Karl Lieberherr
Karl Lieberherr is know as the father of adaptive programing, he wrote the first book about this particular theme[1].
His work has introduced two new concepts in Software Enginnering.
The first one is Adaptive Programming, this concept tries to create aplications that are easy to mantain and evolve, creating a new abstraction layer in the desing and implementation of Object-Oriented Applications, this concept takes encapsulation to a new level allowing changes in the way an object works without changing the interface with other objects, this tecnique solves the situations where an object takes asumptions about how other objects works and a change in this objects takes down that asumption creating a chain effect in the rest of the system.
The second concept is Aspect-Oriented Programming, this concept tries the way an application is created, following the directives of this concept, you could create separates objects that treats data and process in a separated way, this allow a flexible application that can change and evolve easily.
Papers and Publications [2]
Home to the annual Aspect-Oriented Software Development conference [3]
Aspect-Oriented Software Development [4]
Adaptive Object-Oriented Software: The Demeter Method with Propagation Patterns [5]
The JAC Project(Java Aspect Components) [6]