss Kyoko and she'd translate. In So the Drama it was revealed that he could speak English, and just liked whispering to Kyoko.

One of Nakasumi's characters, Z-Boy, has made several cameos as toys and posters.


Rufus and Ned attempting to warn Ron in So The Drama

Ned is assitant manager at Bueno Nacho #582. He's a neat freak and a perfectionist. He criticised Kim in "Bueno Nacho" for her lack of the proper "skills". He has, however, shown a great deal of respect for Ron.

Pain King & Steel Toe

Steel Toe, Pain King

The star wrestlers of the GWA and 'arch-foes' in the ring, they are actually good friends. They can be told apart by their costumes, which allude to their stage names -- Pain King wears a gold coronet, while Steel Toe has footwear made of titanium.

They are also the favorite wrestlers of Kim Possible's friends Ron Stoppable and Monique: on a fight night, Ron usually can be seen rooting for Steel Toe, while Monique prefers Pain King.

Oh Boyz!

Oh Boyz!

A boy band in the show, kidnapped by the Seniors, in the hope that Jr. would be given a record deal in return. Unfortunately by the time the Oh Boyz! are captured, they have fallen out of style, opening to empty concerts, causing their manager to not want them back.

Ron Stoppable is also captured alongside the Oh Boyz!, as he is one of the few people who are still into them.

The band are seen singing "Hello, Hello, Hello", "Quit playing games with my head" and "I want it my way."

At the end of the episode Jr. is seen singing "Quit playing games with my head", out of tune, to a prison full of the show's villains. He repeatedly throws himself in front of Drakken in a suggestive manner also.

Pop-Pop Porter

The master of snacks. His products are mentioned several times, but he's rarely seen.

Prince Wallace of Rodighan

Prince Wallace of Rodighan

Price Wally was the target of the Knights of Rodighan in "Royal Pain", due to a prophecy that stated Rodighan's monarchy would "end with Wallace the Third" -- Wallace III being Wally's regnal name upon succeeding his father as King. To avoid an untimely end, Wally stayed in Middleton, where he made a failing attempt to blend in and keep attention away from himself. After Kim saved him from the knights, he decided to make Rodighan a democracy, but not before finishing his term as student council president of Middleton High. Despite his intentions, he and his father haven't been seen since.

Private Cleodus Dobbs

Doctor Drakken switched his brain with Dobbs' in order to get to the Neutronolizor in "Mind Games". Dobbs ended up saving Kim and Ron's lives after they stopped Drakken's plan.

Professor Acari

Acari is an Insectologist. Kim found his robit tick for him (that Drakken stole) in "Tick-Tick-Tick". In return, he gave her a ride in "The Full Monkey".

Acari also made a surprise reappearance in "Roachie". His former lab assistant, Chester Yapsby, stole his roflex and used it for evil.

Professor Cyrus Bortel

A selfish inventor, Professor Bortel is often a bit of a science absorbed man. His devices often wreck havoc in Kim and Ron's lives, and he doesn't mean well. Bortel developed the Neural Compliance Chip and the Moodulators, both of which affected Kim and Shego in "The Twin Factor" and "Emotion Sickness". His motives are self-centered (Considering he designed the Neural Compliance Chip for no particular purpose), and his devices' negative effects are from misuse. Plus, Cyrus has never been one to truly accept the consequences of his inventions. His original intent for the Moodulator chips was to sell them online, although he never considered who might want to buy them or what they might want to use them for. He is a tad unorganized, as seen in "Emotion Sickness" when he failed to notice the Kimmunicator's presence until it took off. It is thought that Bortel will turn evil because of his shadowy styles of technology and the mocking of his fellow scientists.

Professor Ramesh

One of James Possible's old college buds. He like to call James "Possible" for some reason. He was also a victom of Drakken's "silly hats".

Professor Robert Chen

One of James Possible's old college buds. He is Ramesh's partner. He was the first target for the Bebe robots. He was saved by Kim and her dad.

Team Go

Hego, Wego, Mego

A family/team of super-heroes who protect Go City. They appeared in the episode "Go, Team Go". The siblings got their powers after a multi-hued meteorite crashed into their tree house.

They reside in Go Tower, a building that is rather similar in appearance to the one that the Teen Titans (DC Comics) live in.

Their arch-foe is Aviarius, a bird-obsessed man who has his lair on the nearby mountain range.

The leader (of sorts) is Hego, with the "blue glow" and super strength. He is the only one of the team with a normal skin tone, but when he isn't disguised as his alter ego (a Bueno Nacho manager with black hair and Clark Kent style glasses) his hair is dark blue. His personality is somewhat a parody of Superman's, being the most overtly "superheroic" but also childishly bossy and take-charge. Has a tendency to make horrible jokes and puns (Calling Team Go's team work "Go-operation", for example) and appears quite unable to tell when they fall flat. He sincerely believed that despite her actions, Shego was still a good person, only to be proven wrong when she betrayed and blasted him.

Next is Mego, with the purple suit, skin, hair, and glow power which gives him the ability to shrink at will. He possesses a large and easily wounded ego, and is rather defensive of his seemingly-useless power. After the team reunites, he expresses a desire to be the leader.

Rounding out the team are Wego, twins and the youngest of the group. Rather happy-go-lucky, they seemingly take every twist and turn in stride. They have the red power, and all the color coordination that goes with it, along with the ability to duplicate themselves.

No longer a member of Team Go is Shego, Dr. Drakken's henchwoman/bodyguard. She once fought crime with her brothers, but quit and became a criminal partly because she was thoroughly sick of them, and partly because of a growing fascination with villainy. According to Hego, "The more we fought evil, the more she came to like it." As mentioned above, Hego never truly believed she turned to the dark side, but her willingness to keep all her siblings' powers after they were stolen and use them to her own ends would seem to prove him wrong. However, Kim snatched the sceptre that held their powers out of Shego's hands and broke it, restoring each member's powers. Afterward the teen hero reflected that it seemed a little too easy to do so, implying that perhaps Shego cares more about her family than she admits.

Team Impossible

Dash Demond, Crash Cranstin, and Burn Burmin are Team Impossible. They were mentioned in "A Sitch in Time" by Mr. McHenry, but a typo got him Kim Possible instead. Eventually, the team tried to stop Kim from saving the world. Wade managed to convince them to join Global Justice and become non-profit.

Dash appears to be the team leader. He's a survival specialist and is multilingual.

Crash is the team's driver. He's also skilled in emergency medicine.

Burn is the team's accountant. He claims that he crunches a lot more than numbers. After the team became non-profit, Burn aided James Possible in doing his taxes.

Will Du

The #1 agent of Global Justice, Will Du was brought on by Dr. Director to work alongside Kim when she was recruited to rescue a former weapons researcher from Duff Killigan. This was an assignment that Will particularly resented, since he sees world saving as a "professional's" job and didn't appreciate an "amateur" like Kim horning in on what he felt was his racket. This caused Kim no end of grief, since she spent more time fighting with Will than with Killigan himself. However, they eventually managed to find a small amount of synergy and in the end, were able to stop Killigan from turning the entire world into his own private golf course.

A consummate professional, Will takes his job as an agent of Global Justice very seriously. So seriously in fact, that he doesn't seem to realize it's a job he's not particularly good at. While he is well educated and academically competent (as well as having access to all of GJ's best equipment and resources), Will has a bad habit of rushing headlong into every situation, thinking he has everything under control when he really doesn't. This usually results in him tripping himself up and getting him and anyone he's working with in trouble. In fact, there were times in his mission with Kim, when his bumbling almost made Ron look like a super agent by comparison. Will also tends to be a little too "by the book" and isn't very good at adapting to unforseen complications (unlike Kim and Ron, who specialize in thinking outside the box). He is quick to electrocute anyone who comes too close to him using his watch.

Voiced by B.D. Wong.


A classmate from Ron's trip to the secret ninja school in Yamanouchi, Japan during the episode "Exchange". She is very skilled in martial arts, but still manages to get captured by Monkey Fist, allowing Ron to save the day for once. She does have a crush on Ron, which coincidentally caused Kim no end of grief, as seen in the episode "Gorilla Fist", when she subtly tried to steal him from her. At least, that's how Kim saw it.

Yori is unwaveringly supportive of Ron and has the utmost confindence in his abilities, since he possesses the Mystical Monkey Power. Even during Ron's clumsier moments, her opinion of him has never changed. In fact, while others are put off, Yori actually seems to welcome Ron's clumsy moments, seeing them as a good tension breaker in a stressful situation. It's unclear how advanced Yori's skills are, but in "Gorilla Fist" she was at least able to keep up with Kim in the fight against DNAmy's gorilla warriors. Her weapon of choice seems to be a fan, which she can wield with the cutting force of a blade.


Minor characters in Kim's network. Unlike some of the major recurring characters they typically play no other prominent role beside bringing Kim to her destination.

Bernice Berniese gave Kim a ride in Bueno Nacho for saving her town from a leaking dam. She, surprisingly, gave Kim another ride in Team Impossible. She appearantly has started working with jets since then.

Britina She gave Kim a ride in Crush. She has also been mentioned several times. She appears to be a mix of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

Dallas Dallas gave Kim a lift to Mount Middleton in Attack of the Killer Bebes.

Heinrich Heinrech gave Kim a ride in Crush. He made a surprise reappearance in "Team Impossible".

Mr. Geminini He worked for Professor Bortel (doctor at that point). He gave Kim, Ron, and the tweebs a ride to Bortel's lab in The Twin Factor. He's a twin too, and his brother was sent to prison.