Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a children's television and movie series originally broadcast in Japan as Kyōryū Sentai Jū Ranger (Dinosaur Task Force Beast Rangers), but westernized with replacement actors and brought to America by Haim Saban. It centers on five ordinary teenagers who are given great powers to fight galactic villains.
- "The Power Rangers are a special group of teenagers selected by Zordon, Commander of the forces of good, to defend the earth against evil forces. The teenagers have the ability to morph, or transform, into Power Rangers. As Power Rangers, they have superhero powers. Each Power Ranger is also given command of his own Zord, or colossal fighting machine. Throughout the various seasons, the Power Rangers face a variety of villains and take control of various powerful Zords to help them fight evil." [1]
The show first aired on Fox Network on August 28, 1993 and ended on February 17, 1996. It was replaced by a sequel called Power Rangers: Zeo. Many subsequent Power Rangers series have followed, each derived from a different Japanese television series.
The Power Rangers
- Walter Emmanuel Jones as Zachary 'Zack' Taylor (The Black Ranger) (1993-1994)
- Johnny Yong Bosch as Adam Park (The Black Ranger) (1994-1996)
- Jason David Frank as Thomas 'Tommy' Oliver (The Green Ranger 1993-1994 and The White Ranger 1994-1996)
- Amy Jo Johnson as Kimberly Hart (The Pink Ranger) (1993-1996)
- Catherine Sutherland as Katherine 'Kat' Hillard (The Pink Ranger) (1994-1996)
- Austin St. John as Jason Lee Scott (The Red Ranger) (1993-1994)
- Steve Cardenas as Rocky DeSantos (The Red Ranger) (1994-1996)
- David Yost as William 'Billy' Cranston (The Blue Ranger) (1993-1996)
- Thuy Trang as Trini Kwan (the Yellow Ranger) (1993-1994)
- Karan Ashley as Aisha Campbell (The Yellow Ranger) (1994-1996)
Good Guys
- David Fielding as Zordon (1993-1994)
- Robert L. Manahan as Zordon (1994-1996)
- Richard Steven Horvitz as Alpha 5 (voice) (credited as Richard Wood)
- Machiko Soga as Rita Repulsa (1993-1994)
- Carla Perez as Rita Repulsa (1994-1996)
- Barbara Goodson as Rita Repulsa (voice)
- Robert Axelrod as Lord Zedd and Finster (voice)
- Kerrigan Mahan as Goldar (voice) (credited as Ryan O'Flannigan)
- Michael Sorich as Squatt (voice)
- Ivan was locked in the purple ooze egg, which had a powerful beam which kept people off it before he came out.
- Billy Cranston wears blue plaid boxer shorts. In the episode "Power Ranger Punks", Billy and Kimberly become punks after drinking Rita's potion. Viewers can see the top of Billy's boxer shorts in his punk outfit, which is a blue plaid pattern. However, after the spell is removed by Alpha and Zordon, Billy immediately notices this and hides the top of his boxer shorts from sight.
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Film, 1995)
- Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers (Miniseries, 1996)
- Power Rangers: Zeo (1996)
- Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (Film, 1997)
- Power Rangers: Turbo (1997)
- Power Rangers: In Space (1998)
- Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy (1999)
- Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue (2000)
- Power Rangers: Time Force (2001)
- Power Rangers: Wild Force (2002)
- Power Rangers: Ninja Storm (2003)
- Power Rangers: Dino Thunder (2004)
- Power Rangers: SPD (Premiering 2005)
- Power Rangers- Cast Guide -- an exhaustive cast list for all seasons of the show
- IMDb entry for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers
- IMDb entry for Kyôryû sentai Juurenjâ