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List of Freeza related characters in Dragon Ball

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This is a list of Freeza-related characters who appear in the Dragon Ball manga and anime (character appears in the original Dragon Ball seriescharacter appears in the Dragon Ball Z seriescharacter appears in the Dragon Ball GT series), as well as the Dragon Ball Z movies (character appears in Dragon Ball Movie(s) almost exclusively). Preceding some characters' short bios are external links that focus on that character.


Freeza's Family


A planetary slumlord, Freeza is a powerful alien who masks his sadism with mock cordiality. He descends on Planet Namek for the purposes of wishing for immortality from the dragonballs, accompanied by a small army of henchmen. Defeated by the Super Saiyan Son Goku and caught in the planet's explosion, he is later rebuilt as a cyborg. After being rejuvenated with mecha enhancements, Freeza invades Goku's home world of Earth alongside his father, only to be confronted and readily killed by Future Trunks.

King Cold

He is the father of Freeza. He appears briefly at the start of the Trunks Saga along with his now cyber-organic son to destroy Earth as revenge for Frieza's near death by Goku's hands. After Trunks shows up and quickly dispatches Freeza, Cold offers Trunks the opportunity take his son's place. Trunks unabashedly declines, which doesn't worry King Cold as he believes the boy only succeeded in killing Freeza by use of his sword. With Trunks' sword in his hand, Cold strikes at the mysterious youth, but to his great horror the blade is effortlessly caught. Trunks begins to overpower King Cold, and with his other hand, shoots a ki blast which goes right through Cold's chest, sending him flying. Begging now, Cold's pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears, as Trunks quickly finishes him off.

Cold appears in a form reminiscent of his son's second after initially transforming, but it's unknown whether he too possessed the ability to change shape. He ranks among the tallest villains in the DBZ universe, albeit not being able to do anything to showcase his power. Cold may be best known for his idle complaints of how long it takes his son to start and finish a fight.

Coola in his final form.

Freeza's older brother and featured villain of DragonBall Z movies 5 & 6. When Coola heard of his sibling's death, he made arrangements to attack Goku on Earth to assuage his family's wounded pride. Unlike Freeza, Coola was able to change into an additional fifth form for an added boost in size and strength. After losing to Goku in battle after being blasted into the sun, Coola is integrated into the massive Big Gete Star, taking it over and making many Metal Coola copies of himself. He encounters Goku and his friends again on New Namek, and is defeated conclusively by the combined strength of Goku and Vegeta.


Kuriza fires a ki blast.

Kuriza is the son of Freeza from Neko Majin Z. He never appears in any DBZ manga or anime, and is exclusive to the Neko Majin Z story. Unlike his father he isn't especially evil, and has a fit when the manga runs out of pages before he has a chance to show off. Kuriza later cheers on Vegeta (who still worked for Freeza during this alternate storyline) when he arrives to take on Neko Majin, but is shocked when the Saiyan Prince unexpectedly leaves, claiming he just received an emergency message on his cell phone.

Kuriza was able to change into a "final" form akin to his father's immediately after his first stage. Like Kuririn, the pun on his name is derived from kuri, or chestnut. This breaks the tradition of Freeza's family members' names being taken from terms for "cold".

Freeza's Top Henchmen


Cui is a higher ranking henchman of Freeza who used his superior rank and power level of 18,000 to demand respect from those he felt beneath him. He had been Vegeta's rival for an extended period of time and waited for an opportunity to kill him. Receiving an execution order, Cui confronts Vegeta on Namek, only to find what had once been a weaker warrior to now have outclassed him with a level of 24,000. He flees in terror after realizing his error, only to be promptly killed by an unsympathetic Vegeta. Sometimes spelled Kui or Kewi.

As it might be guessed from the latter spelling, Cui's name is taken from the kiwifruit.


One of Frieza's top two henchmen, Dodoria is a large, pink alien with short spikes on his head and forearms. In the Bardock: Father of Goku special, it was Dodoria who killed Bardock's crew and easily defeated Bardock. He fails to confirm the dead body, however, and must apologize to his master for his negligence. He travelled to Namek with Freeza and Zarbon in search of the dragonballs. Once on the planet, Kuririn and Gohan interfered to save Dende from Dodoria, as he had already killed a number of Nameks. He begins to pursue all three, only to encounter Vegeta. Overmatched, Dodoria pleads for mercy, telling Vegeta the truth about the destruction of Planet Vegeta hoping it would aid in sparing his life. It fails miserably, as Vegeta slaughters him regardless.

Dodoria's name and spiky appearance are derived from dorian, also known as the durian fruit.


Zarbon is a handsome alien with light blue skin and gold eyes, always found wearing his long green hair in a braid. He's also fond of wearing jewelry and a cape to go along with his traditional alien clothing garb. His master's right-hand man and most powerful (direct) henchman, Zarbon considers himself quite attractive and is a lover of beauty. He travels alongside Dodoria and Freeza to Planet Namek in search of the dragonballs. Zarbon has the ability to undergo a transformation which makes him considerably stronger, but loathes to do so as its repulsive nature destroys his "magnificent" appearance, only transforming when absolutely necessary. Beauty comes before all other things. In the FUNimation English dub, Zarbon speaks with a British accent.

Zarbon Transformed

He delivers the phrase "beauty is only skin deep" before surprising Vegeta. During his battle, Zarbon is forced to transform into his more powerful and hideous appearance in order to win. He performs multiple roundhouse kicks and headbutts, easily felling the Saiyan Prince. After piledriving Vegeta head-first into the ground and leaving him for dead in a lake, Zarbon reports to Freeza of his victory. To his utter surprise he's sharply reprimanded, since if Vegeta dies they will lose the location of the hidden dragonballs. After retrieving Vegeta, Zarbon had his battered body placed in a rejuvenation tank in order to be healed for questioning. This would be Zarbon's undoing. Since Saiyans become more powerful after every near-death experience, Vegeta became all the stronger. In their second fight, Vegeta smashes his arm clean through Zarbon's stomach and right through his backside, blowing him away with a ki blast.

He later appeared again in Dragon Ball GT when he escaped from Hell along with all the other villains. His most recent appearance in gaming was in the Playstation 2 fighter Budokai Tenkaichi.

Zarbon takes his name from the Japanese word for the pomelo fruit, zabon.

Freeza's Soldiers


One of Freeza's henchmen on Namek. He often takes orders from higher ranking officials such as Freeza and Zarbon. His main mission was to help collect the dragonballs and report any sighting of Namekian villages. He is later assigned to overseeing a healing Vegeta so he could be queried later, but things go wrong as Vegeta kills him when he escapes from the healing tank rejuvenation chamber. His head was unceremoniously stepped on after death. His name is a pun on apple.

Blueberry and Raspberry Template:Appears in:DBZ

Blueberry (left) and Raspberry kidnap Bulma.

An alligator/dog-like henchman and his humanoid partner, Blueberry and Raspberry are standard-issue cronies in Freeza's military sent to find the Namekian Dragonballs. Freeza felt no need to enlighten his lower-level soldiers of the dragonballs' powers, only demanding that they be found. During their search they come across Bulma, who had one in her possession. Convinced she knew the location of the others, the pair intimidate the girl and threaten to take her to Freeza for questioning.

Somehow Bulma is able to talk her way out of the predicament by telling them that the dragonballs would grant them anything they wanted once all seven were brought together. Blueberry thought it was preposterous, but the idea intrigued Raspberry. The two then kidnap Bulma and demand she lead them to the rest, still thinking she had them stashed away elsewhere on the planet. Bulma at last comes up with an idea, "confessing" that the dragonballs were hidden deep beneath the sea. In actuality, she tricks the two into believing that hundreds of giant crab eggs are the dragonballs, and as her captors think of all they could ever wish for Bulma leaves them to deal with the angry mother. Thinking she was safe at last Bulma resurfaces, but startlingly Blueberry and Raspberry arrive immediately thereafter. Before they can deal with her treachery the giant crab breaks free of the water and snatches them into its claws, rending them to shreds as it drags them down below.

Neither Blueberry or Raspberry appeared in the original manga, being anime-only filler characters for the Freeza Saga.

Ginyu Force

The Ginyu Force

A team of super-elite and powerful mercenaries, they are called upon by Freeza to assist in the defeat of Vegeta and obtainment of the dragonballs on Planet Namek. Though physically some of the very strongest in the universe, the Ginyu delight in coming up with strange poses, betting candy on fights, and playing roshambo to decide the order they should fight. The strongest of them all is Captain Ginyu himself, a horned, purple-skinned mutant capable of changing bodies at will.

Other team members include:

  • Burter: A tall blue alien who thinks himself the fastest in the universe.
  • Jeice: Red-skinned mutant with flowing white hair.
  • Recoome: Human-like and physically tough with a mop of reddish-orange hair.
  • Guldo: Short, four-eyed creature who can stop time.

Coola's Armored Squadron


Long-haired, always seen with a helmet and vaguely Hulk-like in appearance, Dore accompanies Coola along with the rest of his team to Earth. He and the others are assigned to finding Goku so his master can redeem his family's hurt pride. Finding Gohan instead, Dore torments him by squeezing his head in his bare hand like a vice. Piccolo catches him offguard and soon thereafter finishes him off with a homing ki blast as Dore flies after a fleeing Gohan, who was trying to escape to heal his father with senzu beans.

Akin to all DragonBall characters, Dore and his fellow henchmen's names are derived from puns - in this case, condiments and salad dressings. His own name was lifted from saradore, or salad dressing. He's given the name of Doore in the FUNimation English dub.


Brown and reptilian, Naise can hide his head in his shoulders in order to dodge blasts. He fights alongside Sauzer and Dore, pulling off poses similar to the Ginyu Force. He battles against Goku at first, but eventually fights Piccolo with the others. After Dore's death, Naise attempts to neutralize Piccolo using one of his special techniques, only to have the Namek smirk as he grabs Naise when he comes in to gloat, reflecting the attack back at him and killing his opponent instantly.

Naise takes his name from the common condiment mayonnaise. He's given the name of Neiz in the FUNimation English dub.


Blue-skinned "pretty boy" alien with white hair who serves as Coola's right hand man and leader of his special fighting team. He is able to slice through objects using a blade of ki formed in his right hand. Sauzer is the only member to survive Piccolo's initial attack, as he's able to be a match just long enough for his master to take matters into his own hands. Sauzer then takes Gohan and Krillin by surprise, burning their bag of senzu before kicking both around. He then confronts an angered Goku only to have his punch have no effect, and is driven into a cliffside just by Goku channeling his power. Sauzer survives, and in the end tries a sneak attack to kill Goku and his friends when they have almost no energy left after Coola's apparent death. Piccolo saves them all after killing Sauzer with his Special Beam Cannon.

Sauzer's name comes from a pun on Thousand Island salad dressing, "Sauzando Airando". He's given the name of Salsa in the FUNimation English dub.

See Also